Kiss The Sky

StanDestiel tarafından

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Daha Fazla



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StanDestiel tarafından

"So where is she?" Trev rushes up to Colson. "You said she'd be here days ago." Trev sits next to Kells, who's just waking up.

"Yeah and for our one month with you guys, you gave us expensive alcohol. Which I can't have." I huff, doing online shopping for baby clothes. Trev and i are probably going to take Casie shopping but I wasn't comfortable enough to leave at the moment.

"I enjoyed it but you have to do this for Aaron." She pleaded.

"I told you she'd be here two days ago, two days ago. Dub and Slim are dropping her off soon." Colson rubs the sleep out of his eyes.

"Yes!" Trev whispered ecstatically.

"Well fucking finally." I let out a deep breath.

"What're you doing up so early, A? You're pregnant I thought you'd sleep in." Kells looked at me confused.

"Just online shopping. Doing some work. Other than that I was too uncomfortable to sleep. Floyd keeps kicking." I shift in my seat, answering his question.

"Oh." He mumbles. "Okay. I'm going to shower before Casie gets here." Colson walks away.

"You're lookin' extra comfy today, Mama. Even if you don't feel it." Trev smiled sitting next to me.

"Thanks." I look down at my outfit, wearing the white sports bra and overalls with my white converse on, my blonde hair in a messy bun. "It was the only thing I could really manage today, everything else was too much. So it's Beetlejuice and Slipknot today, huh?" I laugh.

"Hey, I did my makeup and hair too." Trev laughs. "I'm so excited for Casie to come over."

"Me too." I smile.

"Morning." Rook walks in and sits next to me. "Oh, baby clothes. I thought you were going to go out and look for some?"

"Damn, you're nosey." Trev teases Rook.

"Well, Casie is coming and I don't want to miss her arrival. Also I'm in a little discomfort today." I pat Rook's cheek gently and give him a soft kiss.

"Alright." He smiles, the smile fading as soon as Colson walked in the room.

"How long is she staying?" Trev jumps in his face.

"Uhm." Kells chuckles trying to dry his hair with his towel. "A week. Can you help me do my hair?" He smiles, watching how excited Trevor is.

"Oh yes." Trev clasps her hands together.

"Down girl." I giggle.

"Sit down." Trev demands Kelly, him listening as she drys his hair completely with his towel. Starting massaging her hands through his hair, AJ and Jay walk in.

"What is going on here?" Jay laughs softly, watching the scene.

"I'm doing his hair." Trev smiles.

"I wasn't going to say anything but don't you need product for it to stay put?" Colson inquires.

"You're not doing his hair, you're sexually running your hands through it." AJ points out.

"No, I'm not." She looks at him and mouths 'Shut up!'

"Trevor, I know you carry mousse and hairspray in your bag. Use it." I look back to see Trev glaring at me.

"Fine." Trev huffs. "Even though the other way was much more fun." Getting the products out of her bag then spraying mousse into her hand and styles his hair with it. All before spraying it with hairspray.

"Atta girl." I turn back towards Rook, giving him a smile, then back to online shopping.

"Although, I know how to do hair, people tell me what to do and critique my work." Trev mumbles, rolling her eyes.

"Is she almost here?" I ask, turning all the way towards Trev and Colson's direction. "I hope she is. I can't wait to meet her." I smile.

"You'll love her." Rook admits, he now shopping for baby stuff.

"Yeah. Slim text, just now, saying 'ten minutes.'" Kelly looks back at me, Trev finishes his hair and sits next to him.

"All this waiting is exhausting...." Trev dramatically 'falls' across Kelly's lap. "Can't she be here already?" Trev sits back up.

"She'll be here soon." Kells reassures her.

"She better or I'll Fu-" Trev sees Casie enter the room, causing Colson to get up and hug his little girl.

"Casie, this is my assistant, Trev, and her sister, Aaron." He introduces us.

"Are you sure?" Casie blurts.

"About what?" Kells looks at her confused, he knelt down to be eye level to her.

"About them being sisters." She looks from Trev to me.

"Ahh. How I love children." Trev laughs softly.

"Well, I don't know, they did lie to us about being Australian." Kells looks directly at Trev.

"We didn't lie. You didn't ask." Trev furrows her brows.

"Well when someone asks 'Where are you from?' They expect the answer of where you're from not where they met you." He chuffs. "Oh, I'm from Cleveland." Kelly tries in a British accent.

