Happy Together {Frerard}

By gayishwayish

368 64 3

Frank is a blind teenager who stars school in New Jesery after being homeschooled all his life. He meets Gera... More

{1} Sight is for the fortunate
{2} Bad Boys Don't Drink Chocolate Milk
{3} Welcome to our Committee
{4} Not So Very Unfortunate
{6} Secrets out
{7} Stay
{8} Welcome To The Committee 2
{9} Lost things
{10} Found Things
{11} Brother
{12} I Take It Back, Im Very Unfortunate
{13} "do you really love me?"
{14} Let Me Show You
{15} Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things
{16} Questions With No Answers
{17} Forget Me Not
{18} Kill All Our Friends
Final Notes

{5} Beileve what you want, even if it's not true

20 4 0
By gayishwayish


"I don't understand! How can he see? That's impossible!"

"I don't know either. We are planning to run tests on him soon, now just take your son home and enjoy the rest of the evening Mrs.Iero,"

I sat quietly in the waiting room, listening to my mother and the doctor talk about me. I still can't put my finger on it. How could Gerard have done it? He has some sort of powers I guess- unless, the rumors are true. That's the only way he could of. Gerard Way is a vampire. He must be, theres no other explanation he is a fucking vampire.

My mother came up to me, patting my shoulder, looking me in the eyes. My mother was a pretty woman, She's beautiful.

"Time to go baby."

The car ride was quiet once again. This gave me the opportunity to think. I kind of feel bad, for how I reacted. Gerard made me normal and I screamed at him. Not the kind of thank you he deserved. I gotta apologize to him as soon as possible.

"So I've been thinking," My mother piped up. "Maybe it's time to see Dr.Renolds again?"

Dr.Renolds, she was my therapist. I hadn't seen her in months, right after I stopped my medication, and the voices increased. She helped me alot throughout my childhood. She was there for me when my mother couldn't be.

"I don't know. Now that I can see, I don't think it's necessary."

"Frankie, I'm just worried about you. There is no logical way that you could be blind at birth and then see for the first time all your life."

"Well I don't know either,"

But I did.

"I'm just as confused as you are!" My voice started getting louder. I didn't mean to, but I just couldn't control it. I can't just tell her that a boy from school is a possible vampire and helped me see again. I didn't have answers yet, so I won't ruin Gerards life. He didn't deserve it, at least I think so.


Black. The room was pure darkness. The only thing that could be heard is the familiar echo of the voice. I only ever hear it in my dreams or late at night.

"What do you want? I'm not scared of you anymore damnit. I can see you!"
I couldn't see them. No matter how hard I tried to believe that I could, I couldn't.

"Frankie. He's going to use you.."

"Who? What are you talking about?"


"What? No! Stop! Shut up!"








"Stop! Leave me alone"





My eyes shot open, my mother was here, cradling me. Sweat covered my face, my chest rose up and down and my heart pounded from the intense nightmare.

"Frank," My mother grabed my shoulders and I tensed up.

"Who is Gerard?"

I walked down the unfamiliar halls, getting glances and whispers from everyone I passed. I shamefully hung my head down, hoping not to get noticed.

"How have you been holding up?" Ray nugded my shoulder. "Oh um, I'm okay I guess."
Ray looked from side to side, making sure nobody could hear us. "So is it true?" Ray asked. I didn't understand.


"You know I'm your friend Frank, you can tell me anything."

"What are you talking about?"

"You faked it. Everyone is saying that you weren't really blind and it was all a big stunt you pulled for attention."

"Who the fuck came up with that horse shit?"

"Sources say Gerard. Since he was actually there. He said he was, and I quote ' Going to expose you for who you really are," Ray quoted with his fingers. The fact that Ray actually believed these rumors was really upsetting. Like really dude? Gerard didn't deserve an apology. Not anymore.

"Where is he?" I asked Ray. "He usually hangs out by the courtyard before the bell." I left Ray as soon as he gave me the information. I had to find Gerard.

To be honest, I had no idea where I was going. I had no idea where the courtyard was, sure I've probably been there many times before but how do you expect me to remember?
I closed my eyes and followed my instinct and continued around the corner of what I assumed to be the far end of the school. I was than met with a glass door, and on the other side of the door, many odd looking students sitting in the grass and on lunch benchs, and lucky enough for me, Gerard was sitting all alone.

I looked back, Ray was close behind. It's now or never.

I push the door open, stomping towards Gerard who had a white thin stick thingy in his mouth.

"Hey." I said harshfully. He ignored me.
"I said hey!" I snatched the stick from his mouth and threw it on the ground, with that he looked up at me with the most coldest eyes. They were not the same as the ones I saw in the bathroom that day.

He stood up, squaring up and looking up and down. He could crush me if he wanted to. At this point I was terrified, and I got some epic mouth diarria.

"What's wrong with you? You help me than you start talking shit about me? What the fuck is wrong with you?" I shoved him, students around us took notice and everyone fell quiet. All eyes are on us. To be honest this is the first time I've used so many curse words at once. How exciting.

Gerard just stood there, his tongue traced over his bottom row of teeth with a grin, making his bottom lip pop out. His eyebrows stiched togther, and that's when it hit me. He was amused. He thought this was funny.

"What are you going to do Gerard? Hit me?" I said and Gerard scoffed and let out a smirk. His actions made the fire inside me grow bigger. What the hell is he doing?

"Frank. I'm not going to hit you."

"Then what?! Do something!" I was now screaming in his face. He just looked around and saw everyone starring. Then he looked back to me. He grabbed my hand and pulled me along with him.

"What the hell are you doing?" I tried to escape from his grasp, but nothing seemed to work on this guy. I clawed at his hand, punched his arm, even tried biting him. He didn't even flinch for any of it.

He dragged me along the parking lot, and we eventually stopped at a car. It looked very different from the others around us. It was more box shaped, and was completely black. Very old school, thats kinda rad.

"Are you coming with me or not?" He asked, gesturing to the passenger seat and letting go if my hand.
"Why on earth would I ever go with you?" I was already starting to turn around when I noticed a guy who looked similar to Gerard but more scruffy looking.

He was alot more greasy looking. He was looking right at us, pointing at us and yelling. Another guy came running up to him, he saw us and ran right for us.

I looked back at Gerard, he opened the door for me and I hoped in.
Gerard got into the drivers seat, put it into reverse and we took off.

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