The alphas mate (book one)

By Tor_Rose

270K 7.5K 368

Victoria is a 16 werewolf but she's not just any werewolf. She comes from a very special bloodline she is hal... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
AN :)))
Chapter 30

The alphas mate

26.2K 446 113
By Tor_Rose


"Stupid alarm clock" I yelled throwing it across my room. I hate waking up for school, it's even worse today because it's my first day in a new school and the year has already started . How much does that suck. My mother ,my two sisters and I were forced to leave our old pack the blue moon pack an come here to the blood moon pack. oops ... did I forget to mention that I am a werewolf well... I am. my name is Victoria Petrova and I will be 16 in a few days. 16 is a very important age for a werewolf. you see right around when a werewolf turns 16 they have the ability to find their mate. A mate is like your other half ,your soul mate.its the person that the moon goddess has selected to be with you for the rest of your life. You would do anything for that person, to protect them or make them happy.they come before everyone else in your life and nothing could ever separate you two. Of course there are very rare occurances when one mate rejects the other but it doesn't happen very often because with out their mate a werewolf becomes so horribly depressed that they will eventually just die. I'm hoping I find my mate in my new pack when I turn 16. Turning 16 is an even bigger day for me because I am a very special wolf my mother is the alpha's sister and my father was the beta of my old pack so me and my sisters are stronger then most wolves but unlike my sisters I am a white wolf. It is very rare for a wolf to be completely pure white. white wolves are given immense strength and special powers. so not only will I get my mate on my 16th birthday but I will also gain the special powers granted to me by the moon goddess through my white wolf. I bet your wondering why we had to leave our old pack. aren't you? well my uncle aka my alpha decided that when I turned 16 and came into my full powers that my parents had to turn me over to him so that he could use me to produce what he called "the perfect heir" to be the alpha when it's time for him to step father was completely on his side but my mother was totally against it she believed that I should have the right to find my mate and be happy. So she packed us up and moved us here. my father refused to come with us but was still killed by my uncle for allowing us to leave and not telling him where we went. thankfully he doesn't know where we are and even if he did I joined the strongest pack in the country and the alpha has sworn to protect my family even though he hasn't been given all of the details of why we had to leave. "Victoria are you up" my mom yelled from downstairs.

"yea mom I'm up" I yelled back.i got up and walked into my bathroom and did my normal routine. I washed my hair with my cherry blossom shampoo and used my cherry blossom body scrub. everything I use is cherry blossom. it's kinda my signature scent. I started doing it back in middle school when my best friend Damian Zaransky told me that my scent was chocolate and pine needles. I didn't like it so I decided to try and cover it up. He says that it kinda works but you can still kinda tell. I guess I'll take what I can get.when I walked out of the shower I went into my walk in closet and grabbed my clothes.i got dressed, put on my makeup and walked over to the mirror to look over my outfit. I was wearing a black mini skirt and a red velvet crop top with my favorite black doc martens.... I looked HOT! I ran down stairs and was hit by the awesome smell of chocolate chip pancakes.i ran into the kitchen and sat down on one of the stools at the island.

"hey mommy"

"Hey Vic.. pancakes?"she asked holding up a plate

"Umm...YES do you even really have to ask"she laughed and handed me the plate.

"Where are Taylor and Alexandria?"i asked looking up from my plate.

Right here" Allie said running into the kitchen with Taylor behind .her they both sat down and grabbed plates of pancakes.allie was wearing black skinny jeans and MY favorite black veil brides shirt. Taylor is totally opposite from us she girly and flowery. she is wearing purple floral print high waisted shorts and a flowy white see through shirt with a lavender bandeau underneath.

"Allie if you mess up my shirt I swear to the moon goddess I will shave your wolf" she looked at me and whimpered.

"You wouldn't really do that to ruby would you?" she asked me.

"No probably not"i laughed.

"Good she was kinda freaking out on me"

We finished our pancakes and grabbed our bags.

"Bye mom!" we yelled as we walked out the door. when we where getting into my white range rover I heard a door open and close and then I smelt the most amazing scent EVER!

'Omg omg omg tori I know that smell' my wolf sapphire screamed through out mind link.

'What is it?'

'MATE' she head snapped up and I followed the scent.

"Vic where are you going" Allie yelled from behind me.

I turned and looked at them "mate" was all I had to say to get her to back off. I looked up at the front steps if the house next to ours an that's when I saw him. He's tall with short brown hair and the most gorgeous gray blue eyes.he looked up at me and our eyes met.i herd him growl "mate" and run up to me.he hugged me lifting me up off the ground. he kissed my neck in the spot he will mark me.

"Mine" he whispered in my ear.

"How lucky are we"I smiled "we live right next to each other" he laughed.

"I don't actually live here... I was sleeping over a friends house last night"

"Oh who? I haven't really met any of the people who live around here yet."

"My best friend and beta kris. his cousin just moved in with him,apparently his best friend just joined this pack and he's chasing after her now"

"That's sweet what's her name?" I laughed.

"Umm.. I think it's Victoria" I laughed that's so weird at least I know there is no way it's Damian because I didn't tell him where I was going.

"Hahaha that's funny that's my name too" he looked over at me laughing and smiled.

"Oh yea I guess we never really introduced ourselves,my name is Sebastian Salvatore."

" Yea I guess we did kinda skip the intros didn't we my name is Victoria Petrova."i said smiling up at him. all of a sudden I was hit with the overwhelming smell of chocolate chip cookies mixed with a little bit of cheap sex and shame. I only know one person with that scent. I looked over Sebastian's shoulder and there he was running down the stairs.

