Runaway Maple leaf

By _FandomLover332_

38.3K 977 960

The country's move in with their 'family's' for a year to see how they would react to each other after living... More

Welcome to my nightmare... I mean home.
Meetings, and the pain filled weeks.
Unexpected guest in Italy!
Safe, safe from my family.
Pasta, pizza, wurst and..... Pancakes!
Comfort and World meeting plans
World meeting...... CANADA!!!
Family drama taken one step to far
Coma, and pains of a real family.
Awaken, not there.... but still here
Returned, and rage of the Canadian Viking!
Look into the past of Canadian history! Home and a real family!
The three blonds get a reality check! -Warning broken 4th wall (:<-

Hot days + sweating Canadians = Beach party

2.8K 70 50
By _FandomLover332_

(Canada's Pov)

I was sitting on the deck fanning my face do to all this heat. I don't mind the heat but this was a little bit to much for me, I didn't know how everyone else could handle the heat. I let out a tired sigh as I leaned against the railing. It has only been a week since I had ran away from my so called 'Family', today I am able to leave the bedroom and walk around without somebody forcing me back into bed.

The only time I was allowed to leave was for the bathroom other then that I was in bed resting.... I wasn't even allowed to do work. Eliza had to tie me to the bed and keep my work laptop in her room, but Ludwig gave me books to read (Matthew is on human named bases with everyone now) which I'm thankful for.


I turned to see Gilbert run pass me just to get a bucket of water to the face. Eliza ran passed me as well with her frying pan, she was also drenched in water as well.

"GILBERT!!!" she yelled.

The moment they came, they were gone the next. I blinked a few times before a small smile graced my lips. I turned to look back at the two friends running around chasing each other.... well Gilbert running away from Eliza and her frying pan that is.

"Matteo!" Feli called out, pulling me into a hug from behind.

"Hello Feli." I said, as I looked over my shoulder to see a grinning Italian.


Feli and I looked over to see Eliza walking away from a pained albino, a smirk was present on the brunettes light tanned skin. I smiled lightly at the sight, imagining that being my 'family'.

"Ve~ What are you-a thinking about-a Matteo?" the happy Italian asked.

"Oh..." I was startled out of my thoughts before grinning again.

"About my family getting beaten up by Eliza and her frying pan... that's all really." I said, Feli nodded.

"That-a would-a be funny!" Feli giggled at the thought as well.

I smiled at Eliza when she came up to us and looked us up and down. She grabbed our hands and dragged us inside muttering under her breath as we passed Ludwig, Antonio, and Roderich. The three looked at us and knew what had happened.

We were pulled in to Eliza's room and she searched for something. Feli pulled me to the bed were we sat looking at the brunette.

"Ve~ We should-a go-a swimming since it is so-a nice out!" Feli said.

Eliza froze before rushing out of her room before returning with two red swim trunks. Eliza handed them to the both of us and Feli walked to the bathroom, Eliza leaving the room giving me some privacy.

I quickly changed and put my sweater back on, Feli came out with a grin.

"Ve~ I can't-a wait to swim!" Italy said, pulling me out of the room and into the living room where we saw Gilbert running around grabbing pool noodles and tubes that looked like donuts.

"Gilbert! We're out of watermelon!" Eliza shouted, Gilbert froze before dropping everything and running out of the house like a bunny running from a pack of wolves.

"Oh never mind, found some!" Eliza said after a bit.

Feli and I sat on the couches waiting for everyone to settle down, I decided to take a small power nap do to the heat.

(Feliciano's Pov)

I felt a light weight on my left shoulder, looking over I saw that Matteo had fallen asleep. I smiled at my friend, I could see that he was slowly getting better. Eliza had made sure to give Matteo and Kuma extra food so they can get back to their healthy selves again.

"Feli?" Ludwig spoke, I looked at him with a grin.

"Are you and Matthew ready?" the German asked.

"Si! Though Matteo fell asleep, but that is-a okay! He can-a sleep on the way!" I said, Gilbert popped up next to the Canadian and picked him up.

"Still a little light but he's getting a bit of weight to him again." Gilbert said, we all sighed at the sweet shy Canadian.

We all climbed in to our cars to leave for the beach. Lovino, Antonio, Ludwig, Matteo and I were in one car. While Gilbert, Eliza and Roderich were in Gilbert's truck. Matteo was in the back sitting between Lovino and Antonio, I took a picture of the three and laughed at Lovino's red face.


When we reach the beach I saw Kiku and Leon setting up a spot on the beach. I jumped out of the car and dashed to the two Asians with a grin.

"KIKU! LEON!!" I called out giving them a very little warning before I pulled them into a hug.

"Kon'nichiwa Feli-kun. ( is that right? Please let me know if it is)" Kiku said, trying to get out of my hug.

"Feli." Leon said looking at me with a emotionless look.

I released them from the hug when Ludwig walked up to us with the others. I saw Matteo on Ludwig's back, sleeping soundly.

"Hello Kiku, hello Leon thank you for coming." Ludwig greeted.

Both Kiku and Leon bowed at the German, I saw Kiku's eyes go to the sleeping Canadian and tilted his head slightly.

"Why is Canada-kun on your back, if you don't mind my asking?" Kiku asked, Leon looked at Matteo with a watchful gaze.

"He fell asleep on Feli before we left." Gilbert said before Ludwig could speak.

The two nodded. We all got to work setting things up, Lovino and I set up a spot for our Canadian friend in a hamic in the shade of the trees. Eliza handed out some sunscreen for us and I walked back over to Matteo to put some on him.

"Feli would you like some help with Matthew?" Leon asked, I looked at him and nodded.

