Trust the Instinct>>&gt...

By writtergirl2

235K 6.8K 497

After everything that has happened in the past few months, The Kanima and the death of her mother. Emily Arge... More

Trust the Instinct// Teen wolf
Emily Does Not Like Group Dates
Derek And His Blowtorch
Mid Evil Torture Device
Author's note Please read!!!!!!
Rising Tensions
Shades Of Gray
Human Sacrifices, Why Not?
Allison Is A Ninja
She Will Fight
Because I Love You
This Is When
No Matter What
Emily Hates Miss. Blake
We Stand With Those Who Stand With Us
Still Waiting For That Beer
Emily's Anger Problems
Always A Plan B
Protecting Allison
It's Where My Demons Hide
Part 2 of Trust the Instinct
Mistaking Lydia For A Target
Breaking and Entering
No Postcards From This Trip
Breaking Down
Bomb Threats
Arms Deal With Yakuza
More Midnight Missons
Peter Is A Daddy
IMPORTANT please read
Werewolf Hulk
Pawns In A Deadly Game
Hopelessness Is Sinking In
Fallen Hero
When The Wolves All Cry
She's Gone

Almost Perfect

4.9K 151 20
By writtergirl2

        Listen to : You and me by lifehouse

Chapter 4

We finally got the door open and Isaac was on the floor shaking. “Isaac!” I excalim.

        I ran to his side I touched his arm and his skin felt like ice.

        Allison got on the other side and my dad was next to me.

        “He's freezing. Dad, he's like ice.” Allison points out.

          Dad got Isaac to look at him. “Isaac, look at me. Isaac.” Dad said.

        “What's happening to him?” I question in a panic.

        “Isaac, come on. Isaac, listen. You have to turn.” He wouldn't snap out of it he was shaking. “Look at me. You need to turn.” Then my dad slapped him. “You need to trigger it. Come on. Turn!” He punched him in the face. “Turn! Turn!” He hit Isaac one more time and he turned. His eyes glowed yellow and he pushed my dad off.

        He sat up against Allison's bed frame. He had tears in his eyes. “Did you see them?” He choked out looking at me then Allison.

        “Who?” Allison asks.

        “There were five of them. They wore black. I couldn't... I couldn't see their faces. They were covered.” 

        I then ask him calmly. “What do you mean? Like masks?”

        “One on them, I could see his eyes. They were greenish-yellow. Like a... Like a firefly.” I moved closer to Isaac and gave his hand a squeeze while Allison moved closer as well.

         “The security system wasn't triggered.” Dad points out from next to Allison's window.

        “How did they get in?” Allison questions softly.

        “They didn't. It was like they came out of the shadows.” Dad got a look on his face like he knew exactly what Isaac was talking about.

        “Do you know what that means?” I ask.

        He didn't answer. “Dad?” Allison repeats.

        “Um... I'm not sure. Listen, the three of you, I need you to keep this quiet for a few hours.”

        “From everyone?” Isaac asked sniffling.

        “Just 24 hours.”

        “They could've killed him, Dad.” Allison states.

        “But they didn't. And I think there was a reason why. I think they might have been after me.”


        The next day at school I walk in wearing a white tank top with black arrows on it, black jeans and my brown combat boots my hair tied into a high pony tail with some lose strands hanging down.

         I was looking forward to just trying to have a normal day and trying not to think about what happened to Isaac. But since it's Beacon Hills and Halloween I don't think that's gonna happen. But I'm just trying to be optimistic for the first time.


        So Coach is walking around with blow-horn. “Class starts in five minutes. Just because there's no power don't except there to be no school.”

         “That's a triple negative way to go Coach.” I call while putting my books in my locker.

         “Copy that.” I walked away from my locker to see Stiles almost tackle Scott because he was walking toward Kira.

        “Scott, no way.” Stiles dictates.

        “Stiles she's harmless. If she's not then we need to find out not just wait around for her to kill people.” I point out.

         “No. Until we figure out if she's just another psychotic monster that's going to start murdering everybody, I vote against any and all interaction.” Stiles argues while waving his arms.

        “What if she's like one of us?” I ask, “I mean, I'm a Bivio, Scott's a werewolf. What if she is something in between?”

        “That girl walked through 1.21 gigawatts of electricity. She's not like either of you.” I rolled my eyes but walk away when I get a text from Danny.


Party got canclled, nothing in town has power.


That sucks, I know you really wanted to have that party.


