Finding Love with the Heir

By thebookenchantress

9.3K 217 23

[ON HIATUS](Previously named Finding Love)Seventeen year old Stella Miller is an ordinary girl whose family d... More

Finding Love with the Heir
[1] How the Heck did I Get into this School?!
[2] Welcome to this Filthy Rich School that You'll be Attending
[3] Ewww the first day of school
[4]Skateboarding Tryouts
[5] Carnival Fun!..or not
[6]Getting Ready For the Auction
[7] Being Bidded by an Ass
[8:Prt. 1] Being Kidnapped by a Black Masked Freak
[8: Prt. 2] Date Night with Him
[9] The Tickle Monster
[10] The Very Eventful Pool Party
Author's Note
[11] Damn These Late Night Raves
[12: Prt. 2] Damn you, Wesley Richardson!
[13] A Girls' Sleepover Disaster
[14] Excuse Me, You Have the Nerve to Call me Cute!
[15] Hooray! It's the Beginning of Spirit Week!
Author's Note & Character Cast
[16] Scavenger Hunts and Surprises
Valentine's Day Special: Cupcake Wars!

[12: Prt. 1]Hangovers Aren't the Only Annoying Things

273 11 0
By thebookenchantress

[12: Prt . 1] Hangovers Aren't the Only Annoying Things

Stella Miller's POV




Freaking hell.




Alright I'm officially pissed off, and ready to kill. Because no one has the right to poke my face and to wake me up at the same time unless they want me to kick them where the sun doesn't shine.

I kept my eyes closed, so I could hear what's going on while I was sleeping. "Dylan! Do you seriously want your ass to be kicked? Stella takes her sleep very seriously. You're literally digging up your own grave."

We'll done, Destiny. You know me so well.

I felt him poke my cheek once again. I was fighting the urge to take his hand and shove it up his ass. "See? Look, she's not waking up. She's definitely a heavy sleeper. And even though she kicks me, I have my health insurance." He spoke nonchalantly.

He really doesn't know what I'm capable of doesn't he? His health insurance won't help with what I'm going to do to him. Someone's going to be cooked tonight.

"Seriously, Dylan. She's hung over, I'm pretty sure she won't be the happiest camper with you touching her face. She'll hate you more than she already does. You're practically asking for a death wish. " Destiny put emphasis on the word 'you.'

"Ehh, she's fine." This guy really doesn't listen.

"Tsk, tsk, don't tell me I didn't warn you." Destiny tutted.

"She's fine, Des." Dylan assured her. "She's-"

I stretched my arms upwards and letting out a loud yawn, which caught Destiny and Dylan's attention. When I lifted my head a continuous number if pounding hit my head causing me rub my temples.

I heard a breath hitch. I smirked, he definitely knew what he was in for. I knew that I wasn't laying on the couch-bed because I was way to comfortable than when I was staying on the couch. I propped my arms beside my body and observed my surroundings. I realized I was in Alice's room and was wearing a pair of sport shorts and my oversized shirt that said 'hi.'

I quickly remembered that I wasn't in these clothes other night. I snapped my head up to meet Dylan and Destiny's gazes.

"Who changed me?" I gestured towards my clothes. "And who was poking me?" I asked while twisting my spine.

"Ummmm, uhhhhhh." I heard Dylan say.

"I already know it was you, Dylan." I glared my eyes to him, but failed miserably from the sun hitting my eyes.

"Don't kill me," Dylan squeaked putting his hands in defense mode.

"Yeah, I'm not. I'll kill you later though." I remarked dryly.

"Oh and again." I diverted my eyes to Destiny. "Who changed my clothes? it better be not one of the guys." I threatened.

"Don't worry, Stell." Destiny chirped. "Charlotte and I did."

I sighed in relief. I would've died if I found out one of the guys undressed me. The thought of that made me disgusted. Thinking that hormonal little boys touching me, just sickens me.

"Just wait a sec, I'll get you some painkillers. I know that you aren't feeling that great right now." Destiny jumped from the bed and went straight out of room.

I took a deep breath and flickered my eyes to Dylan, who was texting on his phone. "Did I so anything stupid last night?"

"Wait." Dylan put down his phone. "You don't remember anything from last night?"

I rubbed my forehead. "Yeah, it's pretty much a blur. So what did I do?"

"It was pretty hilarious, wait no. It was hilarious." Dylan recalled and began snickering. "You were dancing everywhere and you were running like you were in the Olympics. But that was what I saw. From what I know, Charlotte was with you the entire time, so you should ask her."

