In Love With My Ex Bully

By NoGruviaNoLife

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A story mainly between Mondo Oowada and Chihiro Fujisaki. Pre despair and despair AU Disclaimer : I do not ow... More

New School,New Life
The Day We Meet Again
New Friends
History Kept Shut
First Day of School
A Glimpse Of The Past
Paired Up
I'll Try
Third Member of The Team
Operation Summer Vacation
He Saved Me
He Wasn't That Bad
The First Time You Took Care of Me
Chishimondo Is Our Name
Treasure Hunting
Change of Plans
I'll Train With You
First Day of Training
Planning A Strategy
To Be Your Man
Starry Night
New Couple
First Date On A White Christmas
Junko Is Back
He's Finally Mine
Torturing The Couple
Forgive Me
The Secret Project
Happy Birthday
Secret Mission
Best Boy-Friend
All My Fault
Class Meeting
Say Goodbye To Ryoko
High Alert
Mondo's Birthday
Last Day of Hope
Trapped Inside
Getting Out
Future Foundation
The Togami Safehouse
Finding The Hostages
What Happened
Meeting Izuru
Falling Into A Trap
The New Masterminds
Snap Out Of It!
A Spark of Hope
A Little Persuading
Back To Normal
Epilogue - We Made It Afterall

Just In Time

450 18 19
By NoGruviaNoLife

Chihiro's POV

It was 7 AM. Monokuma's voice woke me up. I then got ready for the day. After i was done,i went to the cafetaria. We all agreed to have breakfast,lunch,and dinner together to avoid any sneaky actions. After we were done with our breakfast,we started walking around school grounds. It seems that after Kuwata's classroom trial,a new part of the school was unlocked,giving us access to other areas. We all started at the library. Togami found a door that led to a room filled with case files that only the police would have.

"Wonderful. By learning the murder methods from these files,i am sure that i will survive this game and win it with ease" Togami proudly said.

"You think...this murdering thing is a game..?" Naegi asked. He was deadpanned.

"Yes. We are all just pawns,playing in a really useless and time wasting game" Togami said while fixing his glasses. Did he just say that we're a game? Something inside me was triggered.

"H-How could you call us a game..? People's lives are at stake..!"

"Hmph,like i would care about the life of peasants" Togami scoffed.

"We have t-to stay on the same side and go through this thing t-together..!"

Oowada then stepped in front of me,facing Togami.

"I agree with Fujisaki on this. We gotta stay united" he said.

"As if i would listen to someone whose hair resembles a corncob" Togami scoffed. Oowada then cracked his knuckles.


He lunged towards Togami who didn't move at all. Lucky for him,Ishimaru stopped Oowada from laying a punch towards him.

"Fights are not welcome in a school environment,Oowada!" Ishimaru scolded while blocking Oowada's fist.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP AND MOVE!" Oowada yelled.

"I WILL NOT UNTIL YOU CALM DOWN!" Ishimaru responded. They kept on bickering and bickering while the rest of us just stood there,watching them. Maybe it was because of the fear of being killed by my classmates, but hearing them argue with each other made me feel really pressured that i started crying. Everyone else noticed,even Ishimaru and Oowada. They stopped and looked at me with worry.

"Oi, alright?" Oowada asked. He slowly walked to me,being careful. I cried and sobbed.

"What's the p-point of fighting at a t-time like this?! I...I..."

I then ran to nowhere. I decided to just be alone for a while to calm myself down. I went to a nearby empty classroom and just sat there crying.

Mondo's POV

Fujisaki ran out crying. Shit,if Daiya was here,he'd give me 'the talk'. I should go and check on her. I was starting to walk when the hall monitor touched my shoulder. I look at him annoyed.


"I will go with you" he said with a stern look.

"No,I'm going alone. I'm at fault here. Just stay and keep an eye on the others"

He went quiet but nodded. Naegi wanted to come too.

"Let me go with yo-"

Kirigiri stopped him by putting a hand on his shoulder. She shook her head.

"Naegi,no. Oowada must go alone"

Naegi sighed and nodded.

"Alright then. I'm heading off"

I started searching for her. The school's so fucking big,but i'm sure that she wouldn't go too far away since she's....gentle. Not weak,but gentle. I decided to search inside the rooms that were near the library. There was a classroom and the door was opened slightly. I went there and slowly opened the door wide. There she was,crying. I sat on the chair that was in front of her desk and pat her head gently to get her attention. She looked up and blushed. Her crying face was really cute.



Shit,why am i stuttering?! I can't even think straight! I took a deep breath.

"Fujisaki,I'm sorry...I shouldn't have yelled and fight with the hall monitor. It's just that the prick had no heart and that kinda made me wanna teach him a lesson. I'm really sorry,okay?"

Fujisaki then smiled at me even though she was still sobbing. She held my hand.

"I-It's okay,Oowada-san. I know that you meant well. It's just that...i'm really afraid. What if i'm the next victim? Everyone would want to kill someone that's weak like me. It'll be really easy to kill me off..."

