Elements: Rise of The Destruc...

By Mklng13

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High school. Pretty normal. Homework, classes, some class smarty pants, class clowns and even a skateboarding... More

Author's Note
Same Old, Same Old (Chapter 1)
Plot Twist (Chapter 2)
...Sensei? (Chapter 3)
Targets Identified (Chapter 4)
Magic 101 (Chapter 5)
Coach that burns! (Chapter 6)
Scars Don't Heal (Chapter 7)
Bandages can't stop the pain (Chapter 8)
Behind that smile (Chapter 9)
Love and Care the Orphanage (Chapter 10)
Separated at 4 (Chapter 11)
Orphan and adopted (Chapter 12)
Twins of Fire and Water (Chapter 13)
Super Strength (Chapter 14)
Just a replacement to you?(Chapter 15)
A Hole In My Life (Chapter 16)
Forced Passions (Chapter 17)
Family Scars (Chapter 18)
Teddy Bear (Chapter 19)
Mom? Dad? (Chapter 20)
Skates and Boards (Chapter 21)
Ice and Lightning (Chapter 22)
Not The Orphanage (Chapter 23)
First Battle (Chapter 24)
Staff of Misery (Chapter 25)
Orb of Portals (Chapter 26)
Relic of Reverse (Chapter 27)
As If I Haven't Already Raised Enough Kids (Chapter 28)
Something's Missing, but what? (Chapter 29)
Remember The Good 'Ol Days? (Chapter 30)
What's The Plan? (Chapter 31)
Meeting of Elements and Masters (Chapter 32)
Plans of Both Sides (Chapter 33)
We Trust, You Lie (Chapter 35)
Sibling VS Sibling (Chapter 36)

Amy VS Captains and Generals (Chapter 34)

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By Mklng13

Vada repeats the spell over and over again, the glow getting brighter and brighter.

Ku gasps, his grasp on his staff tightens. He starts to glow in multiple colors.

"Break me free!" Vada tells the Relics.

"Do not let her out!" Ku stands his ground, letting go of Amy.

The glow brightens at each sibling. Sweat already pouring from both their foreheads, but both determined to accomplish their goals.

Ku let me out of here!

I can not do it Vada.

You can hear me Ku?!

Duh, that is why I replied to you genius.

Oh, don't be so cocky. You literally have such a strong sense of responsibility.

I do, which is why you are not getting out.

Uh huh, and why is this affecting you?

Because I put you there. Of course it is going to affect me, have you NOT gone to Spells 101?

Ugh, I have! You're so annoying!

You are annoying!

Oh just shut up and let me go.

No can do Vada.

Well...what if I told you a little something about the Elemental Masters?

What did you to them?!

Nothing. The Elemental Master of Darkness is with them right now.



Vada what are you planning?

For you to let me go.

I will not al-

-then I guess I can tell her to hurt them? Revel who she is?

Oh you are a sly, cunning snake Vada.

Hah, I'm honored Ku. I know that this'll hurt them more when they find out who she is.

Is she Sasha?

Why would I tell you? It'll ruin the fun! Besides, I need you and Amy to stay there. Them and the lifeless creatures that the Magic Council got ya. Copycat.

I had to keep up with you somehow.

You don't even need to. You've already got this in the bag? Yeah, you do.

Then why are you still doing this Vada?

Because I love our parents and I want to avenge them no matter what.

You do not even know who the mage that killed our parents is!

I know but it won't stop me. Once I'm free it'll be easier to accomplish.

Honestly Vada...

Honestly what? That I care more than you do? You're a scaredy-cat.

Pfft what are you? Five?

Well, you are for sure.

Look at us having a normal conversation as siblings even though we are doing this.

I know right? Being evil has its perks.

What possible perks do you have?

That I can overpower you and I won't care of what happens, so I'm not waiting for you.

Vada what are y-

Ku feels himself taking a knee. He breathes heavily, a hand to his chest, clutching his cloak.

