One Night With The Alpha |18+✔

By SerenityR0se

944K 35.7K 7.1K

[COMPLETED]✔ Short Story of The Deliverance Series --⊰♥⊱-- Is a mate worth having, if it's the tie to an ome... More

•One Night With The Alpha•
•One Night With The Luna•


62.4K 1.7K 615
By SerenityR0se


It's a meeting I walk into, the following morning after breakfast is all but reduced to scraps. The door shuts silently behind me, the pack gathered in the living room while Alpha Zenon stands at the head in front of the fireplace.

I keep my hands in the pockets of my hoodie, my gaze flickering briefly while I hear him announce, "Sundown they will arrive."


Who's visiting?

"Arrangements have been made, trackers will surrender their rooms for the duration stay of the Nightshade Prowlers Pack," my heart stops in my chest when I catch on to what is happening, Alpha Zenon finishing with, "tents are marked off to the east grounds."

Thankfully, it would be seen as completely disrespectful and rude to allow any guest to stay in the basement, so I get to keep my room.

"Dismissed," Alpha Zenon concludes, excitement buzzing among pack members as they go about their duties to prepare the pack territory, the grounds becoming a sight for speculation. While they tend to their chores, I slink into the kitchen, finding a burnt waffle to be the only thing edible before I duck out the back door. The wind picks up the free strands of my hair, seeing the branches are slowly losing all of their leaves, becoming barren like the she-wolf that continues to visit Jaison.

I pity her, but I'd never say a word to her face as she'd sooner kill herself then hear a sympathetic word leave my lips.

I wander toward the furthest reaches of the pack territory, walking for awhile as I let the air clear my head. She wants to run free, but I fear her size will draw attention, even though wolves wouldn't dare cross our territory, should a rogue see her, we'd be dead. Keeping skin form allowed for me to climb the low trees, though I'm much weaker now then I've ever been...

Releasing a heavy sigh, I find and gather the different colored leaves, believing they will make an excellent addition to my journal entries as I can mark the change of the season.

I wander back through the pathways, catching sight of one tracker in fur form. Their golden irises regard me briefly before snapping at my side. I'm quick to move away, falling back in line as I hear a snort almost...amusement the wolf retains at my expense.

I leave this area of the territory far behind, edging back toward the pack lodge with hours behind me. There are many decorating and making the area look quite nice, things that have been left to the ideals of spring cleaning are now taking president. I climb the steps to the porch, having to step back and to the side as a group of she-wolves exit the building, followed by Diccan and Z'ev.

I hardly am spared a glance, but when no one else decides to leave, I head inside and down the basement steps. It's a quick journey to my bedroom, shutting the door behind me while I kick my shoes off and settle on the covers. My back rests against the headboard, drawing my knees up while I rest the backing of the journal against it.

I flip through the pages, coming to present day before I press the leaves between the pages. I'm reminded of the time that's passed, recalling the last visit from the Nightshade Prowlers Pack was when I had just turned fifteen. It's been just over eleven years, wondering if this is another get-together to strengthen whatever truce we have with them.

It'll be best if I keep out of sight, unsure if my presence will bring bad spirits between the two. I'll come up for dinner, but before the entertainment for the evening can begin, I'll slip away again. I don't even know how long they are staying for, not hearing the entire announcement from Alpha Zenon.

It's a few hours when I'm startled by knocking coming from the other side of my bedroom door. I hadn't realized I'd dozed off until the sound jarred me from my short sleep. My vision is hazy as I wake to see Diccan standing in the now open doorway, his eyes landing on me with features filled with contemplation.

I sit up quietly, stashing my journal away as Diccan states, "You're required to be with the pack for the welcoming phase..." I furrow my brows when his voice trails off before he clears his throat and finishes, "...the representation of the pack is the strength in its numbers; Alpha Zenon's orders."

I'm afraid I'll do something to disgrace him and the pack. I go to shake my head, but I know the alpha's word is law, so I think better and nod before lifting from the bed. Starting to put on fresh clothes, Diccan remains present and I ask, "Is everything okay?"

