Trust me

By Park-KJ7

197 3 6

Bts Suga x reader fanfiction Being a student is hard as it is for Suga with all eyes on him. When he meets y... More

Part 1
Parteu 2
Parteu 3
Parteu 4
Partu 5
Paretu 6
Parteu 7
Parteu 8
Parteu 9
Parteu 10
Parteu 11
Parteu 12
Parteu 13
Parteu 15
Parteu 16
Parteu 17
Parteu 18
Parteu 19
Parteu 20
Parteu 21
Parteu 22
Parteu 23
Parteu 24
Parteu 25
Parteu 26
Parteu 27
Parteu 28
Parteu 29
Parteu 30

Pareteu 14

5 0 0
By Park-KJ7

After good long 30mins they come back... open the door and see you in the front seat half on half off, with your face tipping down "oh sh**!!... did she-!!!?" Jin looks around smacking his forehead.

Suga and Jin somehow get you on the back seat while you are completely dozed off. Jin sits in the drivers seat and starts driving off.

Suga sits at the back with you, with you continuously falling onto his lap and him sitting you back up. Until he gives up and lets you rest on his lap.

Suga starts laughing "wow this girl she must have been really bored... or hungry" Jin smiles "yeah I think she's always looking for something fun, remember last time she put her hand in my pocket and took out a key ring, then she starts asking questions non stop, crazy babbler" he starts laughing mixing his laugh with Suga.

Suga rushes his fingers through your taking it off your face. "She's so silly... so cute, it clearly says don't eat, and she still ate it" Suga contemplates in his head.

Jin looks at it "the signs slipping off she must hav-.." he cuts his own sentence laughing on and on it was so cute of them not arguing and taking it seriously but instead having a laugh about your silly action, but it could have cost your life.

Suga smiles looking at you "Well at least she didn't get out, nor will she be bothering us now" Jin smiles "hahaha yep she's a trouble maker.... no we are" Jin says to Suga turning serious "what if she finds out?"

Suga looks jungshook then turning serious reflecting the same emotions as Jin, as if he totally picked up the point "I know you already told her half of it... Don't know how much you've told her tho" Jin gulps looking side to side thinking how did he find out.

Suga warns him "next time I find out you've said something to her i don't know... I will poison you with those sweets"

Jin smirks "u wouldn't" Suga smiles back "don't make me"

Jin adds on "you know it's a good thing I told her... do you know how bad it is to keep secrets in a relationship"

his heart gets a sudden shock... after Jin announcing it as a relationship it was more... more than reality hitting him hard.

His eyes widen, then looks down at you again and hesitates to answer, because he knew Jin was absolutely right.

You finally wake up after like an hour rubbing your eyes hitting Suga's face as you stretch, he shifts his face making a derp face. You stop stretching and realize YOU'RE LAYING HALF ON Suga.

You freeze widening your eyes, and hold your yawn into more like you saw a horror scene. You bring your arms folding them back into yourself. "OH SUGAR!" You move away off of Suga quickly, falling yourself all the way on the other side, leaning on the corner of the seat.

You ask cuddling onto yourself ..." WHAT HAPPENED?... DID YOU ...?" Suga tells you calmly "you tell us what did you do? You're the one who ate the sweet"

Jin alerts you that he exists in the car too "hey y/n" looking back at you almost frightening you as he appears out of nowhere... even though half of your common sense told you of course someone is driving so of course someone's gonna be in the front seat.

But you still didn't feel in your senses it's still all so sudden. You look freaked out.

Suga tells you jokingly "sToB iT, stop looking at me all frightened it's scaring me making me feel like I'm someone else"

Suga sits up circling his face with his finger "hey Jin I am myself right?"

Jin jokes with him "huuuh who are you!? Get out of my car" Suga looks at Jin for a long second "dude why you so extra, it was sarcasm man. I wasn't telling you to continue for real".

Jin kisses his teeth "how am I supposed to know?"

He rolls his eyes. You speak quietly "er guys... I know who you are now... I'm calm"

Suga looks at you happy "Oh great you can tell us now, how was it? We've never heard back from anyone who eats those sweets, init Jin"

they both look at each other crazily, and laugh slowly then overlapping one after the other as if rehearsing an evil scene laughing like villains.