Feel that? It's me showing you no mercy.

Sweat pours down Ku's face as Amy tries to help him.

"Sensei! Sensei what's happening to you?!" Amy panics, looking at him as he looks as if he's in so much pain.

Bad memories are fun right Ku? Haha, I'm using your greatest strength against you.

"Sensei!" Amy touches his shoulder. Ku immediately holds onto Amy's hand.

"Amy...I cannot stop seeing them...I cannot stop seeing my bad memories...Amy it is terrible!" Ku's eyes widen, fear clear on his face.

"Sensei hang in there! We all are still here! C'mon you're the strongest of all of us! You can't fall now!" Amy urges Ku.

Your weakness Ku...

"I can not..." Ku breathes heavily.

Is that you care too much. You can't stand losing your loved ones.

I'm glad I'm able to this you know. It's a lot easier.

Ku starts to tear up, his eyes becoming full of tears.

Now Ku...

"Sensei I'm right here, please don't let yourself be drowned by this..!" Amy starts to tear up herself.


Let me out and fall.

Ku stops glowing and the three Relics break, becoming useless. Ku closes his eyes and Amy holds him.

A bright light shines in front of Amy and Ku. Out comes four magic attacks. Amy quickly moves in front of Ku and holds up her hand, a green shield protects them both.

"Thank you Amy," Ku rises behind her. Amy glances over at him, not surprised.

"Jeez, what a dramatic way to get up from a mental attack," Amy chuckles.

"I am sorry about that, I must go. Can you handle the four of them?" Ku asks, preparing his staff.

Amy sighs, keeping the shield up. "I mean I guess I could Sensei but like why? You've never done something like this before..." Amy glances over her shoulder.

"I know and I am sorry, please?" Ku asks, standing at her side.

"Honestly. Fine. I'll cover you," Amy stands up, keeping the shield.

"Thank you Amy," Ku gets into a running stance.

"Yeah yeah, just come back in one piece," Amy lowers the shield. Her wings come out behind and she quickly flies up to distract the Captains and Generals.

"That cocky fairy," Emily growls as she shoots Dark Matter at Amy. The fairy dodges it whole sending a shower of bowling balls over them.

"The Sensei!" Emma starts to run after him. Ku turns around when Amy grabs the Captain by her cloak and throws her towards her comrades.

Smiling, Ku gives her a thumbs up then runs faster.

"Oh, you're gonna pay," Becky cracks her neck and runs straight at Amy, fists black.

"I didn't even hit you guys! Honestly," Amy ducks, avoiding the first punch. She then jumps up to avoid the second one.

Amy jumps back and summons a bat. "Batter up!" A softball drops in front of Amy and Emma shoots it away.

Amy hits the one falling, a second ball straight towards Emma, who didn't expect a second ball.

"Got it," Beth catches the ball in her palm before it hits Emma.

Amy didn't waste any time and went to strike while they were distracted, only to be met by the Generals.

"Honestly four to one is so unfair," Amy grumbles as she body slams into both of their armors.

Grimacing at the hard metal, Amy knocks the two of them into the ground. The quickly jump back up as the Captains jumps from behind them and straight towards Amy.

Amy grabs their hands and they grab her shoulders. The Captains throw her, then Amy flips in the air and comes back towards them.

The fairy twists to avoid their magic attacks and flies close to the ground. She summons a bowling ball that gets larger. She flies up and throws fencing swords down at them.

"They aren't too sharp but they'll distract," Amy watches them block the swords when the bowling ball rolls over. They obliterate the bowling ball and swords.

Through the smoke, Amy dives in from above. So risky...Amy thinks to herself as her hands release multiple softballs that are sure to land a concussion on whoever they hit.

Amy feels a presence behind her and she immediately makes her wings disappear. Then realizes it was a trick. Four different Dark Matter attacks come towards Amy.