"I'm your chaperone so you don't make a mockery of the pack," Diccan replies bluntly, his words cutting me in the process. As I avert my gaze, putting on the rest of my clothes, he informs me, "Which means...step out of line and I'll be the one dealing out your punishment."

My eyes widen, finishing pulling on my boots as I stand, my heart beating fast when he says this. There is a brief, but soft look that alters his features as he then reminds me, "Would you rather it be Alpha Zenon?"

I shake my head, but I know very well if I did something that displeased him more, Alpha Zenon wouldn't hesitate to step in and do the job for Diccan. It might show how strong he is in front of the Nightshade Prowlers Pack alpha...

...after all, if Alpha Zenon is as harsh and unforgiving as he is...he must pale in comparison to his guest alpha.

I wonder how the Nightshade Prowlers Pack alpha must treat his omega or...omegas, that is...if he doesn't regularly kill them off as they're born into the pack.

"Are you ready?" Diccan asks when I finally come to a standstill, breathing in and out in an attempt to remain calm. After nodding my head, he opens the door and walks right out, expecting me to follow him down the hallway leading to the basement door. I keep up as best as I can, hearing him say, "They will be arriving in just a few minutes, so keep quiet, keep your head down and don't make me hurt you in front of the pack."

As much as I know Diccan will do it if need be, he holds a discernment that I might not let him fuck me for awhile based off his actions.

The sad part?

I don't hold grudges, because it's obviously my fault and I just learn from my mistakes.

There is abuzz of both excitement and nervous energy that emits from the pack. Diccan and I emerge from the basement, and I close the door behind us. I glance to the kitchen and I can smell so many different flavors that it not only draws my senses, but tantalizes the already heightened senses of my wolf. She whimpers and whines, wanting to just break loose and devour all she can...

...though that would more than likely be our last meal.

My attention is drawn away from the few women finishing setting up the table, setting down the array of meats, side dishes, everything I can think of...but Diccan nudges me toward the front door. When we are out on the porch, rows of pack members stand waiting for the guests to arrive. Alpha Zenon is on the bottom step of the stairs leading to the porch, but Diccan leads me off to the corner intersection of the porch.

The air leaves my lungs when he lifts me by my waist, setting me on the wooden railing while I hold on to one of the support posts. Diccan stands slightly in front of me, his eyes staying on the make shift, off-beaten dirt driveway between the grass patches.

The crickets extend their melodic melody our way, a serene background offering serenity while the moon offers her blessing of light. The clouds are nowhere to be seen this evening, a dark sky littered with iridescent stars that twinkle like faerie wings in the sunlight.

I relax, even if it's for a second, I relax around the rest of the pack. I'm part of them for a moment, the unity only fulfilled when the last of the women step out onto the porch from preparing the meal.

The resonance is calming...

...but abruptly shattered the second I can hear car engines disrupting the crickets' performance. I keep my breathing steady, watching as at the very least, ten vehicles pull up and into the designated parking area. The headlights cut through the thick trees and foliage, only blinking away as the engines are killed, returning silence for a split second more.

The silence is broken again, car doors opening while many individuals exit the vehicles. They stand tall and strong, their eyes set hard like that of their jawlines. They walk toward the area in front of the porch, approaching Alpha Zenon without a single lick of fear or apprehension crossing their features.

It's him.

I recognize him from the last visit...

...Alpha Rakkon Wood.

He's a good three years older than me, his dark hair neatly pushed back while the moonlight glints off his hazel eyes. I didn't realize I could see them so well, because as the rest of his pack is greeting pack members, his eyes stare hard on mine.

The air catches in my lungs, the pinewood of the forest almost coming to life as it waivers around me, drawing me in like a trap. It's an intensity I've never known, never felt, never understood...


Alpha Rakkon's unwavering gaze averts from mine a few seconds later, formally greeting Alpha Zenon...though, it hadn't gone unnoticed by Alpha Zenon where Alpha Rakkon had been staring off to.

