Your dark side

By xIHeru

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After one of his best friends died, Eijirou tries to learn more about the circumstances of this death. It alw... More

Important Informations
My strange neighbour
A secret is revealed
The sweetest taste
This fire in me
I can't believe it
Some things are hard to say
Bonus: My dark past


3.7K 143 211
By xIHeru

Soo here we go again with chapter 2 :3
I corrected this several times an hope, that you can enjoy reading :3

Chapter 2:

The random visit to the café was followed by further visits. To Eijiro's delight, because so he could always enjoy talking to the blond, since the small talk between the orders was present very much and even if the blond would never admit it, Kirishima found that Bakugo was having fun after all. At least if he considered that he was here more often and refrained from the slight eruptions as reaction of the red-haired man's cheeky remarks.

Meanwhile it was autumn and the redhead was already looking forward to the performance of the band. He had decided to have a little party with his friends after the performance. He also wanted to ask Bakugo if he would like to come. Eijirou sighed briefly as his thoughts wandered to the blond. Would he come? He really couldn't call friends what was going on between them. They had talked a lot in the meantime and Eijirou found him sympathetic, but had no idea whether this was mutual or not. //If ya don't ask, you'll never find out//, it shot through his head. He'd take his chances.

Just now he was sitting in the band room tuning his guitar. He hummed softly and felt a strong arm lay around his shoulder. Confused looked at Tetsu, who just grinned at him before noticing Denki, who also sat in front of him grinning and leaning on the redhead's knees. "Soooo?", the blond now wanted to know and wobbled his eyebrows. "Do we know the lucky girl?" All his best friend got was a confused look and a confused "Huh?" Tetsu squeezed Eijirou closer to him and tossed him through the red hair, messing it up. "Don't act so unknowing. I can't believe this! Our Kiri finally got a girlfriend", the silver-haired said and made sure that Eijirou was only more confused. "What exactly do you want from me?" he asked and Denki knocked him on the knee. "You've been in a good mood for two weeks or more, humming around and when you're not doing that, then you're dreaming", his best friend told and wobbled his eyebrows again. "So we conclude that you either have a girlfriend or at least you're in love," he added and got an affirmative nod from Tetsu.

The redhead's eyes got bigger and he shook his head. "What kind of nonsense are you talking about?", he wanted to know now and could feel the heat coming up in his cheeks. "He's blushing!" Tetsu and Denki even grinned at him. "So we're right!" Denki seemed to be on fire, showering Eijirou with the same questions over and over again before he got a soft headache of Kyoka, who seemed annoyed. "Just get him some air to breathe", she said, rolling her dark purple, almost black, eyes. "Even if it's true and he's in love or has a girlfriend...that's his business, and if he hasn't told you yet, he's got a reason."

Denki looked at the purple-haired one and sighed slightly. Actually he wanted to know more, but since Kyoka had just thrown it in, he would leave it at that. "Nevertheless it is obvious that our Kiri is in love", he threw in once more and the redhead scratched himself at the cheek. Was it really that obvious? Well, he's been thinking about his neighbor a lot lately, always finding himself looking at him more closely when he showed up at the café. Besides, he really had a heartbeat when Bakugo talked to him, even if only to place a stupid order. The realization hit him like an arrow. //Shit I really got a crush on him.// He could feel, alone at the thought of the other, how his heart made a huge jump. Was that believable? Did he really got a crush on Bakugo? Well he already found him attractive the first time they met, despite his unpleasant choice of words...was that enough for having a crush?

„. . ri" Huh? Anything happen? "Kiri!" The redhead looked up and into Tetsus face. "Oi dream of your fair maiden later! You better get your ass over here and practice!" The redhead laughed silently and came to his friends. "Yeah, yeah, here I am", he called and the four started rehearsing.


"Oh, damn it!" Angrily, Eijirou noticed that he had forgotten the keys. Were they in the rehearsal room or in the apartment? The redhead couldn't say that. When he was on his way home, there had been a monsoon-like rain shower and Eijirou was rushing home like a madman, only to realizethat he had no keys with him. Sighed he tried to reach Denki for the hundredth time, but the blonde just didn't take off and slowly Eijiro's battery was running out. He couldn't have that much bad luck, could he?

