Odd Squad One Shots

بواسطة AutumnCardigan

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These are a few ideas that I thought of for Odd Squad ships. I hope you like them. (: المزيد

Ugly Christmas Sweater Party Contest (Otis x Olympia)
It's A Metaphor (Todd x Olive)
Sweeter Than Hot Chocolate (Otis x Olympia)
Stronger Than Ever (Oprah x O'Donahue)
Never Been That Different After All (Otis x Olympia)
If He Had Just Noticed Me (Orchid x Otis)
Always (Octavia x Oz)
A Real Friend (Ohlm x Olympia)
His Dream Girl (Oren x Olive)
Smile On The Inside (Orchid x Otis)
The Only Medicine (Olympia x Otis)
Some Things That Never Change (Olympia x Otis)
Filled With Regret (Dr. O x Otis)
All That Mattered (Oren x Octavia)
Let Me Go-Part 1 (Oona x Otis x Olympia)
Let Me Go-Part 2 (Oona x Otis x Olympia)
History (Otis x Olympia)
We'll Be The Stars (Otis x Olympia)
Breathless (Otis x Olympia)
Sherman (Otis x Orchid)
No Barrier Between Them (Owen x Olympia)
Real Way Of Saying Thank You (Orchid x Otis)
Filled With Regret-Part 2 (Dr. O x Otis)
You're My Best Friend (Ms. O x Oscar)
You're Kinda Cute When You Ramble (Otis x Olympia)
Nothing Is Impossible (Oona x Otis)
Stolen Her Heart (Olive x Oren)
This Is Wrong (Todd x Olive)
The Core Of Their Relationship (Olive x Otto)
His Goal (Owen x Olympia)
Odd Squad Tag!
Nightmares (Otis x Olympia)
Going On Break! (Owen x Polly Graph)
Your Love's Like (Otis x Olympia)
Too Young (Owen x Orchid)
Greater Now (Otis x Olympia)
The Right One (Oona x Ocean)
Never Feeling Better (Otis x Olympia)
A Safe Bet (Dr. O x Otis)
You Belong With Me (Oscar x Oona x Otis)
Author's Note
Staring Contest (Otis x Orchid)
Staring Contest-Part 2 (Otis x Orchid)
Gorgeous (Octavia x Otis)
The Answer (Oscar x Oona)
Official (Oscar x Oona)
Delicate (Otis x Olympia)
His Oona (Ocean x Oona)
Now I Know (Ohlm x Olympia)
The Best Sleepover Ever (Otis x Olympia)
I Got Tagged
Seamless (Owen x Olympia x Otis)
What's Next? (Dr. O x Otis)
Fixed Everything (Otis x Orchid x Ohlm)
I Don't Think I'm Ready For This (Dr. O x Oscar)
Secrets (Ms. O x Otis)
Scarred Heart (Ms. O x Otis)
The Real Me (Oksana x Otis)
I Like You Like... (Otto x Ms. O)
Tagged Again
Full Circle (Ms. O x Oscar)
Sassy Or Not (Otto x Orchid)
One Photo (Otis x Olympia)
Third Wheel (Otis x Oona)
Blue (Ori x Orchid)
A Ring On It (Olive x Otto)
Let's Go (Olive x Oscar)
At The End Of The Rainbow (Otis x Olympia)
One Fact (Otis x Orchid)
The Sillies (Otis x Olympia)
Love Is Pain (Olympia x Todd)
Our Special Place (Oprah x O'Donahue)
Baby Steps (Otis x Olympia)
All Along (Ms. O x Oscar)
You Already Said It (Otis x Oona)
Rewritten History (Owen x Oksana)
Back To You (Otis x Olympia)
