Things Have Changed (Adopted...

By falloutbrick

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Adopted by Brendon Urie FanFic Brooklyn has been in the foster care system for 3 years with no luck of findi... More

This is Gospel
This Is Just the Prologue
Chapter 1: Grab Your Hat and Fetch Your Camera
Chapter 2: Ready To Go
Chapter 3: LA Devotee
Chapter 4: New Perspective
Chapter 5: All My Friends We're Glorious
Chapter 6: Panic! Meet The Press
Chapter 8: Swimming With The Sharks
Chapter 9: Maybe I'm Overjoyed, Maybe I'm Paranoid
Chapter 10: 20 Dollar Nosebleed
Chapter 11: Camisado
Chapter 12: Northern Downpour Pt. 1
Time to Dance
Chapter 13: Northern Downpour Pt. 2
Chapter 14: Turn Off The Lights
Chapter 15: Let's Get These Teen Hearts Beating Faster
Chapter 16: Miss Jackson
Chapter 17: Old Fashioned
Chapter 18: Crazy=Genius
Chapter 19: From A Mountain In The Middle Of The Cabins
Chapter 20: Let's Kill Tonight
Chapter 21: Your Regular Decorated Emergency
The End Of All Things
Character Ask
Character Answers

Chapter 7: Nails For Breakfast, Tacks For Snacks

1.6K 62 195
By falloutbrick

I wake up to darkness completely surrounding me. I lift myself up on my elbows to get a better look at where I am. I was about to completely sit up and look around until I hit my head on the top of the ceiling.

"Ow," I say softly rubbing my head.

I was a bit disoriented before because I didn't know where I was but then when I hit my head I remembered, I'm on the tour bus.

I pull back the curtain of the bunk and instant sunlight poured into the space. I squint my eyes at the sudden brightness and start getting out of bed.

I reach for the ladder and pull myself out of bed. I slowly walk down the ladder and land on the floor only to be met with clothes everywhere tossed about on the floor and on the other bunks. I also realized that no one else was in the bunks. Maybe they're awake and in the lounge.

I pull back the curtain to the lounge and see no one. I walk in further and look around only to meet nobody. Where is everyone?

I walk to the back to the bus to the bathroom and knock on the door.

"Hello, is anyone in there?" I say after I knock on the door.

No answer.

I walk to the front of the bus to see if the driver was there.

No one.

I suddenly start to feel my heart rate accelerate and my breathing hitch. Everything's alright Brooklyn just calm down. Maybe they left a note or something.

I take a few deep breaths and walk back to the lounge in search of a note.

I walk all around the lounge.

On the table? Nope. On the couch? Nope. On the fridge? Nope. Maybe it fell on the floor? Nothing.

What the hell?!? I was really starting to panic now.

I didn't have a phone so I couldn't text or call anyone to see where people were so that wasn't an option.

I look out one of the windows and outside seemed to look like we were in a parking lot of some kind but I couldn't make out any signs or anything that suggests where I was.

I started to full on cry. Did everyone leave me? Where did they go? Did they abandon me? What if they left me here to die. What if they're dead. What if they got kidnapped.

What if

What if

Sobs started to wrack my body and hot tears slid down my cheeks. I started shaking a lot and I couldn't control myself. I felt so alone and abandoned. For a 13 year old this is pretty pathetic. I'm pathetic.

After about two minutes of me sobbing and crying my eyes out thinking my family and friends were dead, the bus door opens. I quickly get off of the floor and sprint to the back of the bus into the bathroom.

I had two reasons for doing this:
1) It could be the kidnaper that kidnapped my family and is coming back for me
2) Brendon and everyone came back and they would see me looking like a complete mess

I ran into the bathroom and quickly shut the door, locking it and sitting down on the toilet seat.

I wait quietly to hear who it is that came into the bus. After about 10 seconds I hear voices and laughter erupt from behind the door in the lounge. One laugh in particular stuck out that I knew for a fact was Brendon's and a sudden weight lifted off of my chest.

