Unexpected (Kenny McCormick X...

By Partysam

247K 5.2K 6K

All South Park characters are not of my creation but of the wonderful people of Matt & Trey-creators of South... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
-Chapter 13-
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 8

9.8K 211 261
By Partysam

My phone went off mad and I mean 'mad.' I was getting messages like crazy. Rubbing my eyes a couple times before opening them I grab my phone that was placed between the elastic of my pants and hip. I turned it on.

Kyle- Y/n where are you.
Kyle- are you skipping school?
Kyle- are you sick?
Kyle- Y/n!
Kyle- where's Kenny?
Kyle- why is Kenny not here?
Twenty missed calls from "Big Bro Kyle"
Cartman- will you fucking answer your phone? Kyle is having a hissy fit and I'M getting the blame!

I yawn still processing my surroundings. Wait didn't Kenny sleep over? That's when I realized the area I was sleeping on was rising and falling. I press my lips together "well this is something" I was laying on Kenny's chest and his arm was wrapped around my shoulders. I was curled up beside him while he was laying flat on his back his blonde hair covering his eyes, he looked kinda cute sleeping so peacefully.

No! Don't think that! That's when another message gone off. I looked at my phone.

Mom- school called me. Why are you not at school? You could do at least do one fucking thing right. God Y/n your fucking disappointing...I told them your sick and weren't sure if you'd come in. Have a good fucking day.

I blow heavily out my lips. Wow... she's mad. At least not as mad as last week when I didn't pick up groceries because I told her we didn't have money...

"What time is it anyways?" I mutter to myself clicking the button on the side of my phone to check the time.

"10:30am!!" I screamed shooting up in bed, Kenny practically falls out of bed. "Holy shit
Y/n!" "No time, get dressed!" I rush going through my dresser grabbing a pair of jeans, underwear and a pullover black sweater. I didn't really care for a shirt it was too cold for a t-shirt anyways.

I practically ran around the house getting my shit together in ten minutes I was ready to go and Kenny wasn't even half way down the stairs.

"Hurry up!" I grab his hand and pull him down the stairs grabbing his sweater and jacket before pulling him out the door behind me. "Jesus" he mumbles getting into the drivers seat while I got into the passenger side. I lean over slapping his cheeks slightly "you can't fall asleep while driving!" "Aye! Okay!" He shouts shaking his head rolling down his window, then begins backing out of the drive way.

As we drive on to the road Kenny slams on the gas leaving me to think I freaked Kenny out. "Kenny slow down we don't have to go this fast!" I shouted over the rushing wind that was entering the vehicle, Kenny turns his head "what?!" "Watch out!" Right before us a car swerved and Kenny slams right into the damn thing. My heart skipped a beat as the wind shield shatters on impact.

It felt as everything was in slow motion. I inhaled and exhaled raising my arms in front of my face as time returned. I was thrown back into my seats roughly getting the wind knocked out of me, my arms were tingling a sharp pain shooting throughout them urging a silent scream no air left in within my lungs. Once I could gasp for a breath I unbuckled myself from the seat.

"Are you okay?" I asked looking over to the left, my eyes widened horrified at the sight. "Kenny!" I blurt attempting to move but I was frozen in my seat. I think I was paralyzed in fear from the shoulders down. "Kenny" I hyperventilated blood seeping from everywhere I could see. It was so disturbing that I couldn't look away, the one area that stood out to me the most was the big gash on the side of his neck with glass that had wedged his way deeply into his skin. I suddenly fell limp in my seat the events unfolding to much for me to handle.

Feeling groggy someone opens the door reaching in to pull me out. I begin to bawl, screaming out Kenny's name as I'm pulled from where I sat.

"There's another boy in the car, officer" "holy shit! It's Y/n!" Voices from either side of me spoke but a familiar one approaches me while I was in the arms of an officer. "You know this young lady?" "Yes is she okay?" "oh my god they killed Kenny!" "Those bastard-"

I was so confused everything was happening so quickly. First I saw Kyle, then Stan, what was happening? My vision started to become dark tunnels slowly filling until all I could see was darkness. Then it was quiet. The sense of emptiness left me feeling at peace from the chaotic events. That's when I realized I wasn't breathing my character was still and silent but I was able to walk around and touch the air around me in the dark void. I swipe my hand through the air I was luminescent, fighting away the shadows. I was:

Untouched by death nor graced by life.

Suddenly my eyes fluttered open "thank god we're almost to the hospital Y/n" I had something cuffing over my nose and mouth forcing me to draw my breaths. I looked around my surroundings, on the left of me was Kyle, he was holding my hand tightly to his lips and on my right was a unrecognized person working some machines. I look back to Kyle tears streaming down his face muttering words so softly I couldn't hear. Why was he sad?

"She appears to have low brain activity right now" muttered the stranger turning back to me. Kyle gently kissed my hand and closed his eyes for awhile.

"God please help her" he finally said aloud. I cock my head to one side "Kyle..." I said muffled "where's Kenny?" I questioned Kyle gave me a surprised look and shakes his head harshly "don't worry Y/n" I frowned at his comment "why?" "I want you to focus on your life" he whimpered.

Dazed I look back and forth- Kenny's dead? What happened in the crash? Suddenly a flash back of the accident replayed in my mind. It felt all to real then I passed out.

Kenny's P.O.V

"You're lucky she's alive if not we wouldn't be able to turn back time right now. Are you ready to go back?" "Yes and thank you" "be a little more carful remember things can't go back if 'they're' dead."

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