God of vengeance- abused male...

Por robbiewazup

58.3K 444 235

Y/n grew up knowing nothing but pain and fear, he was the son of a family that treated him like a beast. unti... Más

Bringing gods together-Prologue chapter
Ultra Instinct- the birth of the vengeful god
Revelations- dark whispers of buried secrets
Divine plans- different gods have different ideals
Charecter BIO's
Clash of the gods on the time nest
Gods vs gods- the battle for time and space

Mom, Dad, your divine son has returned home...

6.1K 47 33
Por robbiewazup

*Y/n's POV*
As myself and Salem exit the portal from her dimension, we emerge into one of the dark and forgotten alleyways of Menagerie. My hands are shaking as I look out on the rolling scene of houses and huts before me.

Y/n: "I cannot believe my eyes. This view is stunning... when you are escaping your family, you never stop to see the place you lived all that time. But look at it..."

Salem: "It is rather beautiful isn't it? Perhaps we should not glass this island then. Only your parents home?"

Y/n: "an excellent suggestion my love."
Salem holds my hand tightly.

Salem: "I'm right here with you Y/n. We can do this."

Y/n: "thank you. Ok. Here's the plan... we're going to act like we are here to reconnect with them. We'll say you're my wife."

Salem blushes slightly and hugs my arm

Y/n: "what? It's not like you could be anything but my queen and my wife."

Salem: "is this your way of saying will you marry me?"

Y/n: "maybe... we do have one issue though, when I left home I said if I ever saw them again I'd kill them. How do we get them to open the door and let us in?"

Salem: "leave that to me. I'll talk to them first. We'll tell them you're here and that you have become a pacifist. You merely wish to reconnect."

Y/n: "I like your thinking. Let's go."

As we walk through the bustling street I notice Salem is feeling slightly nervous, I place my arm around her waist and pull her close as we keep going up the steps. As we reach the top of the hill I can see the house. The mansion of the Belladonna residence. I turn to look at Salem who rests her head on my shoulder.

Y/n: "come on. Wouldn't want to keep them-"


Y/n: "what the?!"
As we both turn we se a humanoid Grimm with black nevermore feathers coving its entire body and 4 wings land in the courtyard.

Y/n: "Salem what the hell is going on?"

Salem: "I- I don't know. This isn't one of my Grimm... I have never created this creature before..."

Y/n: "who else can creature Grimm though except from you"

Salem: "my love I assure you I don't know who has done this. But if we don't destroy it, your vengeance may be taken away from you."

Y/n: "right... very well."

*play song*

I walk up to the Grimm who is throwing over carts and tables in the middle of the courtyard market.
Y/n: "YOU! Feral beast! You dare to stand before me?!"

Grimm: "ah Y/n... finally we meet. My master was right to send me here."

Y/n: "you can talk? You are sentient?"

Grimm: "indeed I am. And you have been deemed unfit to control those rings. Therefore I shall be taking them for my master."

Y/n: "you dare question me? You dare to serve a master other than the one true queen?! I shall have you head!"

The creature flies into the air and begins aiming down razor sharp feathers from its 4 powerful wings down towards me. I use my ring to create a shield of solid ice to block them,

Grimm: "you have no power to defeat me mortal!"

as he stops raining down the feathers I fling my other hand around sharply and charge up my other ring
Y/n: "Mortal?! How dare you! did your master not tell you who I am?! I am Y/n the vengeful and I have... UNLIMITED POWER!" I release a full force lightning bolt into the creatures chest, singeing most of its chest feathers

The Grimm streaks in pain as it drops to the ground.

Y/n: "now then creature. Who is your master?"

Grimm: "you shall never know."
The Grimm launches at me with sharp claws at the ready. The moment I've been waiting for.

As he come inches away from me I activate ultra instinct and dodge out of the way planting a firm kick into his side as I do.

The Grimm is sent flying back into a wall, I speed over to it and create my ice blade on my hand and slice off its wing.

It shrieks in pain again and is pushes me off, as it stands one of its claws grows until it's almost 5 feet long and rips it off of itself. It wields it like a sword and comes hurtling at me. We begins to clash in a true test of my skills as a swordsman.

*no one's POV*
As the new stranger to Menagerie is fighting off this Grimm, on lookers watch in awe at the display of power... except for one women who is not staring at the Grimm. She stares at the hair. The white glowing hair from Y/n, and as she stares more, her mind begins to see the mans face as a 10 year old boy who had had enough of being mistreated and used his grandfather ring to escape. Her son...

*Y/n's POV*
It goes to swipe at me wildly, and as I dodge once again it stops my hand! My ultra instinct form has been stoped by a Grimm?! I impale the creature with my blade as it is distracted and slice upwards, carving straight through its head.

*end song*

As the Grimm begins to float away into dust and ash, the villagers all begin to leave their hiding places. After a brief moment of silence, they all begin to cheer loudly! I must admit, this does feel good, having mortals cheer for you.
Salem comes running over to me and hugs me tightly

Salem: "you were amazing darling!"

Y/n: "well I do like to put on a show for you my love."

