
By Elliahrose

341K 10.6K 5.9K

Lance was hiding his true identity from the pack. He had to. Everyone was so strong and capable. Lance didn't... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Hey nerds
Chapter 10
Wings AU
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 11

14K 485 449
By Elliahrose

"Okay....what did you want to talk about?" Lance asked, hoping to control his nervous scent. He didn't want Keith to know just how terrified he was. What was he going to say? Was he going to tell Lance to fuck off? That's be pretty called for, after all Lance attacked him during his heat. Tried to get Keith to mate with him. 

"I just...." Keith huffed angrily, raking his hands through his raven mullet. Damnit! Why was it so hard to just say Hey Lance I wanna court you?

"You want to what?!"  Lance screeched. Keith looked up in surprise.

Oh. He'd said that out loud. 

"Wait wait, so you want to what?" Lance asked, hoping his voice wouldn't betray his confusion. What the hell? Keith wanted to court Lance? But didn't Keith reject him?

"I didn't mean to say it like that.." Keith laughed. "But, yes, I really do. I...I'm really sorry about everything because I really just want to......ugh. I'm sorry. I'm really bad at this whole talking thing." Keith flushed heavily. Fuck! Why was it so hard to form proper sentences in front of Lance?

"I...don't understand." Lance said after an uncomfortably long silence.

Keith looked up from the floor to meet Lance's eyes. Lance was staring at Keith, his eyes glistening. "Shit! I--Lance, I'm so sorry! Did I--"

"Why would you want to court me?" Lance's heartbroken voice snapped Keith out of his confused stupor. Keith crossed over to Lance, taking him into his arms where Lance broke down. Keith cooed, whispering sweet nothings into his ears and scenting him trying to calm him down. 

"Lance...I...I really love you." Keith whispered, causing Lance stiffen in shock. Keith love him? But...."I understand if you don't feel the same way--"

"NO!" Lance cried, pressing closer to Keith. "I do! I....I just...I'm confused."

Keith pressed against Lance's scent gland, breathing in the sweet scent of mangoes and coconuts and sea well as the bitter scent of burnt cotton that was Lance's distressed smell. It was faint, but there and that made Keith want to get rid of it. 

"Why are you confused, love?' Keith asked, nuzzling against Lance's scent glad enticing a chirp from said omega.

" rejected me..?" Lance asked. Keith hissed. "Sorry! I just--"

"I will never reject you." Keith said in hushed anger. He wasn't mad at Lance, never at Lance, but he was angry at himself for making Lance feel rejected. No wonder he was so afraid to talk to Keith. 

"But you left me during my heat," Lance whined sadly. "You covered your ears when I cried for you." Lance sobbed, the pain he felt when he saw Keith abandoning him still sharp. It was all coming back, the hurt he felt when.....

No! Lance refused to remember that! That was something Lance couldn't remember because he would surely break down. What happened wasn't his fault. He didn't cause it. It's not his fault...

"Lance," Keith whispered, drawing Lance away from the dark path his thoughts were going down. "I'm so sorry. I didn't want to let you go, believe me. But you were in heat. And I was feral. We hadn't talked yet and I didn't want to take advantage of you..."

"What if I wanted to be taken advantage of?" Lance challenged. 

"I still wouldn't have done anything," Keith said, pressing a light kiss to Lance's neck. "I will never take advantage of you. I love you too much."

"That's comforting, at least." Lance joked. "Ugh. I'm such an idiot."

"You're my idiot," Keith said. Lance laughed and hugged Keith tighter. 

"I suppose I am." Lance whispered. The door whisked open and Keith openly growled at the person intruding on the bonding moment he was having with Lance. Hunk raised an eyebrow at Keith before smirking. 

"Relax, I'm just here to tell you that the princess has ordered another training session in the lounge." Hunk said. "It's in five minutes." Hunk left after a suggested smirk directed at Lance's blushing face. 

"Alright, looks like we have to end out little moment," Keith said sadly. 

"I'm sure there'll be many more to come." Lance promised.

"There better be."


"Alright as Pidge has informed me," Allura said, clapping her hands together with a smile. "This Earth game, Truth or Dare, is a great way to bond with your team." 

"We're playing Truth or Dare?!" Lance asked excitedly. 

"Yeperoo." Pidge said, an evil glint in her eyes. Lance made a mental note to avoid Pidge at all costs during this game. "And I'm starting. Lance truth or dare?"

Shit. "Truth." Lance said, smirking when Pidge's face fell slightly. 

"Wuss," she muttered. "What were you and Keith talking about, that was so important you had to kick me out?"

" I have to answer?" Lance asked. Keith felt his heart deflate. Did Lance not want to tell the team that he was Keith's omega? "I'm not sure if Keith wants you all to know yet.." oh. Oh

"Oh it's okay Lance, you can tell them," Keith said, his heart puffing in his chest with pride. Lance was the most considerate omega in the entire universe.

"Well...Keith asked to court me." Lance said, twirling a small strand of his hair in his hand. It was flipping cute!

"Really? That's awesome!" Pidge asked. "Finally my OTP!!!!!!"

"Congratulations you two. I'm very happy for you both." Shiro said, nodding his head. Lance felt himself tear up. He never thought he'd hear those words from someone he thought as his father.   

"Thanks dad," Lance said, his voice cracking a bit. If this surprised anyone they didn't show it. Shiro only smiled and hugged Lance tightly. " turn....Hunk truth or dare?"


"Aw c'mon big man I know you can do a dare..." Lance said. Hunk huffed and rolled his eyes. "Fine fine, when are you planning on asking out Shay?"

Hunk turned beet red and stuttered around an answer. "I...I..I d-d-don't know w-what you're t-taking about L-Lance..." 

"Fine, deny the truth, I can't help you any more," Lance laughed. 

"Shiro! Save me from embarrassment! Truth or dare!" Hunk cried, desperately trying to throw attention off of him. 


"This is starting to get tedious." Pidge muttered. 

"When's your birthday?" Hunk asked. 

"February 29." Shiro said. Lance gasped.

"What?!!? You're a leap year baby?!" Lance cried. 

"Technically he's a leap day baby, because he was born on the actual day." Pidge pointed out. "Our space dad is six." Pidge snickered. Shiro glared. 

"Alright, Katie, truth or dare." Shiro said, crossing his arms in a very un-space dad-like way. 

"Dare, because I'm not a pussy." Katie stuck her tongue out. 

"What's a pussy?" Allura asked. 

"Well you see it's a--"

"NOPE! NO NOPEDY NOPE!!!!" Lance cried, his face as red as the rest of the men in the circle. "Pidge, not cool."

"What? It's just a cat," Pidge said, the familiar evil grin stretching across her face. "Get you're head out of the gutter, you nasty kitty." Lance his his face in his hands, groaning. 

"Pidge, I dare you to eat one of Coran's creations." 

"That's nasty but I accept." Pidge said. She called Coran and seconds later he rushed in holding a plate of something that looked like dead bacteria. She took one look at it, plugged her nose and shoved it in her mouth, "That was fucking nasty."

"Pidge. Language."

"Yes, dad," Pidge mocked, "Okay, Keith, truth or dare?" 

"Umm...Dare?" Keith asked. Pidge smiled. Oh no.

"I dare you to be cradled by Lance for the rest of the game." Pidge smiled. Keith shrugged and nuzzled deep into Lance's arms. Lance let out a hum of contentment and Lance began to softly play with Keith's hair.

"Looks like the tables have turned, huh?" Lance asked softly. 




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