I can hear him ask, "Does her presence offend you, Alpha Rakkon?"

My heart stops in my chest, my blood in my veins turning ice as he replies, "Yes."

Diccan's muscles tense as he murmurs to me, "I told you to keep your head down. Why were you staring at the alpha?!"

I have no excuse, for a moment later, Alpha Zenon orders, "Diccan."

That's the only word that leaves his lips before I feel Diccan haul me down off the wooden railing. He has a grim hold on my upper arm, walking me down the back part of the porch and down the off-shoot steps until we reach the grass. The only blessing I have, is Alpha Zenon didn't want to directly make this a public display...

...but it doesn't stop or discourage pack members from walking around the lodge to watch Deccan throw me to the ground. It's not just our pack, but those individuals who stray from the Nightshade Prowlers Pack can be seen watching.

Diccan kicks me hard in the ribs, the air leaving my lungs, but I don't cry out. He punches my stomach over and over again, and when I finally let the silent tears fall, my breathing ragged, he stops. Diccan tells me, "I'd stay out of sight if I were you."

Diccan leaves me curled up on my side, the dewy grass seeping into my clothes while others disperse. There are a few members of the Nightshade Prowlers Pack that linger a few moments longer, their eyes holding something I can't discern. They leave though, like the rest while heading into the warmth of the lodge.

I can hear through the walls of the lodge, dinner is starting and their is much chatter. Laughter is one of many sounds that rise above the conversation, but I'm still holding my stomach, almost afraid to move.

It's awhile before I get the strength to rise from the spot I am curled up on, holding my stomach with one arm while my other hand reaches out to touch the wall of the lodge. I don't want to come through the front door and be an offending sight to anyone...

...finding it safer to walk around until I find the back basement door leading down beneath the surface of the Earth. I open the door and close it behind me, coming out between two holding cells as I make my way to the hallway leading to my room. When I'm well within the safety it holds, I slowly begin to remove my clothing.

There is bruising forming from where Diccan had beat me when I glance down after removing my shirt. Wincing, I walk into the bathroom before getting a better look in the mirror. Multiple outlines and marks of where darker bruising will reflect in at least a days time can easily be seen.

If I wasn't as malnourished as I am...

...I could heal, like any who possess the innately given gift our species hold.

Wanting to move away from the cold, I run the shower hot, washing away the pain, tears and coldness from being outside for so long. I take my time blow drying my hair again, but when I finish, I simply curl up under the covers of my bed. I snuggle my head into the pillow, not daring to sneak up for now to pick through scraps.

It's still dark when I wake from my short sleep, glancing to the clock to see it's just after ten in the evening. I can hear faintly that there is entertainment for the Nightshade Prowlers Pack outside, deeming it safe for me to creep down the hallway to the basement door. Most of the pack members have either turned down for the night or are out on the grounds drinking and enjoying each other's company.

I quietly enter the kitchen, seeing as there's nothing left out except for half a grilled cheese sandwich. My stomach growls the second I smell it and I quickly take it into my hand. I'm eating it slowly, stepping back away from the counter as I try not to make myself sick from eating too fast. When I'm done, I swallow back half a glass of water before walking out of the dark kitchen and into the dimly lit living room.

The fireplace warms me briefly, standing in front of it for a few minutes. There's loud noises coming from the front door and my heart nearly stops in my chest...but then I'm thankful it isn't Alpha Rakkon or Alpha Zenon...and instead, I hear Z'ev laughing and calling, "There she is!"

As if I'm some lost treasure he's just remembered, the hair on the back of my neck stands on end when I turn around to see Z'ev with two pack members from the Nightshade Prowlers Pack standing just inside the front door. After what happened, I surely didn't believe anyone from their pack would want to look at me.