???: "Y/n?"

I turn around and my entire body freezes up, my heart begins to race and I feel dizzy 

Kali: "Is it really you?"

My hands start shaking as Salem walks over to her.

Salem: "I assume you are Y/n's mother?"

Kali: "I am... it is him isn't it? I'm not hallucinating, my baby boy has come home."

Y/n: "baby boy? You mean the boy you hid away from the world?!"

Kali: "no... that was all Ghira. He was a brute and a coward. Maybe we should continue this conversation at home?"

Y/n: "not if 'he' is there too."

Kali: "Ghira's gone Y/n. We separated a month after you left. I can tell you the whole story over some dinner, how about that? And you can introduce me to your wonderful lady friend here."

Salem: "my name is Salem, and I suppose you are my mother in law."

Kali: "oh it's lovely to meet you. Thank you for taking car of Y/n where I failed to..."

Y/n: "alright that's enough pleasantries. We'll talk more back at your home."

Kali: "son it's your home too."

Y/n: "really? Because all I can remember of my childhood was pain and misery, sounds very homely now doesn't it?"

I didn't say a word during our walk to the house, I had been trying to retain my composure. Partly knowing where I was returning to, and partly because this spot would be where my divine war against the mortals would begin... the spot where my powers were awakened.
Kali opens the big wooden doors, as they open loudly I can't help but remember when I smashed them off their hinges with my rings power.
Y/n: "these doors are looking far better than I remember."

Kali: "it was the first thing Ghira did when you left. He repaired the doors then destroyed the basement where you had been living... he wanted no trace of you left."

Y/n: "typical imperfect mortal. Always turning a blind eye to what he had created. You know it's this place that shall fall first"

Kali: "what do you mean?"

Y/n: "you see... mother, I have come to learn many things in my time alone. My power is known as ultra instinct, and it can only be achieved by the gods or those of a pure heart and mind. As for the ring which grandfather gave me, it is a powerful artefact created by a god. This other ring is a time ring... perhaps you wondered why I looked ever so slightly older than you would have expected? That is because I am 20 years old. I have come back 3 years in the past to rectify a few things. And finally this ring, this is also an artefact from the gods... I have become one of the most powerful beings in the universe, and I intend to cleanse this world and make it pure, so that only the just and righteous shall survive."

Kali: "Y/n, you're scaring me"

My ring of storms begins to crackle with lightning shooting up and across my arm as I clench my fists in anger
Y/n: "I told you I would get my revenge, the last thing I said to you all was I'd kill you when next I saw you. Yet you were so happy to see me. Darling, if you would"
Salem comes up behind her and kicks her legs out, causing her to stumble to her knees

Kali: "Y/n?! Please, don't."

Y/n: "neglect, torture, abuse... these are the pillars which began my life, and these are the pillars which shall begin the new world, and yours shall be the first blood spilled, in the war against mortal kind."
I activate my ring of frost again and create my frost blade and bring it up to her throat

She looks up at me, tears wheeling in her eyes... she is afraid... no not afraid, she's accepting her demise...

Y/n: "you... you wont beg for your life?"

Kali: "I don't deserve to... what good is a mother who cannot save her son? I do not deserve to live. I failed you... I'm sorry."

Y/n: "you're... what?!"

Kali: "Y/n... I'm... i'm so, so sorry. *starts sobbing*"

Y/n: "you mean you... LIES, ALL OF THIS, IT'S ALL LIES!"

Kali:  "IT'S NOT! I'm- i'm sorry! I should have never let it continue for so long. Ghira threatened to kill me and Blake if we stopped him. I'm sorry son."

My eyes are wide, I never expected her to feel remorse for all of this!
Salem: "Y/n?"

Y/m: "I don't understand, you are supposed to be evil! Heartless! Why do you care for me still?"

Kali: "because you are my son. And if killing me grants me forgiveness in your eyes then so be it."
She closes her eyes and awaits the cold embrace of death...

Salem: "Y/n... we don't have to do this, are you sure this is what you want?"

Y/n: "this is what we planned for so long, the 'perfect mortals plan' my family are not perfect!"

Salem: "are you sure about that? Look at her, she doesn't want to resist. Y/n, Kali knows she has hurt you... she forgives you for everything you have done... but can you forgive yourself?"

As I begin to raise my ice blade up, I hear a sharp sound from my side, suddenly in warps three figures

Blake: "Y/n! Stop! Don't hurt her!"

Y/n: "not another step Blake! Wait your turn... Beerus, Whis, so good to finally meet my fellow deities, saves me the time of hunting you down."

Whis: "Y/n, think about what you're about to do. If you do this, she'll be the first life you've ever taken, isn't that right?"

Y/n: "incorrect, Goku black has been eradicated by my hand. Besides I am not from this timeline, how do you know I have not killed everyone in my time?!"

Whis: "because your heart is still pure."

Y/n: "what?"

Beerus: "unlike myself you feel remorse for the destruction of those you have killed. Now stand down or I assure you, I shall not be merciful."

