ever after | draxler + trapp ✓

By bentalebs

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julian draxler + kevin trapp -- do you believe in happy endings? [sequel to love not lost] More



316 18 15
By bentalebs

21 | yours

This was the second time in two months Kevin found himself pacing the hospital floor. Even the anxiety he was feeling paralleled the fear from that day. Or maybe it was worse. Just then, the doctor emerged from the room.

"Is she alright?" He asked as soon as he saw Doctor Durand, the same doctor who had treated Kaylie before. A small sigh escaped his lips before answering. "We've detected straining in her brain, we believe this arose from an overwhelming amount of stress on her. It isn't fatal, but any more straining can be dangerous."

Kevin's breath hitched in his throat.

"At the moment she's still unconscious. We're not sure when she'll wake up. But we're monitoring her," the doctor explained, offering him a reassuring nod. "You're free to see her. I'll be back later this afternoon."

He was about to leave when Kevin stopped him. "Will she be okay, doctor?"

Doctor Durand paused, and Kevin saw the brief worry that flashed from his eyes. "Have faith, Kevin," he placed a hand on the latter's shoulder. And with that the doctor was on his way again.

Kevin stood by the door of Kaylie's room, unable to move even an inch forward. She looked so peaceful, her chest rising and falling in a rhythm perfectly in sync. And she was still as beautiful as she always was. There wasn't a single fibre in his body that didn't want to envelope her into his arms, where nothing in this world could hurt his girl ever again.

He pulled the chair next to her bed, taking her limp hand into his. "You're cold," he whispered, grasping it harder. Whether she could hear him, only God knew. But Kevin Trapp still spoke his heart out anyway.

"Julian!" Marco yelled as the German dashed down the hallway, skillfully avoiding the working staff. "Slow down you idiot!" Giovani shouted in vain. He and Marco tried keeping up with him, but he was running faster than you ever should be on hospital grounds.

However when Julian found the room, he stopped abruptly, much to Marco and Giovani's surprise. "What-" Marco approached Julian, but he too stopped when he saw the scene in front of them.

Kevin had his head low, teardrops falling gradually onto the ground. Kaylie's hand still firmly wrapped in his. "Remember how we promised each other that no matter what happens as we grow older, we'd always be happy for each other?" His voice seemed caught in his throat as he struggled to form the words.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry I didn't keep that promise," he shut his eyes tightly in hopes that maybe that would stop the crying. But that only made it worse.

"Kaylie you can be with whoever you want to be with. Love whoever you want to love. It's okay if I'm not that guy, I can learn to live with that. But Kaylie don't you dare... don't you fucking dare give up. You can't leave me, Kaylie, you hear me?"

He began sobbing uncontrollably, resting his forehead on his hands as the tears streamed down his cheeks. Marco couldn't even watch anymore. He left the room and settled on one of the seats outside to calm himself.

Julian on the other hand couldn't look away. Because being in love with the woman Kevin clearly loved more than life itself was going against everything he believed in. There was so many things wrong about it.

He turned around very suddenly, and headed back in the direction they had come from. Giovani didn't even bother calling after him. He watched him go, before joining Marco on the bench. He knew when his friend wanted to be alone.

Julian found himself in the carpark, walking straight to his car. He entered the driver's side, leaving the door wide open. He couldn't be bothered anymore at that point. He felt horrible, and tears were even beginning to well in his eyes.

A cry of frustration left his mouth as he slammed his fists onto the steering wheel. But frustration was only a small portion of what he was feeling. His fingers gripped onto the steering wheel and he rested his forehead against it, letting the tears fall.

He was mad at himself. Furious for even thinking he could work things out with Kaylie. For even considering taking away from Kevin the person he loved most. But he was also angry at himself for falling in love with her.

For falling in love with Kaylie, who's smile could easily put the sun to shame, knowing it cannot shine half as bright. Whose eyes mesmerized him like two pools so deep. Sometimes he feared that if he dived in, he may never come up for air.

Whose touch felt like the sweet sensation of cold air on a warm day. Whose kiss made his knees week and his heart race.  He had fallen so hard for Kaylie he hated himself. But as he sat there a sobbing mess, overwhelmed by the never ending tears, he thought that maybe it was time he put the feelings of others before his own.

Because maybe his feelings had absolutely no justification. Maybe the universe just wouldn't have it. Maybe he just couldn't love her any more than Kevin could. Or maybe he just couldn't love her at all.



anyway i need to tell yall something :))))) so like, you know I love both Julian and Kevin with all my heart, i love them both so much i have nothing against one over the other i promise you. i started this book because i loved them both dearly but now i regret all my life decisions :'''''''(

anyway my point is, how this book ends isn't because i love one over the other okay i swear pls believe me 😂

so here's to hoping you guys will continue to support my tiny, ambitious dreams for this book! ❤️ i love you guys with every fiber of my body ❤️ have a lovely day :)

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