I'm mistaken though, because Z'ev jokes while holding a beer in his hand stating, "I've just been telling Alpha Rakkon's beta and third in command about how hospitable you are!" The two men hold similar features as the rest of the pack, their hard features resting on me. Z'ev arches a brow and asks, "Do you feel like being hospitable tonight for our guests?"

Perhaps it'll take the pain and resentment I felt earlier away...

Nodding my head, Z'ev holds up his beer as he cheers, introducing, "Alpha Rakkon's beta: Ilyas Sig and his third in command: Narkis Thyclar."

They're both older than me, reaching near Diccan's age, though they don't hold the strength and power the exudes from their alpha, knowing their place. I'm silent as I cross the living room to the basement door, opening it before offering both Ilyas and Narkis the lead, though they remain where they stand

Hesitantly, I glance to Z'ev and he snaps his fingers saying, "Boys, what goes on down there, stays down there," he adds the last part with a slight laugh.

Now I'm uneasy when they nod for me to lead the way. It's deathly quiet, except for our footfalls as we head down the hallway to my room. Z'ev must have closed the door, because there's not much sound from the upper level that I can hear.

When we reach my bedroom door, I open it and step back for them to enter. Ilyas is the first to walk inside, glancing around briefly before Narkis follows his lead. I close the door behind me, asking very quietly, "Is there anything specific you like?"

"Just suck my cock..." Ilyas appears irritated when I say a single word, his voice darkening as he adds, " whore."

I nod my head and I don't say another word, lowering myself to my knees before him. Ilyas allows for me to unbutton and unzip his pants, lowering them with his boxers. Although, I hear Narkis next to me doing the work himself, stepping out of his clothes while I grasp the base of Ilyas' cock.

Ilyas groans, but grabs the back of my hair and snarls, "No hands."

I release his cock and move forward, taking his length into my mouth. Ilyas groans, the grip he has on the back of my hair starting to guide me the way he wants. My throat is relaxed and open for him when he begins to thrust into my mouth quicker.

Narkis reaches down and takes my hand into his, bringing it back up before wrapping it around his cock. He releases my hand after I stroke his cock a few times with his guidance, following how he'd just shown me as I hear him groan.

Ilyas releases the back of my head, taking the hem of his shirt into his hands before he pulls it over his head. The gruff sounds the two of them make, switching back and forth now as I take Narkis' cock into my mouth, it's no surprise when they're quick to get me onto my bed.

After they adorn their condoms, Ilyas leans with his upper back against the headboard. He motions for me and I straddle his hips. He holds his cock as I glide down onto it, a small gasp leaving my lips when I feel him fill me. I bounce up and down on him, Ilyas grabbing my breasts and fondling them in his hands before pinching my nipples.

I moan loudly, continuing my pace until I feel Narkis' hands at my waist. I steady myself down and still on Ilyas, feeling the head of Narkis' cock at my hole before he begins to press into me. I'm much louder this time, stringing moans together as they both groan, thrusting in and out of me.

It hurts slightly when Ilyas holds my sides, because his thumbs press into the bruises forming from when Diccan has beaten me. I cry out softly and much to my surprise, Ilyas shifts his grip downward onto my hips.

Curses leave their lips, my walls hugging Ilyas and increasing pressure on Narkis' strokes. They both shortly thereafter expand within me, filling their condoms before they still. We breathe hard, my heart rate unsteady. After a few minutes, Narkis withdraws from me and I'm able to move off Ilyas. Both men clean themselves up while I bring the covers close to me, holding myself as they begin to get dressed.

I realize it will be rude allowing them to walk down here alone, throwing on light shorts and a shirt. They don't say another word to me, following me back up to the basement door. I knock four times and I hear Narkis ask Ilyas, "What's that about?"

They don't direct the question to me, so I don't answer. Instead, I open the door and step out, holding it open for the two of them to exit.

My heart stops in my chest though, because Alpha Rakkon comes through the front door, calling in that powerful alpha tone, "Ilyas!" Though he doesn't have to look far, because his eyes settle on the three of us.

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Rakkon Wood

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