"I bet I really was stupid," I laughed sheepishly. "I'm gonna go over to Char to see why I even got drunk in the first place."

"Oh and by the way." Dylan lifted his phone up revealing a crazy, loud person running around the rave flopping her arms. "I got it on camera."

That asshat. He definitely asked for it. I lunged at him before I kicked him straight in the groin. I cleaned up my hands and crossed my arms. "Ahh, all done." While Dylan was hugging his stomach and groaning on the floor. I had a glorious smile plasterer on my face when I exited the room. "You better delete it, Dyl. Unless you want to be fried, from yours truly."

He gulped and quickly deleted the video.

"You're lucky now," I gave him a devilish smile and left the room to Charlotte's room.

"Hey Char," I entered the room finding her watching a show, on her computer, while chomping on some cheddar popcorn. "What are you watching?"

Charlotte gave me a smile. "I'm watching Psych, it so funny and I love it sooo much. I recommend you to watch it."

I sat beside her on her bed and laid my head on her shoulder. "Char, can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, what do you need?" She paused the show and put down her bowl of popcorn.

"Can you tell me everything about last night? What I did, and why I got drunk in the first place."

Charlotte nodded her head before she drank a sip of water, from her water bottle. "Sure. What do you remember so far?"

"I remember telling you everything about my family, the rest of it was fuzzy."

"Alright, I'll tell you what happened after that." Charlotte crossed her legs on the bed and faced me. She cleared her throat and began what happened. "Well what happened after that, was... I'll just spit it out. We were just talking about our lives until you caught Wesley kissing a girl. You looked really hurt. But from my point of view, you got jealous."

I gasped, and made a 'say-what-now' face. "Me? Jealous? Pffft. Never." Okay well. I just sounded like the opposite of what I intended to sound like.

"See! You're in denial!!" Charlotte perked up and began smiling. She jumped on the bed and pointed at me.

"Denial about what?"

"You have feelings for him!" Charlotte covered her mouth and squealed. Her expression seemed as if she found Treasure Island.

Now my jaw dropped in surprise. I've never seen Charlotte like this. She's always been the one to keep cool. But now, she's the exact opposite. "Feelings? Please. I only hate his guts. Char, you've gotten delusional." I slapped her arm and she finally settled down.

"I might be delusional, but I definitely feel that my theory is true." She smirked before she plopped a popcorn in her mouth.

"I have only been in this school for like what? Two weeks? And you already think I have feelings for him. You are literally insane." I rubbed my forehead because the headache from this morning was returning. Where is Destiny? She said she would get me painkillers.

"Char, can you call Destiny over? She said she would get me some painkillers." I hit her arm while closing my eyes hoping that the headache would get down a bit, but it got worse.

"Stell? Are you fine? Just one moment." Charlotte patted my arm and got off the bed to the living room. "DES! WHERE ARE THE PAINKILLERS YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO GET FOR STELL?!"

"Oops, I forgot!" I heard Destiny's voice. I sighed, ooh Destiny.

I laid my head on Charlotte's pillow before I heard feet run towards the room. Destiny was scampering with her bare feet touching the hardwood floor. She carried a bottle with white mini tablets in it, and she shakily opened the bottle, and handed me two small pills. "Sorry, Stell! I had to pack up everything since we'll be living at four today."

I gave her a grin. I was really happy that she cared for me. I patted her head, and let out a laugh. "It's fine, Des. Thanks for this." I gestured to the painkillers. "You could finish packing up."

"See ya later!" Destiny bounced out the room. The same time, Charlotte came back with a water bottle, she handed over the Dasani water bottle. I put the tablets in my mouth, and drank the water to wash it down. The headache began to settle down. "What time is it, Char?"

She checked her wristwatch. "It's 3:30, why?"


"Aren't we leaving at four?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I need to get ready!" I ran over to my duffel bag, to get a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I found my glasses in Destiny's room, I quickly slid them on.

I hastily put the clothes on. I put my phone inside my butt pocket of my jeans. I then tied my hair up into a ponytail. I hoisted my duffel bag on my arm. I slipped on a pair of flip flops, before I went with Charlotte to go the bus.