"DAMIAN" I yelled jumping out of Sebastian's arms and running over to him and jumping in him.

" I missed you so much! what are you doing here?"I yelled kissing his cheek. all of a sudden I felt some one wrap there arms around my waist protectively and pull me away from Damian. I herd Sebastian growl.

"Shit I mumbled. I turned around in his arms and put my arms around his neck.

" Hey babe calm down it's ok i'm right here." his eyes were pitch black and his wolf was close to surfacing. I do the first thing I could think of to calm him down I put my hands on either side if his face and pulled him down to kiss him. my wolf howled in excitement. she was so happy to finally be able to kiss her mate.i could feel him relaxing and pulled away his eyes were back to the original beautiful gray blue.

" WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT" he yelled pointing to Damian.

"Sebastian this is my best friend Damian we have known each other our whole lives and he is basically my brother." I said laughing at his over reaction.

"Well I guess you found your mate, congrats man!" said a guy who I'm guessing is kris.

"Thanks bro" Sebastian said.

"Vic whats taking so long" I herd Allie and Tay yell from behind me at the car. I turned around to tell them what was going in when I heard a chorus of "mate" from the guys n my sisters. " I knew it!" I yelled as Taylor jumped into Damian's arms. kris ran up to Allie n kissed her. "Well we are all gunna be late at this rate n what did you know babe?" Sebastian asked me.

" I always knew Taylor and Damian would end up together." Damian looked at me shocked.

"You knew this whole time and you never said anything! How did you even know?" he yelled.

"I'm not really sure how I knew it was just kind of a feeling that I always had I think it has something to do with sapphire."i said trying to tell him I think it's a white wolf thing with out telling bastian and kris that I'm a white wolf. Its not something that you openly tell people. they tend to take advantage of it. "ohhh stupid whi..." I slam my hand over his mouth before he can finish that sentance an shake my head trying to tell him to shut up. I wonder if our mind link will work.I guess it's worth a shot.

'he Damian can you here me?'i asked me.

'Hey what's up with the hand?' he replied looking confused.

'You where about to tell them I'm a white wolf'

'I'm sorry Tor I forgot but Sebastian is your mate your going to have to tell him some time.'

'I know that Damian and I will eventually I mean I legit just met him like 5 minutes before you came out and that's not exactly the first thing I tell people alright!' he nodded at me and I herd a growl from behind me.

"Sebastian what's wrong?"

"Why the fuck do you two have a link! your not related or officially in a pack together. OMG DID THAT BASTARD MATE YOU!!!!" he roared reaching out to pull me into him he checked my neck for Damian's mark.

"NO!"we both screamed.

"Ewwww!i can't believe you really thought I would mate Damian gross!" I said laughing at the look on Damian's face.

"Hey... hurtful much." Damian laughed

"Alright fine but why do you have a link?" he asked nuzzling his head into my neck breathing in my scent to try and calm himself down.

"I'm not really sure bastian. I think I might have an idea but I can't tell you about it yet." I looked over at Taylor who was laughing her ass off.

"What's so funny Tay Tay ?"

"Did you just call him bastian? it sounded like you said bastard." she said trying to stop laughing.

"I'm going to start calling you that from now on." Sebastian laughed.

"Whatever dude" he said kissing my cheek.

"Taylor that is so very annoying and If you continue to call him that I'm going to shove my foot so far up your ass that the sweat on my knee will quench you're thirst." I yelled at her my eyes were turning black and I can feel sapphire trying to take over. I knew I needed to calm down so I turned to face Sebastian and nuzzled my head into his neck breathing in his scent. I could feel myself calming down so I kissed his neck and turned around to face Taylor. I could feel Sebastian laughing behind me.

"Only been 20 minutes and your already threatening your sister over me"

"I don't like people insulting what's mine." I replied calmly.

I walked over and hugged Taylor.

"We good" I asked

"Yea just keep your feet away from my ass Kk? She said smileing at me.

"Just don't call him that ever again and you will have nothing to worry about." I said walking back over to Sebastian.

"We should probably leave now" I said looking at my phone "we are gunna be late if we don't leave now" I started walking back to my car when I felt Sebastian come up behind me.

"What babe?" I asked looking up at him.

"I'm gunna drive you now."

"I wanna take my car. ok?"

"No Vic I'm going to be driving you to school from now on." He said using his alpha voice. thankfully I have alpha blood In me so it doesn't work on me.

"Stupid alpha" I muttered.I heard him chuckle and I know he thinks he won.

"I'm taking my car you can come if you want"

"What the fuck Vic how did that not work on you and don't tell me you don't know"

"Oh I know damn well why it didn't work but I'm not telling you shit." I walked away smirking when I heard him following. I mind linked my sisters and Damian.

'Tell them nothing about me or our old pack or our family line they don't need to know yet.ill tell you when it's the right time. I'm sorry Allie I know you don't want to lie to kris but I can't risk him telling Sebastian ok?'

'Ok we won't say anything' they replied.

'Thank you' I said turning the link off. I turned on the car and pulled out of the driveway with kris and the rest of them in the car behind us. Sebastian turned to me and said .

"So tell me about your self . what was your old pack like?"

Crap well I guess I'm gunna have to think of something to tell him I thought for a second before I started.




Oooo cliffhanger ...

This is the first werewolf book I have written. I have been like obsessively reading werewolf books for the past few weeks and kinda got inspired hope you like it I'll update soon I have Been up all night writing so I'm gunna take a nap n then start working on the next chapter ✌️💙🍪

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