Her; Serendipity 承

By CorruptedLoveing

314 28 2

If you could go back in time and "fix" your mistakes would you? Would you risk loosing everything you know ju... More

Character Update


5 0 0
By CorruptedLoveing


37,112 words as of chapter Twenty four

"Hyungs....what are we doing?" While Namjoon and I were crouched on the floor watching Taehyung and Jungkook sleep on the couch together, Yoongi and Jimin had appeared behind us in the hallway. I motioned for them to get down to our level and the obliged quickly. 

"Jin and I were in the kitchen uhm..." Namjoon started with a red face.

"We were hugging while I was making breakfast and those two idiots walked in on us. And they took a picture, so to get back at them, we'll also be taking pictures. Care to join?" Jimin made the darkest smirk I ever thought he could make. Yoongi had about the same face as him except he usually looks like that anyways. I was taken aback for a few moments before realizing that they are the kings of all schemes. The two nodded closely and we all leaned our heads together.

That was how Namjoon and I conspired and schemed plans with the devil....


"Do you think that someday when this is all over, we can all live here Cat?" The two future queens stood hugging each other on their terrace, the sound of supernatural construction in the back ground. The courtyard and smaller neighboring houses were all being built as they were talking. The province of Eherus was finally being colonized after a few thousand years, immortals from all walks of life were coming to live on the small planet. The taller of the two women turned to her lover and pecked her lips.

"Of course. I'm sure we can find a way to have them all come here. So don't worry about him, yeah?"

"You know I can't not worry about him. You know what he is to me" She sighed at walked forward to the rail, her long ginger hair flowing behind her. Cathex followed her, hugging her from behind and putting her head on Tuwa's shoulder. Their adviser, a magi cleared his throat from behind them, making his presence known. The two monarchs turned at the sound.

"I humbly apologize for interrupting you, your majesties..." He bowed his deepest to them and returned to his previous posture.

"It is quite alright, what can we do for you Eric?" The black haired woman stepped forward into their chambers with her wife beside her, questioning Eric. He smiled and blushed a little at the beautiful women.

"The commander has returned from his exploration of the other side. He would like to report his findings." Eric opened the door to reveal a tall man with piercing blue eyes, his shoulder-length black hair pulled up into a high pony tail. (He was quite the handsome man if I do say so myself) Both Queens' eyes lit up as they saw him step in and bow. He was like a son to them, so much so that they even let him call them both mom. His name was Blue and he was the people's prince and the Queens' light. 


I startled awake from my dream and rubbed my eyes. I was somehow sleeping on the couch and I was alone. I assumed that everyone else had either gone home or to their rooms. I had begun to sit up when I heard loud noises coming from one of the rooms. Immediately afraid, I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a frying pan to protect myself from the ghosts. Slowly, I creeped down the narrowish hallway with my back flush against the wall and the frying pan close to my heart. The sounds got louder and it sounded like someone was being hurt. I held my ground in case it was a trap set by burglars or demons or something. I held my breath to listen....

"Yoongii~~" My face quickly turned into a frown as I heard the voice. I stomped back to the kitchen and threw the pan into the cupboard with unnecessary force. When I heard the voice again I got even more irritated now that I knew it was Jimin's voice coming from Yoongi's bedroom.... (I laughed writing this whole part)

There was no way that I would be able to sleep when the two of them were being so loud...I glanced at the clock on the microwave.

3:13 a.m.

"Oh you've got to be shitting me" I said out loud to the empty living room angrily. Throwing myself onto the couch and wrapping myself in a blanket, I tried to fall asleep again.

"Jimin! K-Keep..." I groaned and held a pillow over my head.

It brought me peace and quiet, I felt serene and calm, like everything was right with the world....

Until I removed that pillow and could hear the two of them and Yoongi's headboard slamming the wall. 

"Guess I'll have to have Jungkook help me fix his bed after this..." I sighed to myself and turned on the lights in the living room, while trying to shield my eyes from the brightness. I walked into the kitchen and got my laptop from the counter, then sat at the dining table. I pulled up my email and our private investigator website (yes we have a website) and I looked through case files to see if we had any new ones to start. As I was looking, a new email popped up, from Namjoon. My eyes slowly scanned over it and read it,

Hey, its just me, I just got a new case request from some guy, you should take a look at this...

*pdf attachment*

I clicked on the link and was brought to a regular case file accept something was off about it...everything was all jumbled together into symbols and numbers. The only clear thing was one line of very eerie text.

I know who you really are Kim Seok-Jin.

My eyes widened in surprise at how simple the statement was and how much meaning it held.

He knows who I really am? What does that even mean? The only thing I'm hiding is the resurrection thing, but that wasn't me who actually did it. It was Cathex. So what does he mean? Have I forgotten an important event like the others or is he just fucking with me? I'm just as in the dark as Namjoon is so its okay to talk to him right? So the guy is either just fucking with me or something is going to happen, something horrible...

My mind was racing to multiple places at once, and my breathing was starting to get ragged, and when my breath finally escaped me I clutched my chest while falling out of my chair. I landed on my knees and then fell onto the carpeted floor, the light escaping me. As well as sound....


Welp that was a banger

Oh my god I'm never saying that again xD



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