Grumbling and freezing, as it was getting very cold, he sat down on the stairs and put his mobile phone away to save battery power. Maybe Denki called when he saw he'd called. He really hoped that Denki would call him, because he got a spare key. To shorten the waiting time and not to think of the cold, he picked up a note and pen and started writing a new song text. He kept tapping or chewing on his lower lip with the end of the pencil, while the melody that Kyoka had composed came to his mind.

He was so absorbed in his writing that he didn't even notice how anyone was behind him. Only the deep voice tore him out of his thoughts. ">>And so let me sink into the passion that rises that night<< Seriously? What the fuck is this? This shit sounds like a 12 year old girl, who's trying to confess an old man", Frightened, Eijirou turned around and noticed Bakugo, who was above him and looked at the note and even brazenly took it out of his hand and continued reading.

"What exactly is this bullshit?", he asked and Eijirou jumped up, glancing at the other one. "This ain't bullshit, man. I wrote the lyrics for our new song", he explained and was again silently looked at by the elder. "Your new song?", the blond asked. "Are you in a band or something, shit-hair?" Eijirou looked confused before realizing the question and nodded. "Yes, I do", he replied, grinning lightly. "And we are good. In a week we will have a performance in the bar of a band member's uncle", he said proudly. "Ah", was Bakugos reaction. "And why are you sitting down here like a fucking, drained cat?" "Huh?" It took a moment for Eijirou to realize, what his neighbor asked, before looking aside in shame. He felt the heat rising into his cheeks and scratched himself slightly at the back his head. "Well...I...locked myself out and hope that my buddy comes soon with the spare key," he explained and grinned embarrassedly at Bakugo. "You're really a hopeless case of stupidity, shit-hair," he said and opened his front door, and waited for the redhead.

For a moment Eijirou was confused before he realized that Bakugo had just offered to escape from the cold stairwell. He gladly accepted this invitation and entered the blond's apartment. "Wouldn't have thought you'd help me," he said with a grin and earned a pissed look from Bakugo. To prevent him from reconsidering his invitation, he quickly continued speaking. "Thanks, man. You saved my ass. It's really cold outside," he said and got a "whatever" as an answer. The younger man's lips smiled up as he put his shoes down and looked around the corridor. This was kept quite neutral, here and there hung some pictures and two small shelves were present. He could spot five more doors. Well: the apartment was definitely very large.

That was a bit surprising for Eijirou. He always thought the apartments were the same size. Well, he guesses he was wrong. "The bathroom is down the corridor. I'll lend you some of my clothes. I don't wanna be accuse for you death." With these words he ordered Eijirou to go into the bathroom, which the redhead did. He entered the room and looked around curiously.

The middle of the bathroom was provided with a partition wall. On the side that Eijirou entered were toilet, washbasin as well as washing machine and dryer. The middle of the partition wall was open worked, so that the second part of the bath could be used. The whole bathroom was plastered with white tiles, only in the middle was a wide strip of black tiles. The floor was also covered with tiles in black and Eijirou entered the second area of the bathroom.

The walls and the floor were also kept in this black and white. In addition, there was a large bathtub and a spacious shower as well as a shelf where various utensils for daily body care were available. Eijirou emptied himself of his wet clothes and put them down on the surface before he took a shower and felt the warm water pattering on him.

Relieved that he finally stopped freezing, he closed his eyes and enjoyed the warmth for a while before he brazenly borrowed Bakugo's things and began to clean himself. Since he already stood in the shower...he could get rid of the sweat, couldn't he? He heard a knock and the blond's voice as he entered and said he had put the things on the dryer. Eijirou stopped briefly in motion because he had feared Bakugo would come closer, but the blond had left the room already. Sighing softly, he leaned his forehead against the tiles. //Calm down, Eijirou. You'll make the horses crazy. Like the guy was interested in you.// Yeah, that was true.

Why should Bakugo be interested in him? This was certainly just a way of thanking him for inviting him to the breakfast that other day. Eijirou finished his shower and dried himself. Bakugo had left him clothes and a towel and for a moment the redhead snuggled into the soft fabric and sighed slightly. After he had dried himself off, he put on the clothes that the blonde had prepared for him. It was a pair of sweatpants and a shirt, both in black as well as socks and underwear.

Somehow the redhead felt strange, but that would certainly be more pleasant than being completely naked under the clothes, wouldn't it? So he went to the store and heard the blond's voice behind the door: "Throw the wet stuff in the front sink and get your ass out." Eijirou had to grin slightly before he stepped out the door and saw the blond man who disappeared in the room next door. Curiously, Eijirou followed him and shortly afterwards saw the blond's kitchen.