Amy starts to put up a shield when she feels something just barely stab her. Her attention loses focus and the four attacks hit her. She lands on the grass, a little bit of blood trickling from her side.

The fairy gets up quickly, only to feel weaker. Shit. Dark Matter is no joke. That stuff really will consume you...Amy winces as her body becomes a solid back where the Dark Matter hit her.

"Finally I thought we'd never hit her," Emily grins evilly.

"Four against one, completely in our favor," Becky says matter-of-factly. "Dark Matter affects fairies more no?"

"Cockiness never gets you anywhere," Emma shakes her head at Amy. "You can't avoid its effects."

"Now die," Beth shoots another wave of Dark Matter towards Amy.

The red head smirks, she steps aside and the wave completely misses her. "You guys need to recap on Dark Matter magic," Amy grins.

"Are you NOT a fairy?!" Emma stares at Amy in shock.

"It's never safe to assume...fuck," Becky steps back, her hands ready.

"Are you kidding me?! You guys were supposed to make sure!" Emily groans.

"Yeah! What's the point in you two being smart?" Beth rolls her eyes.

"Heh, still hurts..." Amy clutches her side, where the Dark Matter flooded in. She let them talk, using it to recover a bit.

"It still hurts her just overwhelm," Becky and Emma say at the same time.

"Roger roger," Beth and Emily laugh as they point their hands towards Amy.

With all of them aiming at her, Amy flies up only to see two attacks coming towards her. She dodges them by putting up a shield.

Amy looks down to see two more coming up at her from below. She uses her feet to create another shield below her.

"Oh! She can do that? I didn't think she could!" Beth gasps.

"That's intense! Makes me wanna beat her even more," Emily sends more power into the attacks.

"I need a one on one otherwise I'll burn out," Amy tells herself. She flies in another direction and dodges the attacks coming from behind. Amy focuses on the forest ahead that has four different paths.

Dark Matter comes at her from behind and Amy twists to her left to avoid it touching her wings, but it goes into her open wound. Amy's wings disappear.

"Crap!" Amy falls onto the ground, she recovers quickly and starts to run. She turns on her heels and faces the four of them, holding a battle stance.

They come closer and Amy starts to pitch. She slows down the Captains. She then starts to bat. Keeping them distracted with her batting, the come face to face with Amy and she punches both Generals' stomachs. They stagger backwards.

Amy's eyes glow green, she holds her side and bites her lip in pain. Even if it wasn't the full effect, it still hurt.

She takes a huge breath and runs towards the four of them.

"She's insane. Tell me she isn't insane," Beth looks at her follow friends.

"She's insane. Running towards us is suicide!" Emily looks shocked.

"Well then let's fulfill her wish," Becky's hands glow black.

"She is asking for it after all," Emma agrees, her hands glowing as well.

Amy lets go of her side, instead she has two fencing swords and hard balls following her behind her back.

With a smirk, Amy's wings come back and she flies over them as soon as they start to fire. The swords fall from her hands and the balls hit their heads.

Landing gracefully, Amy breathes heavily. She turns around and sees them taken a back. She sighs in relief and the runs towards them again.

"Being the Sports Fairy is not just about sports."

"Make it more. You can. Think about the strengths you have. You have an advantage."

"Utilize that advantage. The advantage of playing the game. The advantage of knowing."

Ku's words echo through Amy's head as she attempts to guess what they'll do. She runs up to them and thrusts her hands forwards, multiple different kinds of balls come and attack them from all angles.

Amy lets the balls continue and then backs off, preparing for a counter attack. Sure enough, Dark Matter slices through all of them.

"Daraknus Fatalis," Becky shoots at Amy with her hands.

"Daraknus Supartas," Emma shoots along with Becky.

"Daraknus Targithus," Emily enchants the spell. "Amy."

"Daraknus Sufurious," Beth adds another enchantment to the spell.