Well, maybe next year, so how's Stiles' cousin that guy you like Miguel


I never told you I liked Miguel


I giggled at the name, he never knew Derek's real name. I want them to meet and have Danny call Derek Miguel. I would die of laughter

I'm not blind and he had a thing for you too


What are you talking about?


The way he looked at you when you came over to him and the way you looked at him. God Em get his number and call him. I think he would be good for you


I'll get right on that.


You might not have to


Why do you say that?


I'm looking at him right now, he's at school and he asked me where you were.


He's here? Where did you tell him I was?


Yeah. I just talked to him and I told him where your locker was


Okay. I don't know why he would be here but if I'm missing. I'll probably be with him.


Enough said. Don't have to much fun ;)


Same for you. Talk to you later


        I walked over to my locker when I was grabbed and pulled into a stairwell. It was Aiden. I yanked back my arm.

        “Will you stop!” I snap.

        “I need to tell you something then I need your advice.”

        “Why would I help you?”

        “Because you're a nice person and I didn't let you get behind us when we ran out of the school.”                 

        “Well first of all I'm not nice. Second of all those aren't good reasons.” I start to walk by him when we grabs my wrist.

        “Please.” He asks.

         I let out a sigh. “Fine what do you want?”

         “I want to say I'm sorry Ethan and I both are for attacking you. And you're Lydia's friend right? How to I get her not to see me as the bad guy anymore?”

        “Aiden she saved someone last night she's a good person. But when she looks at she see's you as the person who helped kill her friend my friend. He's gone because of you. She won't forgive you that fast. You need to prove to her and everyone else. You deserve the title of a good guy.” He let's go of my wrist and I walk by him. Could he ever deserve that tittle?


        I went over to my locker and pulled it open when a note fell out. I picked it up it said.

        Meet me outside


        I smile well Danny was right. I walked outside and saw his car. I looked back at school.

        Math or hot werewolf boyfriend?

         Werewolf wins.

         I smiled and rushed out to his car he got out the first thing I notice is he's wearing a bright blue shirt. I've never seen him wear that color ever. But I must say he looks hot in it. I mean very hot.

         “Hey.” I say with a smile

        “Hey, you have any plans?” Derek asks. I cocked an eyebrow at him.


        "Do you wanna leave school?" I cock my head.

         This doesn't happen often he just asks me to ditch school.

        “Come on, I have something I wanna do with you.”

        “Okay.” He opened the car door for me and I put my back pack in the back.

         “So would you mind if I stopped at my house quick before we go anywhere?” I ask.

        “Yeah sure.” He replies.

        I seriously wanna know what his plan is.

        We get to my house. I go into my room quick and throw my messenger bag on my bed.

        I dig through my desk drawer. Derek stands in the doorway watching me his arms across his chest.

        I keep digging until I find what I was looking for. The necklace Kate gave me for my birthday. I never understood why I kept it. But I know one thing. I'm getting rid of it tonight. I shove it in my pocket. I then look for a flashlight in the same drawer then the one below it knowing I will probably need it with the black out from Kira.

        Derek comes next to me and moves the hair away from one side of my neck and places his hands on my hips. He then starts leaving long lingering kisses on my neck, then down to my now exposed shoulder.

         My eyes get wide.

        He does not usually do this.

        I'm trying to concentrate on looking for the flashlight, but I'm kind of losing my focus with him assaulting my neck. “ Uh, if I can't study for my Econ test because I can't find a flashlight I will make you watch the notebook.” He stops but turns me to face him his hands staying on my hips.

        "You hate those movies." He points out.

        "I can learn to love them, to torture you, I am friends with Lydia." I shot back.

         “Well there's something I wanna ask you and I wanted to get your attention.” He says with a smirk.

        “I can't wait to hear this.” I smile and cross my arms over my chest.

        I sit on the edge of my looking up at him.

        He looks down at first thinking then back up.

        “Do you wanna go out with me?” He asks.

        I give him a confused look then I give him a soft chuckle.

         “I thought we were going out.” I say still completely confused.

        “Well we are, but we've been dating for a while and I never actually asked you out because of all the chaos so I figured why not now?”

         “Good point.” I reply.

        “So?” He asks.

        “Yes.” I say with a smile. He smiles too.

        He comes and sits next to me on my bed.

        He cups my face and leans in to kiss me, his other hand resting on my thigh, I lean in and we meet in the middle. It's tender at first but then I deepen the kiss and wrap my arms around his neck kissing him passionately. I then lightly nudge him down on top of me and we keep kissing. We stop for a minute he hovers over me. I smile at him.

        I cup his face and my other hand trails up from the hem of his shirt up to his neck lightly. He intakes sharply then kisses me harder.