~Few days Later~

When we returned to the academy, I shut everyone out. I was humiliated. I heard whispers go through the halls which were: 'Wasn't she the girl that was drunk?' 'Isn't she the commoner?' 'Wow, I didn't know that commoners are that crazy?' 'How did she even get into this school' I wanted to shout out, "So you never got drunk before? Because I found out that the only person that has always been sober was Charlotte!" I made an exception towards Destiny. Alice, Charlotte, Alyssa, Bridgette, and Lindy. But I somehow felt that I trusted Destiny, Alice, and Charlotte the most out of the group. I told them the story about my father and why I shut everyone out many times. I remember when I finished telling them, they all gave me a big hug and said they'd never hurt me. I actually felt like I wasn't a charity case. I felt that I actually had real friends.


Wesley freaking Richardson was a complete different story.

I completely stopped talking to Wesley. He made me feel these unfamiliar feelings. I needed to avoid these weird feelings. Every time he would pass by to talk, I quickly run to the opposite direction. Charlotte, Destiny, and Alice kept on asking if I talked to yet. But I would always say the same answer, "No, and I never will."

The only things I did for the rest of the couple weeks were: eat, sleep, study, and repeat. It sounds boring, but it's exactly what I intended to do while being here.

Since my skateboard broke and I needed to help pay for the hospital funds. I decided to get apply for one of the stores in the shopping outlet. I applied for the cafe (The Hang Out) I went to after I left the auction. I entered the shop, the little ring of the bell above the door rang. The atmosphere was warm and comfortable, there were a few teenagers sitting on the couch drinking their coffee. I found a girl that seemed to be in my grade was wiping the counter.

I approached the cashier, "Hi, I'm Stella Miller and I'm applying for a job here."

"So you're Stella Miller," the girl had her strawberry brown hair up in a ponytail. She cleaned her hands on the apron around her waist before she stretched her hand. "I'm Avalon, Avalon Williamson, it's nice to meet you. I'm in your grade. We'll be future coworkers," She gave me a warm smile.

I shook her hand, and I sent her a grin. "I figured, so do I need to meet the manager or something," I questioned.

"Oh yeah, Jenna is in the back," Avalon pointed storage room in the rear end of the cafe.

"JENNA!" Avalon hollered.

"WHAT?" A feminine voice ricochet through the cafe.

"Someone's here to apply for the job!"

A 5"5 woman with brown wavy hair that reached to her waist trudged behind Avalon. She sighed, "Hi, I'm Jenna. I own the cafe, you can start tomorrow."

I shook her hand and looked at her shocked. "That's it?"

"Yup, that's it. Tomorrow, Av will teach you how to make the drinks." she explained and I nodded in agreement.

"Alright, Ladies. I'm gonna go back to sorting the coffee beans." She sent me a last smile. "Thanks for applying, not all these rich kids work nowadays." She strode over back to the storage room.

Avalon slapped my arm. "Don't be so uptight. Jenna's the exact opposite of that, she's really nice, and hilarious. So loosen up a bit when you're here." She teased.

I leered, "I should, thanks it's gonna be fun working with you. See you at school." I sauntered over to the exit of the cafe.

"Bye Stella!" Avalon waved her hand.

When I exited the cafe, the wind blew on me. Blowing my hair out of my face. I beamed at the blue sky and sun. It was a beautiful day. I held onto my brown messenger bag that was slung across my chest. I began strolling over towards the way leading to the dorms. As I walked to the dorm building, I felt that was being watched. You know that feeling when someone was watching you? That's what I was feeling right now, I snapped my head and found someone with raven hair and blonde hair move their heads immediately behind the bush.

I tread close to the bush, I reached for a stick and held it up for defense. "AAAH!" I jumped behind the bush.

Then two girlish screams went throughout the silent atmosphere of West Ville. I closed my eyes and opened them and found that the two girlish screams were caused by two guys.

Terrence Blanchard and Dylan Cooper.

His right hand man and his rival. Wow, Wesley, you work so well.

I dropped the stick, and glared their way. "What the hell are you guys doing? Are you stalking me?"

They both jumped up with their expressions were like a deer caught in the headlights. "Welll..." Dylan spoke tightening his hold on his binoculars.

"Yes," I stood waiting for their answer while putting my weight on one leg.

"We can't tell you, Stella." Terrence affirmed and lifted his chin up in confidence.

I furrowed my eyebrows and gave flashed one of my glares. "Why not?"

"Because it's the bro code." Dylan continued for him with more sass and placed his hand on his hip.

"Stupid bro code." I muttered. "I'm letting this slide for now. But if I see you guys stalking me again, I'm going kick you in the groin. And both of you already know how it feels." I threatened and pivoted my body about to walk away until. "WAIT!"

I rolled my eyes before I turned my head fully irritated. "What now?!"

"Wesley's asking, about Mr. Steller's project. When are you guys going to continue it?" Terrence addressed for Wesley.