"Mate. That wasn't even Australian." Trevor laughs.

"Dad, that wasn't even close to how they sound." Casie gives him a look.

"See. She gets it." Trev points in Casie's direction.

"He's sure." I look at Casie.

She nods then greets Rook, AJ, and Jay before sitting down on one of the couches.

"What do I say? I don't want to be myself, cos' nobody wants that." Trev whispers, causing me to smack the back of her head.

"Just be yourself." I look at her. "Hey, Casie, you hungry?" I ask.

"Yeah. Sure." She nods.

"Okay." I get up to make Casie a sandwich.

"Oh, A., can I have one?" Rook nearly begs.

"Yeah, sure. I'll make you a sandwich." I walk into the kitchen.

"You know she's like really stressed out." AJ glances up from his phone. "Aaron, I mean, she was talking to Trev and I a couple days ago about being nervous and her feelings about the baby and certain people." He looks directly at Rook, who's doing more online shopping. "Yeah. They don't even have a nursery set up yet. Haven't even bought a crib."

"I wonder what she's buying online." Trev looks at Rook.

"W-wh-why are there two of these?" He laughs.

"Rook!" She hollers.

"Hm? Sorry, what?" He looks up at Trev. "Oh. Uhm just some baby clothes and blankets and plushies." JP looks back at the Apple laptop.

"Alright. Here we have it." I set a plate and a bottle of water in front of Casie then Rook.

"Thank you." Casie smiles.

"Hmmm. Yeah. Thank you, Mama." Rook hums as he eats his sandwich.

"You're both welcome." I look at Rook concerned. "Did you have breakfast?"

"Uhm. No I slept through it. When I came out here is when I woke up. Crazy night last night. Great show." He hurriedly says, so he can eat his sandwich.

"So, Casie, you want to hear what your dad did in Paris. After like a week of me working for him?" Trev questions, sitting next to her.

"Sure." She looks at Trev eating her sandwich.

"Don't even. I thought we were passed this?" He groans.

"You are. But I'm not. You still haven't apologised to me for kissing me in a public store without my permission." Trev scolds him. "Would've been partially okay if you'd have asked but you didn't."

"Dad, no girl wants that." Casie exclaims.

AJ, Jay, Rook and I went to the back yard for the three of them to smoke, while Trev sat, smiling, at how Casie was disagreeing with her dad. I walked back in, scrolling through Twitter and catching Casie and Trev's attention.

"You two are kinda close." I say, the both of them leaning over my shoulders.

"Shhh." Trev hushes me.

"Keep scrolling." Casie mumbles.

"Fine." I huff, scrolling down my feed. We come across Post Malone tweeting 'Stressed but Blessed.'

"Truuuuuue." Trev makes an okay sign with her hand.

"I feel this so bad." I laugh.

"Hmm?" Casie doesn't look up from the iPad game she's playing. "Oh." She pauses the game, catching both of our attention. "Uncle B and Dub asked me to give this to you guys." She hands us a picture.

"Awe." Trev tears up, taking the photo.

"I love those two." I smile, looking at the picture.

Most of the day was spent playing video games, watching movies, listening to music and, us girls, getting to know Casie. She's a pretty chill kid. We both like her. Later on, the guys put on a boring movie and it was on full volume.

"Hey, Casie?" Trev whispers.

"Yeah?" She mumbles.

"You want to come to the shop with Aaron and I to buy some snacks?" Trev asks.

"Please?" She gets up, following Trev out to the car, where I was in the passenger seat waiting.

"You're not driving?" Trev laughs.

"No way. I'm way too pregnant to drive." I again use the pregnancy excuse.

"What're you gonna do when we're back on tour?" Trev inquires, as her and Casie get into the car.

"Have Jax drive me around. But you guys don't start tour until November, so I'm good." I tease,

"Nice one." Casie high fives me.

"Okay. Let's go." Trev starts the car, pulling out of the driveway.

"Turn on some music." Casie almost demands.

"Okay." Trev laughs. "You're definitely like your dad." She plays her Five Seconds of Summer playlist.

"Oh my god, this is a good song." I admit, dancing a little to it.

"YOU LOOK SO PERFECT STANDING THERE." Trev and I started singing loudly and off key, as she drove down the road, finding the nearest convenience shop.

"You guys are embarrassing me." Casie starts getting out of the car, after Trev parked.

"Get your ass back in the car." I say in a serious tone then laugh. "I'm kidding, let's get our snacks."

