Chapter: Twenty-Three

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Ch. 23 The Signing

I woke up buried in the blanks, my head resting against Harry’s bare chest. I rubbed his thigh indicating that I was awake.

“Good morning,” I heard him whisper in my hair.

“Good morning,” I stretched.

“That was fun,” Harry commented, joking about last night. “You wouldn’t expect it, but you’re a feisty one.”

“Sh,” I nudged him embarrassingly. 

“Just stating the facts.”

“What on the agenda for today?” I changed the subject.

“A CD signing.”


“No, that’s one you really, really don’t want to go to.”


“It would be boring. All us boys do is sign the CD’s. What are you going to do for three hours?”


“Watch? Watch me write my name a billion times? Not fun.”

“I guess, I could always call Lucas and Kendra. We could walk around the mall that you are doing your signing in,” I shrugged. Harry sent a groan.

“Lucas?” He whined.

“What’s wrong with that?”

“I don’t like Lucas.”

“Harry, you’ve barely said two words to him. You can’t not like him.”

“He’s a guy. I have every right not to like him.”

“So are you saying that every girl that you meet a day, I shouldn’t like? That’s a lot of girls, Harry.”

"But that's apart of my job!"

"Yeah, and in that job, you meet tons of new girls. Everyday. I don't hate them. So you shouldn't hate Lucas. He's a friend."

“…fine. Go spend the day with Lucas.”

“Kendra and Piper will be there too. So no worries, okay? You’re only allowed to worry if I don’t come back to the hotel until early morning. Then that’s when you can assume that Lucas and I were making mad love.” I smiled. Harry’s eyes got extremely wide. “I’m kidding!” I shouted and got up from the bed to find my phone but according to Harry’s face, he was not amused.

Piper and I rode to the mall with the boys where the CD signing was being held. Eleanor and Lottie had decided to go see a movie to pass time.  I kissed Harry goodbye as he and the boys were sent away to start their signing, leaving Piper and I alone to wait for Lucas and Kendra.

“Where are they?” An impatient Piper bounced around. Lucas and Kendra was like her other two older siblings. Lucas was even two years older than I was, at nineteen and Kendra was twenty. We always treated each other like family.

When we saw them coming towards us, Piper went full on running into Lucas’ arms before he could reach us. He lifted her and twirled her around.

“Lucas!” She screeched.

“Piper, I’m so glad to see you buddy!” They continued to hug.

“Shana-boo!” Kendra squeezed me.

“Kenny!” I squeezed her back. She had dyed her hair a blondish color. It looked great on her. Last time I seen her was when she was my age, seventeen. Now she was a twenty year old woman.

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