This was of average size, its own was also so large, with work surface, refrigerator, stove and sink on the left wall side. On the right were a dining table and four chairs. Eijirou saw Bakugo, who was cutting on the work surface. "You're making dinner?" he asked in surprise and got a slightly annoyed look. "No, I chop our neighbours into small pieces so that I can feed them to my grumpy cat later," he said and Eijirou started to laugh.


"Man, stop it. Do you wanna kill me?" he asked laughing and Katsuki just sighed. It would be worth a try, wouldn't it? Why did he let Kirishima come to his home? Oh, yeah. He just looked pathetic, sitting there jittering in the stairwell with his hair hanging down and dripping slightly from the rain. Tche. How could anybody be so stupid and lose the key? The blonde continued to cut the vegetables into small pieces and put them in the pot. "If you don't want to starve, shut the fuck up and don't laugh so stupidly, shit-hair," he growled, although that wasn't meant half as seriously as someone might think. Katsuki was simply not a person who could deal with other people in a nice way. Actually, he didn't want to.

Funny enough, Kirishima got along with this. He even understood if something was really not meant seriously, just like now. Even when the blond guy got louder, and he got loud very often, especially if he hadn't smoked enough. "Aw, sorry man," he said, clasping his hands together and holding them slightly above his head. He had one eye closed and grinned at him. "I am at your mercy, Bakugo", he joked and Katsuki sighed. What a pain in the ass. "You are lucky that I have something like a social phase today, otherwise I would kick you out", he said and dedicated himself to cooking, even though it wasn't especially for Kirishima: he himself was hungry and got mad easily in that case just like when he didn't get cigarettes.

For a while the food simmered and Katsuki put some of the curry on a smaller plate and tasted it. Well, in his opinion, there could be more spiciness in it, but who knew if the wimp wouldn't cry then. So he left it there and looked for the rice. His unexpected guest had once made himself useful and set the table. Now he sat there and watched with interest how he was working here. "I'm not half as skilled in the kitchen...", he heard Kirishima talking and could almost hear his grin. "Do you want some pity now? I'm sorry, but I ran out of that yesterday, shit-hair," the blond guy replied and put the first pot in the middle of the table and gave them some of the rice on the plates before he did the same with the curry.

He put the pots back on the stove and got some more spice to sharpen his portion and wished the redhead a good appetite after Kirishima had done the same and put the first spoon in his mouth. "Woah! That's awesome", he shouted and looked at Katsuki with shining eyes. "I've never eaten such a good curry!" The blond guy clicked his tongue. "Did you think I was making some kind of boob? How stupid are you?" He did not expect an answer from the redhead, but he surprised him again. "I didn't, but I didn't expect you got so good cooking skills!" Shit-Hair really sounded excited about the food.

One of the blonde's brows moved up, while he continued chewing unimpressed and sprinkled some chili powder into his food(1). "No need to freak out," he said and put another spoonful of curry in his mouth. "Isn't that too much spiciness? You just have spiced four times now," he heard Kirishima ask and looked at him. "Are you my fucking mother or what? I'm not a pussy that wouldn't be too much for me," he said and got a little louder. As if HE couldn't handle that much spice. "Whoah, I'm just asking. It was clear to me that you like spice but I didn't expect you to handle so much of it," said the redhead and appeasingly raised his hands. "Whatever", Katsuki clicked his tongue and took another spoon in his mouth, while Kirishima had to smile and continued eating.

The rest of the dinner went very quietly and when they were finished, the redhead leaned back and rubbed his stomach. He filled his stomach and seemed just like the happiest person in the world. What a little warm food and a shower could do. Katsuki himself rose and put the plates in the sink, he would later take care of it and indicated to the redhead to go into the living room. Kirishima followed Bakugo into his living room. This was quite spacious and large. The walls were mostly white and only the wall front, on which the large flat screen hung, was kept in black.

In the middle were a glass table and an extremely large leather couch. Behind the couch, across from the TV were shelves. In one you saw a lot of books in the other were a lot of movies. The floor was covered with a soft carpet under the couch and otherwise the walls were covered with photos of landscapes. The two men made themselves comfortable on the couch and while Katsuki reached for his Black Devil, Kirishima looked around visibly curious. Like a damn cat that'd been moved into an apartment.

