A new beginning

By WildOne0914

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In this story a girl name Alex just happens to be found by her idols parents. They find her half dead and wit... More

A new dawn
Waking up
New adventure
Getting out of the hospital
New life
A few months later
A difficult day in paradise part 1
Another update
Another stupid update
A difficult day in paradise part 2
A difficult day in paradise part 3
A difficult day in paradise part 4 (last part)
No more tears
No more tears part 2
No more tears part 3
The wedding
I do
I do (Part 2)
I do (Part 3)
The first signs

At the hospital

53 0 0
By WildOne0914

*alexs POV*

I woke up to a big bright white room. Walking in to my room was a little nurse who didn't look older than 19.

"Hey Alex. How you feeling?" She asked. I looked around. "I'm just fine. I'm thirsty though. Can I please have a glass of water?"

"Yes of course. I'll be right back with water and the doctor as well as your husband." She walked out. Did she just say my husband? I guess Andy told them he was my husband so I guess I'll play along.

A few minutes later the nurse came back with a glass and a pitcher of water. After the nurse a tall man wearing a lab coat walked in. "Here you go. The doctor will ask you a few questions and then we will get your husband." She walked out and let the doctor do his work.

"Hello Mrs. Biersack. My name is Dr. Wright. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions this evening?" He asked me.

I shook my head. "Okay good. First questions. Do you have any of your memories?"

"Umm yes I do. I remembered what happened on the night when my husbands parents found me. I remember running away before that. And I remember my parents beating me."

"Okay that's good. Well not them beating you but that's good that you remember. Next question. How old are you?"

"Ummm 20 years old."

"Okay. Good good. Last question. Do you want your parents here with you?"

"NO! I mean no."

He nodded. "I understand. I will get your husband." I nodded. He walked out and I sat back. I remembered everything. It was like I was there and I could feel everything through my dreams.

I closed my eyes and thought everything through. All of my memories. All of the pain. All of the love. I wonder where Adam and Christian are.

I opened my eyes and say Andy standing in the doorway. "Hi." I said shyly. "Hey. How are you feeling babe?" I looked behind him. The doctor was still standing there. "I'm feeling much better," I smiled. "I got all of my memories back."

"That's amazing! I knew you could do it." He walked over to me. He kissed my forehead and I'm guessing the doctor was satisfied because he walked off.

"Phew. Thanks for playing along Alex." He smiled. I bit my lip. "Hey where's my lip ring!"

He laughed. "That had to take it out but they gave it to my along with your necklace and ring."

I blushed. "Oh," I smiled. "I uhh...I'm not a crazy fan girl Andy."

"I wasn't calling you one. You are absolutely amazing and smart by the way." He held my hand.

"How," I mumbled. "And what are you doing."

"Well you caught on to my lie and played along. You are also the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." I blushed and giggled.

"Hey it's true." I heard commotion out in the hall. "What's going on outside?" I asked him.

"Well Ash is acting up and flirting with nurses. He just found out doctors don't like that very much. He's been fighting with them telling them that he's your brother."

I nodded. And spoke up a little louder. "Babe where's my brother?" Andy laughed. "Like I said smart." He winked at me and went and got him.

I heard whispering and could only make out half of the conversations. "...Andy you can't be so stupid..."

"...I'm not...She is amazing...I think I like her..." I blushed. I don't even really know him.

In walked Andy with Ashley trailing behind. "Hey babe." Andy said. "Hey..Hey bro." He smiled. "She is smart isn't she."

His voice dropped down to a whisper. "How you feeling?" I considered this for a moment. "I'm overwhelmed. I remember everything and it's so hard to take in." I looked down at my arms.

"We both understand that. Andy's parents would be in here but they had to leave. They said they were sorry and that they will be back soon." I nodded. I looked back at my arm and Andy saw this time.

"What's those?" He asked looking at my arm. "Nothing.." I frowned and looked away from both of them. I felt so ashamed.

"Alex," he rubbed my scars. "Why did you cut yourself? What happened back before we met you."

I told them everything starting with when my life started going down hill back when I was 10. And then I made my way up back when I was 18 and how I got kicked out and slammed against the wall. I told them about Christian and Adam and my birthday presents. Ash smiled at those. And so did Andy. I told them about how my guitar string broke and how I had to go get some. I told them how I got jumped and was left on the side of the road.

I finished with my story and Andy was tearing up. Ash just sat there stunned. "Wh...why would your parents treat you that way." Ashley asked. "I have no idea Ash I really don't."

Andy looked at me with so much pain in his eyes. "I am so sorry. So so very sorry. I hope you never have to do this again." I nodded as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"Hey hey it's okay. They can't hurt you ever again." I nodded and brushed the tear off my cheek.

"Mr. and Mrs. Biersack?" We both looked at the door. I blushed and Andy smiled. "Yes?" he asked. Dr. Wright walked in and smiled. "Hello Mr. Biersack and Mr. Purdy. We talked outside in the waiting room," they both nodded. "Can I talk to your wife alone Mr. Biersack?" Andy nodded and kissed my forehead. "I'll see you in a bit babe."

