Destiny: Volume 1 (Completed)

By Kaito_Tokisaki

8K 179 77

The tale of a Guardian on his quest to defend the universe from a dark infestation that has one main motive:... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Grimoire: Rasputin
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Strike: The Devils Lair
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Strike: Cerberus Vae III
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Raid: The Vault of Glass
Expansion 1: Prologue
Expansion 1: Chapter 1
Expansion 1: Chapter 2
Expansion 1: Chapter 3
Expansion 1: The Hated (Bonus Chapter)
Expansion 1: Chapter 4
Raid: Crotas End
Expansion 1: Epilogue
Expansion 2: Prologue
Expansion 2: Chapter 1
Expansion 2: Chapter 2
Expansion 2: Chapter 3
Expansion 2: Chapter 5
Expansion 2: Chapter 6
Expansion 2: Epilogue

Expansion 3: Chapter 4

60 2 0
By Kaito_Tokisaki

          Though the Silent Fang suffered a serious blow when Drevis was finally thrown in the Prison of Elders after the Siege of Pallas, they continued to threaten the Queen's forces until the war's end. (Grimoire: The Silent Fang)

          On the way towards Earth, I ended up contacting Petra to relay information that I found back on Venus. "Skolas is on his way to find more Fallen houses to unite under his banner. There are two on Earth that we currently know of. The House Of Kings, and the House Of Devils." Petra said. "I thought you ended up destroying their leader?" Alex asked me. Petra added information. "If that's the case, either he is trying to gather the Fallen who do not have Leaders, or he's going for a more deadly prize. The Silent Fang."
          "Who are they?"
          "Before I earned my post as the Queen's Emissary, I served her in the Reef Wars. The Silent Fang are assassins, killers. Real charmers. During the war, they went after our commanders. They'll do the same to the House of Devils. More or less, Skolas."
          "I'll call up my friends and see what we can do about all of this." I hung up and began to call up Ox, Royal, and Gold. "Alright everyone. We got a mission and we're gonna need to split up into two teams. I want Ox and Gold to head out into the Cosmodrome to try and find the House Of Kings and terminate them. I'll be sending you both the coordinates of their last known location. Royal, I need you to meet me outside the wall of the city. We're hunting down a small pack of assassins. The Silent Fang. I've sent you the coordinates. Meet me there as soon as possible and don't be late." I said. "What are we expecting for the House Of King?" Ox asked. "Expect a lot of resistance. Once they're all executed then we make our move on Skolas before it's too late. We have to stop this soon." I said. Everyone agreed and I flew to the entrance of the wall that covered the Cosmodrome. Royal caught up to me as I made my way through. "Hey. What did I miss?" He asked. "Not much. Just got here myself. Let's move. Gold and Ox should be making their move on the House Of Kings." I said. Me and Royal treaded carefully until we began to come across a bunch of tripwires and mines. We were getting close. After traversing throughout the inner sections of the wall, we arrived outside to see a group of Fallen assassins and a commander of the House Of Wolves.
          "Oh no. Are we too late?" Royal asked. I ran towards the crowd and jumped up into the air. I wasn't expecting to throw a Novabomb due to my powers malfunctioning but this time I actually pulled it off. Obliterating the entirety of the group that was here. "Nope. But now we probably have a problem on their hands." I said. Soon more ships came into orbit. "Guardian, come in. What's going on?" Petra asked. "Well. We basically disrupted a group of Fallen. We got more inbound." I said. It wasn't long before we could hear chatter coming from a Fallen leader through the coms. "Umm...any idea what he said?" Royal asked. "That was the commander of the Fang. He called you a...well. It was an insult." Variks said. The commander along with a few others jumped from the ships and began to engage us. "Alright Royal. Let's do this!" I shouted. He jumped up and summoned his Golden Gun. Firing off a few shots at the enemies and clearing out most of them and I ran up with a shotgun and put him down.
          "Well then. That was relatively easy." I said. "I'll go check in with Ox and Gold. You go and inform Petra about this." Royal said. I gave him a nod and he took off to see the others and I left to report to Petra. Once I arrived, she came to me with a bit of worry. "Is it done?"
          "Yes. The Silent Fang have been eliminated."
          "What about the Kings?"
          "My team is handling them as we speak."
          "Oh thank the Traveler. I'll continue the research to try and find his next move."
          "Where's Mara?"
          Petra pointed to the main doors and I went into the room to find her pacing back and forth. I closed the door loud enough for her to notice me. "Parrish. I didn't notice you come in...what's going on? Where is Skolas?" She asked. I walked over to her. "Don't worry. We're tracking him down as we speak. Putting holes in his plans." I said to her. She sighed and just hugged me. "Don't worry. We've got this. I'll be sure to bring him in."
          "Can you...sit with me for a while? I need a distraction from all of this. I'm stressed out."
          "Take a seat." I said to her. She smiled slightly and brought her over to her chair. Sitting her in my lap and giving her a small massage. Rubbing her shoulders and down along her back. "Everything is in disarray. Out of balance. It's not good for me. I haven't had to work so hard in my life." She said. "Honestly, I would have thought that the Ishtar Academy would have been your hardest work."
          "No. That was easy. This is the real challenge."
          "I guess so. Just relax through. Once we get to the bottom of this, we'll put an end to Skolas." I said. "I don't know...something inside me just feels...uneasy. Like killing him upright wouldn't be enough." She said. "Wouldn't be enough to satisfy?"
          "Wouldn't be enough to serve me justice."
          "So what will you do?"
          "I don't know..."
          I sat her up and stood in front of her. "Then that's what you should think about for the time being. Your people are strong and are depending on you to guide them through this tough time. Clear your thoughts." I said. She sighed. "I wouldn't know where to begin."
          "Then allow me to help you."
          I took her hands and sat down with her. Sitting her in front of me and closing my eyes. She then caught on and joined me in meditation. After a bit of time, we opened our eyes together and we were both back at the Academy before the Collapse. "Woah...this is...the school?" She asked walking over to it. "Yes. We're inside our minds. This is where I come to meditate. This is how I meditate." I said. She looked around to see all of the different people that were coming together from across the solar system. She even saw the both of us running to catch up to our classes. "It' We were so carefree back then. And I was...calm. I felt at home here. Like I was in my element."
          "You thought you were in your element here? This was horrible back in the day. Even then, you were able to keep your composure even in this stress filled environment. You can handle the Reef. You became more than you expected in a short amount of time. A Queen." I said. She looked at me and gave a smile. A small tear going down her face. I brushed it away and kissed her. When our eyes opened, we were back in the Queens Chambers. "Alright. I got this." She said. I gave her a smile and the doors opened. "Guardian! We've got trouble. Skolas has just popped up on our radar. He's heading towards the Vault of Glass!" Petra said. "If Skolas were to get his hands on Vex technology...Parrish, I need you to stop him at all costs." Mara said. I gave her a nod and put on my helmet. Before I could leave, Mara stopped me. " not kill unless you have an order from me to do so." She said. I gave her a thumbs up and hopped into my ship.
          "Alex, who is on Venus currently?" I asked. "Umm...according to my sensors, Hades is on Venus currently."
          "Tell him to meet me at the entrance to the Vault of Glass. We have to catch Skolas as soon as possible before he can get his hands on any tech."
          "Understood. I'll also inform him of the current situation as well."
          "Good. Let's get moving before it's too late."

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