The Night That Changed My Lif...

By carhnival

212K 1.1K 290

"If you get rid off me, what do I have left to love? You or your spirit that lives in my heart, forever." More

Wrong Decision..
Telling Him
Pain Is Demanded To Be Felt
Back To School
Janitor's Closet
Best Friend
Back Together
Someone New
Back Together
New Home
Saved A Life
No More
I'm Sorry
New Heart
Best Mistake
Q & A
Motel 66


2.7K 22 7
By carhnival

I rushed inside the doors and crashed myself onto the soft furred couch. It felt like paradise. I slowly closed my eyes and enjoy, I listened to the sound of the waves and the birds chirping, the hot wind blowing through my hair and across my cheeks. I felt the couch sink as I flicked open my beautiful grey eyes. It was Nash, his hands were rubbing my thighs, I sat up facing him, my legs still out not to inturrpt him.
"Hey Nash, mind showing me around?" He flashed me an happy look and nodded. Nash held out his hand and I grabbed it, he helped me get up. We enlocked our hands together.
"This is the kitchen" He let go of my hand and let me explore, the kitchen was huge, it had an island, that was where we will eat because there were stools around a side of it. There was a small grill in the middle of the island so we could have an bbq. The kitchen was beautiful, it had mostly everything I had ever wanted in a modern house. Whislt I was looking around I felt a burning sensation rise through my neck, I could hardly talk as a normal human anymore.
"Where's the bathroom?"
"Go strait and then turn left"
"Thanks" I ran strait to the bathroom not waisting any time, every one was looking at me as I storm past them and into the bathroom. I quickly slammed the door shut making a loud thud. I opened the flap of the toilet and let out a blast. I finished and closed the flap, I wiped my mouth and washed my face.
"No, I can't be pregnant, it has to be food poisoning" I mumble to myself as I leaned in closer to the to see my eyes start to water. I just ignored them and dried my face with a towel. I opened the door back to the living room. Everyone was staring at me.
"Nothing" Everyone said with a chuckle. I just rolled my eyes at them and continued, I creeped behind where Nash was sitting and wrapped my hands around him.He turned back and I kissed him passionatly on the lips, he seemed shocked at first but went with it. I pulled back and smiled at him
"I love you" I said as I enlocked our eyes together
"I love you more" He says back kissing the tip of my nose. I blushed and resumed to my standing postion. After 20 minutes of Nash taking me on his 'personal' tour we were finally done. It was 5pm so we all decided to head down to the beach and go surfing. I wore a pink strapeless bikini. Moa and I, our room are close together, It felt like we were best friends already, we hanged out together all the time.
"Hey, Moa" I knocked on her bedroom door.
"Come in" She yelled from the inside.
"Hey, you ready?"
"No, ugh, hell, I don't know what to wear"
"I got something perfect for you." I smirked and asked her to follow back into my room. I gave her a white bikini with black outlines, it really showed her curves, she looked so pretty. ( )
Mine has black outlines to so we were matching.
"Girls, open up" I heard a voice say from outside. I can't really tell who it was..
"Come in" I yelled back. The door creaked open, it was Cameron, he has his white n blue surfboard in his other hand.
"Let's go, Nash asked me to come up and get you guys, so we could get you girls surfboards."
"Cool" Moa said in an excited voice, I nodded and grabbed my small waterproof bag, put my phone and sunscreen in and followed Cameron right down. I wore matching sandals with my bikini.
"Here, Natasha." I looked behind me and saw Moa handing me a pair of sunglasses, it was black with blue lens. They were so pretty.
"Thank you so much Moa" She just smiled and walked past me. I flipped them on, I looked so swag, least I think I am. I followed her right behind, we walked into this shop, they had all different types of surfboards, they had many verieties of colors. I was searching around the store then one caught my eye, it was a purple, pink, blue surfborad, the colors looked all splattered and there was a sign in the middle, it kinda looks like an aztec sign...idek. ( )
I carried that over to the counter then went to see what Moa was doing, she was having a hard time looking for one so I asked if I could help, I helped her look around the store and found a blue pattered surfboard that says "Breath" on it, it looked perfect for her. I grabbed it and went to call her.
"Do you like it?"
"Omg yes! It's perfect!!"
"I'm glad I helped you" I handed it to her and we cheacked it out, it wasn't that expensive but was resonable. We headed down to the beach together, drinks in our hands. We were all in a group, I sat next to Nash and Moa

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