I got off of the toilet seat and walk up to the mirror above the sink.

My eyes and cheeks are puffy from the tears and my entire face was red (I am a very ugly crier).

I turn the sink on to cold and cup my hands under the water. I splash it on my face to get rid of the blotchiness of my face.

I splash my face a couple more times until I didn't look like I was crying anymore. I grab the towel hanging on a ring beside the sink and start drying my face off.

My face is almost dry when I hear a knock on the door.

"Brooklyn are you in there?" Brendon's voice who I recognized says behind the door.

"Yeah, I'm almost done!" I say still drying my face off.

"Okay, you weren't in your bunk so I was just checking." He says and then I hear his foot steps go to the front of the bus.

When I completely dry my face, I look in the mirror. My face wasn't red anymore and the puffiness went down so I didn't look like I was crying anymore.

I set the towel back on the ring and unlock the door. I open it and walk out of the bathroom to the lounge.

I meet Brendon and Sarah sitting on the ground cuddled up with each other, Dallon and Kenny sitting on the couch, and Zack and Dan standing up leaning against the wall of the bus.

"Where did you guys go? When I woke up everyone was gone." I say after I enter the lounge and lean against the wall.

"We all went and got coffee across the street." Zack said from beside me.

"Yeah, we were only going to be gone for a few minutes so I didn't want to wake you up for you to get something you didn't like." Brendon said looking up at me.

It's true, I don't like coffee. Brendon asked me a couple days ago if I wanted any that morning and when I said I didn't like it he was so 'awestruck' (He gasped and put his hand on his heart, "How dare you not like such an amazing beverage you should be ashamed." He said sarcastically.)

"You don't like coffee!?" Dallon said completely shocked.

I looked at him and shrugged, "Nah not really."

"That must suck, your missing out on a lot," Dallon said sipping from his coffee cup.

I chuckled, "Darn."

"We're going out to breakfast soon once we find a place to eat so you didn't miss out on food." Brendon said getting up off of the floor.

"Awesome, I'm starving." I say exaggerating the 'starving'. I haven't eaten since yesterday morning so I really, really was hungry.

"I'm gonna go get dressed first, I'll be right back." I announce. I turn around and go back to the bunk area. I go over to my suitcase and unzip it. I take out a fresh set of underwear, a pair of shorts, my Fall Out Boy shirt, my hairbrush, and deodorant and go to the bathroom. Once I get done putting on my new cloths and put some deodorant on, I brush my hair making it look decent. I pick up my pjs off of the floor and walk out of the bathroom and put everything away in my suitcase and zip it up.

I then walk back out to the lounge and sit down on the floor next to Brendon and Sarah and listen on to everyone else's conversation. I'm not one to really participate in conversations I just like to listen to them.

We ended up talking about where we wanted to eat and ended up picking a Denny's nearby.

The tour bus was apparently parked in a parking lot a few blocks away from the venue along with all the other buses.

Zack called up the other bands to ask if they already had breakfast, they hadn't, and he told them that we were all going to the Denny's down the street and they said that they were going to come too. So now all the bands were joining us to eat and then after we head to the venue. He also called the restaurant beforehand to let them know what was happening and to see how busy they were, etc.

We all get out of the bus and start walking out of the parking lot and to the street. We get on the sidewalk and walk a couple of blocks down until we finally make our destination.

We walk into the Denny's and instantly the different aromas of pancakes and bacon hit me in the face making my stomach growl for food.

The waitress leads us to two booths. Dallon, Dan, Kenny, and Zack go into one booth and me, Brendon, and Sarah go into the other.

That waitress gives us our menus and leaves. A few minutes later the same waitress comes back and asks us what we would like to drink. I order a water cause I'm bland like that and the others order their drinks and the waitress leaves again.

While we wait for all of us to get our drinks, the other bands come into the restaurant and all sit in other tables around us. Fall Out Boy sit at the table behind us and the other bands sit in the available booths adjacent from us.

