Shit Happens (Supernatural)✔️

By Riverxoxo18

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Liv Evans and Hali Ever are long time best friends. As seniors in high school, they live normal, boring lives... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 20

40 2 0
By Riverxoxo18

It's been two weeks since Hali got taken. Everyone was starting to get worried since they haven't heard from Crowley. Almost as busy work, Dean tried to find a demon for closing the gates. But, things were quiet, nothing strange and out of the norm that might lead to demons. That's how Dean came up with the assumption that the demons took Hali so the gates wouldn't be closed. Those bastards knew the Winchesters wouldn't close Hell with one of their own down there. Now, the hell crawlers were avoiding coming top side, and somehow resisted being summoned.

Dean knew there was one more form of summoning left to try, but he was praying they wouldn't have to use it. He didn't want Liv to know about a crossroads demon, he didn't ever want her to sell her soul. He knew that in the right situation, she wouldn't hesitate in doing so if she knew about it.

The bunker had been quiet, no one has really talked to one another. Sam avoided his brother as much as he could. He's been trying to find a way into Hell to save Hali, but he wasn't able to summon a reaper. Because, not to his knowledge, Cas had instructed that all reapers fight being summoned by the younger Winchester. Liv was the one that told Cas to do so. She's been trying to find her own reaper to get her through, but no one will agree. That's why she's still top side and not rescuing her friend. Cas had been helping her in finding a possible alternate way into Hell, but it's not been easy.

Liv had been going crazy with not being able to do anything. The fact that she had a plan, but couldn't act upon it, was killing her. She didn't know how much time she could waist waiting around like she had been.

Dean walked through the hall to his room, but he stopped before opening his door. He peered down the hall to Liv's door. She had been locked in her room for almost all of the two weeks. Rarely, he would catch a glimpse of her when she entered the library to grab more books. She's created quite the collection in her room. She was smart though, she took an assortment of books, they didn't even go together. That way, Sam and Dean wouldn't be able to figure out what she was trying to do.

Dean was greatly worried about her. When he saw her, she wouldn't even look his way, let alone talk to him. He knew for a fact that she wasn't eating and could tell she was getting thin. He knew they needed to get Hali back, because with the way Liv was living, she wasn't going to survive much longer.

That's why, when she entered the study all cleaned up in black ripped jeans and a tank top with a blue flannel over it, he was surprised. Her hair was straightened and he even saw some eye shadow on her. She even made eye contact with him. It was the first time in two weeks and he didn't know until then how much he missed her blue eyes.

"Hey," Dean said to her.

Sam looked up from his spot at the table next to Dean. His face was buried in a book and he didn't notice Liv until Dean spoke.

"Hi," she said. Liv felt bad that she hasn't been there for the boys. She was hurting, but she knew they were as well. With one look at Sam, she could tell he was a complete wreck.

"How are you?" Dean asked not really sure if what else to say.        

"I'm ok," she told him. "Have you found anything?"

"Not a damn sign of a demon. They must have taken her because they didn't want Hell closed. They must have realized our plan," he explained with a tired sigh. "Have you found anything in your 'secret' research?"

"Not yet," she explained.

"I was about to go get some diner, what do you want?" He asked her.

"Nothing, I'm alright."

"It wasn't an option. You haven't eaten in weeks. So, you either tell me what you want, or I'm choosing for you." The more time she spent in front of his eyes, the more he could tell how unwell she was. Her flannel that normally fit her perfectly was baggy; she was wearing away. It hurt him to see her that way.

Liv sighed, she knew she wasn't going to win. "Can you get me a tuna sub?"

"Of course," Dean said. "I'll be back in a bit," he said as he got up from his seat. He looked over to his brother who hadn't said a word yet. "It's good to see you, sweetheart," he added as he walked towards the garage.

"You too," she called after him. Once he was gone, Liv walked over to where Sam was and stood in front of him. "Let's get out for a bit," she said softly. She could tell he's been cooped up in here for too long. He needed some fresh air. Besides, she had an idea of where she wanted to go.

"We don't have time for that!" Sam argued. He needed to find a way to get his girl back. There wasn't any room for down time.