We all get out, walking through the store for approximately ten minutes, being indecisive about what to purchase.

"You guys are prettier than the last one." Casie bluntly states.

"Oh Uhm okay. Thank you?" I chuckle nervously, not sure how to take that.

"Oooooo, who was the last one?" Trev asks, wanting to know everything.

The three of us ladies walk up to the counter with the food and drinks, we're buying a lot. Trev and Casie continue to talk about his last assistant.

"Hey, Miss. Girls night?" The cashier asks, ringing up our items.

"Yeah. Just met boss' daughter." I inform, paying with my card. Trev and Casie went out to the car, waiting for me.

"Well, you're eating for two, so good excuse for excess food." He places our items into the bag.

"Well, Byron. What kind of name is that? Rude, huh? Your mother teach you to disrespect pregnant ladies?" I aggressively take the bags and my receipt and walk out.

"Hey, Mama, what happen?" Trev asks, noticing my attitude changed.

"Nothing, cashier was just rude." I tell the two beautiful ladies in the car.

"It's okay." Casie places a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, we still love you. Forget him." Trev smiles at me.

"Okay. Enough with the sappy moment let's go home." I sit back in my seat.

When we arrived back at the house, Trev grabbed her hot cheetos and posed for a photo with them.

"You're so weird." I laugh, as I open the door, walking inside. Girls following behind me.

"How did you girls all manage to leave and take a car without us noticing?" Colson growls.

"You're movie was too loud." Trev mocks.

"Next time tell me when you're taking my daughter to a store." He looks at the both of us.

"Okay. Next time, we will." Trev sits down, Casie and I sitting next to her, me in the middle of them.

An hour into eating snacks and watching a movie, Casie fell asleep her head resting on my thigh.

"You made her fall asleep." Trev whines.

"Trevor, she arrived tired and it's already eleven at night. Not my fault I play with her hair, while she's laying down and she fell asleep." I try to defend myself.

"You see how that is your fault, right?" Trev looks at me.

"Yeah. I do." I nod.

"Trevor." Colson sleepily groans.

"Yeah?" Trev looks at him.

"You're the best assistant I've ever had. I hope you don't leave me." He smiles at her.

"Oh, yeah, get one pregnant and continuously flirt with one." Rook mumbles.

"What?" Colson looks at him, then at Trev. "We only did it once." He whispers.

"No, I'm not pregnant." Trev assures Kells. "It's going to take a lot more than thirty seconds to get me pregnant."

"Rook, what're you talking about?" Kelly looks back at him.

"Oh, like you don't know." Rook raises his voice slightly.

"I really don't." Kells sits up a little more.

"J.P., the only one pregnant here is me." I look at him, receiving a nod.

"Yeah. I know." He informs.

"Oh, you think Colson got Aaron?" Trev looks at him.

"Well, obviously. I heard you and talking about it during the gender reveal then at the baby shower." J.P. tries to back his evidence.

"We never said a name, so you're just assuming?" Trev holds back her laughter.

"Yeah." Rook looks at me.

"Honestly I don't think I've ever been more disgusted in my entire life, no offence, Kelly." I gag slightly.

"Yeah, no. Same." Colson looks disgusted.

"Then who's the father of the baby?" Rook snaps.

"You are, you idiot." Trev bursts into laughter.

"I am?" He questions, causing me to nod.

"You are." I try calming Trev down.

"Question." Trev stops laughing. "I thought you said you'd never raise a baby with the man that got you pregnant?"

"Yeah, that's when I thought it was my ex. I mean, if Rook wants to raise Floyd with me, I'm all for it." I smile at him.

"H-h-how?" He asks, confused.

"Turns out you're not the only retarded person when you're drunk." I frown slightly.

Rook finally fell asleep after two hours of asking questions and being confused with his emotions about the news. Kells and the other two men were asleep way before that.

"Aaron, Colson looked so yummy today." Trev bit her lip, watching him sleep.

"What?" I giggle.

"I mean, he always looks good, but then seeing him with Casie made my heart melt. I wanted him to kiss me it was that cute." Trev grins at me.

"Are you stoned?" I asks, a little confused.

"No." Trevor responds.

"So you're sober?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Not completely, but I'm not stoned." She rolls her eyes.

"Okay Trev." I laugh.

This chapter is a mess, I have a lot of things going on. But still, comment, send me ideas. I will be doing a second book, as soon as this one is finished. Love you all. It's 8 am and I still haven't slept. XX

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