Murder the Noisy

By MadMadCat

71.5K 940 2.5K

Just a female Creepypasta scenario. Do you want some context? No! I said no! Alright, just a bit though... Yo... More

The Start
The Killings
The Backstory
My Friends
Small Revenge
A Bit of Deception and a Homicide
'The Talk'
Trying to be Nice
They try to be nice
The Epilogue

Trust Betrays

4.9K 72 253
By MadMadCat

I don't own any of the art. Pretty obvious, but I need to write it every time, because... reasons.
Oh boy! Here we go again! Enjoy!


I lay there, unsleeping, eyes wide open, and looking around the room, my gaze darting from left, to right, then left again. This went on for a long, long time. I looked at the clock in the corner of the room. Half an hour had passed. So, I
couldn't sleep. I guess it wasn't just those parties that kept me up all night.

I arose from my bed and walked to my window, looking out over the forest that stretched for miles and miles. Suddenly, I felt strange feelings all over my body. My skin began to lose all colour, leaving me pale as the full moon. I could see myself trembling via the reflection. I fell to the floor in spasms. I somehow didn't make any noise however, so nobody came to the rescue.

My eyes changed colour, varying from my normal black eyes, to a complete and utter darkness in the eyes. My fingernails fell off, leaving pink flesh underneath. My skin then started to crack, and my mouth went dry. Everything was so dry... my tongue, and bits of outer meat, fell off me, and disintegrated, turning into dust. Skin crumbled off, as did my muscles, fat, and organs. And when I say organs, I mean all the organs, including the eyes, leaving only my skeleton.I lay there, not able to see, hear, touch, taste, or smell. Complete sensory deprivation.

When morning came, I had regrow everything, and was now back to normal. Well... normal-ish. I was scared of what tomorrow night might bring, and was contemplating ending it all right then and there. The others were none the wiser, and more than half of them wouldn't care.

I now stood in the kitchen, making food for everyone. I was the first one there, so it was nice and quiet, easy to work, or in my case, cook in. I was aware that one of the people here eats kidneys, so I took one out of the freezer, cooked it, and presented it in a breakfast-y kind of way. For the others, I made a full English breakfast. I didn't cook myself anything, preferring to take one of the dirty plates from the sink and pretending I had already eaten. I sat at the table with the dirty plate in front of me, closing my eyes and listening for any movement in the mansion.

The first to come in was Slenderwoman, or Slenda.

"Oh!" She exclaimed in surprise, "did you make breakfast for all of us?!"

I nodded in reply, not wanting to talk much. "That one is made of kidneys." I said, pointing to the dish in question. It was her turn to nod, as she sat at the table.

"(Y/N), could you be a darling and tell the others breakfast is ready?" She said, more as an order than a favour.

I again nodded, and walked towards the hallway with the different names of the Creepypastas. I repeatedly wrote down "breakfast" on pieces of paper, slid one under each door, then walked back to the kitchen, knocking on all the doors as I went. I sat down at the table again.

Shortly after, I heard a moderately large group of people coming in, sitting down, and eating breakfast. Even the girl who ate kidneys got the correct meal, although she didn't seem to notice which dish she took. After they ate, they got up, and left, completely forgetting little old me. Slenda still sat there eating. I got up, collected all the plates, glasses, and cutlery, and washed them in the sink. I patiently waited for Slenda to finish her meal, until I took her dish as well, and cleaned it. I tidied everything up, and went to my room, where I sat down on the bed, holding my head in my hands, clutching at my head desperately. I had been hiding a terrible headache the entire time. After all, I hadn't slept since I started killing. I took my knife, and hit myself with its but to knock me out. It did. And I finally slept.

I woke up with a bump on my forehead where I hit myself. My previous headache had gone, only to be replaced by one from the blow to my head. What was I thinking?!

I got up. It looked at the clock in the room. I had "slept" 2 hours. Ugh! I walked out of my room and sat on the sofa. Benny was playing games. I decide to watch her play. It was fun, I guess...

You know what? Since Benny is a gender fluid name, I'm going to use Benny from now on. I control this story with the power of a thousand suns!!!!

She was playing a Mortal Combat game. I didn't really like those kind of games. I much preferred strategy games, or role playing games, or even card games. Call me a nerd or a geek, I am what I am!

Benny looked over to see me watching her play. Just to be clear, I was watching the screen, not her. A sly smile creeped across her face, but I didn't notice.

