Unexpected (Kenny McCormick X...

By Partysam

247K 5.2K 6K

All South Park characters are not of my creation but of the wonderful people of Matt & Trey-creators of South... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

-Chapter 13-

10.2K 198 223
By Partysam

Two weeks later~

Kenny and I still haven't come out that we're together. We thought it would be best if we kept quiet at least until the school year ended. That was coming soon, I was running around my room in a panic trying to find my binder. "Where is it?!" I screeched opening drawers and slamming them shut.

"Hey are you okay?" I turn on my heel to find Kenny standing in the door way he must've used the back door since I left it unlocked. "I can't find my binder" I mumble running my fingers along my scalp.

Kenny walks up to me and hugs me from behind laying his chin on my shoulder "hey babe" he whispers sweetly into my ear "not now Kenny we're going to be late for school" I mutter trying to escape from his grasp but he only pulls me closer. "You left it in my car" he said sheepishly I pressed my lips together and break through his embrace. "You could've told me sooner" I say quickly remaking my bed "ah sorry."

After I make my bed I turn towards Kenny and head for the door "do you want anything to eat before we go?" I try to walk past him but Kenny sticks out his arm. I look up in confusion "is everything okay?" Kenny sighs "Karen..." I drop my arms to my side. I was really worried "what's wrong?" Kenny hesitated at first but I think that's because he was really upset. Now that I looked at him more he seemed like a wreck. His blonde hair was ruffled more then usual, his blue orbs almost seemed grey, he even had bags under his eyes. I don't think he was sleeping properly.

"C'mere" I say softly taking his hand in my own pulling him to the bed. We sit down and I let Kenny lie his head on my shoulder as I stroked his hair. "It's getting worse... my parents are always at the hospital now. I think she's going to..." he trails off but I already knew what he was going to say. Karen... such a sweet little girl. How could the world be so cruel to the innocent? I've met with her a bunch of times when I'd go over to Kenny's. We'd always play 'house' together, whenever I would come over she'd always get a kick out of it when Kenny was the baby. He'd always make strange noises to make her laugh or do silly things.

It's something you don't see between siblings often. Such closeness. -Well in South Park at least.- Kenny wouldn't be afraid to come to school in a dress for her. I still remember the one day Kenny dressed up in a small dress and called himself 'Princess Kenny' just so his little sister wouldn't feel embarrassed going to school in her own dress. I thought it was really cute, but it's all a distant memory at this point.

The last time I saw Karen was in her room. Kenny asked me if I could bring over Advil. I remember walking into her room, she looked so sick and she was scared. Karen always wanted one of us in her room, never to be alone because she thought she was going to die. That's when we found out she stopped eating. This happened before but then it would go away she'd get better but every time it came back it got worse.

"Kenny?" He was holding my hand tightly "maybe I should come visit her" I mutter out my thoughts. Kenny sat up and looked at me, there was an empty look in his eyes. It took him awhile to say anything "I-.... I don't want to visit her anymore..." I look at Kenny with surprise. I could tell he was extremely ashamed by what he said "why?" I questioned. Kenny exhales looking away from me as I wait for him to reply.

Kenny brings his sleeve to his eyes "because I can't stand watching her in such a state. What makes it worse is that I can't do anything..." he drops his arm the area where he wiped his eyes slightly damp. I reach over and turn Kenny's face so he's looking at me "you're going to regret not ever seeing her when you could've. So don't do this. I'll come with you, okay?" Kenny nods his frown deepening I lean in and press my lips to his quickly before giving him a hug. "I'm sorry this is happening" I whisper reaching over intertwining my fingers with his long slim ones. "We should go" he mutters standing up pulling me up with him "okay..."


Kenny's P.O.V

I've made it this far through the day just four more hours. Lunch was same old- Cartman would argue with Kyle, Stan would sit silently and watch on; I was still really angry at Stan when he apologized to Y/n. Y/n smiled and carried on so easily which I didn't understand how could she not be mad?

"Kenny are you okay?" Stan asked I look away irritated to hear his voice "ya you're pretty quiet dude" I exhale in response "he's probably done with listening to fatass's shit" Kyle and Stan laugh "hey! Don't call me fat you fucking jew!" Cartman hissed "don't call me a Jew, asshole."

