Trust me

By Park-KJ7

197 3 6

Bts Suga x reader fanfiction Being a student is hard as it is for Suga with all eyes on him. When he meets y... More

Part 1
Parteu 2
Parteu 3
Parteu 4
Partu 5
Paretu 6
Parteu 7
Parteu 8
Parteu 9
Parteu 10
Parteu 11
Parteu 12
Parteu 13
Pareteu 14
Parteu 15
Parteu 17
Parteu 18
Parteu 19
Parteu 20
Parteu 21
Parteu 22
Parteu 23
Parteu 24
Parteu 25
Parteu 26
Parteu 27
Parteu 28
Parteu 29
Parteu 30

Parteu 16

2 0 0
By Park-KJ7

You get happy that you're at least able to chat to him through text now that he is gonna be away for quite some time. You go downstairs to see your parents. They are asleep so you nibble into food quietly like a rat trying to not get caught. You escape back upstairs successfully and fall asleep somehow.

The next few day you study well and talk to your friend of course, you usually need her help anyway, even when you want to do it yourself, the work was not easy, so you must ask her. You're usually stuck to your phone, secretly chatting to Suga at times.

Lucky enough you haven't got caught, having to close notifications. It was also emotional that Jin was gone too, at least his silliness would amuse you but even he is gone with Suga too. You feel bored more often now that Suga isn't around to tease you and play with you or even make fun of you, it was still fun. You sigh recalling moments running around, laughing and sticking close to each other with Jin coming in between, it was funny.

But now it was more work and stress, you hate this one sided sad drama. Suga tells you he's coming soon next week. Every day he does a count down on chat, making it more exciting for his arrival.

Your family was getting better too, probably dad's nice friend taught him a lesson, you don't bother inquiring, they just come fewer times now, which is more peaceful and less back killing. 

It was only a few days into the first week of his absence. You go to the library and your heart aches as you walk in and you start to panick. You tap the side of your pockets "OH JAM WHERES MY ID CARD OH CRAP I always put it in my pockets" you search your bag.

You swear any second you're gonna start crying if you can't find, you don't want to take another pic nor do u want to pay for another card "plz no don't" you search your jeans pockets.

Everyone surely knew something is wrong with you by the state of how lost you look but they just walk past and give you the odd looks

Suddenly someone taps your shoulder "hey erm is this urs?" You look back to see a pretty, taller than you, young looking but probably older girl with long black hair, smile at you.

Your heart starts beating again "oh my god!!! You're a life saver! Thank you so much seriously..." you are so thankful it was unbelievable!! "Thank u so much" she smiles laughing at you continuously "it's ok, I know it happens sometimes".

You leave her going your own way and go the book section, probably the first time. Even though you hate it, you have to since you must look for books, it is bothering and a slow process. you are still very thankful thinking about how lucky you are.

You take forever searching. You complain in frustration not being able to find the right one "aaaaah god" while you bend down taking book out of the shelf, you give one glance to the side to see someone, oh it's the same girl walking in your direction . She questions you "want help?"

You tell her lifting your head up nearly falling back "huh Uh nah I think I'm fine" you give a questioning jungkook shook look at her, hoping she'll ask again because you actually do. She bends down "I'll help you, what do you need?" You feel weird but thankful of course "oh well I uh... am looking for ...what was it ? Aah yes book on (international playboy ;) international business". She gets up and tells you "you're looking in the wrong section" you respond "oh .. am I?"

"come with me" you get up and follow her quickly "thanks a lot again" she smiles hardly moving any muscles on her face "it's alright, by the way my name is nf/n (new friend name)" (lol I'm so extra + ordinary can't even b bothered to think of a name) she walks into another book shelf "my name is Y/N nice to meet you" she grins without you noticing.

She doesn't look at you the whole time, instead looks out for the book reading the labels on the book. You disturb her "well I'm studying intentional business, what about you?" She looks at you slipping the book out of its spot "here this is the one, come I know a good place to study"

you walk with her to the quiet place confused a little she didn't answer your clear question but surprised she's so friendly. "Oh I study here too" you shout like an excited child. She tells you off "then you should know it's quiet place too" you gulp thinking she's weird and mean and more weird.... "it's ok to be a little loud, no one will say anything"

she smiles at you but still looking sharp in a way "no worries" she says playfully. Is everyone weird around here you thought.

