Angel of Darkness (Young Just...

By angelofadarksoul3340

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Do you think you know everything about the Young Justice League? What about the story of Angel? Angel wasn't... More

Chapter One: How it Started
Chapter Two: New Test
Chapter Three: Telepathic
Chapter Four: Superboy
Chapter Five: Time to Escape
Chapter Six: Who is That?
Chapter Seven: Carol Johnson
Chapter Eight: Angel Of Darkness
Chapter Nine: The Joker and The Riddler
Chapter Ten: Stepping Out of The Shadows
Chapter Eleven: The Trap
Chapter Thirteen: Robin
Chapter Fourteen: Fragile
Chapter Fifteen: Waking Up
Chapter Sixteen: Worst School Day Ever
Chapter Seventeen: Beginning of a Family
Chapter Eighteen: Interrupted
Chapter Nineteen: Family Fight
Chapter Twenty: Weakness
Chapter Twenty-one: Deep Inside
Chapter Twenty-Two: First Day
Chapter Twenty-Three: Mr. Sevens All Over Again
Chapter Twenty-Four: For Your Protection
Chapter Twenty-Five: Despise the Darkness Within
Chapter Twenty-Six: Hello Father
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Disappear
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Broken

Chapter Twelve: Remember

8.8K 321 31
By angelofadarksoul3340

(Angel’s P.O.V)

                There stood the corpses of the Justice League and I was utterly terrified. “Look at what you have done to us,” they shrieked in union, “Look at what you have done to the world.” I screamed and tried to run, but the skeleton of Batman caught my leg causing me to trip. “We trusted you,” he shrieked with the rest of them. I found tear welling up in my eyes and fall down my checks.

                “It’s not my fault,” I whimpered, “I never asked to be a monster.” They kept on screeching and stumbling towards me. Batman’s skeleton tried to rip my leg off, but I kicked him off my leg screaming. “Leave me alone,” I screamed. They just laughed and kept coming. I scrambled away and just as they caught up to where was. I turned to find Scarecrow right behind me. I glared at him and clenched my teeth. “What have you done to me,” I said through my teeth.

                “I have only showed you who you really are,” Scarecrow laughed and it echoed off the walls. He picked up his scythe and swung it at me. I didn’t even bother to duck. When it made contact, the metal shattered like glass. He stumbled back when one of the shards hit him in the arm and stomach. “What are you,” his voice filled with fear. Anger burned inside of me and I grabbed a fist full of his shirt.

                “I’m the one thing you should fear,” my voice echoing the anger inside of me. Scarecrow trembled under my grasp, shaking from head to toe. I threw him across the room causing him to slam into the wall and crumpled in a heap. My vision blurred and my knees buckled. I panicked and tried to get back up, but it felt as though something was pulling me into darkness.

                I was being dragged into darkness by a chain made by fear. The darkness had become a lake and I was drowning in it. “Fear can’t touch me,” I yelled, “Not anymore!” I kicked and clawed my way to the surface. When my head broke, I took a breath of relief and saw that I was in my own mind. It was filled with the wreckage of my broken heart and my shattered soul. I found myself walking into a torn down building that had once been my home. “What am I doing here,” I said out loud. In the rumble, I found an old photograph of my family. “Since when did I have a brother,” I said as I saw that there was another child in the picture. He had the same color hair and eyes like me, in fact, he looked almost exactly like me. I took the photo out of its frame and flipped it over to see if it had any writing on it. “James’s and Carol’s third birthday” was written in my mom’s handwriting. “I have a twin brother,” I said amazed.

                Suddenly I was hit with a memory; “James come on it easy,” I said to my brother. I was trying to show him how to program a computer, but he didn’t understand. He got up and punched the wall, creating a huge hole in it. “James don’t break the walls again, mom will get mad,” I told him.

                “I’m not like you Carol, I don’t understand these things,” James said annoyed, “You’re a genius and all I am I physical superior then everyone else. He punched the wall again causing a crack to form across the ceiling from the shock. I ran over his grabbed his arm.

                “Stop wreaking my lab James,” I said angrily as I shoved him out. He got mad and tried to punch me, but I dodged it easily. I grabbed his arm again and flipped him onto his back. “You forget easily that I have some strength as well,” I laughed. He glared at me but stopped fighting.

                “Why did you get everything,” James said sadly, “You’re smart, artistic, you play twenty instruments and you also have strength. I’m just a bumbling dimwit that can just hit things.” I hugged him gently trying to make him feel better.

                “You are not a bumbling dimwit that just hits things,” I told him. He just rolled his eyes and attempted to get up. “You’re my twin brother James,” my voice soft, “You’re way smarter than any other person I know, you play seven instruments and you have made masterpieces. Besides you were the one that was designed to be stronger, remember.”

                I was sucked out of my memory and stumbled back in shock. “No, my parents wouldn’t have done that,” I gasped, “They wouldn’t design me to…… to be impossibly smart.” Tears filled my eyes and I found myself on my knees. Suddenly the moon appeared making the broken glass and water to become illuminated. I was surrounded by stars made of glass and for the life of me I could not see the beauty in it. I threw my head back and screamed from the anguish of the truth. My parents never loved me, I was just a science experiment. “James where are you,” I whispered. Had they killed him because he wasn’t good enough? Would they kill him?

(James’s P.O.V)

                I glared out the window as a guard told us that my perfect sister had escaped. I turned toward in and took a fist full of his collar lifting him in the air. “WHY DID YOU LET HER ESCSCAPE,” I yelled at him, “MY SISTER CAN DESTROY EVERYTHING!” I threw him across the room and slammed my fist against the wall.

                “You never could control that anger of yours James,” my father laughed. He walked over and ruffled my hair. “Don’t worry your Uncle Lex will fix this and she’ll come back home,” his voice filled my hope. Why hadn’t they just told her that she had been always made to destroy the Justice League? I was supposed to be her partner, but I was faulty and couldn’t be made into what she could so I was just the disappointing son.

                “Do you think that she really has forgotten everything,” I asked him.

                “Sadly she has, the testing she had when she was five did that,” his voice not the least bit saddened, “So we had to stage our deaths so that she might have turned the right way, but that didn’t work.” I clenched my fists in anger. They didn’t care about either of us and part of me wanted to follow Carol’s path and forget everything but that wasn’t going to happen.   

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