The Missing Puzzle Piece (Otis x Olympia)
There's Nothing Holding Me Back (Todd x Oona)
Never Be The Same (Otis x Olympia)
Better Than A Soundcheck Song (Otto x Olympia x Otis)
New Odd Squad Book
Made For Each Other (Olive x Otto)
Camouflage (Otis x Olympia)
Camouflage-Part 2 (Otis x Olympia)
Lifeline (Otis x Olympia)
No Place (Olympia x Oxley)
We Found Love (Otis x Olympia)
Why (Otis x Olympia)
Snowglobe (Olive x Otto)
Bunny (Oscar x Oona)
Begin Again (Olive x Otto)
Sandman (Olympia x Ozric)
Their Own Happy Ending (Olive x Otto)
700 Years (Owen x Oona)
Oranges (Otis x Ms. O)
I Really Like You (Otis x Polly Graph)
Total Sense (Obfusco x Orchid)
Just Right (Ms. O x Otis)
Cheesy (Ohlm x Oona)
Everyday's Christmas (Ms. O x Oscar)
Imperfect New Year (Otis x Olympia)
Special Feelings (Otis x Oona)
100. Hold On To The Memories (Otis x Olympia)
Wrong Move (Todd x Olive x Otto)
Blue Leg Night (Oona x Otto)
My Cure (Ohlm x Orchid)
Picture Day (Otis x Olympia)
At Least (Opa x Otis)
Looking For A Change (Ms. O x O'Duffy)
A Hundred Years (Oprah x O'Donahue)
Catching Feelings (O'Donahue x Olympia)
Speechless (Dr. O x Otto)
She Will Be Loved (Oscar x Oona)
The Only Music (Ocean x Olympia)
Carrots And Onions (Owen x Olive)
Great Minds Think Alike (Olive x Otto)
I Know Places (Oona x Otis)
Tied Together With A Smile (Otis x Olympia)
Centigurps (Octavia x Otto)
Enchanted (Otis x Orchid)
Finally (Todd x Olive)
It Was Always You (Otis x Oona)
This Town (Otis x Oona)
Who Is Agent Otis? (Otis x Olympia)
Happiness (Odena x Todd)
Happy Thanksgiving (Otis x Olympia)
Battle (Todd x Olive)
Mistletoe (Otis x Olympia)
Hope (Otis x Olympia)
Other Dimension (Otis x Olympia)
Falling For You (Ocean x Olympia)
Learning To Love Again (Otis x Oona)
The Moment I Knew (Todd x Olive x Otto)
Come Back... Be Here (Oona x Xavier)
In Their Hearts (Otis x Olympia)
True Love (Otis x Olympia)
Home (Otis x Oona)
Starlight (Oprah x O'Donahue)
Christmas Magic (Oona x Xavier)
Cloud 9 (Ocean x Oona)
Felt The Same Way (Ohlm x Ozlyn)
Otoño (Owen x Ms. O)
Perfect (Otto x Octavia)
Resolutions (Otis x Olympia)
King of My Heart (Oscar x Ms. O)
Different (Oren x Olive)
Living in the Moment (Olive x O'Donahue)
Obvious (Otis x Olympia)
So Much More (Olive x Otto)
Her Prince of England (Oona x O'Q)
Opposite Partners-Part 1 (Olive x Otis)
Opposite Partners-Part 2 (Otto x Olympia)
Babe (Olive x Todd x Olympia)
You'll Be In My Heart (Oprah x O'Donahue)
The Real Magic (Otis x Olympia)
The Best Easter (Otis x Olympia)
The Grinch (Otis x Olympia)
Roses Are Red, Violets Are Green (Olive x Otto)
The Next Right Thing (Otis x Olympia)
Lost in the Woods (Oprah x O'Donahue)
Christmas Tree Farm (Otis x Olympia)