She scooted over next to me, embarrassing me, and thus distracting me. She pickpocketed my knife and all other things I had on me. She the. Stopped playing, and walked off. She hid my stuff around the house, but I didn't know that, did I? So I was none the wiser as to why my belongings had disappeared.

I went into the kitchen, oblivious to my lost property, and began to cook lunch. I cooked one steak for each person, and one ground kidney. I wrapped each steak, or collection of ground kidney, in a wrap. I put some salad on the side of every plate, and lay various sauces on the table. I placed everything neatly and wrote a little note above the kidney dish which read: "Kidney Special". I stood back a minute to admire my handy work. I hadn't cooked anything for myself again, and did the same trick as before, pretending to be cleaning my plate off as the others arrived.

The girls came in and sat at the table. One of the girls, I think her alias was Eyeless Jax, sat in front of the kidney special. Unlike the last meal, some of them looked at me, noticing me for the first time since I got here, and looking slightly surprised. Benny smiled and waved at me, Jane mouthed the words "thank you", Jess nodded gruffly in my direction. After the meal itself, Slenda came up to me and actually thanked me for the meal as I was cleaning up everything. I was flustered, of course, and Benny giggled, as if she knew something...

Now, I may be a very shy person, but this has helped me learn how to observe people, read them, so that I can tell when they are lying or not, so that I can have a vague idea of what emotion they are having, and Benny was giving me the impression that she was being mischievous.

That was when I felt that I had none of the belongings I had this morning on me. I panicked, desperately searching for my knife, glasses, and watch. I was short sighted. I didn't use my glasses when killing, or when walking around the house. However, my watch had a sentimental value to me. It was given to me by my one and only friend. The one I had released  orphanage, and later killed. He had given it to me, saying it used to be his father's, and that he thought I was like him in many ways. Apparently, his father was a brave, honest, and just man, and I felt terrible. I wasn't any of those things, but he had given the watch to me all the same. It the only physical object that was really important to be, excluding people and relationships.

I ran around the mansion, gritting my teeth and tears forming in the corners of my eyes. I rushed into my room and looked frantically about. I couldn't find it. I ran to the sofa I was sitting on when watching Benny play video games. I checked under the pillows and all, but still, I couldn't find any song of the thing. I decided to have one last check around the kitchen to see if I just happened to have dropped it somewhere.

Alas, my search was in vain. I rushed to my room, hid under the covers, and started to sob, shuddering every now and then. I slowly, but surely, drifted off to sleep, crying all the while. It was the first time I had actually slept in weeks, and I was exhausted.

When I woke up, I noticed it was dark outside. I looked at the clock and it read "6:00pm". I got up, and went to the kitchen and started to cook. I had decided to cook spaghetti, with some carbonara sauce. I noticed that I had just used he last kidney to make a custom carbonara for Eyeless Jax. I served it up, but forgot to do my trick in my deep thought and sense of loss. I sat at the table and closed my eyes, waiting for the others to show up.

When they did, I opened my eyes to look at them. They all sat down, except for Eyeless Jax, who took her plate and left. So, I followed her.

I found her sitting on the roof. I sat down next to her, and she jumped, quickly covering her face with her mask, but not quickly enough for me not to see her face. She was pretty.

"Wh-wh-wh-why d-do y-y-y-you h-hi-hide y-your f-f-face?" I asked naively and innocently.

"I'm... not comfortable letting everyone see what I am..." she answered.

"Wh-wh-why?! Y-you're p-pr-pretty!" I Said a little too loudly. I then blushed and covered my ears with both my hands, and shutting my eyes tight. She simply hugged me. The hug was very tight, and conveyed a lot of emotions.

"Come on! Let's go inside and join the others" she said, suddenly full of joy, confidence, and determination!

"O-ok-okay." I said submissively.

She led the way back in. We sat down on the sofa in the living room, next to each other. All the others girls started to come in, and nearly everyone was there, except for one. That one person was Benny.

After a few minutes of waiting, she arrived.

"Finally! You're here! Right, well we can now begin. *to the other girls in general* Who's ready for movie night!!" Jane shouted. The other girls cheered with cries of "Yes!", and "Yay!", and "Get a move on already!".

She put the film in, and the title screen appeared. It was a horror film. "Nightmare on Elm Street" to be exact. I obviously don't own it.

I started leaning closer and closer to Jax, clinging to her tighter and tighter as the film went on. By the end, I was a shaking mess. It was simply too scary.

"Hey! Look who can't handle it!" said Benny jokingly, trying to get a reaction. I simply hugged onto Jax even tighter, not because of the film this time, but because of Benny. She was scary...! Although I trusted her. I trusted all of them. They were like me, for the most part. We were all killers, and have banded together to live our lives, so I thought it was a given that I trusted them.

