I'm Apart of the Band


8.8K 30 11

Life is rough for 17 year old Shana Miller until one lucky day One Direction dines in the restaurant she's wo... More

Chapter: One
Chapter: Two
Chapter: Three
Chapter: Four
Chapter: Five
Chapter: Six
Chapter: Seven
Chapter: Eight
Chapter: Nine
Chapter: Ten
Chapter: Eleven
Chapter: Twelve
Chapter: Thirteen
Chapter: Fourteen
Chapter: Fifteen
Chapter: Sixteen
Chapter: Seventeen
Chapter: Eighteen
Chapter: Nineteen
Chapter: Twenty
Chapter: Twenty-One
Chapter: Twenty-Two
Chapter: Twenty-Three
Chapter: Twenty-Four
Chapter: Twenty-Five
Chapter: Twenty-Six
Chapter: Twenty-Seven
Chapter: Twenty-Eight
Chapter: Twenty-Nine
Chapter: Thirty
Chapter: Thirty-One
Chapter: Thirty-Two
Chapter: Thirty-Four
Chapter: Thirty-Five
Chapter: Thirty-Six
Chapter: Thirty-Seven
Chapter: Thirty-Eight
The End.

Chapter: Thirty-Nine

196 2 1

Ch. 39 I do.

Three years later

My heart was absolutely pounding. The organ caused my body to pulse all over as I breathed in and out standing in front of the mirror.

“How you feeling?” Piper came up behind me, adjusting my veil. 

“Nervous. More nervous than ever.”

“You’re going to be fine, I can assure you.”

“What if I fall? What if I stumble on my words? What if he runs away from the alter?”

“That won’t happen. He loves you, Shana as much as you love him.”


“Shana,” Piper twirled me around. “Do you remember? Almost three years ago when you had to choose between Harry and Lucas? They both loved you so deeply, but you had to chose? You knew all along who you loved and now here you stand on your wedding day with that wonderful guy you chose that day. It was meant to be.”

“I’m just having a complete anxiety attack right now.”

“Well, you better stop any anxiety considering you are getting married in five minutes,” She shook me. Piper placed my bouquet of flowers into my trembling has and a faint knock on the door made me jump a million miles into the air.

“Hello?” Doug, Lucas’, father popped his into the room.

“Hi, Doug.”

“Wow, you make a beautiful bride.” He said stepping inside and hugging me.

“Thank you.”

“And you are going to make an even better wife.”

“I sure hope so.”

“I am so, so honored to be filling in for your father and be able to walk you down the aisle today. It was his dream to see you girls on your wedding day and walk you down the aisle.”

“He would be so happy to see you filling in. I love you, Doug.”

“I love you, too sweetheart,” And we embraced once more.

“Well, it looks like it’s time to get you married!” Piper smiled and looked at the clock. She then hugged me tightly.

“Are you ready?” Doug held out his arm.

“Not in the slightest.” I said, I took it.

The doors were open to a marvelous scene. The guest turned in their seats to grin at Doug and I walking down the aisle. The first person,  I  noticed was Linda, Lucas’ mom. Her smile was as wide as the sun as she watched me. I then took in my lovely brides mates. Vivian, Piper, Eleanor, Danielle and Kendra all stood, looking absolutely stunning in their purple colored dressed. Standing close to her mom, Danielle, was my short, cute little Miss. Payne flower girl. On the other side stood my soon-to-be husbands groomsmen, all handsome in their suits. Niall scrunch his noise up cutely at me, trying hard to make me laugh. Louis looked me up and down approvingly with a smile. Zayn and Liam nudged each in excitement as I scooted down the aisle. Then their was Lucas. You look beautiful. I read his lips. Thank you. I mouthed back. Me and this boy had been through so much. The way he meant to me was surely unreal. I loved him more than the world. Three years later, he was still in my life and he was going to stay in my life. I was going to be sure of it.

When Doug and I approached the alter I turned and faced him. I gave him a tight hug, before he released me to stand in front of my soon to be husband.

His glowing smile spread across his face as his heartwarming green eyes locked with mine the minute I met them. It was like all my nerves were washed away and he was the only one in the room. He bit his lip, innocently as he tried to contain his emotions making me blush, small tears forming in my eyes.

“I love you,” He whispered before the pastor could start.

“I love you too” I whispered back. Our excitement took the better of us as I barely took in anything what the pastor said, but instead took my soon to be husband in.

He was my rock. The feeling I got every time he touched me, every time he hugged me, every time he kissed me, every time he told me he loved me was out of my mind. How much love for him was absolutely unreal. To be standing here, about to get married to him caused every inch my body to be drenched in adrenaline.

“Do you take, Shana Miller, to be your wife?” My ears opened and my heart started to flutter when I knew the time was coming.

“I do,” He said, shaking his head like it wasn‘t a question. I tried my best to hold back my tears and steady my breathing.

“Do you take, Harry Styles, to be your husband?”

“I do,” I said back.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife. Harry, you may kiss your bride,” The words were said. It was official. He was my husband and I was his wife. Harry wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me in and my arms found his neck. 

“Finally,” He hovered over my lips to whisper, before pressing his against mine.

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