Her Alpha

By blehaaa

601K 18.7K 940

*COMPLETED* Rose Ivy Lawrence. She becomes an omega for something she didn't do, and faces two months of tort... More

Chapter 1: First Day
Chapter 2: The Hospital?!
Chapter 3: Punishment
Chapter 4: Life in the Cells
Chapter 5: Collar
Chapter 6: Alpha Eric
Chapter 7: The Hospital. Again.
Chapter 8: Alpha's Beliefs
Chapter 9: The View
Chapter 10: Be Yourself
Chapter 11: Jealousy at its Finest
Chapter 12: Challenging Camry
Chapter 13: Alpha's Lies
Chapter 14: Death and Mistakes
Chapter 15: Escape
Chapter 16: Her Escape
Chapter 17: Finding Rose
Chapter 18: Werewolf Galore
Chapter 19: Drew
Chapter 20: Another Fricking Alpha
Chapter 21: Mate!
Chapter 22: Night Wolf
Chapter 23: Cole's Decision
Chapter 24: Inner Turmoil
Chapter 26: He's Mine
Chapter 27: Don't Play with the Wolf
Chapter 28: My Alpha
Chapter 29: F*cked Up
Chapter 30: Luna Night Wolf
Chapter 31: His End
Chapter 32: Filling the Emptiness

Chapter 25: Alicia and the Kiss

12.8K 409 14
By blehaaa


Taking a deep breath, I dial the number for the Raven pack, hoping they'll have seen her. The Alpha is one of legends. He's the youngest and strongest Alpha to ever rise. He became an Alpha when he was 14, due to his parents' death. I don't remember the details, nor do I care. He's known to be vicious, he had to be to defend his title. Within 7 years, he became one of the strongest Alphas in the Western world, making his pack rise to be the top, and they just carry an air of danger about them. The word Raven pack basically means a death sentence.

I can't help but hope they have Rose. I need her, even if she's in their hold, I'll get her out somehow. I need her. This is my last hope.

Alpha Cole better not have hurt a hair on her head, or he's as good as dead. 

Alpha Cole's POV: 

I can't stop the uncontrollable grin that breaks out of my face as I think about my beautiful mate. She's perfect, and I hate that I didn't find her sooner. She's been through so much because of some stupid Alpha. As long as he doesn't come after her, I won't bother with him. She's the only thing that matters, she is my only focus. 

Rose. Even her name is perfect. Giving a small smile, I pick up the phone as it rings. 

"Hello, Alpha Cole speaking," I gruffly say into the phone, staring at the doorknob as it twists open. "Please call again at some other time or leave a voicemail, now isn't a good time." 

Putting down the phone, I expect to see my little mate peeking through the door, but instead I see Alicia. Growling in frustration, I try to rein in my wolf. Breathing deeply, I stare at her in disappointment. 

"What do you want Alicia? Ever heard of knocking?" I watch her as she struts over to my table and leans over, smiling at me. Getting up and glaring at her, I growl, "Either tell me WHAT you are doing in my office or GET OUT!" 

She looks downcast and I finally let out a sigh of relief as I wait for her to tell me the problem. Rubbing her arms nervously, she takes a small step forward before looking up at me. 

"Alpha, something happened. I haven't told anyone, and I'm so ashamed of what happened." She lets a tear fall, shaking slightly. Grimacing, as I stare at her, I rest my hand on her shoulder. 

"Tell me what's wrong Alicia. No one will know, but I need to know what to do to help my pack members." 

Nodding, she steps forward again, leaning up to my ear, trying to whisper I presume. In a second, my world comes crashing down as she grabs my chin instead and kisses my lips. Roaring, I push her away, dragging her to the door by her wrist, feeling guilty, even if it wasn't something I did. Opening my door, I hand her over to the nearest pack guard to put her under watch until I figure out a suitable punishment for her. It is a crime in my pack to do anything to come between any mates or any mated pair. You are meant to be with your mate, and no one else, and it sickens me that she would ever try to come in between such a powerful bond. 

Stepping on something, I look down in confusion and what I see breaks my heart. A broken plate and some smashed cookies litter the floor. Sniffing the air, I growl as I smell my mate's scent. She saw. 

Shit, I'm in so much trouble, I need to find her. Following the scent, I rush down the hall, searching for my dear mate, hoping she's alright. 

Rose's POV

I've been having so much fun with Drew, and it's been great catching up with my best friend. I can tell things haven't changed between us, and I'm glad I still have a friend. The problem is, my mind keeps spinning around Cole, and I can tell that it's visible. 

Drew grins at me before pushing a plate of cookies towards me and winking, "You should bring Alpha a plate of cookies. He gets grouchy without food... and now he'll probably be grouchy if he doesn't see his mate!" His laughter follows me as I blush and skip out of the kitchen and towards his office. I can tell someone is in there but I'm sure there's no harm in walking in, if it's just a pack member. 

Peeking in, I feel my heart breaking again as I drop the plate. Cole and the girl from before, the bitch I bumped into in the hallway. She's pressed up against him, her hands are all over him as she grabs his chin and kisses him. That's all I can see, I don't want to see more. Running down the hall, I run into the forest sliding up against a tree, tears falling out of my eyes. 

I can't help it. I thought it would work. I wanted to be strong, for the sake of both of us, and I wanted our relationship to grow. I'm not good enough though. I'm worthless and useless and no one will ever want me. I don't know why I ever believed differently. Why was I even born? I would have been better off dead instead of being without love in my life. Love is the most important thing in the world. Why am I not worthy of that one thing? Why? 

I know it may seem like I'm overreacting, but all I can see when I close my eyes is her mouth against his. It hurts more because I actually believed and hoped. Having my last piece of hope crushed, actually breaks my heart. He's my mate. Of course he loves someone else though. I'm not beautiful at all. I have nothing left for me. All the pain from the last couple months, it just seems to all come out as I sit there in the forest alone. 

Shuddering, tears flow out of my eyes, as I dig my fingernails into my arms. Crashing down, I remember seeing the girl. How confident and how beautiful she was. Then there's me. Mute, barely able to shift into my wolf, weak, ugly, bruised and broken - inside and out. 

I want to change. If I'm the Night Wolf, I know I have to. I will train. I have to stay in this pack, it's one of the best packs, but it'll hurt. I have to get stronger. Right now though, I'm allowed to just cry. I trusted him, and I wanted a relationship with him. He seemed so sweet and he made me trust him. 

Once again, I was wrong. He'll always want her. Breathing hard, I start to panic, as the world becomes fuzzy and my sight gets blinded by all the tears. 

All I see is a wolf running towards me, as I close my eyes, giving up momentarily. 

Being cheated on, even if it was just a kiss, is one of the worst feelings in the whole world. 

A/N: Hey guys, sorry about the long wait but exams killed all of my brain cells and made me get writer's block, but I am planning to finish the book, and updates will be more frequent now that it's summer!! I'll be updating once every three to four days. 

Thank you for all the support and love on the book, I really appreciate it <3 Thanks guys! Have an awesome summer! 

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