He looked visibly interested at the shelves behind him. "You're reading?", he asked in surprise and Katsuki lit his cigarette and took a deep breath before he exhaled. There was nothing better than the good old cigarette afterwards. "No, the books serve me to smash the fucking skulls of unwanted guests," he replied snippily. Again Kirishima grinned at him and shook his head. "You have really creative answers", he said and tried to see from a distance what kind of books were there. "Most of them are horror novels", Katsuki gave him the information and noticed the ruby red eyes wandering back to him.

"I would have thought you were the guy playing video games", he said with a grin and Katsuki rolled his eyes. "What does that mean, shit-hair", he asked annoyed and drove the younger one brazenly through the still damp red hair, which Kirishima commented with an "Don't!" He could not resist a little grin as Kirishima sat there looking like a wet lace that was washed and rubbed in a towel. "Now you look even more like shit-hair than usual", he commented and Kirishima lightly inflated his cheeks. "Our hair doesn't look that different. You also look like a burst stuffed animal", the redhead defended himself and fell silent when he saw Katsuki's gaze. "Ki-ri-shi-ma", he spoke in a tone which chased the redhead with a shiver behind his back. "You're dead!" he added, roaring.

With these words the blond was already about to pounce on the other and Kirishima owed it to his reflexes that he got away laughing and positioned himself behind the couch. "Did I hit a sore spot?", he asked, amused, before he dodged again because Katsuki was trying to grab him. "I'll spank you so much on your fucking ass when I got you!", the elder yelled and tried to grab the redhead.

The small chase went a few moments until Kirishima lay on the ground and Katsuki triumphed over him. "I told you I'd get you", he just said, looking at the redhead. "Do you want to repeat what you said, bastard?", he asked and Kirishima grinned at him. "You look like a burst stuffed animal", he repeated brazenly and a short time later he saw himself turned on his stomach again and blinked in confusion. "What the hell", he asked and the next moment felt a pain up his ass and made a frightened sound. The first pain was followed by a second and a third. Katsuki had made his threat a reality. He wasn't a guy who did things by halves. Kirishima wailed and literally jumped up when Katsuki dumped him. "Yo, man, what was that?"

"I warned you I'd spank your ass", Katsuki just said and got up. "Be glad that I left your pants on", he added, looking at the redhead with an evil smile. "At least that's the way to raise little brats." Kirishima looked at him played, offended. "Wow... you'd be a terrible dad", he said with a laugh and rubbed his aching butt again before he sat back on the couch with Katuski.

"So you read horror novels?" he asked again and Katsuki nodded. "I'm not that reader. I just don't have the imagination", he continued, watching the blond guy make rings out of the smoke of his cigarettes again. However, the blond did not reply to his statement(2). Again the redhead opened his mouth. "That reminds me: you've had some really nice music going the other day. What have you been up to?"

The blond man looked at him and rose after having put out his cigarette. "I've been working out", he said and was about to go and put something else on when the redhead's cell phone rang. He answered and Katsuki could hear him making a heated phone call to the person. After he hung up the phone, he sighed and looked at Katsuki. "My buddy will show up soon and bring me my keys. So you'll get your peace back soon, Baku-Bro," he grinned and the blond just rolled his eyes. "Whatever."


Eijirou had gone to the door when Denki had texted him that he was there. He had thanked Bakugo once again, which was dismissed by him as "No big deal", and then came out of the apartment and took the key from Denki. "I'm really sorry I was so late in answering", said the blond and Eijirou waved off. "No harm done. Bakugo was so kind and gave me shelter", he said, pointing his thumb at the locked door. "I'm glad you didn't have to sit out here and freeze", he said and hugged his buddy again before he said goodbye and trolled off again.

The redhead looked after his friend before he looked back at the door of Bakugo and went smiling into his own apartment. There he leaned against the door and sighed //Jesus... I was in his apartment...//, he thought and could feel his heart beat faster. How good that this had not happened when they were together. Eijirou was sure that he would then have made a fool of himself. He shook his head slightly and disappeared into his room, where he dropped onto his bed and closed his eyes.

Nevertheless, it had been a very amusing day and Eijirou fervently hoped that more days of this kind would follow, as spending a little more time with the blond would make him more than happy. Maybe something like friendship could develop after all.


