I've Always Been [Shikamaru x...

By ReirinTomoyama

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Saved by the chunin ranked shinobi, Shikamaru Nara, Y/N L/N, a mysterious yet powerful shinobi, who was found... More

Chapter 1: That Day
Chapter 2: The Same Old Feeling
Chapter 3: I Trust You
Chapter 4: Art Is A Bang!
Chapter 5: Sunagakure no Sato
Chapter 6: As Promised
Chapter 7: Take Advantage
Chapter 8: Omatsuri
Chapter 9: Destroy Her
Chapter 10: Another Chance
Chapter 11: You're Adorable, un!
Chapter 12: Last Chance
Chapter 13: Change My Mind
Chapter 14: Sango no Sato
Chapter 15: Blow Me Up
Chapter 16: Seeing You Again
Chapter 17: Sanbi da! Sanbi!
Chapter 18: I Am Your Darkness
Chapter 19: Love Letter
Chapter 21: Look At Me
Chapter 22: I've Always Been
Chapter 23: Feel It!
Chapter 24: Alive
Author's Note
Deidara SMUT extra chapter: On The Floor

Chapter 20: Curse

683 16 7
By ReirinTomoyama

"Shikamaru-san. I don't think—" I stood up, ready to kill them.

He sighed. "Why don't you just leave this to me?" The other guys left off in a hurry.

What a scaredy cat.

This man in front of me, Shikamaru, I assumed, stepped closer to my beastly self.

Why aren't you scared of me?


My anger filled up my self control meter and attacked the pineapple head in front of me. He pisses me off.

But he did the most unexpected thing to do to someone who would kill him.

His arms wrapped against my slim body, giving all the warmth he has. "It's okay." He muttered on my ears. "It's okay now. You're safe."

I felt it again. The warmth I had been searching for ever since this place was wrecked.

My arms responded and unconsciously activated a curse on him. I knew about the curse but I didn't know it would be put onto him.

A curse to feel my pain.

"Y/N?" A finger snapped in front of me and woke me up on trail of thoughts.

"Huh? What?"

"Are you alright, un? You blacked out."

"I'm sorry. I just..." I trailed off. "I remembered a past of my own."

"What is it?"

"The first time Shikamaru-kun and I met. The first time I was able to bring back my humanity..." Deidara-kun speak no words.

"I remembered I put a curse on him...what should I do? If it triggers, he might actually die...!" My words shaking.

"Calm down, Y/N. How is the curse going to trigger?"

"It triggers when I die." I spoke without actually knowing how I knew this.


"He'll feel all the emotional pain I felt and if he won't survive my pain, he'll die, too." I explained. "He'll be fine but he'll be exhausted if he survives."

"Why did you put it on him, un?"

"I didn't intentionally did it!" I raised my voice. "How can I when the first time we met, I instantly fell for him the moment he brought back my humanity?!" I bursted.

[3rd POV]

The blond akatsuki immediately regretted he ever asked the question. He didn't know what to say. "I-I'm sor—"

"Tobi is scared." Said the orange masked man, hiding behind a tree trunk.

The wolf girl realized she had done something so unnecessary and slumped back to the ground. Tears flowed once more on her [Y/E/C] eyes. "I just didn't want him to be hurt again because of me." I sobbed.

Deidara gave her the warmth she needed, a comfort she needed. Tobi slowly went back to their side. "Will she be okay, Deidara-senpai?"

Deidara shrugged and summons a clay bird and took them back to the base.


Next day, Shikamaru's team together with Temari was pulled in a mission for surveillance around a certain forest.

They set up countless traps and waited for enemies to get caught on the traps. They were out of range, certainly. The pineapple genius had calculated everything. He was sure an enemy would be in their area.

They were in the middle of stopping the Akatsuki. Shikamaru might have wanted to get revenge on his teacher but missions are missions. It is the priority.

"Are you sure you're okay?" The blond Akatsuki, together with the wolf girl and Tobi was strolling around the forest.

"I am, I am. I guess I was just so tired yesterday that I snapped. I'm terribly sorry about that, Tobi." Y/N apologized.

"It's okay, Y/N!" He beamed. "Hm? What's wrong?"

"This smell...it can't be." She said.

"There's an enemy?" Deidara put his hands on his pouch full of clay bombs.

Y/N was in lead and ran towards the person she could smell. Once they were in sight, Shikamaru and Temari was looking at them expectantly. "Oh, not bad." Temari commented.

[Y/N's POV]

Shikamaru-kun and Temari. Knew it.

"Oh, not bad." Temari smirked.

"You bastard...! Do you have any idea how much Y/N has—"

I cut him off. "Deidara-kun, Tobi, I'm going to fight this. Alone." I stared at the two Ninjas in front of me.

"Alone!? But Y/N—" I encased Deidara-kun, as well as Tobi, in a shield cocoon ice. "Y/N!!" He banged the shield in front of him. (A/N: NOT THAT KIND OF BANG, OKAY. 😂😂)

"I have to. I'm sorry, Deidara-kun."

I may not be as smart as Shikamaru-kun but I have to do this.

I shifted into my wolf form. The massive one. Temari clicked her tongue. "Hn. Getting into that already?" She asked in a mocking tone.

They stood still. They didn't budged in their position. Temari's fan still closed.

What is going—

As I stepped one foot, my paw triggered a trap and soon, kunai showered everywhere.

Everywhere but their spot.

Due to my sudden astonishment, kunai pierced and injured my skin everywhere and iced shield came way too late.

Shikamaru-kun's chocolate eyes were analyzing my ability, despite knowing my beastly self, he was staring down at my very soul.

I think he just found out I'm not completely used to my kekkei genkai.

Once the traps has settled down, the shield vaporised. Blood coating my white silver fur.

Using too much chakra on transforming, I shrank into the small wolf form, as big as Akamaru. "What the hell? Is that all you've got?" Temari challenged.

Hidden Mist jutsu! Mist started to surround the place.

This might get eradicated by Temari's wind technique but it'll buy time.

"Mist!?" They exclaimed. I was using the mist on my advantage. Having a predator instinct, I could make my presence unnoticed despite being this big.

Shards of ice were forming all round them. Ice Style: Ice Shuriken Jutsu!

Shards from my fur also shoot from them. "Damn it!" Shikamaru-kun cursed. "Temari!" He called.

"You don't have to remind me!" she countered back. In the middle of the mist, I saw her fan unfold and swung.

Waiting for the wind to clash towards me, I used the technique to attack.

Ice Style: Hail jutsu!

A several howl emitted from my mouth and unbeknownst to them, an ice spears-like above them was forming, ready to descend on them.

"Temari, above!" Shikamaru shouted as the mist settled down.

Ice spears that could instantly kill you if you don't dodge.

Shikamaru-kun, my attacks may be deadly but I know you could survive them and hopefully, you could as well figure out...

Double chapteeeers cause I'm having an awesome daaaaaay!!!

I've finished the entire book! I will be posting 1-2 chapters per day!

Hope you liked it!

Reirin xx

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