I've Always Been [Shikamaru x...

By ReirinTomoyama

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Saved by the chunin ranked shinobi, Shikamaru Nara, Y/N L/N, a mysterious yet powerful shinobi, who was found... More

Chapter 1: That Day
Chapter 2: The Same Old Feeling
Chapter 3: I Trust You
Chapter 4: Art Is A Bang!
Chapter 5: Sunagakure no Sato
Chapter 6: As Promised
Chapter 7: Take Advantage
Chapter 8: Omatsuri
Chapter 9: Destroy Her
Chapter 10: Another Chance
Chapter 11: You're Adorable, un!
Chapter 12: Last Chance
Chapter 13: Change My Mind
Chapter 14: Sango no Sato
Chapter 15: Blow Me Up
Chapter 16: Seeing You Again
Chapter 17: Sanbi da! Sanbi!
Chapter 18: I Am Your Darkness
Chapter 19: Love Letter
Chapter 20: Curse
Chapter 21: Look At Me
Chapter 22: I've Always Been
Chapter 23: Feel It!
Chapter 24: Alive
Author's Note
Deidara SMUT extra chapter: On The Floor


712 14 20
By ReirinTomoyama

2 years went by. Shikamaru has sworn to protect the king, the future generations of Konohagakure.

That includes the child of his late teacher, Mirai Sarutobi. He strode to the gravestone of his late teacher, Asuma.

"Both you and my dad had someone you'd give your lives to protect. But, I haven't found anyone like that yet..."

"Shikamaru-niichan!" A girl's voice called out to him.


"Shikamaru-niichan!" She called out again and hugged his leg, after all, that was all she could reach.

"Woah, there." Shikamaru exclaimed and he was given a warm charming smile from the kid.

He smiled back. Her smile reminded him of Y/N.


"You know what, Mirai," He crouched to her level and patted her head. "You remind me of someone precious to me." He warmly said. "I wish I could've done better for her." He said for the nth time.

I'll definitely treasure her this time. Shikamaru spoke in his mind as he smiled warmly at the girl.

Mirai doesn't just remind him of Y/N. In fact, he sees the old cheerful Y/N in Mirai.

It was like, Mirai's the reincarnation of Y/N.

That is why, this time, he'll treasure and protect her with all his life.

As soon as they left, he took out the letter Y/N had written before.

He had read the entire thing once more. He read it once in a while. For him to be reminded of what he had done for Y/N.

He had forgiven her a long time ago. He had forgiven her for betraying the village. He completely understood why she had done it.

The villagers may not have liked what she did but he knew better than anyone. He felt what she felt.

He felt everything.

Her joy.

Her excitement.

Her sadness.

Her loneliness.

Her pain.


It was all for him and the village. That was how much she loved him and Konoha.

After all, he was her home. He was someone she could always return to. Even if she was long gone.

He read how grateful she was. How she was ready to die along with the villagers of her hometown, Sango no Sato.

But he gave her life a purpose. And, he was happy about that. He smiled genuinely at the letter.

A tear fell from his beautiful chocolate eyes.

"I miss you, Y/N."


This is the very first story/fanfiction that I have finished!

Thank you for reading this! Love ya lots! 💕💕

Reirin xx

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