Ash and Andy walked out Andy smiling and Ash laughing. "Mrs. Biersack," he looked at me. "Yes?" I asked.

"Well I overheard most of your conversation with them. And I saw how your face lit up when you mentioned those two boys. Would you like for me to call them?" I smiled.

"Yes that would be so amazing to see my friends." He nodded as I gave him Christians number. "I will be right back with the news." He walked off.

I sat there smiling. And then a realization rushed over me. I can't go back and live with them. My life is different than it was on my birthday. I don't wanna go back with them. I want to go live with...with, oh my god, I want to live with Andy.


*christians POV*

I woke up to Adam talking on the phone. Ever since Alex went missing a week ago he hasn't slept at all. "Adam?" I asked. "I'm here. Chrisy I have amazing news!"

I looked at him. "If it isn't about Alex then it's not good news."

He sighed. "Babe, Alex is in the hospital. Alive and heathy."

I looked at him. "Wh...what.Shes alive!" I jumped up and hugged him. "I wanna go and bring her stuff with us. I'm sure she wants to see them again."

He nodded. "Okay." He grabbed both of the cases and put her guitar and bass in them. I grabbed her mic and put it in it's bag. We sat her stuff by the door and got dressed. We rushed out the door with her things and made it to the hospital in 30 minutes.

We walked in carrying her stuff. "Hi," I said. The nurse behind the desk looked at me. "I am looking for Alex. She was brought here today." She typed in 'Alex' and told me she was about to go to sleep and to wait in the waiting room. She had other visitors here.

We grabbed her stuff and went into the waiting room where two guys from her favorite band sat. WAIT FAVORITE BAND WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON! They were deep in conversation. I walked over and sat across from them as Adam followed. I cleared my throat and the one called...Andy..I think that's his name looked at me. "Hi I'm Christian. Is Alex okay?" I asked me

He nodded. "How do you know Alex?" He asked eyeing the other one. God what's his name..fuck I can't remember. "I saved her from her parents 2 years ago."

"Oh you're the one she was telling us about and this must be Adam?" Adam nodded I messed with the cases.

"I'm sorry but I don't know your name. I should since she talked nonstop about you guys." They smiled and laughed.

The one with the deep voice answered me. "My name is Andy. And this is Ashley. I guess we should catch you up on what's happening." I nodded and he told me how he had to make up a lie. Alex was his 'wife'. Great now I have to remember that. And Ashley was her brother. Wow. Okay.

Ashley nodded to the cases. "Are those yours?" I shook my head. "No. These are Alexs. I thought she would like to see them again."

Ashley looked at them again. "Can I see?" I nodded and he got up and opened both of them. He first saw the cherry red bass that we bought her this year. "Damn that's a sexy bass. How much was it." And then it clicked he was the bass player. "Ummm more than $1000. We had it custom made for her. If you look right here," I pointed. "Then you can see her name written in gold."

"Nice gift bro." I nodded and he put the bass back in it's case. He looked in the other and saw the black guitar. I'm hopeless with guitars so I don't really remember what brand it is. "Jake would love this. Wouldn't he Andy." Andy nodded but was looking at the bag.

"Is that a mic?" I nodded. "We got it for her this year. She loves singing and it doesn't hurt that she has an amazing voice." Ashley put the guitar back and closed both cases getting up and sitting next to Andy again. "Maybe we could get her to play and sing for us sometime. Right Andy." Andy nodded again.

I could tell they were both tired. Andy cleared his throat and looked at me. "Do you mind if I go put her stuff in my car?" I looked at him. Why would he wanna do that. He must have saw the confusion on my face. "She's moving in with me. My parents can't keep her anymore and I have an awesome studio she can practice in. You guys could come over and visit whenever you want to as well."

I sighed. It won't be easy letting her go. I would have to ask her later. "Sure you can take them." He took both cases and bag and walked out.


I must have fallen asleep because Adam woke me up. "Hey sleeping beauty. Doctor just told Andy that she was awake. Ashley is waiting to take us to her room." I nodded and got up stretching. How long was I asleep for? Oh well. Ashley walked us to her room and opened the door. "Hey cupcake. How you feeling?"

"Good. Who's with you?" She asked trying to look around him. He laughed. "It's your friends. Christian and Adam."

She squealed as she saw us. "Oh my god Alex what happened." Adam asked rushing over there. "Well it's a long story." I looked at her and she smiled. "We have time."

She told us about the night Andy's parents saved her and how the had no memories. She went into detail about gaining back her memories and how much it hurt her. She was crying about the time she finished. She looked at Andy and he smiled at her. "You're safe remember?" She nodded.

"I missed you guys so much!" She cried into Adams shoulder. I took Andy off to the side. "Hey mind if we talk to her alone for a bit?" He shook his head. "Go ahead. Ash! Let's let them talk to her for awhile and go get coffee."

They both kissed her forehead and walked out.


Hmm I wonder what's going to happen. I will have the next chapter up either by tonight or tomorrow. Thanks for reading!

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