The nf (new friend) tells you happily "wanna eat some chocolate here" you get curious why is she so sweet, it's weird to accept straight away if you don't know each other well. "Nah it's fine" she insists "go on take it" "ok thanks" you smile biting the chocolate after breaking it off. You question her "erm so nf/n what you studying?"

"I study chemistry" you look at her surprised "hell no that must be so difficult... is it?" She gives you a intimidating smart look "maybe for new learners, it is kinda but not so bad". She questions you "how's your subject, do you find it interesting?"

You respond annoyed "no! I hate it! To be honest I hardly like anything ha! it's not so great for me honestly and I find it hard" she sighs resting her cheek on her palm "looks like you're having a hard time"

she mumbles "but I'll make it harder" you don't hear what she says "huh did you say something?" She shakes her head "oh I said that's sad" you get working and talk in between getting to know her, she's ok ish, but slightly freeky in a way...

you tell her its time for you to go to meet your friend and get ready for work.

She tells you "hold up, can we stay in touch" you tell her "yeah here let's exchange numbers" you hand your phone over to her unlocking your phone in front of her "give me ur phone" you both exchange no. s.

You pack your belongings, she interrupts "it was nice meeting you" you wave bye to her "nice meeting you too" she whispers behind unwrapping the a chewing gum wrapper "not". She calls someone "it's going good so far, part 1 done" she smirks chewing away blowing a bubble.

You walk to your friend in silence listening to music as always. Your friend questions you as you walk into lesson a bit late "where you been, haven't seen you for so many hours" why is she so extra?. "Oh I was out couldn't find my ID for long but someone found it and helped me look for a book" her expression changes "oh so you found one show me I tried to find one too but couldn't" "i know right it's so hard it took me forever" you don't bother telling her the rest.

The teacher comes in smiling nervously "sorry I was in a meeting, it's good you hadn't assumed that I was absent and go away" you roll your eyes and whisper "would have gone any minute later" "ok so today we will use the books that's if any of you have bothered to look for them"

you didn't want to... your friend nudges you "go on you said you found it" you mutter "I don't want to" the teacher sighs "ok well we'll do this, I'll read out part of the book, any volunteers to read" as usual no one answers....

you avoid any contact with the teacher, nervous to be picked on. She luckily says "I'll read the first half, next half I want ... to read out" phew not you someone else, you anxiously turn your sight on the page.

The person reads out the next half, it is obvious he didn't want to get picked on, you could tell from his stuttering words, you thought that would have totally been you. The teacher saw how your attention is somewhere else "y/n which structure is used by the business vertical, horizontal or standardized?"

The pressure is on, eyes on you. You clear your throat "well erm I think it's" you put your hair behind your ear looking down at the page he was reading off from.

You friend mumbles to you "horizontal and vertical" you thought how can it be both "horizontal" you say nervously giving your answer. You assure of the answer, stupidly get it wrong "no y/n it's horizontal and vertical"

you look interested "ooooooh right oh because ...yeah I get it" you gesture horizontal way. You sigh heavily and swear under your breath fiddling with the pen.

Your friend nudges you "why didn't u listen to me?" You mumble back to her whispering, eyes on the teacher "I wasn't sure of what you said, besides I didn't think it was possible to be both"

your friend looks at you and sighs "uuuuuhhh y/n seriously why are you like this" you shrug your shoulders "I'm good" you say cheekily.

Lesson finishes you go to ur following next one with her. You get tired by now and bored, ending up texting your nf. (Also standing for new freak 😂😂😂😂)
Y/N: hey it's me y/n
😇NF: oh hi
Y/N: that was fast
😇NF: yeah I was on my phone so I saw your message
Y/N: bored
😇NF: same but busy too
Y/N: oh I shouldn't bother you then
😇NF: no no it's fine... for now I guess
We should meet up again.