I don't know why,but it's like i got this protective side that only shows up whenever it's connected to Fujisaki. I pat her head and smiled at her.

"Don't worry. I won't let anyone lay a finger at ya. Just come to me if ya need anythin',okay?"

She then smiled brightly and nodded. It was one of the brightest smiles i've ever seen. I blushed and looked away.


"S-Sure. Oh,and just call me Mondo. No need to be all formal"

"Okay,Mondo. Call me Chihiro then"

"Roger that"

Then we heard an announcement from that fucking weird bear. He told us to go to the auditorium asap. I switched worried glances with Chihiro. I nodded at her,signaling that we should go. I took her hand in mine. We then walked together to the auditorium. We both blushed and looked away. It felt kinda nice holding her soft tiny little hand. I'd hold it forever if i could. After we arrived at the front of the door,i let go of her to avoid any misunderstandings. We then walked in to see everyone already there. The hall monitor then came to us. Well...Chihiro to be exact.

"Fujisaki,are you alright? I apologize for my behaviour earlier today!" He said while bowing.

"It's okay,Ishimaru. You were just doing what's right" Chihiro smiled. The hall monitor nodded.

"Finally! Took you long enough to come here!" The bear said after showing up out of nowhere.

"Waddya want now?!"

The bear then took out a few keys from his back.

"It's not too important really. I just wanted to give you the keys to the sauna. I forgot to unlock it. Upupupu"

He threw the keys at me and i grabbed it.

"That's all,so goodbye!"

He then disappeared again. Ya gotta be fucking kidding me. He made us go all the way here just to give us the sauna keys? He's so fucking retarded. I then felt a tug. I look to see Chihiro calling for my attention.

"Umm...Mondo,i'm going back to my room"

"Okay. Be careful,alright?"

We all went to our separate ways. I was gonna go back to my room when the hall monitor pulled my arm.

"What the fuck do ya want now?!"

"Fujisaki cried because of you! You really are unbelievable!" He yelled.

"Hey,i apologized to her already! I didn't mean to hurt her feelings!"

"Well you did!"

"No,i didn't! She's just fucking afraid,that's all!"

We bickered and bickered until a thought came to my head.

"Hey,i got an idea! That bear gave me the sauna keys. Let's have a man to man match to decide who's the best. How about that?"

"I completely reject that idea!"

"Oh? So ya got no balls,eh? I thought so"

I smirked and went to the door when he ran and stood in front of me.

"Fine! Let's do it!"

We needed someone who'll be the witness that we ain't cheating. Naegi was near so me and the hall monitor took him to the sauna with us. We went in. I was fully clothed while he went naked and wore a towel. Naegi was standing in front of the sauna. It's been 45 minutes since we started the sauna match.

"Guys,you're still not finished yet?" Naegi sweatdropped.

"You can go,Naegi! We'll do the match by ourselves!" The hall monitor said.

"Yeah! We ain't stoppin' until we decide who's the manliest man!"

"Okay. Good luck,guys!" Naegi said while waving goodbye. We continued the match. After about an hour later,i heard a thud coming from beside me. My view was blurry but i could still see the hall monitor panting on the floor. I couldn't take it anymore either so i grabbed him and pulled him out. We chilled ourselves and sat on the floor,panting. After we got better,the hall monitor started talking.

"I have won the challenge. Congratulations, Oowada"

" were the winner. Ya didn't give up even if ya almost passed out"

He laughed.

"Thankyou...i'm sorry for being mad at you earlier. It's just that i feel like i have the urge to protect Fujisaki.."

Woah,him too?

"I feel that way too! I guess we have something in common afterall!"

We laughed it off while we fixed ourselves.

"Still,don't you think it's weird? I feel like you,Fujisaki,and Kuwata are all close to me. It's like i've known you people for a long time" he said while buttoning up his uniform.


We then talked and talked about a lot of things. I dunno how but we really match with each other. We then called each other Kyoudai. After we were done,we went back to our rooms to sleep.

Chihiro's POV

I woke up and got ready. When i went to the cafetaria,i heard two voices laughing out loud. I looked to see Mondo and Ishimaru side hugging each other and laughing. Since when did they become so close? Mondo noticed me and signaled to come over to them.

"Hey,Chi!" Mondo greeted.

"Good morning,Fujisaki!" Ishimaru said.

"Good morning Mondo,Ishimaru"

"Please call me Kiyotaka. Or Taka if you like"

"Okay,Taka. Call me Chihiro"

Taka nodded.

" did you guys get along?"

Taka and Mondo switched glances and laughed.

"Our brotherly bond is unexplainable actually!" Taka said.

"We just kinda talked and became Kyoudais!" Mondo laughed. I envy them. I wish i could be friends like them.

"Cheer up,Chi! You're our friend too!" Mondo said.


"Of course! With you on our team,we'll be so badass,no one can beat us!"

