better with you | pjm [ON-HOL...

By ametanoia

625 50 37

"Don't fall in love with me." "I already did and I'm not planning to stop. " He took a deep breath as if the... More

better with you
o n e
t w o
t h r e e
f o u r
f i v e
s i x
s e v e n
n i n e
t e n

e i g h t

30 3 0
By ametanoia

Danger, keep out!
»»————-  ————-««

Maddison's POV

I wondered what happened to Jimin. It was bothering me but I paid no attention to what I'm feeling because I'm not some kind of superhero nor some kind of angel who will comfort him and apologize until he gets better because I will not do that.

Anyway, the streets at night is beautiful as always with the buildings who are surrounded with lights of different colors that glowed and made the city brighter.

This is why I will always prefer night than day.

Seeing something as dark look effortlessly beautiful, less scarier because of how the lights and stars around them give it life, making it alive.

I wished it was the same case with people who live in the dark, people like me.

My feet started to feel sore walking around not bothering to find Yoongi his water. Meh, there's Jimin anyway; so I sat down on the pavement watching the cars drive past me.

This trip was such a waste of time. I figured I should go back to the hotel by the beach but I don't have it in me to return that quickly and I have to buy the stupid water.

Why doesn't he have any water there anyway?

Aish, whatever.

I was busy watching the cars past by, counting the yellow cars when a lamp post caught my attention across. No, the lamp post was not the one who caught my attention but the person who has his arms cross, whose head is leaning against the post. His left leg in front of the other.

I squinted my eyes at the figure.

Is that Jimin?

From here I can see that his eyes are close and that he's sleeping there while standing. A child bumped into him that he almost fall out of balance but he held unto the lamp post. He was shaking his head as if trying to keep himself awake.

If he's that tired he could just stay at some hotel and sleep but no he decided to be extra and sleep at some public place where people can see him while standing. I'd be okay if he slept like that somewhere, where I couldn't see him but no, he has the audacity to do that in front of me.

It's freaking annoying. It's annoying that it's bothering me so much.

I stood up to leave before he sees me, before we make eye contact.

My phone beeped while walking. I stopped to see and check whose message it is from.

It's from Song Hee.

Model Song Hee

you guys go on ahead since I think i'll stay here a litte longer

leave the water to me

dont worry I'll go back before the photoshoot starts tomorrow

tell jimin if he hurts you it's friendship over for him

I was too preoccupied at the message that I didn't notice that Jimin is already standing in front of me.

He wasn't saying anything,  if anything his eyes spoke for himself. His stare piercing through me, through my very soul. I was paralyzed at the spot but I wasn't scared nor nervous. In fact, there's some kind of giddy feeling inside of me now that he's standing in front finally his eyes on me.

After what I felt like a decade, a small smile formed from his lips that I let out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding back. 

"Maddison," he called my name gently but somehow it was heavy, "how could you leave me with a stranger back at the train?"

His lips was curved into a smile but his eyes didn't.

"I was scared you know? Imagine waking up next to some stranger's shoulder. It was embarrassing and uncomfortable," he continued, hurt evident on his voice.

I stared at him. Guilt was eating me up alive. Was it that much big of a deal?

"I was planning not to talk to you but... I don't want to stay pissed at you for too long. I don't want to be pissed at someone for too long."

I didn't say anything. It was like my heart is eating itself whole out of guilt. I made someone this kind pissed at me.

"Please say something," he said almost begging.

"You're overreacting. This is not a big deal anyway. Get over it." 

Once those words left my mouth, a lump formed in my throat, my heart constricting against my chest. I'm definitely going to be on Santa's naughty list.

I glanced at his reaction, hurt crossed his face but he quickly covered it with a small smile, a sad one.

"You really do know how to hurt me."

"Then don't talk to me. You're being too dramatic." I said rolling my eyes, "And while we're at it why don't you sleep somewhere huh? I don't know maybe on a bed? Don't sleep standing up on some lamp post where I can see you it's annoying me," I scolded him without thinking, my guilt speaking up for me. 

Gods, I did it again. I swore that I won't!

His small smile turned into a huge grin. The sadness that I felt earlier from him disappeared in an instant. It seemed like he's glowing again.

"Wow so you're--"

I started walking past him not wanting to hear what he has to say next. I have to leave before I do something stupid, before I say something stupid.

When Jimin finally caught up with me, he followed my pace walking beside me.

"And right when I was just thinking that you care, you just leave me!" he said stomping his feet  like a child throwing a tantrum.

I rolled my eyes but found his reaction cute. To hell with these thoughts!

"I just told you to not to talk to me. You dumb or what?" I said stealing a glance at him time to time while walking.

It took him a few seconds to register what I just said and chuckled.

Somehow relief wash over me now as he was slowly getting back to his normal self.

"Maybe I am dumb," he said looking at me meaningfully.

I ignored him and kept on walking. Where the hell is the station again?! I want to leave here fast.

"I'm sorry about hyung. He's a grumpy one maybe I'll introduce you properly some other time."

"I'd rather not."

"Eh why?"

"Not interested."

And I am too busy looking for the damn station so I can escape Jimin and hopefully never see him again after this photoshoot is done.

"Aw. But I want you to meet him though so I'll still introduce you."

This guy is so persistent.

I walked faster but he still managed to keep up with me.

"Why are you in a hurry? Don't tell me you're going back already? But you just got here."

"We're already here might as well explore places as many as we can before going back."

No, Jimin. I don't plan on exploring places as many as I can. Not here in this place, this district and not here with you.

I looked from side to side praying that I see some kind of sign that leads me to the station. He wasn't done talking that I was starting to get pissed.

His exciting voice. His stories. I need to shut myself from it.

"And I'm from this part so I--"

I stopped and faced him.

"Jimin, can you please shut up for once?" I said cutting him off, "It's none of your business where I'm going. Leave me alone," I snapped.

I never intended to be mean to him but with the way things are going I have to.

I need to push him away. If I am to make a list of people I should avoid, Jimin should take the number 1 spot.

I know I said it a million times but he's very dangerous. He's like that sign posted on Yoongi's door.

He stopped walking and looked down at my feet.

"I'm sorry. Am I talking too much? Are you angry?"

"No I am not and I will never be angry at you," I said truthfully calming down, "Just leave, please."

"Okay. I won't follow you for now but in return..." he said hesitating as he fiddles with his fingers. He seemed to be pondering about something, as if debating whether to tell me or not.

"I have a recital this upcoming Saturday. And uhm..."

He scratched the back of his neck and avoided eye contact with me. He looked at the side biting his lips, a shade of red climbing towards his cheeks.

"About that, do you mind if you-- wait no," Jimin ruffled his hair in frustration and looked straight at me, "The recital, will you please come and watch me perform?"


author's note:

hello it's been a while I finally published this it's been on mu drafts for too longgg

hope you like this chapter also happy 200 reads!!!

and I know it's late but happy 5 years to my boys!!

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