Because of You...

By ravensierraxoxo

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Selena Lopez is your normal 17 year old girl. Senior in high school, loves to dance, has great friends, she s... More

Chapter One!(:
Chapter Two!(:
Chapter Three(:
Chapter Four!(:
Chapter Five!(:
Chapter Six!(:
Chapter Seven!(:
Chapter Eight!(:
Chapter Nine!(:
Chapter Ten!(:
Chapter Eleven!(:
Chapter Twelve!(:
Chapter Thirteen!(:
Chapter Fourteen!(:
Chapter Fifteen!(:
Chapter Sixteen!(:
Chapter Seventeen!(:
Chapter Eighteen!(:
Chapter Nineteen!(:
Chapter Twenty!(:
Chapter Twenty-One!(:
Chapter Twenty-Two!(:
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four!(:
Chapter Twenty-Five!(:
Chapter Twenty-Six!(:
Chapter Twenty-Seven!(:
Chapter Twenty-Eight!(:
Chapter Twenty-Nine!(:
Chapter Thirty!(:
Chapter Thirty-One!(:
Chapter Thirty-Two!(:
Chapter Thirty-Three!(:
Chapter Thirty-Four!(:
Chapter Thirty-Five!(;
Chapter Thirty-Six!(:
Chapter Thirty-Seven!(:
Chapter Thirty-Eight!(:
Chapter Thirty-Nine!(;
Chapter Forty!(:
Chapter Forty-One!(:
Chapter Forty-Two!(:
Chapter Forty-Three!(:
Chapter Forty-Four!(:
Chapter Forty-Five!(:
Chapter Forty-Six!(:
Chapter Forty-Seven!(:
Chapter Forty-Eight!(:
Chapter Forty-Nine!(:
Chapter Fifty!(:
Chapter Fifty-Two!(:
Chapter Fifty-Three!(:
Chapter Fifty-Four!(:
Chapter Fifty-Five!(:
Chapter Fifty-Six!(:
Chapter Fifty-Seven!(:
Chapter Fifty-Eight!(: (Part One!!)
Chapter Fifty-Eight!(: (Part Two)
Chapter Fifty-Nine!(:
Chapter Sixty-Part One!(:
Chapter Sixty: Part Two!(:
Chapter Sixty-One Part Two!(:

Chapter Fifty-One!(:

197 4 0
By ravensierraxoxo

Chapter Fifty-One: 

**Selena's POV:**

The next morning Cody and I ate breakfast with my mom and David aka Dad. Mom had gotten up early and cooked a huge meal. She cooked when she was nervous or worried. It was nice though since I hadn't ate anything at all yesterday. After my break down last night Cody just held me until we both fell asleep. I think we both slept all night which was a good thing since we both had a hard time sleeping much these days. Being surrounded my the whole family really made me feel a lot better. Soon I hoped that everyone would be a little more relaxed around me though. Right now it seemed like everyone was walking on eggshells around me and they always seemed to be watching what they did and said. Right now for once things seemed to be normal and I wanted nothing more but to keep them that way. Normal was a good thing.

“The foods great Ma.” I said breaking the silence. She looked across the table and smiled at me. “Thanks sweetie. I'm glad you like it.” “Well how's the wedding planning going, Carmen?” Cody asked before taking a sip of his orange juice. “Yeah babe how is it going?” David added. “Actually it's going pretty good. Selena and Lee have to go for dress fittings and we need a date and place before we get the invites. Location is a big thing right now.” “Ma Lee and I are going the beginning of next week. You and Dad need to start working on the date and location together.” I replied. Mom looked at me a little funny and I had no clue why. “What's wrong?” I asked. “You said me and Dad need to pick location and date. I haven't really heard you call David Dad before.” I looked at David who was smiling and then back to my mom. “Well Mom you two are getting married soon. He's been my father for a long time now. I think it's about time I start calling him that.” I answered. “Carmen if you mind it she can go back to calling me David. I'm always gonna look at her as my daughter anyway no matter what she calls me.” Mom shook her head and smiled. “No no I like it. It's great.” Cody squeezed my hand under the table and smiled.