"Just a quick ride into town," she pushed lightly.

"Liv, I get you want to help, but-,"

"Get in the Damn car, Samuel!" Liv barked cutting him off as she pointed towards the door.

Sam's eyes went wide. After two weeks of not seeing her, he forgot how scary she could be. He nodded and stood up so quickly he almost toppled over.

The two of them walked outside to where her Mustang was parked. They got in and she started the engine. The whole time, there was no exchange of words.

After she drove a mile or two down the road, Sam finally spoke.

"Where are we going?" He asked.

"To the ring store in town," Liv told him.

"Why?" He questioned. Sam had no clue why they would be going there at a time like this.

"Because, we're gonna get Hali back-," Liv started, but was cut off.

"How?" Sam sighed.

"Just listen," she said calmly. "We're gonna get her back. I don't know how yet, but we will." It was a small lie, because she wasn't giving up on her plan... it had to work. "And when she's home, you need that ring for her."

Sam thought back to when him and Liv discussed Hali's birthday before everything went to literal hell. He was going to get her a promise ring, and Liv was going to help him pick it out.

"Her birthday is tomorrow..." Liv started to say but tried not to think about it. "Look, I'm gonna help you like I said I would, and you're gonna give her that ring." She needed her best friend and Sam to be happy. She also was trying to give Sam some hope.

"What do I even promise her?" Sam asked. For a moment, he completely forgot that Hali was in hell. He was actually calm and could only think about giving her the gift.

"You promise her a life together, Sam," Liv explained. "That's all she wants." She knew her best friend better than anyone, and she knew that's all Hali hoped for in life.

Not too much later, they pulled up to the jewelry store. It wasn't one of the big names, but it still seemed classy.

"What if I don't find anything?" Sam asked worried. This whole ordeal was very important to him and he didn't want to screw it up.

"Trust me," Liv told him. "You'll find the right one, and you'll know it as soon as you lay eyes on it."

The two of them walked up to the brick building. As Sam opened the door, there was a bell that jingled. He held the door open for Liv and let her enter first. 'Cause at the end of the day, Sam Winchester was a gentleman.

"Thanks," Liv mumbled sweetly.

"How can I help you?" A blond, older woman, from behind the display counter, asked.

"We're looking for a ring," Liv said.

"Congratulations, you two," the lady smiled.

Sam's eyes went wide as the woman's assumption.

"Oh! No," Liv said immediately correcting the lady. "We're just friends," she explained motioning between herself and Sam.

"The ring is for my girlfriend," Sam smiled at the thought.

"Oh, my apologies," the lady said.

"Don't worry about it." Sam gave his classic reassuring smile.

"So, what's the occasion?"

"It's her birthday, and I wanted to get her a promise ring with our initials engraved," Sam explained.

"How lovely. Here," she said pointing to a section of the display in front of her. "You can start looking at these."

"Thanks," Sam and Liv said at the same time.

"So gold, silver, or rose gold?" Liv asked once her and the giant began checking out some of their options.

"I was thinking silver," he said now second guessing himself. Whenever Hali wore jewelry, it was always silver. So, he figured she preferred it to gold and everything else.

"Good choice," Liv honestly told him. She knew Hali would chose that herself as well.

The two of them scanned the case. So far, nothing was jumping out to Sam. He saw some really nice pieces, but nothing spoke to him. There were rings of all shapes and sizes, he had no idea so many styles existed. But, just as he sighed, almost in defeat, something glistened in the reflection and caught his eye. It was a silver band with an infinity simple in the center.

"That one," he said pointing to it.

Liv shifter her gaze to where he was gesturing. She smiled; it was perfect.

"Do you think she'll like it?"

"She's going to love it," Liv said.

"Find something?" The lady asked coming back over to them.

"Yeah, this one," Sam explained.

"Good choice," she grinned. She opened up the display and took the ring out. "Do you know the size?"

"Four," Liv said answering for Sam.

"Alright, lucky for you, this one is a four, and our last one. I'll get it all set."

"Thank you," Sam said.

The woman nodded and walked away to package the ring.

"Do you have any idea what something like that costs?" Sam wondered.

