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I don't own the picture.
I'm writing this chapter before the end of the week as a bet with DeathBoltTheGod Enjoy!

Doing chores is hard. Especially when you're the only one doing them in the entire house! I vacuumed, dusted, washed the dishes, made breakfast, lunch, and dinner, did the laundry, dried the laundry, tidied up the laundry, put things back where they belong because people can't be asked to do it themselves. It really gets to you... Either way, it's not like it was going to change anytime soon, so I might as well get on with it.

I was currently cooking dinner. It was a large dump of beef on a pike over a fire outside, some sweet corn, and some chips that were cooking in the oven inside. The meat was going to take about another 5 minutes, as well as the chips, and the sweet corn was  being washed by me right now. For Jax, I had already cooked a kidney on the grill and served it on a plate, along with some lettuce and rice.

After the five minutes we're up, I quickly and efficiently served all the food on the plates and sat at the head of the table. I sat there triumphantly as the others walked in, took a bite, and cried it was that good. They all looked at me, tears in their eyes. They all applauded, some hugged me, and one even kissed me. They were all thanking me for my excellent work.

Or that's what I would like to say... Instead, I was lying on the floor with a ringing noise in my ears and a vision that had gone completely black. I couldn't see, and all I could hear was that noise. That terrible, screeching noise that pierced my senses with the force of a speeding moon striking a planet!

After what felt like an eternity of horrifying screeching and sensory deprivation, I woke up in my bed, covered by my sheets, and with a pillow under my head. The instant I was aware of it, I clutched at my mid section. My stomach was tearing itself apart, trying to find anything to digest and send to the intestines to be absorbed into the bloodstream. My stomach growled at me. Not just a weak, pathetic mew. A full on rant about how I'm mistreating it.

I started salivating at the mouth. I dribbled, soaking the sheets of my bed. I tried to bite down, but all I did was almost detach my tongue. I was now bleeding torrents of hot, red, life-essential liquid. I coughed, choking on my own blood. I tried to crawl to the door, but I was too weak and was loosing too much blood. Was I really going to die of blood loss? What a boring way to go...

I woke up again in a hospital bed, with a certain Nurse Ann above me, examining me.

"S-s-so... wha-what's wr-who-wrong, d-doc?" I asked.

"You starved. Literally. When was the last time you ate?" She questioned.

"U-umm... b-b-before I-I s-st-started k-kill-killing." I answered.

"Well that would explain it." She said.

She then grabbed my throat, put a tube down my nose, and poured a gritty liquid in the funnel at the top. I gagged, and choked, all while trying to breathe.

After a minute, she took the tube out and looked back at me.

"Wh-wh-what w-wa-was th-that?!" I exclaimed, staring at her in fear and cowering away from her in fear.

"That was a mixture of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and fats. Something to get you back on your feet." She said. She then hugged my trembling form. "Please don't hurt yourself again... you scared us..."

I nodded and hugged back.

We stayed like that for a while until she held my shoulders at arms length and looked me in the eyes.

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