I sigh as they fight Stan only encouraging them. Y/n scooted closer to me as I propped my elbow on the table placing my cheek in my hand looking towards her. I give her a sly smile slightly wiggling my eyebrows trying to reassure her that I was fine, Y/n let out a small laugh.

I was so lucky to be with someone like
Y/n. How could someone like me be with such a kind and beautiful girl? I just couldn't believe it! My longing crush for Y/n, true? I wanted to pinch myself back to reality but no matter how hard I inflicted the pinch I'd still be in the same spot.

Being pulled back to reality I felt something slither up my hand to my finger tips. I look down to find Y/n's hand reaching for mine I looked over at her as we intertwined our fingers and held on tightly, like we were sewed, forever bonded together.

Y/n leant over to me closing in by my ear. "I love you" she faintly whispered then pulled away with a smile on her face. I grinned 'how much?' I mouthed Y/n gave me a look like she was thinking long and hard but I could tell she was joking. "So much even the universe can't supply enough room" she said openly "what are you guys talking about?" Stan asked looking back and forth between Y/n and I.

Still holding hands underneath the grey plastic table, out of sight, Y/n gives Stan a small shrug. "Oh it's nothing" she chimes dismissively, I give her hand a small squeeze.

"You guys are really close today. Is something wrong?" Kyle and Cartman pull away from their argument taking a glimpses at us. "Ya you guys are gross, get a room" Cartman sneered in disgust "dude if anything you're gross, fatass" Kyle snorted "hey! Respect my authority!" Cartman snapped his fingers sassily. Kyle rolled his eyes aggravated by Cartman's childishness.

I turn away that's when I noticed Stan was staring at me intently "what?" I muttered a little too aggressively, Stan frowns "are you guys dating?" He finally asked. Cartman and Kyle exchanged expressions "if we are would you be jealous?" I felt Y/n's hand slip from mine. I cast her a confused expression and she returns me an angry one.

"I'm going to drop my lunch bag off" Y/n stands and slams her chair back into the table storming off. Kyle looked towards me "why's she pissed off?" He asks I sigh standing up not wanting to answer his question. "I'll be back."

Y/n's P.O.V

I hurried off to my locker. Kenny really pissed me off back there. Why was he so angry at Stan still? He came to me in tears and apologized.


"Should I bring my text book?" I asked Kenny, running my finger along the pages. "Nah worse comes to worse you can steal someone else's" "Kenny!" He laughs. "Eh hum" Kenny and I turn away from my locker questioning who decided to catch our attention. It was Stan. He was standing in front of me with his hands held together, head dropped to the floor in shame. "What do you want?" Kenny said in a hostile tone wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

Slightly giving me eye contact he exhales shakily "I just wanted to apologize for what happened last week...." I frown. Kenny tightened his grip around my shoulder "she doesn't want your apology-" I escape from Kenny's grip placing a hand in Stan's shoulder when I notice tears running down his cheek. He hesitated at first but accepted the gesture. I wasn't afraid of him but I didn't feel reassured either. I do forgive him.

"It's okay I forgive you" I mutter softly "no, I don't think you understand.... what I did was so wrong. I deserve-" "let me stop you right there Mr Marsh" I interrupted, Stan glances at me. "It was a mistake. Nothing end up happening; you knew you were in the wrong and apologized for it. That's all I need to hear." I let go of Stan, he wipes his eyes quickly "I forgive you, okay?" Stan nods again "okay... thank you. I probably should go" "okay see ya" I wave as he walked away.

I turn back to Kenny, he was leaning against the lockers arms crossed. "You seriously forgive him?" He said in a sour tone "ya of course. Why wouldn't I? We're good friends" I give him a questioning look. "Y/n" he raises his hand using his index finger curling it back indicating for me to move closer to him. Hesitating I slowly move as close as normality would state. "He could've advance in you" he whispered so lowly I nearly didn't catch it in these loud bursting hallways.

I think for a second then I open my mouth to reply "I try not to think that way" I say quietly, I look to the floor. Thinking about what Kenny said I was suddenly terrified. I wasn't just terrified of Stan I was of everyone. Kenny noticed my empty expression and pulled me in for a hug.

"Don't worry I won't let anyone hurt you."

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