"Probably a few hundred dollars," she replied. "How are you gonna pay for it?" She figured he would just use the fake credit cards him and his brother had.

"I uh... I actually have some money saved up. You know, that I earned myself. I wanted this to be as honest as possible." Sam didn't have much money that was really his, but what he did have was definitely worth spending on Hali.

"That's really sweat," Liv told him.

Sam blushed a bit; he was such a romantic. "You know, I wouldn't be surprised if Hali came here with Dean one day," Sam said looking down to her as she checked out some of the other rings. Somehow, Liv had gotten him to really believe that Hali was gonna make it home. He really needed this small outing to get his hope back. Sam knew that he would have to give her the ring as soon as she returned, because he had to close the gates. The promise ring wasn't so much a promise for a life together... it was a promise that he would always love her. It was sad, yes, that he would be leaving her... but for the greater good... he had too.

"What?" She said not following.

"You and Dean... I'm rooting for you guys."

"We-," she started to argue but was cut off by the lady.

"All set," she said placing the ring down in a nice box. "Your total will be $256."

Sam nodded as he got out his wallet. He grabbed a bundle of cash and counted out what he needed.

"Sign here," she said taking the money from him.

Once they were all set, Sam grabbed the box. Him and Liv walked out of the store and back to her car.

"Thank you, Liv... for this," Sam said once him and her were seated.

"Of course, Sam. I'm glad I could help."

"I just hope..."

"Hey," she said softly. "We're getting her back."

"How can you be so sure," he sighed.

"Because..." she said. Liv knew she couldn't be completely honest with her intentions, but she had to give him something. "Trust me?" She more asked than stated.

"Yeah," he answered seriously.

With that, Liv started her Mustang and started the quick drive home. She wanted to be back before Dean. While driving in a comfortable silence, she thought about what Sam said earlier. Could she really have a chance with Dean? Did Sam know something he wasn't telling her? It didn't matter though... not now anyway. She had way more pressing matters at the moment.


Liv and Sam arrived back at the bunker just minutes before Dean returned. The elder Winchester walked into the study to find his brother and Liv at the same table with their noses buried in books.

"Diner's here," he announced.

"Thanks," Liv said.

"I got you a salad," he told Sam. "It said organic... so I figured you'd eat it."

"Thanks," Sam mumbled, still holding a grudge against his brother.

"Don't say it if you don't mean it," Dean grumbled.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sam demanded.

"Oh, so were just gonna act like you're not pissed at me? I did every damn thing I could to save her!" He barked.

"You shouldn't have brought her to begin with!" Sam stood up and faced his brother head on.

The brothers were now entering the realm of the much needed argument. They wouldn't be able to leave it until things were worked out.

"I'm not the fucking boss of her! What was I supposed to say?! Huh?! 'Oh, you're best friend, practically sister, and your boyfriend are missing, but I'm gonna make you stay while I try to find them'?!"

"I don't know!" Sam yelled. He knew his argument wasn't going anywhere, but he refused to admit his brother was right.

The whole time Liv sat in her seat, uncomfortable. She hated it when people fought, especially people who were very important to her. Things couldn't go on like this. Hali needed to be home, if she were, everything would be better. Liv knew she had to get her friend, and fast. But she just couldn't find a reaper to bring her. She was so close to giving up on that plan and trying to come up with another.

While the Winchesters were at each others throats, it was easy for her to slip out of the room unnoticed. She told herself she would try to summon a reaper one last time. And if nothing came of it, she would come up with something else.

"What do you mean you 'don't know'?!" Dean asked bewildered. He never noticed Liv leave the room, though, neither did Sam.

Liv made her way- the long way- to the garage. She had her keys and snagged Dean's from off the table when he set them down. In her mind, she knew Dean was going to kill her for taking his car, but she couldn't chance them going after her. If luck was on her side, she would be back before they even noticed she was gone.

The soft hum of the engine relaxed her. It may not have been her car, but it was still a vehicle she would call home. At a comfortable, easy speed, she pulled out of the tunnel and started down a barely-there road. The area was carved out, with no pavement. She was heading away from town and deeper into the woods. Hopefully, she would find a spot where she wouldn't be disturbed, so she could go about her business.