A week had passed since Eijirou had locked himself out. He had practiced intensively with his friends during this time and if he had not done so, he had continued to try to find out things that affected Toshi's death. He had come across an extremely interesting point: Toshi probably had an injury reminiscent of a gunshot wound, but the burns made it difficult to identify. It was a good thing he and Tenya had kept in touch. His old friend hadn't let him down.

So he was right and Toshi hadn't just died in an accident. Nevertheless, he knew that he could never find out exactly who had killed his friend, because he lacked the means and powers to do so. It frustrated him. Luckily he had a lot to do with the preparations for the performance, so he didn't have to think about it much.

Especially after asking Bakugo if he would come over. "As if I do this shit, shit-hair", he said and Eijirou smiled. He had even told him that the songs were going in his direction and he should actually like them. Just to be on the safe side, he had written Bakugo on the guest list and told him the message. "I'd still be so happy if you'd come, man," he had told him and was really hoping inside that the blond guy would come.

He was just standing in the backstage area and had Kyoka apply the eyeliner to him. He himself was simply too bad at these things. "If you didn't fidget so much, it would be over much faster", she said and pinched his cheek. "Haha, sorry I'm just nervous. There are more people than Tetsu's uncle said." The purple-haired sighed briefly. "I'm no less nervous than you, but we shouldn't go crazy. After all, we are good and your last lyrics were really good. Whoever he is...he's a pretty good muse for you", she said and Eijirou felt the heat in his cheeks. They were just alone because Tetsu and Denki were kicked out of the dressing room by Kyoka because of their stupid comments. "Why do you think such nonsense?" he asked and Kyoka looked at him tellingly. "I'm not stupid, Kiri", she said and put away the eyeliner.

"You've been talking about one person lately, so I think HE is the driving force behind these songs. I am surprised that there is still no secret declaration of love", she teased her front singer, who now began to scratch his back of the head. "I'm not sure this isn't just a little crush", he confessed now. "I'd never found love before, so I have no idea...pretty unmanly on this point." Kyoka shrugged her shoulders. "I think admitting it is extremely manly, too, if you ask me", she said and conjured his broad grin back on the redhead's face. "You're really the best. If I wasn't gay, I'd ask you for a date", he jokes. He had never made a secret of it before Kyoka. Only with Denki and Tetsu he wasn't as sure how they would react if they knew he was really into guys. Maybe he should tell them soon anyway. After all, they were friends.

That was the moment, when Tetsu and Denki joined the room. Tetsu was accompanied by an orange-haired woman, his girlfriend (3), whom had raked in with him and waved smilingly. "Hey Itsuka," Kyoka greeted the young woman who broke away from her boyfriend and held Kyoka's hands. "I keep my fingers crossed and can't wait to see you rock the stage", she said.

Itsuka Kendo was not a member of the band, but she was at least as often at rehearsals as they were. She often brought them enough goodies, especially if she wanted to spoil Tetsu or just wanted to visit him.

Grinning, the redhead pressed his fist against Itsukas, as did Denki. "We'll put on a good show for the people out there", he promised, and Tetsu raised his fist with motivation. "My uncle said that he will book us more often if they like our performance", he yelled enthusiastically, which of course increased the motivation of the whole band.

It wasn't long before the quartet was invited on stage and Itsuka disappeared forward and took a table not far behind to see her boyfriend and the others. When the four were completely on stage, the guests cheered them and Eijirou went forward and grabbed the microphone. He wanted to greet the people and say thanks again to the boss before they really started. His gaze fell into the back of the bar and for a moment his heart stopped beating before it continued beating at double speed.

The ash blond stood back there, leaning casually against the wall with a cigarette between his lips and looked at him. He had actually come! Now he had to work twice as hard and prove to the elder what he was capable of. He took a deep breath before he began to say: "Good evening. I hope you guys are in a good mood. We're Raging Passion and will sweeten your evening a little." Shortly afterwards, Tetsu tapped on his sticks and counted loudly from one to three before the first beat was played.

Eijirou intended to make his promise come true and how he would make it come true. The people in the bar were soon totally carried away by the music and both the prepared covers and their original songs were very well received and the band just finished their last song and Eijirou thanked the guests once again. More than satisfied the troupe sat down at Itsuka's table. All expect of Eijirou, who had roped himself off the group and stood beside the blonde. "You came", he said, grinning at him. "Had nothing better to do", was the blond man's answer while he sipped on his glass.

