Don't Judge the Love (Youtube...

By hghrules

147K 4.1K 4.4K

Just a bunch of youtuber one-shots, including merome, skylox, skymu, sparkant, most of the pewdiepie ships... More

Don't Judge the Love (Youtuber One-Shots)
What Hurts the Most
More Phan
Pewdie x Mr. Chair
SkyMU w/ SkyBrine
Merome Fluff
MunchingUniverse - Back To December
MunchingUniverse (Storm)
Pewdiecry (Imagine)
MunchingUniverse (Abusive Janet)
SparkAnt (Do You Trust Me) ALT ENDING
Skylox (Perfect)
SetoSolace (Seto Withdrawal)
Skylox (IBMEC Scene)
Mr. ChairxPiggeh (Around Piggeh)
Ssunkipz (Apologize)
Setosolace (Magic)
One of Those Moments (Any Ship)
Mr. ChairxPiggeh (Cheater)
Stevebrine/Enderbrine Drabbles
CraftBattleMariee/Poofless (Truth or Dare/Crying in the Rain)
Ssunkipz (Solve the Code)
Poofless (Our Last Kiss)
Ssunkipz (Clean)
kktato (Feel)
One More Time (Any Ship) (STC)
BajanSorcerer II (STC)
Lashton (The Beat of Love)
Johnnie Guilbert x MattG124
Forever (Any Ship)
Skytato (Okay)
Merome (Here)
Merome (Here) [the part I forgot]
Merome (by TC_Whovian)
If You Don't Know (Any Ship)
MunchingUniverse/KKTato (Not In That Way)
TrueLox (No Regrets)
SetoLox (Only a Little)
Ssuto (Dementia)
Skylox (Jealous - FM ALT Chapter)
HedroRulez (AND CUT!)
MunchingUniverse (Important)
Mavin (I Swear This Time I Mean It)
Merome ("I'm Sorry.")
Phan (Crush)
SetoSolace (Waiting)
SetoSolace (Love Is a Terrible Thing)
Merome (Letters to the Dead)
Bropillow (Okay pt 2)


3.2K 64 58
By hghrules

Hai. I've decided to start doing this thing at the beginning of the chapters where you put the pairing and the word count and the warnings and the prompt and the person who gave the prompt and all that good stuff. I'll probably go and edit it into all the chapters before this, too.

ALSO. I'm starting a new fic (maybe). And I don't know what ship to use, so go to my profile to vote for a shipping. Yeah. Just go.

Pairing: BajanSorcerer (Mitch and Seto)

Suggested by: Some Brilliant Guest on Fanfiction . net

Original Prompt: Zombie apocalypse. One half dies. You can pick which one.

Warnings: Sort of gory... Eh...

Word Count: 1,385 (not too bad...)


“Run, run, run!” I yell, pushing Seto forward as he tries to continue casting spells on our undead enemies. “Seto, stop it, you can't save them all! The other zombies will just re-convert them as soon as you've turned them back into humans. And besides, that spell takes way too much out of you. It's wearing you out, Seto, and you need all your strength to escape them.”

Seto huffs in frustration. “But Mitch, what if they're like us? What if they had to leave one of their loved ones behind after finding out they had the disease because they couldn't risk infecting them? I can help them, I can turn them back so they can go back home!” he argues.

“Yes, I know you can. But, as I said before, the other zombies will immediately re-infect them, and that person will have to feel the pain of being infected all over again. So really it's better if we just run.,” insist, pushing harder against my crush. “Geez, can you just un-tense yourself? Your feet are practically glued to the ground-” I freeze and my eyes widen as the realization hits me.

“Well, that's sort of the point,” Seto says, rolling his eyes. “I don't want you to be able to move me.”

“S-Seto... you didn't really...”

“I did.”

“You can't be serious.”

“I am.”

“... Why would you do that!?” I ask angrily, beginning to panic.

“If I glue my feet to the ground with the sticky spell, you can't move me and I can convert these zombies back into humans.”

“No, Seto, no! You don't get it!” I cry, pushing against Seto and then moving behind him and pulling instead. “It takes you, like, an entire minute to cast that spell, and you can only cast it on individuals, and there are four zombies, and even though they're walking really slowly, they're only about ten feet away! Seto, you'll die! They'll infect you, and you can't cast the spell on yourself!”

Seto shrugs. “I'll be fine,” he says carelessly as he charges up a spell for the zombie closest to him.