Time Loop (Otis x Olympia)

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بواسطة AutumnCardigan

(Otis x Olympia)

"I can't believe this, Otis! We get to attend Shapely University for a whole day!" Olympia was on the verge of squealing as she talked excitedly to her partner.

"Olympia, it's not a big deal," Otis claimed, his arms stiffly situated behind his back.

"Not a big deal?" She said all of those previous words slowly. "Otis! This is our future we're talking about! If we don't end up staying at Odd Squad, which I plan to for forever and ever... then we could go there someday!"

Otis sighed some, since he knew he wasn't going to get anywhere with her. Also, he was aware that he could never be accepted into this academy anyway. His lack of records wouldn't allow it.

"Ooh! Look! Our first class is with Ms. Triangle! Yay!" Olympia's wide smile never faltered as she hurried to the familiar classroom, from when they solved a recent case.

"Hello. Ms. Triangle?" Otis was the first one to greet the teacher as they walked up to her desk.

"Odd Squad! Thank goodness you're here! And not because of another, pungent, skidgeon," Ms. Triangle spoke, wrinkling her nose up some from there mere memory.

"Don't worry, there hasn't been any skidgeon problems for awhile now," Otis informed her.

She sighed a little in relief, her shoulders relaxing. "Good. Now, I left some seats in the front for you to take. Today will only be a review lesson, so most of my students should know this already."

Otis nodded seriously. "Roger that."

He ended up sitting right next to Olympia, her broad smile lighting up the entire room, as she rested the sides of her hands on her desk.

As each student walked in she was greeting them with, "Hi, my name's Olympia, and I am an Odd Squad agent."

Otis shook his head some as he leaned back in his chair, instantly straightening up once the lesson began.

"Today we will be doing an advanced review on shapes," Ms. Triangle announced.

There was a slideshow presentation that she kept going, just saying all of the basic shapes such as a triangle, square, and circle, "This is a shape... This is another shape..."

Otis was just about to yawn when she suddenly added, "This is the shape of Denmark." His eyes lit up a little as he gazed at the small country, but soon enough she was back to the regular shapes again such as diamonds and rectangles.

He made a face when something hit his hand, and he noticed that it was a piece of paper folded into the shape of a swan. He carefully unfolded it.

"Hi." Well, that was a simple message. He wondered who it could be from.

October was sitting near the back, her dark hair in natural curls.

His curiosity was sparked on why she would be writing to him, so he answered, "What are you doing here?"

The note magically popped onto her desk after he closed it up, unable to recreate the delicate bird at all.

He almost jumped when the white sheet was now back to him.

"I only work at Odd Squad in October, remember? The other time, I come and study here. It's a lot of fun. You should consider it..."

He knit his eyebrows together in confusion as he scribbled back, "Why would I do that? I like working at Odd Squad."

She didn't really respond to his words though. "Has anyone ever told you that you're really cute? You would do great with the college life."

Otis stretched his neck to look back at her, and she gave him a warm smile. Little did he know that when he went to half-smile back, a certain redhead was watching him, confused. When she saw October though, jealousy was ignited within her. Why was she feeling this way? And why was October at college?

During their break, October rushed up to Otis, cutting Olympia off.

"Do you want to have lunch with me? I know where all the different kinds of food are, and everything. You can literally order whatever you want," she emphasized.

Otis smiled slightly. "Sure." He hated to admit it, but he kind of liked her bold personality. Plus, she was also kind of pretty.

Olympia stared after them, her mouth gaped open in absolute shock. What was going on here?

Olympia had to endure the pain of watching Otis with October the entire lunch period, and she felt depressed as they laughed and talked with one another. Why was he so forward with her?

Finally the day came to a close, and Olympia had given up on ever catching her partner.

"Olympia! How do you think today went?" Otis seemed so serious as he locked his arms behind him.

"Why don't you ask, October? You obviously like her." Olympia squinted her eyes in an accusing manner, not meaning for that to slip out, but she was angry.

"October?" He glanced behind himself at the girl, who was giving him one last wave with a small smile on the school's grounds. When he turned back though, the other girl he had been with had disappeared, and he felt a pang of guilt in his heart.

The next day everything was back to normal, except for Olympia's mood towards Otis, which hadn't improved since the previous day.

"So, how about Shapely University?" Otis sounded more awkward than he ever had, and the fake smile wasn't helping.

"What about it?" His partner seemed so nonchalant, as she busied herself with paperwork.

He sighed, licking his lips for a moment. "Look, Olympia, I'm sorry about leaving you to be with October yesterday. I guess I just caught up in the excitement of visiting a new place..."

Olympia had cut him off though, by slamming her bulky stack of folders filled with reports down. "Otis! You hate new things! Stop lying to me! Like I said before, you obviously like her."

