In love with HER.

By Kieshanna

70.2K 1.5K 407


In love with HER.
00: no feelings
01: Meeting HER.
02: Chipotle
03: Can't handle my mouth.
04: Hooked (Part 1)
05: Hooked (part 2)
06: Meeting Heaven (pt.1)
07: Meeting Heaven (pt.2)
08: First step
09: About us (pt.1)
10: For the moment
12: Hate sleeping alone
13: The bittersweet start
Good read
14: You got a good thing (1)
I'm back

11: Stop asking

2.7K 98 28
By Kieshanna

*Erica Mena

Two weeks later

“How are you and Cyn?” Kim asked as she sat on top of my desk

“We’re fine.” I mumbled checking my email

“Y’all are so cute. I swear I love seeing you with one person.” She smiled doing a little dance

“You’re funny.” I chuckled

“You don’t?” She asked

“I mean I do, but she still got her boyfriend, so really she isn’t mine.” I mumbled pulling my hair into a tight bun

“Aw….how does that make you feel?” She asked

“I mean I’m fine Dr. Phill.” I said crossing my legs making her kiss her lips and straight face me.

“Stop playing and tell me how you feel.” She said flipping her long hair over her shoulder.

“I said I’m fine Kim, stop.” I said getting annoyed

I hate when I say I’m fine and someone keeps pressing the issue.

“But you’re not fine. You must have forgotten who you’re talking too, I know you better than you know yourself so I’m gonna ask you again how does that make you feel?” She asked yet again

“Kim I know that you mean well, I really do but I just need you and Cyn to both stop trying to change me.” I said getting up

All of a sudden the room seemed as if it was spinning. I am who I am and that’s Erica the player. I can’t change who I am. For no one. I’m really feeling Cyn, but this situation is making me see things for what they really are, and that’s no one gonna change.

Just think about it, she’s still with her dude and that’s because that’s who she is. That’s what she’s use to and I don’t fault her for it.

Then there’s me, I’ve been trying to get rid of Heaven for the longest and I finally have to do what….to try to be with someone that’s with someone? Nah. I’m not changing for that.

It’s kinda funny if you think about it...Cyn didn’t wanna be with me because I had a girl, but she has a dude so it’s okay for us to be together now?

It’s just a lot going on right now and I don’t have the answers to the questions I have so the best thing for me to do is put focus into something else...or someone else.

I want something fun, and new and fresh not something that’s gonna make me work hard just to play me involuntary.

“Erica.” I heard Kim call out from behind me before I knew it I was on the elevator heading down to the lobby out the front doors and into the busy streets of New York. I needed to get away from those two woman and spend some time with my King.

Taking the 15 minute walk to King’s day care from the office I gotten nothing in order. My brain and thoughts are all over the place, but putting that aside I made my way inside the cool building singing to pick my baby up.

“Mommy!!!” He sung when he seen me

“Hi baby.” I smiled scooping him up into my arms

“I had a good day.” He said hugging me

“Did you what made it so good?” I asked. At least one of us had a good day.

“I made a picture of you me and grandma.” He said

“Wow can mommy see?” I asked putting him down so he could grab his backpack

“Yes.” He said dragging his bag over to me so I could help him

Finding the colorful piece of paper he explained to me in full details what was taking place in the picture making me smile. He was so smart.

“You did this in school or here?” I asked stroking his smooth brown hair

“In school.” He answered stuffing it back in his bag taking my hand

“Well I love it baby, can we hang it up in the living room?” I asked holding the door open for him to walk through and waving at the lady’s at the front desk

“Yeah.” He replied

“Okay, what do you want to do now?” I asked him

“I wanna go see grandma, can I go see her?” He asked as we walked down the street

“Sure, but let’s eat and take a bath first okay.” I said to him

“Okay mommy.” He smiled at me


“Alright King I’m coming back at 11, mommy will see you in a few hours okay?” I asked as I was eye level with him

On our way home we stopped and picked up some Subway and then went home to take baths and watch a few episodes of ‘Dog with a blog’ before leaving out at 8 to come to my moms house.

“Alright mommy.” He said giving me a big hug

“I love you be good for grandma.” I smiled at him

“Okay.” He said jumping on the sofa in his p.j’s

“Okay ma I’ll see you too in a few hours.” I said giving her a hug

“Bye babygirl.” She said sending me on my way

When I got home I cleaned up a bit and changed into some comfortable clothes then watched some t.v until someone was banging on my door.

“Who is it?” I yelled

“Who you think it is, open the door.” Cyn yelled

She sounded pretty upset. It could be from me avoiding her all day or...yeah it’s more than likely from me avoiding her.

“Hold on.” I mumbled grabbing my slippers then unlocking the door to see her red face.

“Wassup?” I asked

“Ericaaaa don’t wassup me what’s going on!” She asked

“What you mean?” I replied closing the door and heading back over to the sofa

“Kim called me earlier telling me that you just walked out of work and I tried calling and texting you and you don’t answer! What’s going on we were good last week.” She said standing tall in her high heels

“I just wanted to be alone today, but I’m straight, you straight? We straight.” I said waving it off turning my vision back to the t.v set that was melted onto the white wall.

“No I’m not straight because you’re not.” She said softly sitting beside me

“Oh my god Cyn, please stop.” I said letting my head hit the back of sofa closing my eyes

Here everyone goes with bothering me. I’m fine I said I was FINE.

“Seriously Erica what’s wrong with you?” She asked sternly

“Nothing why does everyone keep asking me that?” I replied annoyed

“Maybe because you’re acting funny for real what’s wrong?” She asked yet again

“Yo stop asking me what’s wrong and go hang out with ya boyfriend.” I spat standing up heading to my bedroom.


Guess who’s baccccccck?

Thanks to a reader that got on my booty about me not updating I decided to come back. She know who she is. So shout out to her. Anyway I have a new story called the nanny check it out.


But I’ll be updating more often depending on the feedback. But love you babies & let me know ya thoughts.

love, Kieshana

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