The End.

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Wow! It’s the end of I’m Apart of the Band! I know it was sort of unexpected but I was completely running out of ideas and instead of ruining the story and dragging it out I felt like it was best to end it. 39 chapters later here we are. I just want to give a huge thank you to the people who stuck by this fanfic, my very first one, and kept on encouraging me to keep writing with your kind words. It meant a lot to me, it honestly did. Also, to get over 3000 reads on Wattpad was definatley something I wished for, but I never thought I would get anywhere close to that number. I know this is kind of cheesy. Its just a fanfic. Its not that big of a deal. Haha. But my fanfic readers deserve a really really big thank you and because of you, this fanfic will definately not be my last. I’m so excited to get started on a new one for you so check back soon for my newest fanfic. 

Thank you my lovelies! :)

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