Maybe Matt

By todorokisslut

271 8 2


1 month
1 Month (Part 2)
29 Days
29 Days (Part 2)
28 Days
28 Days (Part 2)
27 Days
27 Days (Part 3)
26 days (Matt's Birthday)
26 Days (Matt's Birthday Part 2)

27 Days (Part 2)

19 1 0
By todorokisslut

Jade's POV

"Vine star Cameron Dallas seen with a Mysterious girl outside of the local Cafe. He seemed to be comforting her as-" I shut the TV off... I didn't want anyone to know... I walked over and packed some snacks for the beach in a picnic basket. 

We all left the hotel, and walked across the street to the beach, The boys were staying at the Hotel right across from the Beach, so... yeah... The boys all took off their shirts and ran into the water, Except for Carter, Matt, and Cameron.  I layed out my Towel, and Matt sat down next to me and put his arm around me, I looked over at Cameron, who was setting up Koa and his' area, and I  looked over at Carter, who was building a sand castle. 

"You wanna go in the water?" I asked Matt while playing with some sand in my right hand. 

"Up to you." He said back. 

So I got up, and grabbed his hand to pull him with me. I took of my shorts and top, and ran into the water, not even giving him the chance to take off his shirt.  Matt took off his shirt and joined me soon after though, He picked me up and put me on his shoulders.  "CHICKEN FIGHTSSSSS!" Cameron yelled as he and Koa got into the water, Cameron put Koa on his shoulders and Matt and Cameron stood in front of eachother.  "Ready! set! Go!" Nash yelled. 

I tried to push Koa off, but Cameron had too strong of a grip, so I tried again, but this time i made Cameron lose his grip, which he quickly regained, damn it.  Koa then took a shot at me, It was a pretty rough push, but Matt kept me firm on his shoulders.  I took one last shot at Koa, I failed again, Cameron's got a really strong hold on her. She took another shot at me, and I fell off of Matt's shoulders and into the water, I came back up and started laughing. Koa and Cameron already were. I looked over at Matt, or at least.... where Matt was standing... 

"Where'd Matt go?" I asked Koa and Cameron. 

but then out of nowhere,I screamed as I was picked up bridal style from behind, but I knew who it was. 

"Matt! You scared the shit out of me!" I said before laughing. Matt started laughing too. 

"You wanna swim out farther? I promise if you drown I'll give you cpr." Matt said while winking at me. 

So we swam out into the deep, where our feet were no where near to touching the ground.  I had my gopro hooked onto my waist, so if I wanted to take any pictures I could. 

I swam over to a big rock, and I stood on it, Matt swam up and joined me. 

"I like it out here." I said to Matt as I hugged him from the side and didn't let go. 

"Me too. It's nice and quiet, No screaming fans, and it's just me and you." He said as he put his arm around me.

We stood there like that for a while, but then I heard a yell. 

"JADEEE!!!! MATTT!!! GET BACK HERE!!!" Carter was yelling for us, so we both jumped back in the water and swam back to where our friends were.  

"What's up Carter?" Matt asked as we both stood. 

"It's 3. We're heading back to the Hotel." He said gesturing to our other friends. 

"Oh Okay... we're gonna stay here for a little longer, we'll be back there by 4 I promise." Matt said to Carter, then looked back at me with a smirk. 

"Alright guys, see you later." Carter said as he caught up with the rest of the group, who were already walking back to the hotel. 

Matt and I got out of the water, and we decided to eat. I had packed some PB & J's and juice. 

We laughed and ate for a while, but I heard something... 




I turned around and there was a group of teenage girls standing behind our little set up.  

Matt sighed, and got up to give them autographs and take pictures with them. I on the other hand, cleaned up our little picnic, and folded our towels. 

"Thank you Matt!" The girls all said in usion as they left. 

"Thank god." I said as I picked up the picnic basket. 

"I love my fans... but lately they seem to be coming out at the worst moments." Matt said as he took the picnic basket from my hand and started walking to the hotel. 

Cameron's POV

Matt and Jade decided to stay at the beach for a little while longer, so me and Koa get the room to ourselves for a while. ( A.N. (; )  I sat on the bed while Koa was in the bathroom changing. She came out in her Pajamas, Just normal baggy pants and a tanktop. She looked so beautiful... I really wish I could ask her to be my girlfriend.. but she just got out of a relationship, and we just met, I can't do that to her.... what if the fans start hating on her? Oh stop making excuses Cameron. 

Koa sat down next to me on the bed ( A.N. tsk tsk I know what you're thinking. stop dat.) 

"Listen... Cameron..." Koa said as she grabbed my hand.  

"I like you.... A lot... and, I know it's probably every girls dream to be in the situation I'm in right now, but I really like you.." She said it all in one breathe.. I don't know what to say though.. 

"I like you too." I said back involuntarily, but I meant it. 

I pulled her into a hug, when the door opened. Jade and Matt walked in with the picnic basket in Matts hand, and Their towels in Jade's hand. Matt put the stuff down, and Jade walked into the bathroom. 

"I'm gonna shower." She said before she closed the door. 

"Did something bad happen?" I asked Matt. 

"Other than the fact that a group of fans kinda ruined our "us" time at the beach?" Matt said as he picked up his phone.

"Oh.." I said back.  

We all really love our fans, don't get us wrong, but, really, I think we all miss being normal teenagers again, where we could go to the beach and have fun, go out without getting mobbed, all of that... 

~~~Author's Note~~~

Hey guys! So, this is my first author's note, and I just wanted to say, the "Chapters" are put in Days, and the "Days" represent how long it will be until Jade and Koa have to move, Just letting you guys know in case you were woundering! Vote and comment! love yah!

~ AyeeEspinosaa 

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