Why can't villains just be stupid?! Amy thinks in annoyance as her wings come back again and she flies off, high into the sky.

Fatal Dark Matter that's supported along with enchantments for specific target and suffering...nice, Amy thinks sarcastically.

She flies to the forest, pushing her wings to a high speed. Amy dives and twists and turns but the Dark Matter refuses to leave her.

"Curse you," Amy spat out in annoyance as she dives into the cover of the forest. "Spotsrius Wionrus," Amy casts a spell at the Dark Matter and it spins into the trees, turning the leaves black.


Amy checks the two different path that the trail leads to. They each reach a single place in the end.

Weaken them one by one and then finish them off in the end.

Amy thinks as she goes to the path that the Captains are starting to take.

What am I? A Demon? Wait, I'm stupid. Honestly Amy, get a hold of yourself.

Amy shakes her head, effectively getting scratches from the tree branches. Mumbling in annoyance, Amy smacks the branches away.

She finds a spot with enough space to set up a trap. She climbs a tree and aims her hand to the tree across from her. "Spotsrius bowlarum float."

I'm not a Ghoul either...Amy are you serious right now? Stop thinking so much!

Instantly, bowling balls line themselves up magically across the length of where Amy is and where the other tree is, covering the entire pathway.

"Bowlarum knockout," Amy enchants the bowling balls. "Not trying to kill anyone here...so just knock them out. That'll work for sure, I'm not a murderer."

Being done with that, Amy moves on a little further ahead.

If that doesn't work, I'll set up another one right here. They'll be on their guard after that so I can't just do it right after.

The red head finds a tree with a small hole. Grinning, Amy dashes over to it and puts her hand over it.

I can't believe it! This is perfect for getting creative!

"Spotsrius archarrows," Amy casts a spell and the small hole turns a green that blends into the forest greenery. "Archarrows sleep."

Still don't wanna kill them. Sleeping arrows will do...I've gotta show Ava how to make some, they're pretty handy.

If you make it out alive.

Amy shakes her head vigorously. I will. Even though this hurts like hell...

The fairy looks down at her side wound and sighs, her body around it is turning black.

Blood continues to ooze around her side. Amy starts to move again, clutching her side to avoid fatal bleeding. Her eyes start to glow green but then stop.

She reaches another location, a few more minutes away. My eyes aren't glowing when I want them too...I'm really being affected more than I thought.

An idea pops into her head and she gasps. Amy! How could you even think that?! My gosh...I hate it too so why am I thinking of this anyway?

Shaking her head again, Amy glances around the area and sees multiple cracks in the ground beneath her.

I could have swords come up from the ground at random...Nah, maybe a wide array of sport balls bombarding them? Lame. I've done that multiple times already...and I don't have much time.

Rubbing her head with her free hand, Amy thinks. Nothing much came to mind given that sports involved only so much. Amy decides to do a mixture a both, the swords only making them sleep and the balls only knocking them unconscious. The entire ground glows green from the cracks when Amy puts her hands on the ground and casts the spell.


Amy decides to stay and watch from the trees what happens to the Captains. All for some satisfaction that the traps all worked.

It's not violent. I'm just making sure it weakens them...that's all there is to it. That's all there is...

The sound of footsteps makes Amy climb further up the tree she is in. She peers down and sure enough the Captains are walking along with their dark cloaks on them.

They reach the first trap, the bowling balls falling from the trees. They looks up at the last moment and see the bowling balls. Their hands shoot up and a shield covers them.

The shield is thicker than the shields they used before and Amy celebrates in her head. The thicker the shield, the more energy used to make it and maintain it.

More than silently celebrating, Amy laughs quietly. She couldn't help but think it was a beginners' move to have a thick shield from the start.

It's smarter to start with a thin shield that gradually gets thicker to lose less energy. But hey, I'm not complaining! I'm glad they made such a rookie mistake but then again everyone has something different going on...

For all I know there might be a reason they always go with a thicker shield...PTSD? I don't know...

