God of vengeance- abused male...

By robbiewazup

58.4K 444 235

Y/n grew up knowing nothing but pain and fear, he was the son of a family that treated him like a beast. unti... More

Bringing gods together-Prologue chapter
Ultra Instinct- the birth of the vengeful god
Divine plans- different gods have different ideals
Mom, Dad, your divine son has returned home...
Charecter BIO's
Clash of the gods on the time nest
Gods vs gods- the battle for time and space

Revelations- dark whispers of buried secrets

7.3K 69 44
By robbiewazup

*present day, Ozpin's POV*

I have asked miss Belladonna to come to my office, after the audio recoding Trunks gave me I believe this new god is most certainly connected to her. As the elevator opens, Goku along with Whis and Beerus instant transmission into the room too.

Ozpin: "ah good, you're all here. Please Blake, take a seat."

Blake: "am I in trouble professor?"

Beerus: "no, but apparently you know the so called 'god' who will bring about our destruction."

Ozpin: "Beerus, subtlety is-"

Beerus: "-subtlety is what will get us all killed you fool!"

Blake: "what is going on?"

Whis: "perhaps we should all take a seat and discuss this more rationally."

Ozpin: "thank you Whis."

We all sit down, Blake seems extremely uncomfortable, not surprising seen as she doesn't know Goku Whis or Beerus.

Ozpin: "first off, introductions: Blake, this is Goku, Tarn's adopted uncle in a way."

Goku: "good to meet ya! Say you're not the one who um... cheated on him are you?"

Blake: "do I look blonde?"

Goku: "I'll take that as a no."

Ozpin: "as for these two. This is Beerus the destroyer god. Now I shall stop you before you even begin Blake. Yes I am serious, yes he is an actual deity and this is his attendant Whis."

Blake: "ok, I'm even more nervous now, why am I in a meeting with a god?!"

Beerus: "because your brother is trying to overthrow us all."

Blake: "my brother... Y/n has been spotted?"

Ozpin: "I'm afraid so. He has set his sights on destroying the gods of this universe, and bringing order to it all."

Goku: "say Beerus, why can't you just do that thing you did to Zamasu that one time? Destroy him entirely?"

Beerus: "killing a Kai is one thing, but if he truly has mastered ultra instinct... Hakai wouldn't even make a dent."

Goku: "WHAAAAAT?!"

Ozpin: "gentlemen please. If you could all listen to this recording which Trunks sent me, perhaps we can gain some answers."

We all listened to the phone call between the supreme Kai of time and Trunks. As Y/n spoke I could see Blake's eyes go wide and all the colour drained form her as the sense of dread crept up her spine.

Whis: "oh my... is the supreme Kai alright?"

Ozpin: "she was released recently, Y/n only wanted her Maiden ring. He now has two, and as you heard, one ring was enough to trick a time ring into thinking he was a Kai. Who knows what havoc he could wreak with more..."

Blake: "Y/n..."

Ozpin: "tell me Blake, why is he like this? What made such a young man from a respectable family such as yours, become so angry at the universe?"

Blake: "..."

???: "perhaps I could answer that one."
Suddenly from the elevator doors steps... him

Goku: "it's Apollyon right? You were at capsule corp with that demon army! That Chain-gang guy destroyed you! How are you still in this realm?"

Apollyon: "it's truly amazing how easily you can fool mortals into thinking they are fighting the real thing. My rider assumed that was indeed me. In reality it was a simple copy."

Whis: "I suggest you leave now, before this gets unpleasant."

Apollyon: "oh don't worry, I have strict instructions form Lord Y/n that none of you are to be destroyed... yet."

Ozpin: "then why are you here?"

Apollyon: "as I said, to answer your question. Why Y/n so despises this universe, and why he wants the gods to burn for their failure at keeping order to this world. It's because of her. Blake Belladonna and her parents didn't see Y/n as a son or a brother, he was a Faunaus without any animal traits. He was thought of as an abomination... and where did you keep this abomination Blake?"

Blake: "we..."

Apollyon: "did you tell anyone about him? Was he allowed out of that cellar where you kept him? I'll answer  both for you. No. So when he learned of his divine might, he escaped, and vowed to show the gods of this world how to truly use their powers to create peace."

Beerus: "I'm doing just fine keeping order."