“Fine? You'll be fine?” I ask, laughing hysterically. “Is lying on the ground, helpless, as the infection spreads from the bite to your heart and re-engineers your entire body so that your skin peels and turns a sickly green and your teeth fall out and your eyes go milky white and your wishes and desires to convert these zombies change so that your wishes and desires are to convert humans your definition of 'fine?' Well, then, I guess you're right, you'll be perfectly fine! Seto, you don't understand.”

Seto shrugs again. “Restore!” he shouts, splaying his hands toward a zombie that was a mere six feet away from us. “I understand, Mitch, but seriously, I'll be okay. I'm not going to get bitten.” The zombie he'd cast the spell on collapses on the ground, and the green coloring slowly begins to fade from its skin. Its hair quickly regrows, a lovely shade of brown, and the irises re-appear in its eyes. She is a young green-eyed woman. Her skin begins to heal itself, but she stays collapsed on the ground as she recovers. The other zombies continue towards the Seto and me. Seto starts charging another spell.

“They're too close,” I say quietly, taking the gun out of my waistband. “Alright, screw it, I don't care if it attracts more zombies, I'm killing these things.”

“Mitch, no!” Seto shouts, using a quick spell to knock the gun out of my hands and onto the ground. “Don't kill them, we can still save them!”

“Seto, they're, like, three feet away, I'm not letting them get you!”

“I'll be fine,” he growls.

“But, Seto, what about me? What will I do if you get bitten?” I ask.

“You'll move on, try to survive alone. Anyways, I won't get bitten.”

“Seto, stop it!” I shout, tugging with all my might on his arm. “You don't get it! I need you, Seto!”

“Mitch, magic isn't necessary to survival, it just makes things easier-”

“Shut. Up. Okay? I don't need your magic, you idiot, I need you. I care about you, Seto, a lot.

Seto glances back at me in surprise. “W-What?”

“I love you, Seto,” I whisper.

He screams in pain as the zombie's teeth sink into his hand.

“No!” I shout, scrambling to pick up the gun. I quickly load it and aim shakily at the zombie that's biting Seto, somehow managing to hit it in the head. I quickly take out the remaining two, and then crouch down by Seto's fallen form. “S-Seto?”

“Ugh,” he groans, opening his eyes and glancing down at the bite, which is already causing his hand to swell slightly. “Oh no,” he whispers. “Mitch, you have to run, you have to run far away, now!”

“Why, Seto? I want to stay with you until I absolutely have to go, and it's not until the third transformation that you begin to infect others,” I complain, hugging him gently.

“Mitch, it's... It's different with sorcerers. You have to go now... you can't... I love you...” I quickly pull back.

I've never been so afraid in my life.

Zombies who heard the gunshots going off have surrounded Seto and me. They stare at me with their creepy, milky white eyes. Then I glance back at Seto. His quickly decaying hair falls to the unstable ground in chunks, revealing shiny green skin underneath. The skin around his face peels off in perfectly even strips, exposing bright pink squishy junk that slightly resembles a sponge and shouldn't be underneath anyone's skin. Daring to lean a bit closer, I can't even find the nose in the mess that is my old friend's face. His white and purple robe changes to a a slightly darker purple tinted with dark splotches that show especially well on the white where the skin beneath must be bursting open. His once beautiful eyes turn blue, then brown, then hazel, then yellow, then red, and then one of them sprays and one of them squirts blood into my face. I choke on it a bit (I had my mouth open in awe), rub my hand over my face in an attempt to cleanse it, and quickly step back. How can he undergo all three Transformations in less than thirty seconds?

Oh, snap. It's because he's a sorcerer, isn't it?

I take a quick breath and hold the gun unsteadily in my hands. Backing slowly away from what used to be Seto, I turn and shoot all the zombies in turn. There aren't too many. I've still got plenty of ammo. OK, Bad Thing One is out of the way. I turn back to Seto. He slowly stands, but his feet are still glued to the ground. I smirk.

He uses a spell to unbind his feet.


My eyes widen and I back up a bit more, not quite willing to shoot him. Because I still love him. Even when he's a zombie with decayed skin who is currently stepping toward me menacingly and preparing to eat/infect me, I still love him.

I must be crazy.

Hesitantly, I raise the gun up, point it at his head. I don't want to do this, I don't want to do this, I don't want to do this at all. For a second, I consider letting him infect me, just so I can stay with him. But the real Seto, he wouldn't want that. He'd want me to try to survive.

He'd want me to shoot him.

Or I could run. But I probably wouldn't get far, seeing as Zombie Seto is still a sorcerer.

I reluctantly squeeze my finger around the trigger. There's a flash and a bang that makes my ears ring, and Seto wails but I don't look at his zombified body, now collapsed on the ground. I don't spare it a single glance. I just turn and walk away.

Just walk away...

Just walk away.

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