Trust me

By Park-KJ7

197 3 6

Bts Suga x reader fanfiction Being a student is hard as it is for Suga with all eyes on him. When he meets y... More

Part 1
Parteu 2
Parteu 3
Parteu 4
Partu 5
Paretu 6
Parteu 7
Parteu 8
Parteu 9
Parteu 10
Parteu 11
Parteu 12
Parteu 13
Pareteu 14
Parteu 15
Parteu 16
Parteu 17
Parteu 18
Parteu 19
Parteu 20
Parteu 21
Parteu 22
Parteu 23
Parteu 24
Parteu 25
Parteu 26
Parteu 28
Parteu 29
Parteu 30

Parteu 27

2 0 0
By Park-KJ7

You tie your hair back with low cap, wearing plain white tee and bumber jacket over, skinny black jeans and high top trainers.

Going with the black and white look. You walk to the directions given by her.

You look around the area and look at her house carefully, breath heavily and knock on the door.

On the other hand Suga explains the plan to the team and they get ready for back up.

Suga wears his uniform for going under the low cover look.

It's not a uniform but a stylish full on black dope pieces.

He already gave you an ear piece to wear to update one another and pass info.

He wears a ear piece too, a black mask, low cap with his hair low covering his eyes.

So he's wearing a black body suit with sleeveless jacket with several pockets, with lose yet stuck on jogging bottoms, and hi top back boots.

The rest of them wear similar too.

He goes out as planned and goes to hide in the van with the rest of the members there too.

He whispers to you "y/n can you hear me" you standing at the door wasn't aware of his presence but know he's there.

You "hm" he tells you "are you ready" you hm again in correspondence. "Be careful and .... good luck" he tells you shortly.

You breathe heavily and knock on her door "hey... " she says happily yet worried and tell you to come in. You go in...

you planned out exactly to tell her as you do. She tells you to sit down, so you do.

You pick your words carefully "this house wow, could probably fit my family 5x, it's very nice" you say as you raise your head upwards and all the way around sightseeing.

She gets gassed as she sits bedsides you with her legs joined sitting poised and hands closed on her knees "oh really I'll show you around if that makes you feel better" she smiles holding your  hand, making you look up at her. You smile.

She asks you worried and shocked all of a sudden standing up "wait I just realized weren't you going to bring your boyfriend and your ... surprise were so excited about..."

she notices your saddened expression fading into your down fake emotional side "I....I"

you break into almost complete tears "oh no is it that?... tell me what happened... you can tell me" she assures you sitting back down.

You tell her almost falling apart, i don't think I should ruin your mood don't worry I'll keep it to myself"

she rushes you "no no no tell me why would I mind, considering your state now I really don't think he's right for you, you should go against him" so you tell her "ok so"

you breathe heavily "ok so I'm f*ed up HE F*ng GOT ME IN TROUBLE, I TRUSTED THAT SON OF A B*CH I can't believe he did this to me..."

you start crying and she did not expect this side from you which makes it more scary and real.

Suga coughs, making it obvious to you that he heard.

You continue "now I understand guys are useless, they're all liars, you know how it feels, and now me! I did not expect to be the target. He was so loving and caring I didn't see the car coming to hit me"

she relaxes you and calms you down "ssshhhhhh don't say all these things I know it hurts.. But if he really hurt you that bad, then he deserves to be punished, but what happened?"

You tell her exactly what Suga did ... but what you assumed he did... so what he didn't do (but yeah you get me) But mixed up parts saying things like "my parents are extremely angry with me, so much that they kicked me out of the house for days and i had no where to go ...they let me in by now but aren't talking to me" you explain gesturing your hands everywhere, swearing and crying really showing how upset you are.

She stands up "ok that's it you're gonna call him and swear at him all you want so that you're anger comes out"

you go against her "no no I don't want to do that, plus he isn't picking up, after all I have gotten angry at him enough, it won't help"

she says protesting "listen I don't like the sound of him and what's he's done to you, you should leave him, he isn't any good to you, you are way better than him!! And ... and listen tell me... what sort of person he is, if he's a bad person ..."

You almost sneered at the realization how she really does want to tear you two apart and how she's getting to the point where she's greedy.

You tell her half truly "he's actually a really bad person, I knew he was like this, but still trusted him. That's why he doesn't come to classes that much because he's out there doing his sh**-"

she cuts through sharply "w..wait what does he do?" You tell her looking to the side then back at her.

You lick your lips and shrug your shoulder, wiping your tears calming down then tell her "that's what i don't know... he never told me, but he's up to something he always goes early to do his business"

She sits facing you on her large sofa still with her joined together and back straight, she holds your shoulder "I can help you know ... my dad he can deal with him" little did she know you were recording her voice.

"Oh what can he do "my dad ... he .. he well he has a professional job I'm not quite sure hheheeea but he works with lots of people sorting out complaints and stuff, I can tell him if you want"

her voice almost cracking and stuttering at first, you could tell she was nervous but went on with it.

you tell her "I'll see, I mean we'll see" you smile spudding her.

She cheers you up "come I'll show you around then we'll watch a movie, I really want to hahahhaa" you hi five her and get up.

She shows you around, the spiraling stairs so beautiful, the painted pictures on the cream coloured walls. And the big big rooms one with a piano in it and the large dining room collided with the kitchen with an attached sitting room with double doors. but you had your eye on one thing and that was her dad's room.

You praised her house through out so that maybe she might be fooled enough to show you more. You finally got directed to her fathers room.

She gestures to you "and this ... this is my fathers room, he's a very busy man" she laughs as she watches you peeking through glaring like a child.

There was a medium sized room, that had lots of cabinets in it and drawers and a typical computer on a desk.

You could see through the glass door. "Omo, very busy" you whisper.

That was the last room she showed you, then you followed her down the endless stairs. It was quite fascinating everything looks perfect and in place, but the people in this house are far from perfect.

You ate food together watching an action movie. Probably you're acting is so good she doesn't suspect you, but you're scared that's what is going through your mind, despite watching action you're all tensed up with your own action.

You tell her thinking of an excuse "aaaaah I'm still so hungry" because the food finished ages ago but now you needed a way to get her out for long.

She tells you surprised "oh no, what should we do..." with the movie paused you both end up deciding that you stay at home as you wished and her going out to get food as she didn't plan, but you assume she wouldn't doubt you acting fishy so it's clear.

"Fine!, I'm gonna go out to get more for us to eat, I won't take long". She tells you concerned

you wave bye to her upset "uuuuuh I could have gone but I don't know the shops around so..." you use that as your excuse.

"Ok see you soon" she says as she leaves and you shut the door.

(Listen to mic drop instrumental) ;)

Your hear races fast as your back leans against the door and your arms stretched out on the door "ok plan A ... Suga can you hear me?"

Suga answers back "yeah yeah got you!"
You run up the stairs following exactly the same way she went because the house is so big you can easily lose your way haha. But this is serious.... you find the room .... but "SUGA ITS LOCKED WHAT DO I DO?"

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