In Love With My Ex Bully

By NoGruviaNoLife

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A story mainly between Mondo Oowada and Chihiro Fujisaki. Pre despair and despair AU Disclaimer : I do not ow... More

New School,New Life
The Day We Meet Again
New Friends
History Kept Shut
First Day of School
A Glimpse Of The Past
Paired Up
I'll Try
Third Member of The Team
Operation Summer Vacation
He Saved Me
He Wasn't That Bad
The First Time You Took Care of Me
Chishimondo Is Our Name
Treasure Hunting
Change of Plans
I'll Train With You
First Day of Training
Planning A Strategy
To Be Your Man
Starry Night
New Couple
First Date On A White Christmas
Junko Is Back
He's Finally Mine
Torturing The Couple
The Secret Project
Happy Birthday
Secret Mission
Best Boy-Friend
All My Fault
Class Meeting
Say Goodbye To Ryoko
High Alert
Mondo's Birthday
Last Day of Hope
Trapped Inside
Just In Time
Getting Out
Future Foundation
The Togami Safehouse
Finding The Hostages
What Happened
Meeting Izuru
Falling Into A Trap
The New Masterminds
Snap Out Of It!
A Spark of Hope
A Little Persuading
Back To Normal
Epilogue - We Made It Afterall

Forgive Me

787 21 20
By NoGruviaNoLife

Mondo's POV

I waited at the school infirmary's waiting chair, still a mess but i don't give a fuck about that. All i care about is Chihiro's condition. Will he survive? Taka sat next to me,touching my shoulder.

"It's alright,Kyoudai...I'm sure he'll be just fine"

"I hope so..."

Thank God that Taka was outside when i ran into him.

I was frantically running. If i didn't hurry, then Chihiro could die just because he wasn't immediately treated. When i went up the stairs that led me outside,i entered a forest. It was so fucking dark,especially since it was raining. I just ran without thinking,calling for help. Chihiro's blood kept gushing out. If this keeps up then....he's done for.



I looked behind me and saw Taka running.

"Where have you- WHAT HAPPENED?! IS HE ALRIGHT?!"



Taka led me through the forest to the infirmary. On our way there,he took out his phone and dialed a number.



When we arrived,the seniors were already there,waiting for us. I immediately put Chihiro on one of the beds then they took him to the operation room. I wanted to go inside and be there for Chihiro,but one of them told me to stay outside. I was about to push her when Taka called me and shook his head. I just grumbled and sat on the chairs,waiting for Chihiro.

I've been waiting for 3 hours now. Taka left because he had hall monitor duties. Every once in a while,he would come to check up on me and drop me some food. I was busy tapping my feet when Souda and Leon came.

"Dude...are you alright-" Souda asked. Leon shut his mouth with his hands and nervously laughed. It's a good thing that one of 'em is not an idiot. Souda's question is something that only someone with no eyes and brains ask.

"W-What he was trying to say was,how's Chihiro?" Leon asked.

"If i knew,i wouldn't be nervous as fuck,would i?!"

He yelped,moving backwards two steps. I took a deep breath. They didn't mean to be rude. They were my good friends. I'm sure that they're just worried about us.

"'s just....i'm so fucking scared...what if he dies..?"

Leon then sat next to me while Souda kept standing in front of me.

"Dude,the ones who handle them are super talented at what they do. Ya gotta put some faith into them" Leon said.

"Yeah,you're right..."

"Aren't ya gonna clean yourself up?" Souda asked.

"Fuck no,i will not leave this room until i hear good news about Chihiro!"

" stink.."


I grabbed Souda's jumpsuit by the collar. This asshole needed a lesson to be taught.

"W-WAIT! He's just saying that it would be better if you make yourself all clean and tidy. Look at those blood stains all over you! What do you think Chihiro will say if he woke up and saw you like this?" Leon said. He has a point there.

"Fine. But you two better keep your asses glued to these chairs while i'm gone!"

"Got it!"

I then left to my room to take a shower. I took off my clothes and looked at my reflection in the mirror. There he is,the one who almost killed the person he loves. I shook my head. Chihiro doesn't want me to think like that. I tried to distract myself with other thoughts while i take a shower. After i was done,i went back to the infirmary without bothering to style my hair. I was still on my way when i saw Souda running around like a maniac. When he saw me,he ran towards me,stuttering out a few words.

"What the fuck are ya sayin'?"


WHAT?! I ran to the operation room,opening the doors to see Chihiro all cleaned up. His body was full of bandages but he seemed peaceful already.


