Truth beneath the rose

By daniavaa

13.4K 550 85

So this story is a whole different story from the original manga/anime. In this story Darien is still here, j... More

Truth beneath the rose
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Part 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 4

608 26 4
By daniavaa

-Serena POV-

"Moon crystal power!"

"Mars star power!"

"Mercury star power!"

"Jupiter star power!"

"Venus star power!"

"MAKE UP!" We all yell as the familiar lights and power starts to course through our bodies as we transform.

"Wow, you can never get tired of that magic!" Venus says.


As we get to the park, we see how horrifying the youma actually is. It has four faces, each with different expressions. It has about 8 legs, just like a spider. It is currently holding someone  with one of it's legs, sucking the energy out of him.

"Stop right there! I am Sailor Moon, champion of love and justice,and in the name of the moon, I will right wrongs and triumph over evil! And that means you!" I yell the familiar speech as I do the hand motions.

"Oh not you stupid sailor brats again!"

"Oh what did you just say?!" Jupiter yells at the youma.

'Oh great, Jupiters mad now! This is gonna be one heck of a fight!'

The girls and I surround the youma and get ready to fight.


-Darien POV-

We are finishing up our food as we notice a lot of people surrounding the tv on the counter.

"Hey what's going on Andrew?" I say as I try to get through the crowd of kids and younger teens.

"Oh hey Darien, the sailor scouts are fighting a monster in the park and the news is recording it live!"

I look over at the guys and see them looking at the tv intently. I start to focus on the tv.

The monster is really ugly. The scouts are yelling their attacks and  the monster looked weaker and weaker.

Suddenly, the monster throws Sailor Moon into a tree. The scouts yell her name and try to reach her but the monster throws a spider web at all of them and they end up tied to a tree. The monster starts to slowly approach the scouts.

The people surrounding the tv start muttering things but I tune them out and keep looking intently at the tv. This fight is really intense.


-Serena POV-

'Shít! That really hurt!'

I look down at my stomach and see the large cut that the youma gave me as it threw me into the tree. It goes from one side of my stomach to my belly button.

I look up and see the scouts tied to a tree and the youma slowly approaching them.

'Oh no, I got to help them!'

I try to get up but instantly feel horrible pain and fall back down.

'Suck it up Serena! You have to help them!'

The youma is now dangerously close. I shoot up off the ground, ignoring the pain that shoots through my stomach, and get out my moon wand.

"Moon Princess Halation!!" I yell with all my might. The power shoots toward the youma and it turns to moon dust. The web that tied the scouts to the tree disappears. I instantly fall to the ground because I couldn't hold back the pain anymore.

"Sailor Moon!" I hear the scouts yell as they run to my side.

"I'm fine, I just need to sit for a little bit. It will heal quickly anyways." I tell the girls as I try to catch my breathe. They move me to a park bench.


-Darien POV-

My eyes stay glued to the tv as I see Sailor Moon fall to the ground. She looks really hurt. I feel so bad for her. She has to fight those monsters and she risks her life to save others. She looks so young, almost my age or younger.

Suddenly, all the news people and reporters run to the scouts as they sit at a park bench. They all start taking pictures and asking questions.

Can't they see that Sailor Moon is hurt!? How can they be so insensitive?


-Serena POV-

"Sailor Moon!" "Over here!" "I have a question!" The scouts and I are suddenly bombarded with questions and camera flashes.

"Ok!Ok! Everybody quiet down and back up some! We will answer a few questions only,then we will have to take our leave!" Jupiter yells.

"Ok first question please we are kind of in a hurry!" Mercury yells. A lot of hands shoot into the air.

"Ok you in the fancy suit, what's your question?" Mars says pointing to some lady.

"Well, my company is hosting a charity event to raise money for the children's hospital downtown which will be hosted in the mall this Saturday at noon. Do you think you could come and mabye sign autographs and take pictures to raise money for the children?" The woman asks hopefully.

I look to the others and see they are all looking at me. "It's okay with us if it's okay with you, Moon."Venus says.

"Well it's okay with me so......Sure we'll do it!" I say smiling as I look back at the woman, who has a big smile on her face.

We answer a few more questions until we leave the park and head to the temple to clean up my wound and talk about the battle.


-Darien POV-

"We should totally go to that charity event at the mall on Saturday guys!" Jed yells.

"I think we should. It will be cool to meet the superheroes that are saving this world." Nick says.

"Darien, what do you think?" Zach asks me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I think it would be cool." I say

"Ok then I guess we are gonna go!" Kevin says while Jed and Nick cheer.

'Maybe I can invite Serena and the girls, that way I can spend more time with Serena' I think as I subconsciously smile.


Well there's chapter four guys! That was longer than I expected! But anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter!


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