"Why does it matter so much to you," Otis questioned suddenly, his eyebrows scrunched together.

"It doesn't." She was still acting grumpy as she crossed her arms, pouting down at her keyboard.

"Yes, it does. I can tell."

"Just forget it, Otis." She shook her head, standing up to just leave.

"No! I can't forget it! Olympia, you're my best friend and partner. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt you."

"Well, congratulations, because that's what you just did." She held up her hands in mock surrender.

"Why are you acting this way? I said I was, sorry," he reminded her.

"Talk to me when October's just a month again." She then finally left, Otis calling her name after her. He didn't see the tears though that had started streaming down her face.

Otis didn't understand why Olympia was making such a big deal out of this. He had apologized, and he hadn't even seen October since their college visit. He explained the entire situation to Oona in the lab one day, when Olympia refused to solve cases together again.

"She likes you, Otis! How can you not see that?!" It was as though Oona had whacked his head with an invisible hand.

"Olympia likes me..." Otis was in disbelief, his mouth forming an "O" shape.

"Yes! She's liked you for awhile now. I'm surprised you didn't catch on sooner."

"I have to go talk to her! Finally, maybe I can fix things." Otis was partly talking himself, as he ran straight for the Odd Squad warehouse.

Olympia was assigned to sort a small area of it, since she refused to solve real cases with him.

"Olympia," he called, running straight for her.

Her eyes widened as she held her hands out. "Wait, Otis! No!"

Just as his hand barely brushed against hers, there was a bright flash, but everything seemed the same, except Olympia's suit no longer had splashes of spilled paint on it.

"What's going on?" He looked around the place warily.

Olympia sighed as she sagged her shoulders. "You're in my time loop now."

"Your time loop," echoed Otis, clearly puzzled.

"Yes, Otis. I didn't want to have to ever deal with you, so I trapped myself in my own time loop."

He finally noticed the broken contents of the gadget on the floor.

"That's crazy, Olympia. Do you realize how hard it is to fix this? Remember the time with Oona?"

"I know... but what was I supposed to do? Either see you with October, or keep avoiding you... They both hurt too much..." She looked away as she sat on the floor, but just then the time reset, and she was standing in front of him again, their hands almost touching.

"Olympia, I haven't even seen October since that day at Shapely University," he shared.

"I know... but you like her, right? I just... I always thought..."

"It would be us," he finished for her, causing her to widen her eyes as she looked at him.

"How...," she trailed off.

"Oona told me," Otis admitted.

The blinding flash hit them again, but they acted as though it had never happened.

"But I'm glad she did, because Olympia, I never realized that you felt the same."

"Felt the same..." Olympia wasn't catching on.

Otis firmly took her hands, looking directly into her clueless brown eyes.

"Felt the same as I do. Olympia, I've liked you for awhile now. I just didn't want to ruin our friendship..."

Zero reaction.

"Olympia," he hesitantly asked, but then her mouth opened widely, which proceeded with the quiet squeal.

She then stepped forward, surprising him with a light kiss, her hand lightly resting on the back of his head. He softly kissed her back, and they didn't have to pull away, since the vivid light had gone off again.

"You know, I don't think I mind staying in this time loop." He slightly smirked, as Olympia's grin only widened.

"Me either, but we should probably start finding the parts to fix the gadget," she admitted.

"You don't have them with you," exclaimed Otis in disbelief.

"I planned on staying here for forever, so..." She wasn't sure how to finish that sentence.

Otis sighed before gently taking her hand. "Don't worry, partner. We'll figure it out together, just like we always do."

Olympia smiled a tiny bit, before finding his hand again after the time loop reset. "You're the best, Otis."

"No, you're the best," he playfully argued.

"No, clearly...," she continued as their harmless fight continued.

Even as the time loop continued around them, they didn't mind. Not even a time loop could ruin their relationship.

A/N: Do you like it when I have more Otis and Olympia one shots? Just wondered, 'cause since they're my favorite ship I figured I should write more about them (which I enjoy so much). Thank you so much for reading! Please remember to comment, vote, and follow. Thank you! (:

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