Chapter: Twenty-Six

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Ch. 26 I love you

My eyes shot open and I looked around. Lucas’ stiff sleeping body stopped me from rolling and caused me to wake up. The movie had gone back to its DVD menu and was playing loud annoying background music. I turned it off after not being able to handle it any longer. What time was it? From what I could see it was still dark outside and the moon was still out. I blinked around the black room trying to find a clock. On the wall, I found one ticking. It was two thirty in the morning. Beside me my phone was flashing indicating I had messages. Fifteen text messages and Thirty-two missed calls.

Hey babe, I hope your okay I just wanted to be sure you made it to Lucas’ alright?


I know you are mad at me. You can stay mad, I just want you to send me a message saying that you made it to Lucas’ place.


Sweetie. Just one quick message and I will leave you alone.


If you are messing around with Lucas, I don’t need to know. I just want to be sure you are safe.




Hey, Shana. Harry is freaking out. Do you mind sending him a message?

~Liam Xx

Where you at? Harry is not doing well. Xx

~ Zayn

Shana, please tell me that you are alright. 


Dude, you should see Harry right now. He thinks something happened to you, because you aren’t answering. He keeps pacing around like a mad man. Text him.

~ Piper

Shana, if you are around. Text Harry.


Hey, Shana. I don’t know where you are at. You’re probably asleep and I’m sure your fine but Harry doesn’t think so though. He’s trying to get security to go out a look for you. Send him a message when you get this. xx

~ Eleanor 

Shana. Please text me. Or call me. Something.


Shana! Where are you? Harry is going crazy. He won’t listen to anybody.

~ Louis

Where are you?


One text. Just one, babe.


After reading all the messages, just when I was about to reply, my phone vibrated indicating a phone call was coming through.

“Hello!” I answered frantically.

“Shana!” Harry breathed in my ear.

“Yeah, babe. I’m fine. I’m alright. I’m at Lucas’ apartment.”

“God, why didn’t you answer!” Harry growled but I knew he was relieved.

“Because I was asleep.”

“But it was only eleven at night when I texted you, I thought you’d still be up.”

“Well, I wasn’t,” I snapped back. He went silent for a few moments.

“Glad to see you’re okay,” Harry told me quietly.

“I miss you,” I said.

“I miss you.”

“I’m sorry.”

“I’m sorry.”

“I love you.

“I love you, more,” He added and that blew it over.

“Come pick me up,” I asked, desperately wanting to see him.

“What’s the street address?” He asked without hesitation. I told him. “I’ll be there in a little bit.’

“Okay,” I agreed and we hung up. I stood from the floor and began gathering all my things. I neatly folded the blankets I used, not wanting Lucas to do it all in the morning. I cleaned up some spilled pretzels and put away the snacks we brought. All was left on the floor was a snoring Lucas, his pillow and blanket. Quietly I left the apartment and headed downstairs where I decided to wait outside. This was a bad idea. It was raining. When I turned to open the door back up to let me back inside, it was locked. Beside the door a sign hung. Residents need their own key to get inside the building through the hours of midnight to five a.m. With no way to get back inside, I was left waiting for Harry at two something in the morning in the rain with no coat whatsoever. 

I had no idea what car Harry was going to use to pick me up and there was no way he was going to be able to park in front of the apartment building as all the car space was used up, so I was at a losing battle. 

When I saw headlights, my heart peaked. It had to be him. Who would be driving around at almost three in the morning? But then I remembered it was Los freaking Angeles. The party never stopped. When they drove by, I whined and saddened ever more, the rain not helping. Car after car drove by. One even shouted out the window, asking me if I needed a ride, clearly drunk out of their minds. When I heard foot steps coming up the sidewalk my heart was sent racing. I stood up from the step I was sitting on and backed up closer to the door. It could very well easily be a resident that had a key that could let me in. Or it very well could be a murderer out to get me. My breathing went heavier when I realized that this encounter with the person, whoever they were, was going to have to be made. I placed a hand on the handle of the door, preparing to have to break back inside if I had to. I almost didn’t want to look. The person rounded the corner and stood in front of me. 

“Harry!” I peaked through my eyes. I flew down the two steps and dashed into his arms.

“I had to park a little ways away,” He explained.

“I love you, I’m sorry,” I set my purse down on the ground just so I was able to kiss him, the rain still beating down, my fingers tangled in his wet hair. 

“I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry,” Harry pulled away to speak but I pulled him back in, our tongues dancing in each others mouths desperately and our hands squeezing our bodies together. “I thought something happened to you. I thought…” He couldn’t finish because I found myself not allowing him too as I pressed my lips on his.

“We can talk at the hotel. Come on.” I intertwined my fingers in his and we ran ourselves to the car, the poor leather seats forced to get soaked from us sitting in them. My clammy hands was still held in his as he drove, I ever so often leaning over to give him a kiss on the cheek. When we parked the car in the back of the hotel, I quickly unbuckled. I took the opportunity to crawl out of my seat and climb on top of him, my back to the steering wheel and my front facing him. I kissed Harry passionately as he lowered the seat back for more room. His cold hands explored under my shirt while I sent kisses down his neck.

“You didn’t tell anybody a time that you would be back, right?” I whispered in between a kiss. 

“No, but I bet everyone already expects us not to come back for awhile”

“Perfect, cause we won’t be…”

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