Trying to be Nice

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     After their... talk... I went to my room. I didn't want to stay around them for too long. But... maybe if I'm nice, then they'll loosen up a bit. Yes, that was a perfect idea! I'll be really nice. I thought it was Benny's birthday in a week or so, so I got to work. Well... started planning in secret.

     That night, I made all sorts of plans for where decorations were to go and what kind of cake I would bake for her. I decided on chocolate cake, since it was the easiest to do without icing. The next day, I made all the decorations and hid them in a drawer. The day after that, I asked to go out hunting with Jane and I stole snacks and drinks while I was there. I hid those in my wardrobe. After that, all I had to do was wait until the big day.

The night before Benny's birthday, I snuck out at midnight before everyone woke up. I put a scary film in the DVD player that connected to the telly. I set up all the decorations and was quite please with the result. I had only set up decorations in the kitchen and living room, because I wanted it all to be a big surprise to all of them.

One hour before they all woke up, I baked the cake. I also placed all the utensils for eating on the table, along with plates and water. I got out the snacks and fizzy drinks and put them all out on the sides of the sofas. I believed I was ready.

The oven dinged and I took out the cake. It smelled wonderful, and I placed it on the dining table. I then heard footsteps coming down the hall. I hoped they would be happy. I also hoped I would not be in trouble.

'H-hi B-Ben-n-nie. H-happy B-Birthday.' I smiled at her weakly, doing my best to seem happy.

     She simply looked at me, almost as if in disbelief. Then Slenda, Anne, and Jax walked in as well. They too looked at me in disbelief. Then they had a mixture of happiness and anger. I was scared...

'(Y/N), that's very kind of you, but what was Rule 2 and 3 broken. And since you've broken two rules, you not only get punished... you get locked in the cupboard for a day without food or water.' Said Bennie. I started shaking... shivering...

'B-b-b-b-but... I-I-I j-just wanted t-t-to help...' I said meekly.

'I know, but you still broke two rules. Come on.' Said Slenda.

Jax then grabbed me by the arm and dragged me to the basement. She sat me down in a chair, then left. I just stared in front of me. I felt like I had after the 'talk'. Cold... oh so cold... I felt as if I would freeze over and never warm up again. The metal door to my left opened, and I saw Anne walk in with a metal tray with rows and rows of metal tools, all of which looked designed to inflict as much pain as possible.

'Alright, (Y/N). Since this is your first time, I'll go easy on you, okay?' Anne said. I nodded. 'Good.'

She then picked up a sledgehammer out of nowhere and smashed both my kneecaps. I screamed in pain. She then hit them again. And I screamed again. Hit. Scream. Hit. Scream. This repeated itself for an eternity, or what felt like one at the very least. I didn't dare to look at my legs, but I finally brought myself to do so. They were a wet mass of flesh and broken bone. I fainted.

When I woke up, I was in a dark, cramped space. I was in a foetus position in what felt like a cupboard. In fact, it felt like it was one of the kitchen cupboards. I stayed silent, not moving. I fell asleep again. I didn't want to experience all of this. I woke up a few times, but finally, I woke up on the sofa. I sat up.

Jane was sitting next to me, watching me, likely observing my various features. My legs looked healed for the most part, aside from a few bruises. I suppose that was Anne's work. I hugged my legs and leaned away from Jane, tearing up and beginning to quiver.

'Don't be scared, (Y/N). You're safe with us, you know that.' She then wrapped her arms around me, whispering calming words into my ear. I didn't calm down. She made it worse, her actions more so, and her words even more. She seemed to notice this. 'If you don't hug me back, I'll be offended. That's rule 6, remember?'

And so, I put my arms around her and squeezed. I was hugging one of He most dangerous people to ever exist. I was terrified. And yet, I calmed down. After remembering the torture, I felt cold again. Nothing. Just nothing. I stopped shaking and simply sat there, motionless. I suppose this was the start of a defence mechanism... or insanity...

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