Apollyon: "and yet you slept for so many years, and when you did finally wake up what did you do? You searched for a super sayain god. Just because you wanted to know how strong they were. You placed your own goals over the golden rule of the gods: do not interfere with mortals, and you Ozpin! Creating schools to teach mortals how to further defile the land with war. You're all pathetic. Now you have all heard the demands of my lord from the recording. He wants the last two rings, and if he must begin his crusade of peace with violence to achieve perfection then so be it. You have 1 day remaining. I suggest you do as you're told" and with a low voiced chuckle Apollyon disappeared from the room, with his grim message still haunting their minds...

*timeskip, Blake's POV*
I was sat on the roof of an old warehouse, in downtown Vale watching the sunset. Thinking about Y/n. He seemed so angry when he left us that day and who can blame him? We tortured him, we treated him like a feral beast all because he was different. My thoughts are interrupted from the soft sound of someone landing behind me

???: "sup kitty cat?"

Blake: "Y/n... hey."

An: so real quick, if you've not read my other fanfics in this multiverse then Tarn is a guy with this mask which turns into a silver pin, and he wears a grey trench coat. ONWARDS!

Tarn: "ah just call me Tarn otherwise this will get really complicated. Did you know Glynda's Fiancé has the same name?  With your brother now we could make a team of anti hero's."

Blake: "*chuckles* I don't think he'd want that... he's more the kill every evildoer and never look back sort."

Tarn: "sorry, just trying to lighten the mood. So I hear you met my instructor, and my uncle Goku."

Blake: "you mean the destroyer god has been training you?"

Tarn: "who Beerus? Ha, you saw him! He's not exactly one for helping others. No his trainer Whis has been helping me."
Tarn sits next to me on the roof and deactivates his mask

Blake: "why are you here?"

Tarn: "because your brother is threatening to kill Weiss if he doesn't get the ring. I guess I get what I wish for when I use a magical artefact like the dragonballs to wish for 'the perfect ring'. So, I want to know why this all started."

Blake: "...we um... we abused him. Treated him like a beast. I didn't realise what I was doing until it was too late."

Tarn: "*sigh* looks like team RWBY all have a secret they want hidden away. Yang sleeps with anyone she can, Weiss is a closet freak when it comes to the bedroom, Ozpin sees something in Ruby that we all can't fathom. And you, you're related to a dark would be god who wishes to claim all of creation for himself... family reunions must be so much fun for you."

Blake: "Tarn... we can't stop him. I saw his power first hand when we were only 10, he could dodge attacks in an instant, he's had another 10 years to control his power... we've lost before we even started."

Tarn: "hang on, he's 20 years old now? And you're only 17... but he's your twin... what aren't you telling me?"

Blake: "Ozpin said he has a ring, a time ring it's called. It's not like the ones he's after, this is a power which should only be used by-"

Tarn: "-by Kai's. Before I came to Beacon I was a time patroller. I worked for the supreme Kai of time. She told me of the rings. So, your brother has the power to control time, and now he's come back 3 years into the past to enact his revenge."

Blake: "yeah... that about sums it up. How can we-"

Tarn: "-no that's it. He's come back in time now for a reason. Specifically this point in time, but why? He could of attacked us in the future and ended us in his own timeline but he chose now, why? Unless..."
Tarn looks back at his blue tail

Blake: "Tarn?"

Tarn: "that's it. Me and my sister have the blue tails, we have the power to topple gods, but we were never shown how to use it. What if in 3 years time we learn how to? I have an idea. Contact Chain-gang and let him know that he needs to stall for us, buy me and Helen some time. I have an idea!"

Blake: "what? If you know how to challenge my brother then tell me!"

Tarn: "me and my sister need to go 3 days into the past, 4 days just to be sure. We use the time chamber up on Kami's lookout and we spend 4 years training for this fight!"

Blake: "you realise what you just said right?"

Tarn: "I'm well aware of what I said, and I know how mad it sounds. Just trust me. Call Glynda's Fiancé and make sure he knows the plan."

Blake: "this is insane! You're going to travel in time to save us?"

Tarn: "this may be the only way in which to save us all."

*Meanwhile in Salem's Realm Y/n's POV*

I sat impatiently waiting for the others to join me at the long table. I had taken Salem's usual seat, after all I am her superior now. From a crimson red portal emerges Apollyon, at the same time Zamasu and Goku Black from arrive using their timerings to enter the realm. And finally from her bed chamber emerges a smiling Salem, wearing only a red tight fitting silk nightgown, she sits beside me as my queen.

Y/n: "thank you all for joining me here. I trust by now you all know each other. Some of us are more well acquainted with some others." *Salem kisses my cheek and wraps her arms around me* "now my fellow deities, please sit. We have much to discuss."

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