Amy then moves on to the next trap, feeling a bit guilty and sure enough, the two Captains follow the path along, more alert.

They're expecting something, but they don't know what...that's good, really good for me.

"Is that Amy a Ghoul or something? Setting a trap or traps? Honestly," Beth rolls her eyes.

"I'm going say it's a smart move. Not nearly as smart as the idea to use a thick shield for some bowling balls," Emma says the last sentence dripping with sarcasm.

"Oh like you were any better. You thought she was gonna kill us. Vada told you that fairy doesn't have the guts to kill, so that's our advantage," Beth replies, her first sentence dripping with sarcasm and then a matter of fact tone.

In the middle of their arguing, the arrows come out of the hole and they, again, put up thick shields. Draining their energy again.

Same mistake twice, definitely not a smart thing to do...that's gonna cost them big time...Amy thinks to herself.

They all move on to the third trap and Amy bites her lip as they near the cracked ground. The two of them reach it and swords and balls start to erupt from the ground.

The Captains yell all sorts of curses as they waste their energy on the ground. Knowing her intent was complemented, Amy sighs in relief.


The fairy then turns on her heel and starts to run towards the other path, her eyes glowing momentarily then stop, decreasing her speed.

Limited magic energy left...until I get knocked out...c'mon I gotta hurry.

Amy reaches into her pocket and finds a first aid kit. What? How'd that get in my pocket and I didn't even know?

Ignoring it and being thankful, Amy takes out the bandage and wraps it around her waist. She puts the first aid kit away and starts to run again, not using magic so her eyes don't glow.

Amy is still pretty fast and reaches where the Generals are. Sighing in relief, Amy hides in the greenery. She mentally thanks herself for wearing green this morning.

She narrows her eyes at the Generals as they walk along the path. Okay so I've gotta stay hidden of course. I guess I'll just by annoying hehe.

Finally feeling a little more positive, Amy's hands start to glow green.

"Spotsrius everything," Amy whispers lightly. All sorts of sports equipment starts to bombard the Generals. "Everything knock out." Still don't wanna kill.

The Generals start to swat at the equipment being thrown at them, looks of annoyance on their face, well their actions make it seem like they're annoyed. By swatting, they are using Dark Matter to block the equipment.

Ah thank goodness it's working, Amy sighs in relief. She continues to do it for a few more minutes then makes them run.

The equipment chases after them, all the while Amy laughing and trying to hold it in.

I need to do something else or they'll find me...what else can I do?

Amy continues with the annoyance as she tries to come up with an idea to weaken them even more.

Would they also use thick shields when faced with surprise traps? Well, they aren't really doing that now but they kinda are wasting magic energy this way. Good thing it's just energy that you can get back after resting.

Amy's brain goes 'ping' as an idea comes into mind. She finds herself quietly laughing evilly.

"You fucking kidding me?!" Emily screams at the equipment.

"Stop being such a damn idiot! Don't just complain, do something about it!" Becky yells at Emily with so much annoyance that even Amy stopped laughing from the greenery.

Damn tempers are short with villains all the time. I have met some that are patient and they're scarier than the ones who can't wait...like Vada, she's scary.

Amy then finds herself thinking about how someone like Vada could be related to Ku. A kind older brother and a deceiving little sister, didn't make sense to Amy at all.

Realizing she was losing her train of thought, Amy shakes her head again. Then, reaching her hands out, her hands glow green.

"Spotsrius rivarias," Amy whispers quietly and the green from her hands goes in front of the Generals, who's backs are turned.

The equipment stops drowning them, they sigh in relief and then turn around. The green mist then becomes two different people in sports uniform with uniform that changes along with the sport being played.

I love using this when I need to practice, now this'll be interesting to watch and keep them busy enough to weaken them. I should set more traps too...after watching for a bit.