Y/n: "oh please Beerus, you do not scare me. I command the god of the underworld, my queen is the previous god of destruction before you. I am more powerful than a god who sleeps for years on end."

Blake: "Y/n, what we did.. it was wrong. So, so wrong. But we couldn't do anything to stop it. Father brainwashed me into his way of thinking, then when you left I realised you are not a monster, you're not a freak. You are my brother. So kill me instead. Spare mom"

Y/n: "ENOUGH! You are trying to confuse me but I already know the truth! You don't care! None of you did! You only care now because I can kill you all with a wave of my hand!"

Salem: "Y/n... look at me. Please."

I lift my head to look at her, she's crying?
Salem: "this is tearing you apart, please stop this. You don't need to rule the universe to make things right... look at your family, they care for you, and I... I love you."

Y/n: "Salem?"

Whis: "I must say this has surprised me, Salem used to be rather cold hearted, it seems you have warmed her heart, and broken the curse placed upon her."

Y/n: "placed there by you!"

Whis: "I assure you I never wanted to, but I had no choice."

Kali: "son... please. I love you."

Blake: "please Y/n, give us a chance to redeem ourselves as your family. We can start again."

Y/n: "I... I- AARRGGGHHHH!!!"
I plunge the ice blade into...
...the wooden floor. As I drop to my knees in defeat, my head hung low. I finally come to my senses, what I had done, my crusade against all of the evil in this world had turned me into the imperfect monster I swore to remove from existence.

Y/n: "what have I done?!"
I feel a hand on my shoulder, then another on my opposite shoulder. Then finally I see Salem lift my head up and kiss me. As I turn to my sides, I see Blake and mother.
"I... I'm a fool."

Kali: "no, you're not. You were angry, you were scared... but never foolish. That was us."

Salem: "Y/n, we must find Zamasu and Apollyon now, I highly doubt they will see things the same way as us."

Y/n: "you mean... you want to stay with me?"

Salem: "you asked me to marry you didn't you? And a wife stands by her husband."

Kali: "unless he's an asshole."

Salem: "well Y/n is not."

Blake: "no... he's my brother."

Y/n: "but... I'm not a god. I'm just a pathetic man with no right to be loved by you..."

Salem: "divine or not, you will always be my king."
I smile and wrap my arms around her, she does the same and hugs me tightly

Y/n: "we have work to do my love."
I stand up and dry my eyes. Then look towards Whis and Beerus with determination in my eyes

Y/n: "alright listen up. I am not a god... I realise that now. However I have powers which should only be known by gods, I know you may see me as a monster still Whis, and I sure as hell dont like you for what you did to Salem... but I will overlook it all, if you promise myself and Salem that we are pardoned of our past crimes."

Beerus: "that depends, what were your plans?"

Y/n: "Apollyon and Zamasu were intercepting Tarn on his way to the lookout, they should have contacted us by now. Once they had removed him from the equation I told them to go and gather... THE LAST TWO RINGS!"

Blake: "if they get their hands on those rings who knows what they could do!"

Y/n: "I think they already have at least one Salem, remember I asked how else you could create a Grimm? The ring of life."

Whis: "oh my... that means they have already succeeded in taking the ring from Weiss, I do hope she's ok. We need to go now."

Y/n: "I can still sense Tarn's life energy. Looks like they skipped a step. Good, he will be useful in stopping them. Now what was the other man who shares my name... Chain-gang was it? The ghost rider."

Whis: "you're not honestly suggestions you take on all of them are you?"

Y/n: "that is precisely what I'm suggesting. I destroy Zamasu, and send Apollyon back to hell permanently. Then this timeline shall be safe."

Blake: "I'm coming with you."

Y/n: "Blake? I... thank you sis. I need you and anyone else who can fight to be ready to take on the waves of monstrosities created by the life ring, Salem? I don't suppose you'd be able to lend us your Grimm army would you?"

Salem: "of course darling. I stand with you."

Y/n: "mom, Blake. I'm sorry. For everything."

Kali: "come here."
mom pulls me into a hug, Blake and Salem join in

Kali: "I love you son"

Y/n: "all this time I thought that... *chuckle* who knew the people who began my crusade of perfection were in turn perfect."

Whis: "we shall need a plan of attack if we are to defeat the invincible Zamasu and Apollyon."

Y/n: "the plan is simple. Beerus, we both know the Hakai technique. The two of us together should be able to destroy him, even if he is invincible. We need to get to him and destroy him before he does any damage. Then we need to trap Apollyon away in hell... that bit will be difficult."

Whis: "a good plan. Chain-gang should be able to seal him away in hell for good I believe"

Y/n: "then we're set. We gather the other Y/n's and we stop Apollyon and Zamasu from doing any further damage."

*next time on fanfics*

Cinder: "who needs the maidens power when you fight for the right side?"
Supreme Kai of time: "they're here at the time vault! They want to eradicate every timeline!"
Y/n: "with 3 rings I believe I could unlock your power Tarn... how about it?"

Chain-gang: "have mine."
Salem: "alright gentlemen... LETS GOOOO!!!!!!!"

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