When we were finished eating Cody and David walked outside to check something on one of the cars and my mother and I stayed in the kitchen cleaning it up. I figured now was a good time to tell her I had made my choice about what I wanted to do. The sooner the better. “Mom can we talk?” I asked closing the dishwasher. “Sure Lena. Let's sit down.” she replied drying her hands and walking back towards the now clean and empty table. “What's on your mind baby?” “Well I was thinking about the trial and stuff. Anyway I know what I wanna do.” She reached over and grabbed my hand and squeezed it gently. “Lena whatever you want you've got my support.” I smiled. Knowing that everyone that mattered the most to me loved and supported me meant the world to me. “Thanks Mom. I really have been thinking about the case and stuff and I really believe that I know what I want and what's best for me. I want you to know that I'm not wimping out of anything. With that being said I want to agree to a plea. Mom all of this has already gone on for way too long. It needs to end and then we can all move on. This way I know he's being punished and it can be handled faster. I can't handle anymore stress. This is what I want and what I need. Seeing all those pictures made me realize that I'm not strong enough to face a trial. It's easier for everyone including me.”

When I finished talking I looked up to meet my mothers eyes. She had tears building in her chocolate brown eyes. “No please don't cry Mom. If you wanna do the trial thing then we can.” She squeezed my hand and shook her head. “No Lena it's your choice and I support you all the way. I'm crying because I'm seeing how incredibly strong you are. Baby the way you've handled this whole thing has really amazed me and made me so much more then just proud of you.” It really made me feel good that I wasn't a disappointment to anyone. If I was disappointed I knew I couldn't handle it. “Really Mom? You really mean it?” She smiled and nodded. “Selena you've turned into such a beautiful young woman. So strong and so independent. Everything is gonna be alright no matter you do. I've watched how you've handled it all so gracefully. Baby I love you more then you could ever know. Everything will be just fine. Your a lot stronger then you know.” she finished pulling me into a hug.

**Cody's POV:**

“So how did Selena do last night? Carmen said she went right to her room when she got back and never came back down at all.” David said closing the hood of my car. We had checked the oil on mine and Selena's too. I nodded. “Yeah she took a shower and climbed in bed. She was a mess. She cried for a while and then we talked. She seemed alright when she went to sleep. She just wants the same thing we all want. For this to be over and done with.” He sighed. “You know Cody she might not biologically be mine, but to me she's my daughter. There are times where I want nothing more then to take all this pain and stress away from both my girls. Seeing Carmen and Selena struggling so much kills me. But at the end of the day the only thing that keeps me going is the fact that I’ve seen how incredibly strong both Carmen and Selena are. They both have a strength that you don't get to see often.” I smiled. “Must be genetic. The way I see it if Selena has made it this far then I think she will be alright. I can't wait for this whole thing to be a part of the past.” What I said was ex actually how I felt. Once this was over I just wanted everything to be okay.

“Cody I know I've said this many times and I'm gonna say it again. I'm more then grateful that Selena found you and that you've been there for her when nobody else was able to be. I can see how much you love and care about her.” I smiled. “David I love her more then ever thought was possible. Honestly it scares me a lot, but I wouldn't know what to do without her.” David nodded. “Yeah I know the feeling. So how's things with school?” “Classes are great. It took a while to get caught up since I transferred. Things are going really good though. I'm still happy with my choice.” “Well I'm really happy things worked out. Selena would be lost without you.” Selena told me all the time but the honest truth was that it went both ways. When me and her were apart I didn't know what to do. In the short amount of time we had been together we had really stole each others hearts. But that was something I would never have a problem with.

