29 Days (Part 2)

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Koa's POV

Who the hell is the guy that's coming tonight. I mean. She just met him and she's already inviting him to something like a concert?? I dont get it.  

"Koa come on. The concert starts in an hour!" Jade yelled in my ear. 

"Okay okay. god." I said following her outside of the mall. 

"TAXI!!!!!!!" She yelled. Of course, nothing. 

"TAXIII!" She yelled again. Nothing.

"TAXI GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!" She yelled a third time. This time a taxi guy drove up and we got in the back seats. 

"To the Ariana Grande concert please." Jade said as I closed the door.

"Alrighty ladies." He said as he started the meter and began driving.  

We were in the car for about 15 minutes before we arrived at a huge auditorium with a bunch of people already lined up. 

"Hey Jade! Over here!" A taller guy yelled to Jade when he spotted her, They were towards the middle of the line.  

"Hey guys!" Jade said happily.... who are these guys...

"Um... Hi... I'm Koa..." I said more akwardly than expected.

"Hi Koa." A tall guy with brown hair and skinny jeans walked up to me. 

"I'm Cameron." He pulled off his shades and took off his hood.  Cameron Dallas.... I just about fainted. 

"HAHAHAHA. LOOK AT HER FACE. SHE'S FROZEN SOLID. HAHAHAH." I heard Jade laughing from the side of me. 

"Shut up Jade." I turned towards her. The guy she was standing with was Matthew Espinosa.... THATS WHO MATTHEW WAS. Oh wow it all makes sense now. 

"Wow Matt. Bring girls for you and Cameron but none for Me and Shawn? I see how it is." Nash Said from behind Matt.  

"Eh." Was all Matt replied with. 

The doors to the auditorium opened and the line began moving forward. 

"Where are your seats?" Jade asked the boys. 

"Umm... Section 8 seat 5." Matt said. 

"Ooo right next to me." Jade said back. 

"What about the rest of y'all?" Jade asked Shawn, Cameron, and Nash. 

"Seat 3" Said Shawn. 

"Seat 4." Said Cameron.

"Seat 8" said Nash. 

Looks like I'm sitting next to Nash.

"Where are you sitting Koa?" Cameron asked me. 

"Oh. Seat 7." I said while blushing.

"Damn it... Nash trade me." Cameron said to Nash while pointing to his ticket.





And that went on almost all the way till the front of the line, but eventually Nash gave up his spot. 

"Hey, you guys want anything before we go in?" Matt said to all of us. 

"Nah, I'm good." Jade said, I said the same, but of course the boys....



"No Cameron you're gonna set the place on fire."

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