"I'm glad you came, Baku-Bro!" "Whatever." Eijiro's grin didn't even want to disappear from his lips. "So? What do you think?" he wanted to know now. The elder pulled off his cigarette and blew the smoke into his face, which made Eijirou slightly wring his face. "I've heard worse", said the blond now and wormed another grin out of Eijirou. "I told ya we're good!"

The redhead then leads the blonde to the table where the others from the band were and introduces them to Bakugo.


Actually Katsuki hadn't had the motivation to leave the house today. It was way too fresh and actually he was still pretty tired from his last job. However, the redhead had been raving about finally standing on a real stage for so long and that it was so important to him that Katsuki would come. Besides, his musical taste would be played and the bar would be a smoking bar anyway. Yeah, that shitty hairstyle tried everything to motivate him.

Since he didn't really have anything to do at home, and had noticed that he tend to think about his past, he had decided to go to this performance. So he had put on black jeans, a matching shirt with print and his leather jacket before slipping into his heavy leather boots and setting off.

The bar Kirishima had described to him was not particularly difficult to find and Katsuki called the bouncer his name. Shit-Hair had mentioned that there must have been a guest list. The man briefly checked the list and then let him pass. The bar itself had this typical rocker flair as it was known from various movies. Dark oak wood, animal skulls and deer antlers on the wall and in between, posters of hip bands and other stuff. Darts and a pool table were also available, as well as a gigantic bar where two bartenders worked. The bar's attention was on the huge stage. Apparently you were used to having life acts here.

The blond lit a cigarette before he went to the counter and ordered a glass of Irish Whiskey and left the money with the bartender before he went a little further back. It was silent in that corner and nobody was here, because they all wanted to be as close to the stage as possible. Good by him. Besides, he'd only lose his temper up there if one of those guys bumped into him.

It didn't take long and shit-hair with attachment arrived on stage. He looked at him in surprise. That's when the redhead really didn't expect him, huh? But, wait! Did Shit-Hair have eyeliner on his eyes? Katsuki had to admit that the redhead didn't look so bad. The ruby red of the eyes stood out even more.

In any case, Kirishima grinned even wider and started talking. His band's name used to be stupid. "Raging Passion", who called himself that? Katsuki would bet his butts that the idea had come from shit-hair, but he couldn't think long because the pseudo-granny hit the beat with the sticks and soon a rocky beat came to his ears.

They weren't as fucked up as he thought. Shit-hair even had an acceptable singing voice, even if he would never admit it openly. Nevertheless, he listened to the music and enjoyed his drink. At least his mood wouldn't go straight to the basement.

After the troupe of Shit-Hair had finished, he already came to him. The conversation about his coming and the surprise of the redhead was quite short and already he was led forward to his "friends". Katsuki looked at this strange group and blew out his smoke again and sat down. Actually, he didn't really want to talk big with these people, but before he was chatted up there by others and because shit-hair was here, one could make an exception.

The conversations didn't last long, when he and Tetsu had a heated discussion again. The silver-haired guy also jumped at his little provocations, unfortunately he had just hit a nerve when he said that Katsu was too cowardly to tip over with him some glasses.

He preferred one or two glasses of whiskey and not hundreds of booze. He wanted to stay sane, but this little son of a bitch provoked him so much. "Show me what you got, you wimp!", he yelled pissed and Tetsu yelled back. "I'm gonna fuck you up like that, dude!" The orange peel sitting on his lap just sighed and turned towards the eggplant. That's right, they should stay out of it. Shitty hair and Pikachu also sat down and the bartender put down their glasses with a grin. "Be prepared for the defeat of your life, Granny", he said and at the command of aubergine, the four of them tipped their first glass.

Three more glasses and it were just him and the pseudo-grandfather. Shit-hair lay with his head giggling at the table and Pikachu had found himself on the floor and just lay there laughing like crazy. Katsuki himself was still in his right mind. A little bit of alcohol didn't make him queer and Granny seemed to be slightly buzzed. "Don't you think that's enough?" asked the orange and Katsuki showed her a charming middle finger before he snarled at her that she should just shut up. "Oi, don't yell at my girl", the silver-haired guy yelled at him and Katsuki yelled back, "I'll yell at your fucking girl as often as I like, Grandpa!"