David and I stood outside for a few more minutes and then we headed inside. Carmen and Selena were sitting on the couch looking through some bridal magazines. I stood in the doorway and she smiled and then I winked at her. David went over and sat in the lazy boy flipping through the channels and I decided to go call my baby sister. I really had been missing my annoying little sister. I turned around and headed back out to the porch and sat down on the steps. I dialed Lee's number and waited for her to pick up. “Hello?” her voice said into the phone. “Well hey there princess.” “Oh it's you. What's up loser?” I laughed. “Nothing just figured I'd call and see how you are.” “Well I'm alright/ How did Sel do at the meeting? No one called me.” I sighed. “Lee yesterday was really hard on her. She saw photo's from the attack. Photo's of herself and all the injuries. She came home, showered, and cried. It wasn't easy. Today was much better. She's alright.”

“What happened? Did they say anything about the court date?” “No Lee there isn't gonna be one. Selena wants them to offer him a plea deal. Let Selena tell you about it when she see's you.” I didn't know if and when Selena wanted to tell her so I figured I'd leave it up to her to tell. “Okay Mark said you helped him yesterday, thanks.” For some reason Leeann seemed kinda off and I wasn't sure why. “Lee are you okay? You seem off?” I paused waiting for her to answer me. “Cody I guess I'm just lonely. Mark isn't coming down until tomorrow. Drew is busy with his boyfriend, Jordan. Selena is dealing with stuff. And your dealing with a lot.” I really felt bad about leaving Lee alone. I just didn't know what else to do.

“I'm sorry Lee. I'll try to come over soon, alright?” “Cody it's alright. I'll be fine it's just one of those days. Don't pay me any attention.” she replied. I still felt pretty bad though. “Okay then. Well you want me to come pick you up and you can come chill over her for a while?” she sighed. “No I think I'm gonna take a shower and lay down, not feeling well.” “Oh alright. Call me later and let me know how your feeling okay?” “Will do. Later loser.” “Later princess.” Just as I hung up the phone Selena came out onto the porch. I smiled and she smiled back walking over and sitting down next to me. “You alright pretty-boy? Everything okay?” I shrugged. “Yeah I called Lee and she seemed kinda off. Somethings up and I'm not sure what.” “Maybe you should ride over and check on her.” “I was going to and she said she was gonna take a shower and lay down.” Selena gave me a sad smile. “I don't know then. She might just be having a bad day. I'll call her later and see. It could just be a girl issue.” I nodded. “Yeah maybe. So you feeling alright?” she smiled. “For once I actually think I'm gonna be alright.” Hearing her say that made me feel pretty good, at least she seemed alright, made me worry a little less.

**Selena's POV:**

Cody and I sat out front for a while just talking. Somewhere along the conversation we ended up laying on the porch swing together. Well I was really the only one laying down. Cody was sitting at the end of the swing and I was laying with my head in his lap as he ran his fingers threw my hair. I loved him so much it wasn't funny. “So I've been thinking about the whole prom and graduation thing and I think I've made up my mind.” I said breaking the comfortable silence. He shifted under me. “Oh really? So what do you think your gonna do?” I smiled at my thoughts knowing he was gonna love my response.

“Well I've decided that I really wanna go.” I rolled over on my back, my head still in his lap, and I looked up to meet his eyes. He smiled down at me and I smiled back. “Really Selena?” I nodded. “Yeah I wanna get my life back together. I want to enjoy some of what's left of my senior year. I'm still gonna finish school from home, but I can still attend prom and graduation. I looked into it I just didn't wanna say anything until I was sure I could do it. What do you think?” he grinned. “I think it sounds great babe. I'm so proud of you.” he replied leaning down to kiss me. I lifted my head and met him half way. The kiss started out slow but soon heated up like always. Everything was really starting to fall into place and it felt great. I was really starting to like myself again and for a while I wasn't sure if I was ever gonna feel like that again.

Later that evening I decided to take a walk and visit my long lost best friend Leeann. I really missed her lately. Cody had some big paper due pretty soon so he stayed at my house to work on it. Besides Lee and I needed some girl time and I wanted to tell her about all the choices I had made lately. Something told me she was gonna be happy probably happier then Cody and I had been put together. The walk to Lee's didn't take that long, but with my leg getting stiff it made it a lot harder. But I wanted to see Lee so it was worth it.