"Tell him, I'll do it. I'll just slap his name on it."

I finally walked away without turning back. I heard a "damn, he'll not be happy with that answer."


~Next Morning~

I slipped into the deep blue school blazer with the logo stitched on. I tied my hair up into a high pony tail. I'm usually the first to wake up out of the four of us. Apparently, I found out that Alice was going to stay in out dorm until we go to college. Even though we fit another bed in the room, we still had plenty of room. I wake everyone up every day like it's my morning routine and I leave the dorm.

I always walk to the cafeteria and grab a cup of coffee and go to the library until it's time for first class. But this time it was different. Wesley always comes to school after and is always late, but today he was actually...early. He was standing by the glass walls with his arms crossed. He kept on scanning the cafeteria full of hungry students. He seemed to be waiting for someone. Hm, maybe he's waiting for his quick lay. Why am I saying maybe? It's definitely a yes, it's his nature to do this.

I suddenly felt his stormy gray eyes lay on me. I quickly turned my body around and poured myself a cup of coffee in my usual cerulean coffee cup. I bought it in the mini living store in the shopping outlet. I just had to get it, it had a beautiful pattern and it was on clearance! I just had to.

I moved over to the sugar and put in four teaspoons and vanilla creamer. I closed the cup with the top. I went over to get my bag and books. I approached the exit of the cafeteria that leads to the academy library. I pushed the doors and found a guy leaning on the brick wall.

"Hello Sweetheart."

Suddenly my heart rate began to quicken. I snapped my head to meet his beautiful shade of gray eyes. I felt weird speaking to him. And even seeing him again. Trying to be unaffected by his presence. "Hey, Wesley."

"What are you doing later?"

I narrowed my eyes at him. "That's none of your own business." I began striding to the library.

But only to have my wrist being caught by a large hand. He quickly reached over to my shoulders to spin me, causing me to drop my coffee and books. "Hey!"

Wesley remained silent while looking down on the clean tiled floors. I clenched my teeth trying to be more confident, but the butterflies in my stomach made me feel the opposite. "Y-you know Wesley, t-this is sexual harassment. I read from the handbook that this is unacceptable!" I stammered but failing at trying to be the dominant one.

He moved his head upwards to meet my face. He revealed his facial features. His beautiful cloudy eyes that were staring into my amber ones. But his expression looked very different from ones I witnessed before. He looked really...tired. His dark circles that are usually unseen are clearly being shown. Has he been sleeping? "Then call me anything! Call me a perv, a freak. Anything! I don't care what you call me, but just don't ignore me." His voice boomed throughout the silent hallway. The tone of his voice held so much strength, but at the same time it held so much hurt.

My eyes widened. "What?"

"Don't ignore me. Don't just leave me alone with no reason. Please, don't do that." Wesley began to transition his arms to wrap around my waist. My heart suddenly quickened into a speed that I didn't think was healthy. It was beating so loud that I hoped he couldn't hear it.

I stretched out my arm to pat his back. I felt his entire body stiffen. "I'll not leave you hanging anymore, big guy. I just needed a few days to clear my head."

Wesley finally let go. My body suddenly returned cold. It felt like it wanted to feel his body heat again. "Now about the project."

"Yeah," I scratched the back of my head. "We could do it during lunch."

Wesley frowned. "Why not after school?"

I sighed. "I have a job."

"A job? Why do you need a job?"

"I need to get a new board. Well I'm in the team now, I need a board because it's technically needed for it. Since it is called a skateboarding team. And plus, practice is in a few days."

"Oh," Wesley spoke. He looked as though he was thinking intensely about something. I really hope that what he's thinking won't be anything bad


Author's Note:


Sorry if there isn't many Wesley scenes here. I just wanted to move on from the the Coachella field trip and go back to the academy.

I know this isn't the best chapter I've written.

Sorry for not putting Alyssa, Bridgette, and Lindy in these few chapters.

Sorry if this chapter is suckish, I needed to update today since I said I would update today.

YAYAAY! Another character in the story! I hope you'll like her later on.

OMG GUYS! THANKS FOR 1k READS! I'M VERY GRATEFUL!!!!!!! Because I'm not a really great writer, and seeing all these reads makes me want to write even more.

I WAS AT OMG!!!!!!

Seriously guys, you don't know how much I fangirled when I saw the word 1k. I literally passed out.

Thank for all the votes and reads, they mean so much to me!!

Always remember to vote, comment, follow and share.

And remember to tune in for part 2 if chapter 12!!!


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