I AM (Connor X OC) - DBH

By omnomnomfood

350K 14.6K 5.6K

Connor - Detroit: Become Fanfic (Connor X OC) Hello. I am an CR300 Android, designed to serve you, the Detro... More

Chapter 1: Introductions
Chapter 2: Too Boring
Chapter 3: Undercover
Chapter 5: No Time
Chapter 6: Machine Things
Chapter 7: Pistol
Chapter 8: Twenty One Percent
Chapter 9: Whatever Deviants Do
Chapter 10: Christen
Chapter 11: Programming Errors
Chapter 12: Tea Time
Chapter 13: Thousands
Chapter 14: White Shirt
Chapter 15: Blackout
Chapter 16: Critical Failure
Chapter 17: Replacable
Chapter 18: Mission Complete
Chapter 19: Exponential Curve
Chapter 20: Deviants
Chapter 21: Honey and Mint
Chapter 22: Escape
Chapter 23: Adrenaline
Chapter 24: Deputy Lance's Problem
Chapter 25: ERRORS
Chapter 26: Generic
Chapter 27: Rooftop
Chapter 28: Out Again
Chapter 29: Christen San Diego
Chapter 30: Capitol Park
A/N: Your Thoughts?
Chapter 31: Understanding
Chapter 32: Lockjaw
Chapter 33: BDN
Chapter 34: Smoking Gun
Chapter 35: Amanda's Motherly Love
Chapter 36: Evidence
Chapter 37: Undercover...Without Lance
Chapter 38: Welcome to Jericho
Chapter 39: This is What Deviants Do
Chapter 40: Holy Grail
Chapter 41: The Deviant Within
Chapter 42: Cyberlife Tower - Part 1
Chapter 43 - Cyberlife Tower - Part 2
Chapter 44 - Promises
Chapter 45 - White Noise
Chapter 46 - Polaris
Chapter 47 - Wake Up
Chapter 48 - <b>Nick Lance</b>
Chapter 49 - Total Recall
Chapter 50 - Remember Me
Chapter 51 - Midnight Starlight
Chapter 52 - Chocolate
Chapter 53 - Markus
Chapter 54 - New to Deviancy
Chapter 55 - The Dynamic Duo
Chapter 56 - Small Miracles
Chapter 57 - Christmas - Part 1
Chapter 58 - Christmas - Part 2
Chapter 59 - Christmas - Part 3
Chapter 60 - Christmas Part 4
Chapter 61 - Christmas - Part 5
Comment Hall of Fame
Chapter 62 - Christmas - Part 6
Chapter 63 - Christmas - Part 7
Chapter 64 - Nightcap
Chapter 65 - Morning After
Chapter 66 - Hot Fuzz
Chapter 67 - RK900
Chapter 68 - The Edge
Chapter 69 - Boyfriend(s)
Chapter 70 - Deliberate Loss
Chapter 71 - Control Freak
Chapter 72 - Resignation
Chapter 73 - Dead Silence
Chapter 74 - The First Element
Chapter 75 - The Second Element
Chapter 76 - The Third Element
Chapter 77 - The Fourth Element
Chapter 78 - The Reaction
Chapter 79 - Combustion
Chapter 80 - Mom's Divorce
Chapter 81 - Serial Killer Defined
Chapter 82 - Hard Work
Chapter 83 - In Light
Chapter 84 - Stilettos
Chapter 85 - Snow and Sleet
Chapter 86 - Gay Uncle
Chapter 87 - Work Hard
Chapter 88 - Ikea
Chapter 89 - Carnage
Chapter 90 - Messy and Forgetful
Chapter 91 - Take a Break
Chapter 92 - Dancing in the Rain
Chapter 93 - Good Cop
Chapter 94 - The Good Day
Chapter 95 - A Proposal For Deputy Lance
10 Questions
Sequel Update!!!
Final Sequel Update

Chapter 4: Bolts

7.1K 280 197
By omnomnomfood

I stepped into the passenger's side of Deputy Lance's car, and sat down as he climbed into the driver's seat. The car is a smooth black, but otherwise not lowkey.

"Jesus Christ. I'm sorry, Charlotte. I wasn't expecting him to react like that. You okay?"

"Yes...I'm still processing it, however."

"What are you doing? Reporting it to Cyberlife or something?" Deputy Lance asked.