There was more than one way to summon a reaper, the easiest way was a spell with a shrine, but she didn't have time for that. Another way was just a chant, but every syllable had to be precise, or else it wouldn't work. Liv knew she had to chance the quicker option.

After almost twenty minutes of following the trail, Liv drove into a small clearing. The spot would be as good as any. She took the keys out of the Impala's ignition, and the door squeaked and creaked as she climbed out. Walking about ten feet away from the car, she pulled out a small, folded piece of paper. On it was the chant. She crossed her fingers hoping this would work. This was her last chance before she had to move on.

Liv recited the words scribbled on the paper as accurate as she knew how. Moments went by and nothing happened. She thought she had screwed it up some way. When she was about to try it again, a man suddenly appeared before her.

"Why have I been summoned?"

"I need to sneak into Hell," Liv replied.

"Do my eyes diseve me, or am I speaking to the Nephilim?" He sneered.

"The pleasure's mine," she sassed. She didn't have time for this crap.

"You know, all lot of beings want you dead. The price for your head is high," he explained. "I would be praised for smiting you."

"I'm sure it is." Call her crazy, but that boosted her ego. "Now, about Hell," she said trying to get things moving.

"Getting to Hell? That's beyond my abilities," he said with an exaggerated sigh.

"Cut the bullshit. I know it can be done." Cas told her so, and she trusted the angel with her life.

"Fine. If I were to help you, which is a big if, then what's in it for me?"

"If I make it back... you can be the one to kill me." The reaper's words confirmed her suspicion; killing her was a game to Heaven. She had nothing else to offer him but her life.

"That's a pretty nice deal. But, I can't get you right to Hell. You must go through purgatory."

"I know," Liv said thinking back to what Cas told her about his and Dean's adventures in purgatory. She knew a vampire named Benny helped them, and if she could find him, she would be home free.

"Mine will be a one-way ticket. I'll get you there, but it's up to you to get home." He told her whole crossing his arms over his chest.

Liv knew it was risky. She didn't know if she could find Benny to help her. But, it was worth the risk. "I understand," she answered.

"So its a deal? I get you to purgatory and once you're back, you're mine for the taking?"

Liv sighed, she knew it was the only way. "Deal," she stated.

"Fantastic. I'm Richard, call out to me when the time is right." And with that, he disappeared.

Now the only question was when she should do this. She had her ticket to Hell and the weapons to help her.

Liv took a moment to just breathe. Everything was overwhelming to her. She knew she had a plan that could work, but she was terrified to fail.

As she looked around at the tall trees, a faint smile crossed her lips as she took in their green color. Spring wasn't her favorite season, but it was still a beautiful one. The soft, lush green reminded her of a certain Winchester's eyes. Her time was limited with him, whether she made it back or not; she would miss his eyes a hell of a lot.

With a sigh, she turned and walked back to the Impala. She started the classic car and made a U-turn in the clearing. Facing towards home now, she started towards the bunker. She hoped the boys hadn't realized she was gone yet.


The brothers had been going back and forth now for almost an hour. One would throw something out there and the other would immediately counter it in defense. It was safe to say neither of them were gonna back down, and that they were getting nowhere.

"This has been hard on all of us, Sam," Dean sighed while finally lowering his voice.

Sam was still in his seat. He rubbed his face in his hands. "I know," he said quietly.

"I mean, you've seen her," Dean said referring to Liv. "Or I should say barely seen her. She's barely living..."

"Ok. This can wait; Hali can't. What do you want to do?" The younger Winchester finally relented.

"We need to get a demon. With that we could get them to help us rescue Hali, and then we close the gates," Dean explained.

"How are we gonna get the demon?"

"Crowley said he would supply, but he won't answer his phone. There aren't any signs of any topside either."

"What about summoning?"

"I've tried, they're somehow resisting."

"Crossroads? I mean, demons are never ones to turn down deals," Sam said.

"That's what I was thinking. But we can't do it with Liv. She can't know about all that shit." Dean was terrified Liv would use a crossroads demon in the future if it was in her playing cards. He couldn't handle that thought.