        He cups my face.

        I pull back and I lightly nip his neck.

         His hand laces with mine.

        His other hand brushes my shirt pushing it up some exposing my stomach then he pushes it up more when his hand touches my jagged scar on my rib cage from when Jennifer stabbed me, the night I almost died.

        His hand quickly moves and he pulls back and starts breathing heavily.

        I notice this and I pull back to.

        “What's wrong?” I rasp out.

        He does't say anything, his breathing still heavily.

        I cup his face. "Derek look at me."

        He finally looks up “Nothing.” He replies but I don't believe him. I take one hand and places it on his shoulder.

        "Derek, you're breathing really heavily."

        "I just had to catch my breath." He replies his breathing finally slowing down.

         “Derek you can tell me.”

         “I know but nothing's wrong.” He replies, I still don't believe him but he looks like he is trying to forget something.

        "Did I do something wrong?" I question.

        He shakes his head. "No, you did nothing wrong." 

        I slowly move my hands from him and he get off of me. "I better get my jacket." I mutter.

        He nods slowly.

        I grab my jacket.  

        “Come on let's go. I just asked you out so now we have to go on a date.” I give him a half hearted smile and he holds his hand out for me. I take it, but something still feels wrong.

        Why would he be so upset all of a sudden?


        We went out to the woods and walked around and talked. 

        I was watching him walk ahead of me, I bite my lip, smiling. "Hey what's that?" I question.

        "I don't see anything." Derek replies looking at the ground trying to see something, that's not there.

        I run up behind him and I jump on his back. He catches me and his hands grip my thighs to catch me and I wrap my arms around his neck.

"There was nothing there was there?" He questions.

        "Nope." I reply I make the 'p' pop.

        I kiss his cheek then his neck and once on his shoulder. "So how long do I have to carry you?" Derek questions.

        "Until I don't feel like being carried."

        "So, for awhile?" 

        "Yup. So what's the plan?" I question

        "I don't really have one, just figured it would be nice to be disconnected."

        "I couldn't agree more."


         This was perfect date for me, just being with Derek and being away from everything for just a few hours is perfect.

        I felt content for the first time in a really long time, our hands stayed intertwined.

         He still didn't tell me what was bothering him and I didn't push it, with Derek you can't push things all the time but there is one thing I did that I was glad Derek was with me for, I got rid of Kate's necklace. I found a small river out in the preserve. I looked down at the necklace clasped in my hand.

        "Goodbye Katherine Argent." I whisper.  I then threw it with all my might. It splashed then sunk to the bottom hopefully getting rid of that would finally end my nightmares.


        So as we were driving back it was already dark. I looked over at Derek and smiled warmly.

         He looks over at me smiling himself. “What are you smiling for?” He questions.

        “Because I'm with someone who cares about me enough to just do something simple but know that it means a lot to me. I can't thank you enough for that.”

        His eyes flicked back to the road but his hand found my hand he places a soft to kiss to my hand.

         We pulled up to the loft and got out. I walked over to his side of the car and I heard shuffling behind us, when we both turned around we came face to face with three little kids.

        “Trick or treat.” They said in unison.

        They gave Derek and I scared glances. I keep my face blank and slowly nod to Derek like I'm giving him permission to do something.

         Derek slowly reached into the car and pulled out candy. That I suggested we get because it was Halloween and if no kids came, I could just eat it myself.

         He handed it to the kids without saying anything and I think that was scaring the kids. He was a big guy and when they stay silent and look as creepy as Derek can make himself seem, they should have been mortified.

          They gave us fearful glances when we didn't say anything. Derek started to glow his cobalt eyes then his fangs and growled at the kids. They took off screaming.

        “Don't walk up to cars for candy kids!” I call after them.

        It was true vans and random cars should not be approached for candy.

        Derek smirked feeling proud he scared the crap out of them. I gave him a sarcastic scoff.

        "Proud of yourself?" I ask. He nods still smirking like a little kid.

          I grabbed a fist full of his shirt and pulled him in for a kiss. He kissed me back, my back pressing against the car his hands on either side of my head.

        He pulled back again, but before he turned around he muttered something to me. “Grab your knife.”

        We heard snarling. He stood in front of me while I pulled out my dagger.

        These things materialized out of the shadows and had eyes like a firefly. Just like Isaac said.

         They attacked us we fought back but they pinned us back putting their hands behind our ears. We stared into their eyes then felt a slight burn then dropped to the ground, then my whole body turned to ice and I blacked out. 