"He is still unconscious. His heart rate is now normal and his wounds have all been taken care of,but he has not wake up yet. Once he wakes up,give him this medicine" the pharmacist said while giving me a bottle with glowing blue liquid inside it.

"If he drinks this,his wounds,including the stab wound,will all instantly heal within 2 days" she told me.

"Thanks,but when will he wake up?"

The other senior who was super clumsy as fuck came to us and stuttered out a few words.

"S-Since he's already s-s-stable,h-he should wake u-up in n-no time"


They then bid farewell and left us alone. If it weren't for them,Chihiro would probably be dead by now. The school nurse dragged Chihiro's bed out from the operation room. I followed her. After she positioned Chihiro's bed like before,i sat down on a chair beside him,holding his hands into mine. I rubbed his hand with my thumb,caressing it.

"Wake up,Chihiro...i'm here..."

I was tired after all the shits i went through so i fell asleep right next to Chihiro,my head laying on his bed.

Chihiro's POV

I woke up at...the infirmary..? I looked down at my body and saw that it was all bandaged up. So i made it afterall...

I looked at my hand and saw Mondo sleeping next to me,his hand holding mine. He's alive...thank goodness...i started crying tears of joy.


Just then,he woke up,his eyes fluttering open. I was still crying,my free hand covering my mouth.



His eyes shot open,showing that he was surprised.


He started crying and hugged me. He was hugging too tight that i winced in pain. He let go of me and softly chuckled.

"S-Sorry...i'm just so glad that you're alive..."

"How long have i been unconscious?"

"You've been out for probably...a year"

What?! I've been unconscious for one whole year?!

"A-A year..? I'm sorry for leaving you alone for that long,Mondo!"

I cried while he just laughed wholeheartedly. Is there anything funny from me being asleep for a year?

"I was just joking,Chi! You were out for 5 hours"

I blushed and weakly slap his arm. It wasn't something to joke about yet he made it a joke anyway.

"You dummy..."

"Your one and only" Mondo grinned. I just rolled my eyes and giggled a bit.

"Hey,Chi...i'm really sorry...if only i hadn't drink that coffee,you wouldn't have gotten this beat up. This is all my fault and to make it worse,i was the one who did all of this to you. I even almost killed you..."

I can see that Mondo was about to cry. I cupped Mondo's face and pulled him closer to me until our foreheads touched.

"Mondo,i forgive wasn't like you intentionally did this to me. You were controlled by Junko. All of this was fully her fault,not yours so don't feel guilty. I don't blame you. Neither of our friends blame you. Do you know about what i said to Junko?"


I started to cry,remembering that moment,but i still put on a smile on my face.

"I said that she can torture me as much as she wanted just as long as you can get free...that's how much i love you,Mondo. I would trade my life if it meant saving yours..."

Mondo started crying but he was also laughing a bit.

"You really are the bravest person i know,Chi..."

"The same goes for you,Mondo"

We then shared a brief kiss and a hug. After we separated,Mondo took out a bottle of liquid that looks like medicine.

"The pharmacist one gave me this. She said that all your wounds will instantly heal in 2 days if ya drink it"

He then put the medicine on the table next to my bed.


I then heard faint sniffles coming from the other side of the room. Mondo heard it too. He opened the curtains that separated each bed slowly,only to find everyone else crying and sobbing.


"We're sorry,but it's just so touching,Kyoudai" Taka said while trying to hold his cry. He failed miserably actually. His nose was runny and tears were streaming from his eyes.

"I must say,this is one of the most touching romantic scenes i have ever seen..." Celes said while smiling. She was wiping her eyes gently with a napkin.

"I'm not crying,i'm not..crying..." Naegi said. His eyes were watery,tears threatening to fall any minute.

Me and Mondo just blushed. So they all heard that? It's not like i have a problem with it,it's just so embarassing.

"What are ya guys doin' here?" Mondo asked.

Kirigiri who just smiled answered him,"We came to check on you and Chihiro,but it seems we have witnessed something wonderful"


"I have something else i wanted to talk about. Since Chihiro is finally awake,i figure we should ask about how it all happened"

Of course. I knew she would ask.

"But why are all of you gathered here? Even Hifumi and Hagakure?"

Kirigiri went back to her pokerfaced self. I have a bad feeling about this.

"I...there is something else that i have to tell all of you. This is very important because every step we take from now on will determine humanity's future"

Why is it that bad things always happen one after the other?

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