Other waiters and waitress come out from the back and scatter to the band's tables and get their orders for drinks and what not and go to the back again.

Our waitress comes out with our drinks on a tray and gives them to us along with straws and asks us what we want to order.

Brendon orders a breakfast sandwich and some scrambled eggs. Sarah orders some omelette along with hash browns. And I order two pancakes with two pieces bacon and hash browns (I'm hungry don't judge).

We get done ordering and the waitress then goes on to the table with Dallon and them and takes their orders. After she gets finished writing them down, she goes and disappears into the kitchen.

Brendon then starts a story of how when Panic! was on their first tour, the band went into a restaurant like this and a bunch of fans just invaded the place and started just messing up stuff.

"The employees were trying to block all the entrances although they weren't doing a very good job." Brendon laughs taking a sip of his drink.

"These girls got through their blockade and ran over to us and started hugging us and getting up all in our space." He says.

He then starts laughing, "This one girl accidentally spilt maple syrup all over Ryan he was so pissed."

I laugh at the thought of an angry Ryan Ross with syrup all over his shirt.

"Oh I remember that!" A voice says from behind us.

I go to look back at who said that but soon someone runs over to the booth and sits right next to me.

"You guys were a mess afterwards." Pete laughs. I guess he was listening to the conversation.

"Oh and poor Jon, he got his food knocked on the floor, he didn't even take a bite!" Brendon laughs some more.

"Where was this at? I don't remember." Pete asks.

Brendon thinks for a moment, "Oh, it was right after our Live in Denver performance."

"Oh yeah!" Pete exclaims.

We all double over in laughter. "Thankfully me and Spencer were on the inside of the booth so we didn't have much done to us, although-" Brendon laughs in between his sentence, "-Spencer got his drink spilt all over him-" He laughs again but harder, "-his shorts were drenched and when I laughed at him he gave me the dirtiest look." He says laughing so hard, noise wasn't even coming out.

"And I had to come in and save your asses from being mauled." Pete chuckles.

"Yea, we had to get out through the door in the kitchen that led outside." Brendon says taking another sip of his drink.

"The restaurant was so mad so I gave them a hundred dollar tip." Pete laughs.

We all keep laughing until Pete turns to me. "So I need to know..." He says turning to me.

"I heard that someone's birthday is coming up and I need to know two things. When it is and what you want." Pete says.

"Okay, my birthday is June 5th," I smirk because I know that it's also his birthday (I always felt special for having the same birthday has him).

His eyes go wide, "Wait really!"

I nod, "Yep." I chuckle.

"Oh my gosh me and you share a birthday how cool is that!" He says practically jumping out of his seat.

"Really cool!" I say actually excited myself. "And to answer your second question I really haven't thought about it I have everything I've always wanted right here." I say smiling and looking towards Brendon and Sarah who are just listening to our conversation.

Brendon and Sarah cuddle closer together and he sticks his bottom lip out, "Aw that's so sweet!" Brendon says.

"This is the cutest shit right here." Pete says looking at the rest of us.

Then, our waitress comes out of the kitchen with a try of food over her shoulder and is walking towards us.

"Well looks like your food is coming so I'm gonna go back to my seat," Pete says getting out of the booth. "Have a nice breakfast you lovely family." He says going back to his own table with his band mates.

Brendon chuckles, "Thanks Pete." (oof I'm sorry)

The waitress gets to our table and sets our food in front of us. She then goes to the other booth with the other members of Panic! and sets their food in front of them.

We start eating and eventually the other bands get their food and start eating.

It was about 12 o'clock when everyone gets done with their food and we all leave to go to the venue.

I should mention that when we were eating, Brendon said that he has a birthday present to give me today that he couldn't wait to give me until my actual birthday so I'm kind of excited but at the same time kinda scared because... it's Brendon.