You tell them "well I was so bored" Jin speaks through "told you!" "then I well ... was interested in.. erm the sweets, thought it wouldn't be bad if I eat one. I saw the sign only after I ate it"

Jin gets excited clapping away gesturing at Suga "I'm a total genius! WHAT DID I SAY heheheee"

You ask them "what's it for anyway.. why do you keep it there?"

Suga grins "it's a little treatment for our challengers, our enemies... you can say right Jin"

you laugh "you know what you two are like those funny twins in comedy movies who get each other to agree, or you'll be arguing like silly cats all day"

Suga says "cats are cute... that's fine with me" Jin disagrees "nah I like dogs" you smack your forehead looking out "not again" you smile.

Suga tells you "no for real... we give these sweets to the people we're about to well... em sort of .. you can say..."

he gestures a fist and a scrunched up box with his hands looking forward as you pay attention to him, waiting for him to carry on. "beat up..." his words slow down and fade towards the end.

He looks at you peeking thru his eyes as if you're about to hit him, which you do "YAH YOU SERIOUS!! That is seriously sick".

Jin laughs "yeah they sure do need the doctor after that" he taps his knee cracking up

"no how could you give them a treat and then hurt them?" you question.

Suga brings out a bag, he brings it forward to you. You sit closer to him "what's this?" Opening the normal bag.

He tells you "open it" this time it's not food.

You gasp covering your mouth in joy... "oh my god" you look at Suga in excitement.

it's a small black and blue shiny box, you get excited just by seeing the box!

you lift the lid, it's surely something different and unexpected, soft foam filled around the object.

He tells you smiling "go on"

you pull it out, it's a little toy smaller than the size of your hand, a small kitten toy thing that has your name letter and Suga's letter in between the hands of the cat.

ITS SO CUTE! You couldn't imagine anything so precious as this... This perfect man who has most softest ideas ever! Uuuuaaaah JFNSIFBFDHFUEHFJEF your heart flutters.

He tells you "cover it and hold it close to your eyes watch it glow" you gasp "NO WAY!! IT GLOWS IN THE DARK EEEEEEEY"

you waffle your hands everywhere in excitement you bring it close and see it light up different colors. You feel over the moon.

There is nothing more precious than this and of course him... he tells you "there's a message on it too, read it when you get home"

you hug him tight almost choking him "I WILL, thank you so much!!!"

He reminds you "see I give a treat and hurt after" You get angry pulling away "what u trying to say?... YOU'RE GONNA HURT ME"

you speak on and on even when Suga tries to hush you. He pulls you back in for a hug. He shouts "YAH LISTEN" you become obedient and turn quiet. "I will never do that to... I don't want you to get hurt, I don't want anything to happen to you after you interfere in our business"

Suga squeezes you, hugging you, multiplying his love for you "every time I see you I get so happy, you're like a reflection of me, you bring peace to my heartu, you brought a change into my life"

you pat the back of his head "yah! Suga! I haven't done anything..."

he disagrees "no you have, you came into my life, you stepped into my heart and mind"

you are so fascinated you didn't know you could mean so much to someone, add value to their life, and make a difference to how someone feels.

You don't want to bring up his ex, even though you want to say you are thankful and she would be regretting a lot for exiting from his life, breaking his heart.

Jin tells you "erm y/n we're here" you let go of Suga

You leave Suga and wave bye to Jin too. They smile at you and salute to you frankly.

You shout farewelling "Suga see you soon... WAIT!"

You walk back to the car Suga winds his window down "yeah what?" You yell at him "YAH! Give me ur phone no."

Suga laughs dorky "oh yeah... how comes we didn't think of that before"

Jin adds "take mine too, here" the three of you exchange numbers to contact one another.

Whilst Suga jokes with Jin teasingly "she doesn't need you, why you offering" he takes your phone forcefully and inserts his number. They leave.

You knock on the door and smile bouncing up and down under the small light.

Your dad opens the door getting angry at you "why you so late huh! Do you find it acceptable to come home this late!?"

You sigh heavily "sorry aiiigooo"

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