Three more glasses followed until Tetsu waved down and admitted defeat, as the liquor hit him on the stomach and he fled to the toilets. Katsuki himself triumphantly leaned back and grinned smugly as he lit a cigarette again. His mind was still quite clear, but he felt the effect of the alcohol flowing through his bloodstream.

"I think you've drunk enough. We were supposed to bring these accidents home here", the aubergine spoke and grabbed Pikachu, who was almost asleep by now. "Itsuka? Can you get along with Tetsu?", she asked and the orange-haired girl just nodded and disappeared towards the toilets. "And you could take our Eijirou with you", she said and get a poisonous look. "Why me?(4)" "You're his neighbour, so you're going the same way anyway, especially since I can't carry them both!" She twisted her lips into a provocative smile. "Or is that too much for you?"

Grumbling, he grabbed Kirishima's upper arm and dragged it with him and shouted after her "As if this will be too much for me!" From Kirishima Kyoka could hear a "whaaa nodo faaaas (Not so fast)" but Katsuki did not hear that. He was ignoring it, to be more specific. "It's your own fault, if you drink so much, shit-hair," he said annoyed, but took a step slower so that Kirishima wouldn't kiss the ground. Nevertheless, he held on to his upper arm. "Naaaw Baku-Bro, ya gan schuss lemme go (You can just let me go)", he lollopped and got a really pissed glaze. "And you can shut the fuck up", he yelled at the redhead, who put his finger on his lip and did "Shhhh". "Noddo loud. If ya sream damuch, yo'll wake somon (Not so loud. If you scream that much, you will wake someone)"

Katsuki was about to slap Kirishima. He would like to wipe that truly stupid grin off his face, but he controlled himself, even if it was very hard. There already was see a vein on his forehead and his right eye twitched quite a bit. He would never drink again with Shit-Hair and his fucking pendants.

The way to their house seemed like an eternity to him and Katsuki was really relieved when he finally arrived. Now he only had to transport this babbling accident to the third floor...without lift. The blond's mood was not the best when he brought Kirishima to his front door. "Get out your fucking keys, shit-hair," he said panting, looking at Kirishima digging in his pocket and pulling out the keys. The redhead laughed again and again quietly, as if he found it incredibly funny and was looking for the key to his apartment.

They slipped out of his hand and crashed onto the floor. "You're just a fucking pain in the ass", grumbled Katsuki, annoyed, because he didn't necessarily want to roar down the house. It was 3 a.m. So he crouched down and wanted to pick up the keys and bring this bunch of hair and alcohol into his apartment. If he did, it would be quicker. Unfortunately, he had made the calculation without Kirishima, who probably also had the idea to bend down after the keys and now promptly bumped his head against Katsukis.

"Ouch," Kirishima muttered, while Katsuki looked at him annoyed. He was about to hit him, but forgot when he looked at the redhead sitting in front of him with reddened cheeks and overcast eyes. His lips were slightly open and he looked not as stupid as it was a few moments ago when they were on the street.

"Baku-Bro...", the redhead started and got a little closer. "Ava I ewa tolya, that ya're really gool?(Have I ever told you that you are really cool?)" The blond guy raised a brow and wasn't sure if he should take that as a compliment or just blame the alcohol that shit-hair didn't know what he said anymore. Furthermore, the little one came quite close to him and Katsuki was too irritated to react just right now. Only when he could feel the breath on his lips and smell the alcohol, he awoke from his rigidity and pushed Kirishima away. "Don't get cocky, shit-hair, or I'll beat the shit out of you.", he growled and grumbled at the keys and rose again to the door of the redhead's apartment.

He pulled Kirishima up on his upper arm and carried him to his apartment, leaving the keys on the chest of drawers. "Go to sleep", he demanded annoyed, disappeared from the apartment and closed the door behind him. Annoyed, the blonde ran over his face before entering his own apartment and taking off his boots. Without much detour he made his way to his bedroom, where he pealed his clothes off and only fell into his king size bed in shorts and closed his eyes to fall asleep a short time later.


(1) What would Bakugo be without his beloved, spicy food?
(2) That would have been just an insult anyway
(3) KenTetsu <3
(4) Because I want it!


So that was chapter 2. I hope you enjoyed it and don't kill me for not let them kiss! I promise you: Soon!

See you next time

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