We make it to the venue, we get our passes and get shown to our dressing room and then Panic has their soundcheck which sounded amazing (like it wasn't going to be amazing).

After soundcheck was over, all of us (Me, Brendon, Sarah, Dallon, Kenny, Dan, and Zack) go to Panic's dressing room.

The dressing rooms were about the same as the one in LA except there was more decor on the walls and all the furniture was more spaced out.

We chill in there for a few minutes until Zack informs the band that they have an interview with some radio station in a few minutes and that they need to get going.

I honestly don't want to go but I guess I have to.

Just as we're about to leave, the door opens and Pete pokes his head in.

"Hey, uh- oh am I interrupting something?" He asks.

"Oh we were just about to leave. We have an interview at a radio station in a bit." Brendon says.

"Oh well in that case never mind, I was going to ask if you guys wanted to go see the new Wonder Woman movie with us and the other bands." Pete says coming into the room completely.

I perked up at Wonder Woman, I've wanted to see this movie ever since the trailers came out.

"Can I come?" I ask. Pete and everyone else turn their heads towards me.

Pete smiles, "Of coarse!" He exclaims. "Can she come?" He asks to Brendon.

Brendon looks to me and then to Pete. "I don't see why not." He smiles.

I jump out of my seat and run to Brendon and give him a hug.

"Thank you!" I say pulling away from the embrace.

He chuckles, "Your welcome."

Pete opens the door for me and I walk out. Before he closes the door, Brendon yells "Have fun!"

"We will!" Pete responds and closes the door.

We both walk down the long hallway to Fall Out Boy's dressing room. We walk in and are met with the rest of Fall Out Boy and the two other bands sitting on the couches and standing around the room.

"So is Panic coming with us?" Patrick asks from one of the couches.

"No, they had an interview but Brooklyn's coming with us!" Pete says shutting the door behind us.

"Sweet! The movie starts in 15 minutes so we should get going." Patrick says getting up from the couch and walking towards the door.

Everyone else does the same and we all leave the room.

We all go to the parking lot of the venue and each band gets into their own rental car (I guess Pete had called and rented cars for each of the bands to go to the movies).

I get into the car with Pete and the rest of the guys. Pete gets into the drivers seat, Andy in the passenger seat. Joe, Patrick, and I get into the back, me sitting in the middle.

Pete starts the car and drives out of the parking lot with the other cars following behind us.

Andy turns on the radio and we jam out to the songs on there until we reach the movie theater which was about 7 minutes away.

Pete parks the car and we all get out and go into the theater (along with the other bands who had showed up after us).

We buy the tickets for the movie and we get our snacks and drinks and go into the screening room.

I walk in, with my popcorn and bottle water in hand, and notice that there are no people in the theater. Which I thought was odd because the movie came out today.

I turn to Patrick, who was behind me, "Where are all the people?" I ask.

"Pete bought out the theater so we could watch it by ourselves." He says while we sit in our seats in the middle of the row.

"He can do that?" I ask again.

"Yeah, anyone can. And plus, he's Pete Wentz." He says chuckling at the last part he said.

I laugh and turn to the screen, throwing a piece of popcorn into the mouth. The lights dim and the movie previews begin to start.


We all walk out of the theater after the movie finally ended.

I was still teary eyed after Steve Trevor died and oddly enough, Pete was too.

We walk back to the car and get in the same way we got in before and drove back to the venue.

Once we get to the venue, we go to fall out boy's dressing room and chill out there until Panic came back.

We waited for 15 minutes just talking about random topics until Panic finally came back from their interview.

Brendon and the rest of the party came into the room, he came over to me and gave me a hug.

"How was the movie?" He asks, sitting next to me on the couch.

"It was really good, Pete cried at the end," I say motioning to Pete who was a few feet away from me on the other couch.

"I DID NOT I HAD SOMETHING IN MY EYE!" Pete yells, apparently hearing what I said.

I roll my eyes as the rest of us laugh, "Whatever you say Wentz."