The both of us got to work rubbing the lotion on the pale Canadians legs and feet. It was hard to get the hoodie off so I ran to get Ludwig to help us.

(Canada's Pov)

I groaned when I felt something cold getting rubbed on to my chest and back. A hot breeze felt nice against whatever was being rubbed on. I slowly opened my eyes to see a familiar brunette, Leon, was rubbing sunscreen on to my chest while someone was doing the same to my back.

Leon looked up to see me, I looked at him still being half asleep.

"Hello Matthew." Leon said, I smiled tiredly.

"Bonjour Leon, how *yawn* are you?" I asked, yawning a bit.

"I'm fine, how about you?" he said, I thought about the question for a moment.

"Better now that I'm away from my stupid 'family' *yawn* I like being with Feli, Lovino and their family instead." I mumbled, I was always told that I become a bunt person when I'm tired, rudely awaken or half asleep. Always speaking the truth to anyone who is talking to me... why else I am so good at giving a three hour rants to America.

Leon was taken back by this but I was trying to stay awake and not fall asleep on them. Giggling was heard behind and I knew that Feli was the one behind me. Leon just shook his head and continued rubbing the sunscreen on to my arms now. Feli doing the left arm now.

I was slowly falling asleep when someone started to rub lotion on to my face. I opened my eyes to see that Eliza was the one rubbing my face. (Boy they are a better family then England, France and America! Lol) She smiled at me and make quick work with the lotion. When they finished I was wide awake to realise that; one, I wasn't wearing my hoodie, two, that I was at the beach, and three, there was a amazing view of the wide blue ocean that I loved to stare at when I was younger.

"That is a killer view..." I said, Feli and Eliza chuckled while Leon patted my shoulder.

"Come on! Let's-a go swim! Ve~" the bubbly Italian said, pulling us into the water.

When my foot touched the water I felt a shiver rush through me as Feli and I ran into the water like children. Gilbert and Antonio dragged a cursing Lovino and threw him in, splashing us at the same time. Feli laughed at Lovino's beet red face, I giggled a bit at the two brothers.

Lovino started chasing Feli, I smiled at them.

"Eek!" I yelped, I was picked up by Gilbert and was being held bridal style.

"Oi! Potato Brat number 2! Let go of the Canadian!" Lovino shouted.

"Spain- kun please put us down!" Japan asked but Antonio and Gilbert ignored the Japanese man.

Gilbert and Antonio started to run away with Japan and I in their arms. Eliza, Feli, Lovino, and Leon all chased after us with water guns that Ludwig was happy to supply. I sighed and waited for the fight to start with a small smile.

I looked behind to see that they had stopped chasing us, I looked at Japan and he looked at me with a confused look.



Japan and I both were released when they were hit in the face with water. A pair of hands grabbed me and I saw Lovino pulling me up and over his shoulder, the same with Japan.

 The group ran away from Gilbert and Antonio and went for the trees. Eliza and Feli were spraying the two men behind us in the face and chest before chasing after us. I looked up and saw that Gilbert and Antonio took a different route to cut us off.

"Uh they went another way." I said, Lovino nodded.

I could feel Lovino's hair tickling my side, I was trying so hard not to laugh.

"Let's take a different rout and beat them back to the others!" Lovino said, the others nodded and with that we took multiple twists and turns before popping out at the end of the trees to were Ludwig and Roderich were sitting.

I saw white hair in the trees, I looked at Feli and grinned.

"Feli can I see your water gun for a moment please." I asked, the Italian nodded and passed me the 'deadly' water gun.

I noticed that it looked like a sniper rifle and my grin widened. The one of the reasons why everyone remembers me is because of my aim with a gun. I ready the water gun and fired away at the Spaniard and the Prussian, you could hear them cursing about their faces.

We reached the area that we are staying at, Lovino and Leon put me and Japan down on the burning sand. I handed the gun back to Feli and Lovino and everyone else burst out laughing.

"Nice shot, Matt!" Romano said.

"They didn't even see it coming!" Leon stated calmly.

"Did-a you hear them, it was-a funny!" Feli giggled.

"I bet that Gilbert is crying about how 'Unawesome' it is to be shot in the face." Eliza said.

"Canada-kun that was an excellent shot!" Japan said, bowing at me.

I returned the bow but was blushing at all the compliments that I was getting. Roderich gasped at the two people who were grumbling (Prussia was, Antonio was just ginning away) about how it was a cheap shot.

We all looked at the two friends and burst out into laughter. Gilbert and Antonio where covered in mud and sand, you could see that there was supposed to be mud on their faces. I grinned knowing that I had the perfect shot, and there wasn't even a scope on the water gun to help me with the aim.


At the end of the day we all headed back to the house with Kiku (Who Matthew is now on a first name basis with) and Leon following close behind. I was sitting between Antonio and Lovino, we all were munching on some pizza that Lovino snuck into the cooler. I was also drinking some pop that was brought.

I saw that we were at the house and that none of us wanted to move...

"I need the bathroom!!" shouted Gilbert, as he pulled a startled Ludwig out of the car.

We all stared at the two slowly eating our food. Kiku, Eliza, Roderich, and Leon walked up to the car and looked at the now opened door. Ludwig shook his head as he walked back. We all got out of the car and started to unpack everything.

When that was done we all went to bed, Kuma and I curled up in bed falling into a peaceful slumber.










"Hello?" I spoke.




I am so sorry that it took me awhile to write this but I have been busy lately and I am trying my best to get everything done. I may not be able to write as much in the next coming months but I will try.

But I hope that you enjoyed this chapter! 

I own nothing but the plot and I don't own the picture either. All credits go to their original creators.


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