She looked at me and grinned. I again didn't see this sign, so I was none the wiser.

After the film, I headed to my room. I knew I was going to have nightmare the instant I noticed it was a horror film. Suddenly, as I was opening the door, Benny jumped out, grabbed my shoulders, and pushed me onto the floor, her on top of me. She had that goo in her eyes again. I cowered and hid my face with my arms, or tried to... She was holding my arms up above my head.

Then, the goop left her eyes, and she smirked as she got off of me.

"You're scared easily, aren't you~?" She said, making it obvious this wouldn't be the last time she did this. I just blushed and went into my room, locking the door once inside. I changed into my pyjamas and down on on my bed. Today was a long day, so I decided to get some shut eye. This time, I fell asleep without any trouble. Well, after all the "trying not to go to sleep because of Freddy Krueger", but when I finally got to sleep, I had a dream about me disintegrating. I came to the conclusion that , like this time, last night was only a dream.

I woke up and saw the television on the wall opposite the bed, and decided to turn it on. I started to watch a nicer film. Oe that was less scary. I'm not one for horror, but give me a psychological film any day! I decided to watch Clockwork Orange. I don't own Clockwork Orange, obviously. There were a few scary scenes, but not many.

At the end of the film, I pressed the button on the remote control to turn of the telly, but it didn't work. Must have expired batteries in it. So I went to change the batteries, and tried again, but nothing happened. I walked up to the TV itself, but the Benny jumped out again and and, like last time, landed on me, scaring the living daylight out of me, and, like last time, I cowered, covered my face, and when she finally got off of me, blushed beet red in embarrassment and walked off. I felt like I was losing trust in Benny. She was nice and all, but she didn't feel like someone I could trust. However, I pushed the thought away for another time, and started to make lunch, since I had missed making breakfast.

When I had finished, I did the same trick as before, still not being hungry, and sat down on the sofa, Benny jumped out again. It seemed that wherever I went, she would follow and try to scare me. Did she hate me or something?! I ran off and hid. Surprisingly, she didn't find me and I saw her looking around for me, checking in various rooms. I decided to get back at her.

I stuck into her room and started looking around. That was when I saw the watch Micheal had given me on her bedside table. I felt betrayed. She had ruined my trust for her. I looked back on the events of the past ew days, and I had no reason to trust anyone. I felt like trust was no longer an option for any of them. I started to tear up. I felt hurt.

Then Benny walked in and saw me. She looked surprised, and concerned when she saw my hurt, saddened, and betrayed expression. Then the expression on her face vanished, and she grinned. She then left the room, after telling me to grab my stuff and "get out of her room, now". I did just that and went to my room, hiding all my items in various places, but kept the knife on me. I hid it between the the layers of my shirt.

When I left my room again, I saw a few of the Creepypastas look and snicker slightly. Apparently, news spread fast in the mansion. I couldn't handle it. I rushed to my room, slammed the door shut, and locked it. I also locked all windows and other entrances. I also disconnected the telly, took it off the wall, and placed it face down on the floor.

I sat on my bed, hiding under the covers, and cried.

What else could I do? I felt depressed, betrayed, and most of all, hurt. Benny made a prank, which I could have understood and forgiven, but she had just laughed when she saw me, and rushed to tell everyone about it, and that wasn't a prank anymore. That was bullying! That was just being mean! Ghastly! I had trusted her, but she had destroyed that trust!

I watched another film, a sad one. It was a French film. I see the name, having pressed play right away, but it was about an honest and gullible man who ended up being manipulated and died. It's a real film, by the way, and the reason I haven't put the name in is because I don't remember it. I almost cried at the end, but at this point, I had no tears left. I lay on my bed and fell asleep, not wanting to have to deal with the outside world right now.

Instead of that recurring nightmare, I dreamt of... nothing. I finally had some peace and quiet. It was completely black, and there was nothing to hear. I felt relieved that I didn't have to feel anything for just a moment. Then I woke up.

I lay on my bed, eyes still shut, but I could that feel something... someone was in my room! I opened my eyes. The person standing over me was... Benny.

There we go! All done! You know, the title for this comes from my personal opinion on trust, which is that trust may be useful in certain circumstances, but is easily used against you, which I why I don't trust anyone... anymore. Anyway, on a lighter note, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

This chapter has 3010 words in it.
I'll see you all next time! :3(colon three)

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