"Well I'm glad," Brendon softly chuckles, "I have that gift that I promised you earlier. Want to see it?" He asks with a smile on his face.

"Yeah!" I say excitingly, hopping off of the couch and walking towards the door.

I heard Brendon say behind me to someone about how we're just going to their dressing room and we'll be right back. He walks up behind me and I open the door so we could leave.

We leave the dressing room and go to the room down the hallway.

Apparently, they asked a lot of questions about me during the interview, hmm.

We walk in and I turn the lights on, since they were off, and turn to face Brendon.

He closes the door behind him and faces me with a big grin on his face.

"So I know your birthday is in a few days but I couldn't wait to give this to you and it's kind of mandatory that you have it, just in case something happens." He says going over to a paper bag in the corner of the room and digs around in it.

I'm a little confused by what he's saying at first but then he finally stops searching through the bag and turns around, handing me an iPhone box.

I take it from his grasp. Taking the top off of it reveals a smooth, jet black, iPhone laying inside.

"I know I probably should have given it to you before we went on tour but I was an idiot and got something fucked up—"

"Hey," cut him off, "I absolutely love it, thank you!" I wrap my arms around his waist, phone and box still in hand.

He was a little taken aback but then he chuckles, "Your welcome, I'm glad you like it." He hugs me tighter.

We let go of the embrace and I look down at the phone, still admiring how smooth and clean it is.

"And that's not all..." He says looking at me admiring the phone.

I look up at him, "There's more?!" I squeal.

Never have I gotten this much on my birthday, let alone the amount of attention I've gotten lately about it.

"Yep," he nods, "We planned something extra special for you."

"We?" I question.

He chuckles, "Me and the rest of the bands."

"Oh my gosh," I gasp, "I have never had this many people care about my birthday before."

His smile falters a little bit but soon comes back to a full smile. "Well, get ready for the attention. It'll be like this every year." He laughs.

"I can't freaking wait!" I say with the biggest grin on my face.

I set the phone in and put the top back on the box and give it to Brendon. He puts it back in the bag and we both leave the room and go back to Fall Out Boy's dressing room.

We stayed there until it was time to get ready for the show.

Panic! came back to their dressing room and but on their attire and left to go to the stage and preform.

Both of the bands got done with their set and Panic! was up next.

Once the stage people got done setting stuff up, they went on stage and started playing their set, the same set list as last time.

In the middle of Miss Jackson, Fall Out Boy came up from behind us (me, Zack, and Sarah) and started watching with us.

Panic's set soon got over and Fall Out Boy was next. They got the go to get on stage and started playing their set. They soon ended differently with the song I Don't Care in which I violently screamed all the lyrics and the concert was over.

After the concert ended, we all left the stage but the bands went out and met with their fans and signed stuff for them. I just stood away from crowd, hiding from everyone. A few people saw me and called me over for a photo in which I may or may not have gone over and took a picture with them.

That took FOREVER in my opinion (like 2 hours at least) and I was a bit exhausted.

We all walked back to the tour buses and got on our respective ones.

It was about midnight when the bus got to driving and on the road. I stayed out and socialized (but it was mostly me messing around with my new phone and downloading apps and stuff like that) for a bit and then I finally went to bed, to tired to stay away with everyone.

After I got a pjs on, I plugged my new phone into the outlet and set it on the counter top in the kitchenette and walked back to bunks and got into bed.

I snuggled up into my blankets and was almost about to fall asleep until someone pulled back the little curtain and softly kissed me on the forehead.

Brendon would always tuck me into bed ever since I lived with them, no matter if I was already asleep he would still check up on me.

"Goodnight B." He softly whispers and shuts the curtain. I hear his foot steps softly walk back to the lounge in an attempt not to wake me up.

I eventually fall asleep with a slight smile on my face.



this is a long ass chapter oOf
anyways thank you guys sm, love ya!

Thanks for reading!
~brooke 💞

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