Taka nodded. I felt a huge relief. I can make friends afterall. We then sat together and talked about a lot of things. Monokuma then called us to assemble at the auditorium again. I wonder what it could be. After we all arrived,Monokuma showed up at the stage,holding white envelopes.

"There hasn't been any murder lately,so i've decided to give you kids another motive. Each of these envelopes has your names. Take it!"

He then threw the envelopes to the air. We grabbed the envelopes that had our names on it and opened it. What i read in mine?

'Chihiro Fujisaki is a crossdressing boy'

Oh no,how did he know?

"If there isn't any murder in the next 24 hours,i will reveal all your deepest secrets! Start plotting and start killing!" Monokuma said. He then disappeared again. This is bad. What if everyone knows my secret? No. Now is the time. I have to train to be a man. Maybe i should ask Mondo for help since he's really strong and masculine. I wrote a paper to Mondo,asking him to meet up with me at the gym at 1 AM. I didn't write my name so he wouldn't know that it was me. I slipped the paper on Mondo's door and waited. After it was night time,i took a blue tracksuit and put it inside a duffel bag. I then went to the gym to see Mondo sitting there,waiting for me. He was surprised. His eyes went wide.

"Yo-CHI?! H-How didtcha' get in here?!"

"Umm...i'm the one who asked you to meet with me here..."

"B-But..How?! You're a girl,ain't ya?!"

I took a deep breath. This is it. It's now or never.

"M-Mondo,i have a secret...i'm...a crossdressing boy....i wanted to ask for your help so i can be the man i should be..."

I bowed down in embarassment,hoping that Mondo would agree.

"So you wanna be a man,huh....well,step right up. It's your lucky day...i'm the strongest guy in the whole world and if anyone says otherwise,i'll beat 'em into a bloody pulp..." he muttered. I looked up to see an angry Mondo. His fist was shaking.


He then lifted a dumbbell that was near him to the air.


He aimed the dumbbell at me while i just stood there,paralyzed. I got ready for the hit and shut my eyes close when i felt my body being pushed away. I opened my eyes to see Taka holding me in his arms. Taka was panting.

"I...made it..."

Mondo then dropped the dumbbell and stared at us. He looked back at the dumbbell. His body was shaking.

"K-Kyoudai..?" Taka said while slowly walking towards Mondo. Mondo then stood up and held his head. He was...crying..?


He then went down to his knees and cried. It was the first time for us to see Mondo break down like that. Taka stood in his place,not knowing what to do next. I then walked over to Mondo and hugged him,rubbing the back of his head.

"It's okay,Mondo...Taka saved me. It's alright now. I know that you didn't mean to do that so calm down..."

I gently rubbed his back while he cried on my shoulders,hugging me back.

"I-I'm sorry,Chihiro...i really am..."

After he calmed down,we sat on a bench and talked about the incident.

"Hey,Chi,sorry that i made your shirt wet...and...sorry for almost killing ya..." Mondo said.

"It's okay. I forgive you. But Mondo,why did you do that?"

Mondo took a deep breath and sighed.

"I...killed my own brother..."

W-WHAT?! Taka's eyes went wide.

"What happened,Kyoudai?!" Taka asked.

" bro was the original leader of the Crazy Diamonds. He was top dog. I was his second in command. He decided to pass the title to me to go and get a girl or some shit. I felt like i couldn't accept the title if i didn't beat my bro,so i challenged him to a race. He accepted it. I was so eager to win that i didn't see a truck coming right at me. My bro...he pushed me out of the way. He died in my place...if only i wasn't so stupid back then,he'd still be alive!" Mondo said while banging the bench,surprising us. I touched his arm and hugged him.

"Mondo,it's not your fault. He saved you because he loved you. I'm sure he didn't want you to feel guilty like that. You still have me and Taka,so don't worry. I'm sure your brother is somewhere up there,watching us right now with a smile on his face"

Mondo smiled and ruffled my hair.

"Thanks,kid. Why didtcha' crossdress?"

"Well...i was always bullied because everyone said i look really girly. I decided to hide myself and dress like a girl. It went really well. No one bullied me again,but...everytime i look at the mirror,i always see a person that is too afraid to be his real self..."

Taka and Mondo then put their arms on my shoulder,side hugging me.

"We're here now,Chihiro! We won't let anyone hurt you while we're alive!" Taka said.

"Yeah! If anyone wants to mess with ya,they'll have to go through us!" Mondo said while giving me a wink.


I hugged them both,thankful for meeting those two in this kind of situation. I'm sure we'll survive this together.

"Hey,Taka,Why are ya up this late? Nice saving by the way" Mondo said.

"Thankyou,Kyoudai! Actually,i had a disturbing feeling inside. It told me to go to the gym room and when i entered,i saw you aiming the dumbbell at Chihiro. I saved him by reflects and i saved him just in time" Taka laughed.

"Just in time indeed,Taka"

We all laughed along. They both then agreed to train me to be the man just like how i wanted to be. If only Taka wasn't here,i'd be in heaven right now. Thanks,Taka. You came just in time.

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