An Aching Heart

By ZaniaYolo

14.2K 434 122

It All started with a Bet.....๐ŸŒบ Breanna Yde, the queen bee of the school. She is your typical rich, popular... More

๐ŸšซWarning โ—๏ธ
~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~ Chapter 6 ~
~Chapter 7~
Cover for Pretty_Gabriella
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10~
Ive been tagged!
~Chapter 11~
Chapter 13
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 16~

~Chapter 12~

651 23 4
By ZaniaYolo


Okay so Cree told me that she called off the bet with Breanna and found out that Brea likes Lance as well. So I now, all I have to do is cancel the bet with Lance.

"Hey man." I greeted him as I walked up to him after school.

"What do you want?" he groaned. I knew he just wanted to go home but I had to tell him.

"So you know about that bet about Brea?" I started off. "Yeah.." He said slowly.

"Yeah, I know you like her and Cree found out she likes you too and you can't break her heart like this, you just cant." I begged.

"Wait, what? Brea likes me? THE Breanna Yde who wakes me up everyday by pouring water on my face? Pssh. Stop lying to me bro." He laughed.

"I'm NOT lying! She has a crush on you. Cree asked her and she said yes." I said. "Don't believe it." He said.

"You have too. She knows you made a bet on her." I said.

"You told her?" He turned to look me in the eye.

"No. Cree told her. But she had a bet on you too. She broke it off because she likes and you have to call yours off as well!" I said.

"She had a bet on me? I knew I shouldn't of liked her." he said angrily clenching his fist.

"Shut up, dude. She's no different than you. You both made mistakes but if you want to be together. You have to call this off." I said.

"Okay. I'll do it." he gave in.

"Really!? THE Lance Dae Lim is admitting to actually having feelings for a girl? I'm shocked." I said playfully.

"Don't ruin this. If me and Brea don't work out, I'm going back to my old ways." he warned and I nodded.

"But she's going to be hard the get. The girl is pretty stubborn." I warned.

"I'll take my chances." he shrugged.

"Really? Most guys don't go after girls who play hard to get." I said.

"Well I'm going to play hard to get too so she gets a taste of her own medicine." he smirked mischievously.

"No. You never play hard to get when you know a girl is playing hard to get. If you do that, you'll never 'get' !" I said and he laughed.

"Calm down, bro. I'm just going to ask Brea out at my party." he said.

Lance had a party planned but it got cancelled and scheduled for after school today since it is a Friday.

"Are you sure she's even coming?" I asked.

"She is. I asked her to come and she said yes." he said and I nodded.



I'm in my room getting ready to go downstairs. Downstairs is where the party is at. Well, mostly at. There are some couples making out in hallway upstairs and some people outside swimming and hanging out but the dancing and the drinks are all downstairs. Lance's mom and my mom went out to a party of their own and gave Lance permission to throw a party.

I changed into a black strapless black high waisted jeans and white pumps. I curled my hair and tied it into a ponytail and made my way downstairs to where the party was.

I immediately saw my friends talking to the DJ so I went over and pulled them aside.

"Hey, girls!" I greeted giving each of them a hug. "So you came?" Jade smirked. "I kind of had to. I mean, the music is so loud I cant drown it out from my room." I sighed.

"Did Lance even invite you?" Lizzy asked. "Yes. He asked me in class. Why?" I asked Lizzy. "Oh just asking. Since I didn't think you would score an invite." She said looking away from me.

"And why would you think that, Lizzy?" I asked getting angry. "No reason Brea! I don't want to get all mad and whatever." She said and Jade gave me a look to just let it go.

I saw Cree look at her phone and then the back of the party. "Hey, guys, um, I have to go for a sec." She said and quickly left without letting us respond. "Well, she ditched us. I'm going to go hang out with Ricardo." Jade said. "You got back together?" I asked.

"No. We just decided to be friends and I forgave him." She said and left. I turned to look at Lizzy and I could feel the tension between us because of what happened earlier.

"Let me guess, you're going to leave me too?" I asked. "Sorry, Brea." She apologized and I gave her look like she can go and she left to go hang out with someone else. I'm guessing, Mace?