         I felt Derek shaking me. I woke up I was freezing cold my body shaking.

        “Em? Are you okay?” He helped me up.

        I nod slowly, but I don't know if I am, what the hell were those things.

        I touched his skin and he feels hypathermic.

        "Are you okay?" I question.

         He wrapped his jacket around me, I put my arms inside of it and zip it up.

          “I'm fine.” He replies.

        "You're freezing." I state.

        "I'm okay." He replies.

         I feel behind my head where they touched me and I felt something. I touch his arm and his skin still feels cold.

         “What were those things?” I asks.

        “I don't know.”

        “What's behind my ear? I feel something there.” I ask. He looks behind it.

        “A backwards 5. What about me?” I look behind his ear and see the black backwards 5 we were both marked and attacked by those things that went after Isaac. I don't think they're after my dad.

        "Do you know what it means?" I ask. He shakes his head no. "We better get inside." 

        He grabs my hand and we walk inside. 

        We walked up to the loft and I heard blaring music. My jaw nearly hit the floor when I saw drunk some half clothed painted teenagers dancing around in black light. Oh my God Danny what did you do? I thought the party was canceled.

        Derek stands next to me and he is pissed as hell, oh this is not gonna end well.

                 I turn my phone on and see a text from Danny telling me that the party is back on and where it is. That's the last time I forget to check my messages.

        Derek looks livid.

        He pulls me through the room, he marches over to where the DJ is I follow him but I feel a hand grab me, pulling me away from Derek.

         I turn around and see Allison in her bra painted. “I need to talk to you.” She says over the music. “Not now. You're probably busy with Isaac anyway.” I snap and I yank my arm back and catch up to Derek he walks over to the DJ.

        I try to walk by his bouncer but the guard shoves me back.

        “Sorry princess, but The Bloody Beetroots doesn't take requests.” He spats.

        I roll my eyes, I'm not in the mood princess but I try to walk by him again.

        This time he shoves me back harder and I fall to the ground.

        That's when Derek snaps.

         Derek grabs the guys arm and twists it back. “Didn't anybody tell you not to put your hands on girls.” He growls through clenched teeth.

         He grabs the guy and throws him. Derek walks over to the DJ and flips over the stereo system which causes everyone to look at us oddly.

        He now owns that guy a new turntable great. 

         “GET OUT!” Derek bellows in a Alpha sounding voice.

        “Dam dude!” Some kid yells but everyone runs out really fast.  I look back at Derek.

        “Remind me not to piss you off.” I say.

                Derek sends a glance to the DJ who runs away from Derek.

        We hear the snarling.

        The things that attacked Derek and I appear they're all looking at Aiden.

        “Guys, they're all looking at me. They step forward.

        “Why are they all looking at me?” Aiden question sounding a little nervous.

        “Guys?” Scott rushed forward as did Derek and I. I ran to attack one my knife ring in between my middle finger keeping the blade pointing out of my clenched fist.

         I swung at one and it dodged it easily. One kicked me back to the ground.

        Derek got up and snapped ones neck. He turned away from it but it's neck went right back into place like it never happened.

        “Derek look out!” I call he turned his head but it was too late.

        He got throw into a pillar.

        I ran at it swinging my fist then leg but got throw into a pillar. The same thing happened to Scott. Isaac came out from no where and grew his claws. The ninja pulled a sword out of it's chest. It swung it around like Jackie Chan. Isaac backed away. My hero Lahey.

         Two of the ninjas held Aiden's arms back while the other cupped his head and glowed it's eyes burning the five onto Aiden. He dropped to the ground then they turned to Scott. He shifted just his eyes and teeth ready to fight. He looked at Kira who looked shocked.

        The sun rose before they could get to Scott. They vanished into thin air. Derek gets up and helps me up.

        While Ethan gets up and goes over to his brother.

        “What the hell were those things?” Scott asks. Isaac looked at Allison and I.

        “Your dad's 24 hours are up.” I tried to call my dad but he didn't answer. I looked around. Where's Stiles? I got a nervous feeling Stiles was gone and my dad wasn't answering did those things get to him?

       Yeah loved this chapter

What do you think was bugging Derek?

My favorite sceance in 3b was when Derek scared the crap out of the little kids

So they had a date and I thought that it needed to happen, cause they never actually had one when they first started going out because of the Alpha. Dam you Peter Hale Lol

So I wanted it to be light and fun before all the craziness happens. It's always calm before the storm right?

Hoped you loved it :)

I will be posting a chapter or two to The Hale Sister so keep a look out for it.

Love ya 

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