When I got to her house I made my way to the front door and rang the bell. It took her a few minutes but the door finally opened and there stood my little blonde best friend. She looked tired but smiled the second she saw me. “Selena oh my god!” she nearly screamed pulling me into a bone crushing hug. I laughed and hugged her back. “I missed you too Lee.” I replied as she let me go. “What are you doing here?” she asked pulling me inside closing the door behind me. “Well for one I missed your crazy ass and second of all I have some stuff to tell you. Do I need a reason to stop by and see my best friend?” she grinned. “Hells no!” We both started laughing. I missed our goofy moments it was so nice to have them back

“So anyways what do you need to tell me?” she asked once we settled down. “Well it's good news for once.” She nodded and I rubbed my sore leg. “Are you okay Sel?” I sighed. “Yeah maybe the walk over here wasn't such a good idea. I'll be alright.” “Well if you want we can go soak in the hot tub and you can tell me while were out there. The water and stuff should help your leg, plus I'm dying to soak and have some girl time.” I smiled and nodded. “Sounds good to me. Lend me something to wear?” She grinned. “Don't I always? Come on and you can pick something out you know where everything is anyways.” I smiled and followed her up the steps to her room.

Lee ended up lending me one of her many bathing suits. I'll admit I was a little self conscious in a bathing suit. It took everything in me not to ask Lee for a big t-shirt or a cover up. The one she had lent me was a simple bright purple bikini. Normally I would have loved it, but the scars on my body made me feel strange. Stupid I know but still. Once we were in the hot tub I relaxed a lot more and my leg started to feel a little better.

“So what's the stuff you wanted to tell me?” she asked pulling her blonde hair into a messy bun. “Well for starters I've decided to allow the DA to offer Chad a plea deal. I don't wanna go through a trial and this way he still pays.” She didn't say anything she just nodded. “Well if you think it's best Sel then I'll back you up.” I smiled sadly but continued. “Well now for some better news. I'm planning on attending prom and graduation.” Lee's whole mood changed and she smiled bigger then I had seen in a long time. “Really Selena? If your joking I might have to kill you!” she nearly yelled. I couldn't help but start laughing. This was my best friend that I had come to love over the years. “Lee I'm not joking. I really wanna go and enjoy some of the end of my senior year. Do you think it's a good idea? Be honest. She wasted no time in nodding her head.

“Selena I think it's a wonderful idea. So many people from school have been asking about you. Everyone wants you to come back. I think it's a good start to getting your life back. Please do!” I smiled again now I had a few people supporting my choices and that felt great. “The only thing is I'm kinda nervous about the rumors and stuff. I have no clue what people thought.” “Lena don't worry about what people think. Everyone knows that what happened and nobody blames you. So many people love and miss you. We all want you to come back. If anyone tries to run their mouths Drew and I have your back no matter what. You deserve to go to prom and graduation, you earned it girl!” As always Leeann was right and she made a great point. This was my life and I wanted it back. “I really hope I can go and just have fun and not worry about anything.” she smiled. “You can and I was wondering when you think you'll be able to dance again?”

Honestly it was a good question. I had been wondering about it a lot lately myself. I really missed dancing, it gave me a chance to clear my head and lately I really needed that. “My doctor says that I should be able to at least try to get back in a month or two. I just hope that when I get it back I can still do as well as I used to. I really miss it. I miss my whole life the way things used to be. Everything changed so fast I just hope that they can get back to normal kinda quick too.” She gave me a sad smile. “Well Sel it takes time and no one is rushing you we just miss the hell out of you!” I couldn't help but smile. Everyone had no clue how much I really missed them and everything about the way my life was. But I had come to realize that everything had happened for a reason. No I didn't understand why this all had to happen to me but I was dealing with everything and my support system made it all so much easier. I really wouldn't know what to do without of them. They made everything seem so much easier and worth it.