Then all of a sudden, the lights went out and everyone started screaming. I did too because I thought that someone broke into the house and was going to start shooting us or something. Then out of no where, a hand covered my mouth and started pulling me away.

"HE'S GOT ME! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!" I yelled. "No! Don't run for your lives. This was planned, okay? The party will resume shortly!' I heard Thomas's voice on the mic. Why would he say this was planned?

I was pulled into a room I could tell was the music room.

"Let me go!" I struggled out of their grip.

"Brea. Calm down." The person said. The voice sounded so familiar but I couldn't tell who it is.

"Who are you!?" I asked in fear.

The lights suddenly turned on. There stood Lance right in front of me, incredibly close.

"Lance? Why did you literally just kidnap me?" I asked pushing him away from me.

"I have to tell you something important, Breanna." he said seriously and locked the door.

"Make it snappy." I said and he rolled his eyes.

"Okay, so Cree told me that you like me." He started off and I started to get angry.

"Cree told you what? Oh my god, I'm going to jack her up for spreading rumors about me.

"She only told me and Thomas. And is it true?" he asked and I stayed silent.

"So it is true?" he smirked and I turned away hiding my blush. I couldn't let him see me soft. I need to keep my tough figure.

"You wouldn't care anyway. A guy like you would never like a girl like me." I sighed. "You hate me. I know it." I mumbled leaning against the wall.

"I don't hate you, Breanna." he said.

"Yes you do. You only call me by my full name when you're mad at me." I said.

"No. I call you by your full name because I like your full name." he smiled.

"Why are you being nice to me?" I asked and he looked at me confused.

"Why would I be mean to the girl I like?" he asked stepping closer to me.

"Because you don't like me." I stiffened.

"What makes you say that?" he smirked as he continued to slowly move closer to me.

"Okay, Lance, I'm tired of this. Why did you bring me in here anyway?" I asked and he grinned.

"I pulled you in here to-"

"Hey DUDE COME ON, PARTY'S BUSTED!" A random person opened the door.

Lance quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room.

"Why are WE running? We live here." I said while Lance was pulling my outside.

"Do you want to get in trouble with the police? No. So come on." he said still pulling on my wrist.

"We're going to have to climb the fence." he said stopping at the fence of the house.

"I cant climb this!" I said to him as I looked at him in fear.

"You can do it. Just climb it. Hurry, Brea." he rushed me as I stared at the tall fence.

"Come on Breanna. Here, I'll give you a lift." he said and cupped his hand for me to step on. I took my pumps off so that I don't hurt his hands and they would slow me down anyway. I placed my foot in his hand and he lifted me up onto the fence. Don't worry, I had no show socks on on.

"Lance, I can't do it. It's too high." I said as I sat on top of the fence looking down at lance. There were other high schoolers climbing the fence and running out as well. I was the only one stuck at the top.

"Just do it, Brea. I don't have time for this." He said.

"I can't. I'm sorry." I shook my head.

"Here." He said while climbing the fence. He climbed to the other side and jumped down.

"What are you doing?" I asked from the top of the fence.

"Jump down. I'll catch you." He said and opened his arms preparing to catch me.

"What? No? I'll die for sure." I said in fear and he groaned.

"Brea, face your fears! If you jump and met me catch you, I'll tell you a secret." He offered. Lance is a pretty mysterious guy so knowing a secret about him would be good.

"Fine." I have in. "But if you miss and I fall, or you drop me, that's the end of your life right there." I warned and he rolled his eyes. "Okay, I'm gonna do it." I said preparing to jump.




I jumped off the high fence and closed my eyes tight preparing for my death. I felt myself land softly in a pair of arms. I opened my eyes and smiled at Lance. I gave him a kiss on the cheek as a thank you and he blushed, letting me stand up.

"Thank you." I breathed out as I hugged him.

"Now the secret?" I smirked and we heard police sirens approaching the house.

"Run." He said and we bolted to his car.

"McDonald's?" He asked.

"I could eat." I shrugged and his car zoomed off to the restaurant.

Oh boy, were going to be in so much trouble tomorrow.

A/N: Hey guys. It's 3am and I'm publishing a chapter haha. I had this typed already and just had to add a few more lines so I decided to just post it now because, why the heck not? So I'll give you a update on my one shot series tomorrow!

Til next time!

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