Y/N: yeah thanks again for helping me. I was thinking the same, we should.

😇Nf thinks oh good she likes me already, that was easy, of course it was an easy job I'm good at everything, pat on my back, round of applause, standing ovation for me.

😇Nf: np what you up to
Y/N: aaah I'm in lesson, teacher is blabbering on like I give 3 dollars 🙄
😇Nf: 😂😂😂😂 "3 dollars" hahaha. but honestly speaking, you should listen to what she's saying it's probably important 😶
Y/N: even if u were here you wouldn't get her... oh wait I forgot you're smart
😇Nf: I'm not 😅 I just listen well maybe.
Are you the type to complain about nearly everything 🤦🏽‍♀️? 🤐
Y/N: yeah ish ... actually definitely 100%
😇Nf: try thinking of the positive side
Y/N: nothing is good 😭
😇Nf: b thankful of everything
Y/N: I've tried but ... there's no point
😇Nf: have hope, don't let that ever diminish
Y/N: 😫🙄😖 I do but sometimes I just let go
😇Nf: tell me is there anything wrong 😧
Y/N: no I'm fine 😞
😇Nf: nah is there anything wrong share with me I'll give you help
Y/N: well just family problems, but I guess it's getting better so no worries
😇Nf: tell me what's wrong, I'm going through problems too. My parents don't trust me with a guy I like
Y/N: no way that's kinda the case for me too. Other than my circumstances make me hate lifeu.
😇Nf: so you know what I mean... I mean i don't know how bad it's for you but for me my parents didn't even let me chat to him, they say I can only talk to him about work... but I didn't even have work with him it's out of my lesson.
Y/N: wooooooh that's really sad!!! 😱 well ... I haven't told my dad or he'll kill me 😒 but I let my mum know big time 😅... couldn't hide it. If my dad finds out I'll be in a lot of trouble.
😇Nf: see I was trying to keep you going positive but I'm troubled myself.

Nf thinks of course I must get sympathy from the loser, must act as innocent and insecure to get her fooled. By the look of it she's easily gullible. I'm doing great. I'm a pro at this after fooling quite a few, got good experience now.

Y/N: thank you for trying 😓. It must be so tough for you to meet him. So you like him a lot?
😇Nf: it's always good to share problems. Yeah my dad sometimes drops me so he checks if my boyfriend is around 😨. So I tell him to meet me later 😊. And I can't text him. That's how I got caught I named him someone else on my phone and chat to him... then my parents found out. God! I'm lucky to be given another day to live. They're so strict, they want me to study hard, so I'm doing it for them.
Y/N: oh my god You've been given such a hard time 😭. I feel so sorry for you. Have you ever given up, gotten angry.
😇Nf: thanks
😇Nf: I hate life so many times due to this. I've wanted to give up days after days but truthfully what's the point 😖 we have to keep going....I do get angry but more upset, it's that typical case my parents want someone good for me.
Y/N: 😭😖 same my mum explained to me she wants a good guy for me too.

You think to urself feeling so awful and sympathetic towards her and her misfortune days she's so brave and understanding

Y/N: so... are you still with your boyfriend
what was the guy like, why didn't your parents like him if he was good... you don't have to answer ..
😇Nf: actually ... well the guy I loved isn't with me anymore I had to break up with him, He wasn't good after he told me who he really is... he told me to keep it a secret but my dad found out...

(MAN THIS IS GOING GOOD!!! I didn't even expect this wow what a connection... you'll see 😏😉)

You thought to yourself what the jam why does this story sound so familiar ...
😇Nf: he was very nice, I loved him a lot but I had to give up on him. It was very emotional for me. He just left never even looked back. I still think of him... 😭
Y/N: hell no are you serious! that is emotional as jam 😭. And You couldn't be with him after that...
😇Nf: it's fine I'm better now, it's been a long time. Oh have to talk to you later have to go to my lesson.
Y/N: oh okay thanks for sharing about yourself, we'll meet soon 😊🤗. I j hope you are truly doing well.
😇Nf: yeah cya later bye thanks

She thinks to herself wow she's surely falling for this...

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