Amy decides to crouch down in the bushes and looks through the gaps in the bush. The sport rivals pick the sport soccer. They start to kick soccer balls at them and try to get past them.

The amount of confusion in their actions makes Amy crack up, except more quietly.

They're wearing armor so it's a little harder to break through. I'm not aiming for that...I'm aiming for them getting weaker...

The rivals then start to play basketball, becoming physical, pushing and shoving the Generals. They start to push and shove back but their hands going right through the mist.

Amy finds herself grinning and holding back even more laughter.

I'm terrible! I'm so mean! Time to set traps I guess..

Amy slips past them silently, the rivals now switching to field hockey. The actions of the Generals looking more and more annoyed.

What else can I do..?

The fairy looks around, wondering what else she could do. There's time for one, maybe two, traps.

She settles on being a nuisance and enchants the trees to have a finishing line ribbon that's invisible. Except, they'll be caught up in the ribbon and have to find a way out of that as well.

Amy nods her head in satisfaction as she the green glow fades and blends into the background.

There is still time for another trap so Amy moves on. Her side hurts again and she looks down to see even more of her becoming a solid black and the bandage turning black.

I appreciate the thought but the Nobits' normal bandages won't stop Dark Matter. Crap, that means I've gotta act quicker.

The next trap Amy sets involves the vegetation around the circle the path makes then goes back into a somewhat straight line.

It involves wrestling rivals coming out from all directions, forcing the Generals to wrestle against however many Amy could muster.

It'll weaken them, I know they'll come out either way but as long as they're weakened.

Curious, Amy goes to see how they are putting up the first trap. She finds them angrily running straight into the ribbon. Laughing quietly, the Generals struggle with the ribbon, wasting more magic energy as Amy hoped.

The fairy goes, moving on to the next trap. The thing is, the other path is a bit longer so the Captains will be on guard and put up shields or whatever at the slightest thing...

Her wound sends cold pain through her body and Amy winces. I can't use my wings if I want to finish to them off before passing out. Conserve Amy.

Sure enough, the Generals are making their way over. They become bombarded by the wrestlers and Amy lets out a laugh as they curse loudly.

Breathing heavily, from both the pain and funny sights, Amy makes her way to the place that the two paths meet up.

I've weakened them. Now I just gotta finish them off, like knock them out kind of thing.

Amy sets one more, 'throw everything at them' trap in order to insure more energy wasting. I'm weaker as well, I've got to be fast with this.

Amy stand in the center of the path that led to another open field, she faces the two paths, anxiously waiting.


Sure enough, a few minutes later, the Captains and Generals show up. They dominate the trap, effectively wasting more energy.

"You BITCH! You're the one who did all that!" Emily yells, pointing a finger at Amy. She starts to run towards the fairy.

Amy narrows her eyes, her eyes flickering with the green glow. She ducks down as the punch comes from above. Amy then punches Emily's stomach from below, throwing her behind her.

"You're too cocky for your good!" Becky spits at Amy. The spit, full of Dark Matter, reaches Amy's cuts on her face.

Becky comes running towards her, throwing a punch to the side that's injured, Amy moves out of the way and shoves Becky towards Emily, making them both fall backwards.

Amy gasps and coughs out blood, her left cheek becoming black. Taking the opportunity, Emma starts to attack Amy.

Emma comes in, fists blaring, except when Amy blocks her fists, Emma kicks Amy's injured side, causing her to fall back.

Amy staggers back only to be met by Beth's nails digging into her shoulders. Only to realize that they turned the area black, increasing the amount of Dark Matter in Amy.

Little did Beth except, Amy ties her leg around Beth's then kicks it forward, knocking her into Emma.

Breathing heavily, Amy coughs up more blood and then wipes the blood off of her lips. At this rate I'll...

"DIE!" Emily comes at her again, this time her armor all black.

Amy avoids Emily's attempts to grab her. Only to have to deal with the other three of them as well, all of them attacking Amy at the same time.

