27 Days (Part 3)

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Jade's POV

I really hope I didn't sound like a bitch after those fans came up to Matt, I mean, I guess I have to get used to random fans coming up to him and asking for things like pictures and autographs, but I get jelous because he's so famous, and cute, and so many people would kill to be in my shoes, I have to be kind of protective.. right? I got out of the shower, and put on my pajamas. I brushed my hair and put it into a messy bun, then walked back out into the Hotel room, Matt and Cameron said we can sleep over for another night if we wanted to, so we did. 

We watched Toy Story 1 and 2, but then I got tired, so I decided to go to bed, which of course had caused Matt to go to bed aswell, which left Just Koa and Cameron Watching TV, But they turned the volume lower so we could sleep. 

"Hey, you alright?" Matt said as I got into bed. 

"Yea. I'm fine, really it's not your fault, or the fans, Hell if I saw you in public and I didn't know you personally, I would be that excited too." I said as I cuddled up under the blankets. 

"You know you mean more to me than any other girl in the world right?" He said to me as he wrapped his arms around me, making me feel secure. 

"Matt, You've only known me for 2 days... How can you care so much about me?" I asked him, even though I was kind of scared for the answer. 

"That first time I saw you at the mall.. I looked at you, and, I guess you could say it was kind of love at first sight." He said, pulling me closer to him. 

"And I knew that I didn't wanna go another day without knowing your name." He whispered in my ear, which sent butterflies down my stomach. 

I turned around to face him. 

"I knew I liked you after I watched your first vine... you were funny, and cute, which basically already sold me... and getting to know you, you and your personality.... it made me like you even more.." I said as I put my head on his chest, so I could hear his hearbeat... It was at a steady pace. 

I looked up at him, and he looked at me, we stayed like that for a while... until I said... 

"Oh just kiss me you idiot." With a smirk, and with that, He kissed me, I kissed back, I noticed that whenever we kiss, I don't notice anything else around us, not that anything else mattered though. 

"Oh.. and did you know.." I said letting go. 

"You were my first kiss." I said looking into his eyes. He was shocked. 

"Really? Someone like you hasn't even had their first kiss until last night?" He said hugging me. 

"Nope, I wanted to save it for someone special." I said as I felt my eyes getting heavier. 

"Good night Matt." I said as I started to drift off to dream land.... 

"Good night Jade..." I heard, and then I blanked out. 

Koa's POV

Jade and Matt went to bed, but they did not go to sleep, Cameron and I could hear them talking, I mean it was nice that they were sharing secrets and all that, but come on... they made out while we were like... right there.... I mean for real.... 

"So Koa."  Cameron said while putting his arm around me. 

"Yea?" I replied, putting my head on his shoulder. 

"If I were to ask you to be my girlfriend.... what would you say?" He chuckled. 

"depends on how you were to ask." I said with a smirk. 

Playing hard to get with Cameron Dallas? Not very smart, but hey, I needed my fun too right? 

"And in what way would I have to ask to get you to say yes?" He got up and took my hand. 

"That's up to you to figure out." I said as I winked at him, then turned around and got into bed. 

"Playing hard to get huh?" Cameron said as he got into the other side of the bed. 

"Yea, why not?" I said back. 

"I like it." He said with a yawn. 

"Goodnight Cameron." I said as I closed my eyes. 

"Goodnight Koa." He said as he wrapped his arms around me. 

~~Author's Note~~ 


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I la-la-lahv you guys! <3

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