If I did, I don't think they would reset Conmor, but he might get chastised. Or...reset. I don't know anymore.

Stop. I need to stop analyzing that. It doesn't matter. I'm just a machine. That's all I am. An interruption is just a delay. It's not forever.

"You said before that you're less prone to deviancy. How?" Deputy Lance asked.

"I have a biocomponent, #6302S. It acts as an addition AI program to regulate my own," I explained.

"So...there's two Charlottes inside of you?"

"No. That would be like saying you're two Deputy Lances just because you had a knee replacement."

"Oh c'mon. Don't make me sound that old. I'm only 34."

"I'm only giving an example, Deputy."

"I know," he said quietly. "Fuckin machines."


This vehicle is a Audi TT Quattro.

"Deputy, this a very nice car," I stated. I'm not lying. The car is well maintained despite being vintage. It also fits the Deputy's personality. He's relatively all over the place, as is the car. It's small, which fits him. He seems to be a bit of a minimalist. It is also decked out with various equipment, for a classier feel, which is not minimalistic but still matches the Deputy's personality.

"Oh. Thanks. It's a 2004. My dad bought it the day I was born."

How interesting. Deputy Lance is finally telling me about his past. I should be careful not to pry too much.

"So, Deputy, do you spend a lot of time with you niece?"

"A ton," he answered. "She's precious."

He must really love his niece. Interesting.

"You know," Deputy Lance began. "You can just call me Lance."

"I understand. I will call you Lance."

"Or...y'know. Don't. Your choice."

Why does he keep telling me to make choices?

"Okay, Lance."

I suppose Lance is faster...and will save time. So therefore it's more efficient? In due time, we arrived at the den. I got out of the car and began to enter the building, when Lance stopped me.

"C'mon, bolts. You can't go in first," he told me. I paused and let him go in first.

"Stay on the ready, Charlotte. Remain ready to fire."

"Ready to fire?" I asked.

"Only if I tell you, okay?" He answered.

"Of course," I responded.

"And follow my lead

We walked into the den, and immediately saw mattresses and sleeping bags with at least 12 people across the room. Of them, 6 were passed out, and 3 were high out of their minds. Of the 4 semi-aware ones, 2 were talking together, and the other 2 were suffering withdrawal.

"Uh..." Lance began. He started to shake his hands, and even rub them together like he was cold. He head over to the two who were talking, a man and a woman."Do you uh...do you have a fix for me and my girl?"

"You want us to bum you a fix?" The man asked angrily. "Fuck you! This isn't a charity."

I decided to copy Lance's behavior. I made myself shake, and wander over to the couple. "Please...I'm going to...I'm going to vomit," I said shaking, and doubling over.

"Jeez. C'mon, Lou. Don't be stingy. Just give em a hit," the woman begged.

"Fine. You're lucky my girl is here. I would've popped a cap in you if she weren't so damn generous."

The man handed a packet of red ice to Lance, who shook as he took it and slid over to the corner of the room, without even standing up. I followed him over.

"Th-thanks," Lance told them.

"Yeah, yeah," the guy said. Lance scooped his legs up, and took the pipe laying on the ground close to himself. He then handed me to the packet, and I took my fingers in it.

"Jesus Christ. Do you have to eat it?" Lance whispered.

"Yes, Lance," I answered. I placed the bit of red ice on my tongue.


Red ice. 57% purity, with a major component of Xanax. Traces of bleach, and heroin. Location of origin: Detroit's Red Light District.

"Okay. I've got it," I told Lance.

"Well...we've got to wait it out," he said. "At least until that couple falls asleep or gets high."


"I'm just kidding. This place is a shithole. Let's get out of here," he announced. He jumped up and handed the packet back to the guy. "Sorry, I've got to get to dinner with my mom."

The guy shrugged angrily. "What the fuck?"

"Sorry. We didn't even use any," Lance told him.

"Just get the fuck out of here," the guy told us. We left, and headed back to the car.

"So...I don't think we attracted too much attention," Lance answered. "Now, we'll go to the dealer, and then head to the nightclub. I think we can hit both. Hopefully, we won't run into any of these folks."

"Okay. You're quite hardworking, Deputy," I answered.

"Well, I haven't gotten tired yet," he replied, winking.

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