"I agree," Sam said rubbing his temple.

"So, we go tonight while she's sleeping?"

"Yeah," Sam agreed. "But... let's go tomorrow. You should check on her tonight. She needs someone right now." And with that, he left the study with his salad and started towards his room.

It was then that Dean realized Liv wasn't in the room anymore. He also saw her diner sitting on the table still. With a sigh, he grabbed the bag and started towards her room. He could have sworn he set his keys down next to the bag. Not thinking too much if it, he walked to her room.

Dean brought his hand up to knock on the door, but he hesitated. He knew he couldn't let his feelings take over, he kept telling himself he would be the supportive friend she needed at the moment.

His fist lightly tapped the wooden door.

"Yeah?" He heard her sweet voice call from inside.

"It's Dean."

"Come in," she said. Liv literally just made it back to her room with minutes to spare.

Dean walked in to see her sitting cross legged on her bed. She had changed into on black leggings and an over sized sweatshirt that was navy blue. In his eyes, she was perfect... absolutely perfect.

"You didn't eat," he stated holding up the bag.

"Oh, yeah," she blushed.

"It's important," he told her. Dean handed her the bag and received a playful eye roll. "How are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm a fucking disaster," she answered.

The straight forward response threw Dean off.

"But I'm just trying to keep it together."

"You're not in this alone, sweetheart," he said as he sat down on her bed facing her.

"I know... thank you." And there she was, getting lost in his eyes again. God, she would give anything to be with this man.

"Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Can you... can you just sit with me for a bit?" She held her breath as she awaited the answer. Her heart was beating a million miles an hour.

"Yeah, of course," Dean said letting out a slightly nervous laugh. He moved up and sat next to her leaning against the head board. It took him a moment to settle in. The two of them were close to one another... but not quite touching. "What were you doing before I came in?" He asked thinking they could do whatever it was so he could suppress some of the thoughts he was getting.

"Oh..." Liv said trying to come up with a quick lie. She wasn't doing anything because she just returned before he entered. "I was listening to music." She figured it was a buyable answer.

"Nice, what tunes?"

"No one says 'tunes' anymore," She laughed while grabbing her iPod from next to her.

"Hey, you know you love it," he smirked.

"Can't argue with that," she said without thinking.

The next few moments were very awkward. The two of them were shamelessly staring into each other's eyes.

"Kansas," she said without breaking eye contact. "I'm... listening to Kansas."

Dean only nodded as his eyes darted from hers to her lips.

Liv swallowed harshly. She offered an earbud to him. Dean's fingers brushed her's as he took the ear piece. Once they were both settled, she pushed play. After a few more seconds, they finally looked away from each other. The two of them looked straight ahead at the blank wall.

It was silent as they enjoyed the music. The current song was Dust In The Wind. No matter what time of day it was, that melody always had the ability to lull her to sleep. She was reeeeeally hoping that she wouldn't, only because she knew her head would fall to Dean's shoulder. No, it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, in fact, falling asleep on the muscular shoulder of the elder Winchester, would be amazing. But, it would be embarrassing.

All the talk in her head didn't stop her from losing consciousness, though. Liv's eyes fluttered shut and her head fell to Dean's shoulder. She was out cold. Dean looked down to her and saw the peaceful expression on her face. He knew she was fast asleep. His mind... and heart... were enjoying this way more than he should. He knew he shouldn't have stayed, but he didn't have it in him to move and possibly wake her up. So, instead he moved his arm to wrap around her shoulders. That caused Liv to nestle into his chest more.

As the music continued to play, he felt himself become drowsy as well. He could do the responsible thing and go to his room... but fuck that. Dean was staying right where he was. It was only moments before he fell asleep as well. In this moment, he didn't care what the morals were; she was content... and he was happy.



Sorry the chapter is late guys😔 I've been super busy with finals and I've been struggling with depression. I promise from now on I'll stick to every Friday😊
Oh my Chuck, things are getting spicy in the book! (Sorry lol🤣)
Hope you all are well. Thanks for reading. Don't forget to vote and comment!!

Lost of love,

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