Leeann and I spent the rest of the day and part of the evening just hanging out and talking. By the time she drove me home she seemed a lot happier then she was when I got here. Lee just hated being alone and sadly lately she had been alone way too often. I felt guilty about it but she wouldn't blame me. She really was an incredible friend even if she drove me nuts sometimes but I wouldn't have it any other way. “You sure that your alright staying alone night?” I asked when we pulled up to my house. I really didn't wanna leave her alone if she didn't wanna be. That made me feel like a horrible friend. She smiled. “Selena I love you for caring so much but yeah I'm alright. Hanging out today really helped. I just needed my best friend back for a little while that's all. Besides my brother will be having withdraw symptoms if you don't get back in that house soon. And you'll probably do the same thing. I know you miss him too so go ahead and I'll talk to you later.” I smiled and leaned over to hug her tight. I really had missed her and she was right about me and Cody. I really was missing him bad right now. So we hugged one more time and I headed inside the house.

My mother and David were sleeping on the couch. They must have fallen asleep watching a movie of something. When I got up to my room Cody wasn't in there but I heard the shower running so that told me where he was. So I changed into my pajama's and climbed into my bed to get comfortable and do my journal write while I waited for my boyfriend to come to bed. I finished my journal entry just in time to hear the bathroom door open.

When Cody walking into my bedroom I really couldn't help but smile. He walked in in just a pair of basketball shorts still towel drying his hair. Deciding to just have a little fun with him I whistled at him and put on my best flirty face. He turned around to look at me and almost looked like I had scared him or something. The shocked look on his face actually made me laugh or giggle. “Holy shit baby-girl I didn't even know you had come back. When did you get here?” I smiled and shrugged. “Just a little while. Lee and I spent the day in the hot tub catching up and talking. She seemed a million times better when she dropped me off. So how did you spend your day, besides of course missing me?” I teased. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't completely perving on his body right now, I mean he was gorgeous.

He grinned or pretty much gave me his signature smirk and made his way over to me until he was laying next to me in bed. “Well I really didn't do much. I had some school work to catch up on and then I had headed out for a run.” “Have fun?” He groaned. “Kinda the run would have been more fun if you had been running with me.” I smiled. “Yeah I really do enjoy kicking your ass when we run, since you spend more time watching my ass then running.” I teased. He laughed before replying. “Well hey I am a guy it's the way I'm wired. And you aren't much better. You were just perving on my body a few minutes ago!” I could feel my face turn blood red with blush, but there was no point in trying to lie. “And I completely admit that. Your my boyfriend and I reserve the right to perve on you. That's like written in stone in the laws of girlfriends!” I replied with a smile. He grinned and rolled himself to where he was practically laying on top of me pinning me to the bed. Not for a second did I get scared or nervous. I loved him and I knew he would never hurt me.

“I love you. You know that right?” he asked still hovering over me. I really loved the closeness it made me feel safe. Knowing he loved me was just a wonderful bonus. I nodded. “Of course and I love you too.” I replied barely above a whisper but since we were only inches from each others faces, I knew he heard me. “You mean the world to me Selena. Always and forever.” I really loved how sweet he was being right now. He had my heart and nothing else could ever change that. I never wanted it to change. He was my other half. I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck being sure to look him straight in the eyes. “Forever and always. Now can you please lean down here and kiss me?” He smirked and nodded finally leaning down and giving me a kiss that took both our breaths away.

author's note: Okay so I wanna say that I am so very sorry that I haven't updated lately. I could spend all night trying to give you a reason for it but the truth is I just wasn't up to writing anything. I had a hard time getting back into this story but good news is I have quite a few chapters of this written so it shouldn't take long to update. I promise not to take this long again. thank you so much for sticking with this story with my crappy updating. next chapter will be up in a week or so. thanks again. leave me comments?? love you all.

-ravensierraxoxo(: <3 

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