Overwhelming Amy, they manage to land a few hits but Amy bounces right back. She lands her own punches and trips them from time to time.

The lack of magic being used shows that both sides have be weakened. Although the Captains and Generals have the upper hand due to this being a four to one battle.

Becoming annoyed and ultimately feeling as if she was really going to lose, Amy starts to lose confidence.

At this rate I'll...no. Amy this is how you are? How did you expect to face Vada?! Get a hold of yourself and fight! You are no quitter.

Letting herself be consumed by thoughts and letting her gut do its thing, Amy finds herself putting up more of a fight.

"You just do not know when to just die do you?" Becky asks in a calm tone as she tries to spit on Amy again to let more Dark Matter get into her bloodstream.

"Can't...die...don't...have...the...LUXERY...to...DIE!" Amy answers, her words getting cut due to fighting.

"Uh huh, we don't give a shit if you have the luxury or whatever. You just need to die," Beth tries again to sink her nails into Amy.

"You! Need...to...CUT...your...NAILS!" Amy replies while fighting again.

"Excuse you. You need to stop being so pathetic and cocky is what," Emma tries to trip Amy but ends up kicking Becky in the shins.

"You IDIOT!" Becky yells.

"Not my fault!" Emma's movements become a little faster.

"Why is it so HARD for you to just GIVE UP?! It makes no sense to me at all!" Emily shouts as she tries to get her armor to touch Amy's open wounds.

"You...want...some...cheesy...answer?!" Amy answers with a question, swear pouring down her forehead as blood pools out off her wound and where the Dark Matter entered.

"Well you are a hero so it makes sense for you pull some stupid shit like 'friendship is giving me the power' or something," Beth shares her opinion.

"That...only...happens...in...books!" Amy grabs two fists. They pull back and Amy lets them go only to just barely survive the two of them.

My focus is so everywhere...ugh be more useful to at least yourself Amy!

"Curse you and your stupid traps!" Becky yells in annoyance, her frustration growing as Amy slowly gained more and more momentum while they were losing momentum.

"Yeah! You are so annoying! No wonder we wanna to kill you!" Emma shares the same pain. More worried about Amy gaining momentum than anything else.

"Why are you getting more stronger?!?!" Emily screams, her anger overlooking everything else that could possibly be important.

"It doesn't matter guys! The Dark Matter will take care of it! And she's all alone!" Beth assured her teammates and discourages Amy at the same time.

An athlete knows to save energy for the final push.

Amy starts to grab more punches and stop more kicks.

And that is why I'm slowly gaining more energy.

Slowly, Amy starts to land some of her own punches instead of playing just defense. The Captains and Generals losing energy.

As for the Dark Matter...well, sometimes willpower can to a long way.

Amy feels the pain from the Dark Matter grow stronger but she chooses to think about the pain others have gone through and how this was nothing compared to it.

The sunlight becomes brighter, landing on Amy, making the pain somewhat tolerable.

I won't dwell on anything for too long. I need to be swift. This pain amounts to nothing compared to everyone else's pain.

In a short power rush, Amy grabs Emily's armor, hands turning black, and throws her into Becky, who's last spit reaches another cut.

The impact knocks both of them out.

Emma grabs Amy by her shirt and Amy then kicks Emma's legs from underneath and then knocks the back of her neck, knocking her out.

Beth scratches Amy as she does so. Amy turns around and holds Beth's hands. Amy pulls her then kicks her stomach. Then takes her arm and pulls it behind her. Amy hits the same spot as she did on Emma and knocks out Beth.

Amy breathes heavily, holding her side and shoulders and then her face sometimes. She pushes the small button on her ear communicator. Then makes her way out of the center.

"Amy...Burns...reporting that...Captains and Generals...have...been...knocked out...at location...same as Order...other side...of forest...Dark Matter...too much.." Amy's eyes closes, her body goes limp as she falls onto the ground, solid black in most places.

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