Who you used to be - [p.jm]

By Yoonginyaan

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"I'll do anything it takes to bring him back to his old self again. I know he's still in there, even if he's... More

1. "I missed you so much"
2. "Crying won't help"
3. "I'm Park Jimin"
4. "Welcome to the family"
5. "Say what you have to say and die"
6. "I want to meet him"
7. "I was too weak"
8. "Do you really still love me?"
9. "I don't think we can get him back"
10. "Fire"
11. "Jagiya"
12. "You killed them"
13. "I don't want to leave him"
14. "I'll save you"
15. Begin
16. "I hate you."
17. "Leave Jimin behind?"
18. "I love you"
19. Stigma
20. "I want you" [r15]
22. "We have to kill him"
23. "Teamwork makes the dream work"
24. "Our contract is over"
25. "I can't do this anymore"
26. "They're running"
27. "Promise you won't ever leave me"
28. "I'm sorry"
29. "I hope they make it"
30. "We'll figure this out together"
31. Lie
32. "Let your mistakes remain in the past"
33 - "It's not the right time yet."
34 - "Hyung"
35 - "Because I love them"
36. - "Why him of all people?"
38. - "I want him dead"
39. - "How can I believe you?"
40. - "We're leaving"
41. "Kill me"
42. Reflection
43. "We'll avenge him"
44. "Rest well"
45. "This feels like a family reunion"
46. "You'll just have to trust me"
47. "He'll catch up"
48. "You chose your fate, boy."
49. "Such cold eyes"

37. - "You left me with no other choice."

375 18 7
By Yoonginyaan

Jimin got off the plane with nervosity and anger prickling through his veins. He felt as if he had lost you all over again and felt like he was about to go insane from not seeing you.

He inhaled the air that smelled so different than in America. After 1 1/2 years, he was finally back home.
Knowing that you were here as well, he felt slightly calmed. But also the thought of not knowing if someone had hurt you plagued his mind. He was sure that you weren't dead, but you were still with Hongbin. It made his blood boil in anger and frustration.

With his hood and face mask, he proceeded to push through the crowd and try catch a cab. He decided to first stop by his own house to track you down with his computer and get things he needed.

But, just as expected, his mansion wasn't there anymore when he drove over there. The only thing left of his wonderful property was rubble, bricks and corpses of his guards scattered around the clearing in the forest. Hongbin had probably sent orders to destroy the place while Jimin and you were abroad. Now Jimin had nowhere to go and no place to get his weapons from.

He knew that he needed to be as quick as possible to save you. It was the way Hongbin had always planned things. If he wasn't quick enough, he'd lose everything.


You stared at the man before you, not able to blink anymore. Out of everything, this was the least you had expected.

"Get out, the both of you", the purple-haired man spoke and shooed Sehun and Kai out of the room with a harsh voice. Even you flinched at the cold sound of his tone.

You waited until the door closed.

"Randa?", you sarcastically spoke, recalling the name the others had referred to him with.
"Nice name for a traitor."

He let his head hang.
"Don't say that."

"Is it not true? Why else am I here if you're not working for Hongbin and are trying to lure Jimin here in order to kill him?"

He didn't make eye contact as he replied.
"I can assure you, that's not what I'm trying to do."

"Then what, Namjoon?!", you nearly shouted.
"Am I just here for a family get-together?"

Namjoon's eyes narrowed again, ashamed to look you in the eyes.

"No. You're here because those were the orders of my boss."

Your chest felt tight at his, eyeing him in disguist. How could he be working for Hongbin?

"Since when have you been working for him?", you spat.
"Tell me, how long have you been lying to Bangtan for, you piece of shit?!"

He flinched a bit, but didn't want to shout back.
Just then, the heavy entrance door opened up again and you saw the man you loathed from the bottom of your heart.

It was Hongbin.

"I see you two have already met", he cheerfully stated.
You felt your gut twisting at the sight of his fake smile. He was pure evil.
"It must be a surprise to you."

With his freshly waxed shoes and climpering jewlery, he proceeded to gracefully step towards you.
Namjoon flinched a bit and gave you a helpless look. You glared at him, but couldn't keep up eye contact, as it was too hard for you to accept he was on Hongbin's side.

"Thankfully, I had Namjoon here watch you and track you down over the years", Hongbin sighed.
"He was a big help to me. Isn't that right?"

He elbowed Namjoon slightly, making him shrug.
"Y-yes", the boy silently agreed.

You had never seen Namjoon this afraid and nervous before. Well, maybe when Jin got angry at home. But either than that, Namjoon wasn't the type to be inferior to someone.

"Although he didn't manage to kill you, I came up with another and better plan", Hongbin cheered.
He started tracing around the room with confident steps.

You stared at Namjoon in disbelief while he avoided your eyes. He had tried to kill you? So had been one of the guys following you?

"I thought to myself, wouldn't it be beautiful to meet up here, all together?", he smiled.
"Jimin will be joining us soon, so don't worry."

"Why can't you just leave Jimin and me alone?", you questioned angrily.

Hongbin chuckled while Namjoon just stood there, looking uncomfortable.

"Sorry dear, I can't let anyone who knows my secrets roam around freely", he explained.
Then, his gaze fell to Namjoon.
"Same goes for you."

The purple-haired man gulped, trying to catch your eyes, but you didn't dare look that traitor in the eyes. You would have killed him at the spot if your hands hadn't been tied.

"Now, I have some last preparations to make before Jimin joins us", Hongbin smiled.
"You can look forward to it."

You felt your heart rate increasing.
"What are you going to do?"

Hongbin didn't answer before he reached the door.
"Give that brat what he deserves."

Your breath hitched. He was going to kill Jimin, that was for sure. You had to find a way to escape before he arrived, meet with Jimin and get out of here.
Namjoon didn't spare you another glance before following Hongbin outside. Why was it, that all the people you trusted, ended up being bad guys?

First it was Jimin that turned evil and wanted to kill your friends, then Taehyung with his confession about what he had done and now Namjoon.
Namjoon was one of the people you had trusted the most. Even though he was sometimes a bit cold, he was an amazing leader and friend. He had always been the one motivating the team, giving you the feeling of being in a family...

Why was he the one that had to betray you? Why did people keep leaving you and playing with your trust?

"Teamwork makes the dream work."

"What a load of crap", you whined.

A single tear dripped from the corner or your eye. How could it be, that he worked for Hongbin? Since when?
Had you actually met Namjoon unknowingly during the time abroad? Was he one of the men following you? Had he actually tried to kill you?

You shivered a bit because of how cold it was down in the cellar. The thing you wondered about most, was where Jimin was at that time. Was he on his way here? Or did he just notice you were gone? Was he aware that Hongbin had taken you?

Most of all, did he still care about you after that fight you had? You knew well just how disappointed he was of you for still keeping in touch with Bangtan. What if he just left you and didn't bother to search for you?

You decided to not overthink and firstly try to find a way out of this mess. The ropes that held your wrists were too tight to be able to break loose with sheer force. Without a weapon, you were done for. And you knew Jimin didn't stand a chance on his own either.


"Hongbin", Namjoon called out to the man that had walked up front without him.
He turned to face the purple-haired boy and gave an emotionless expression.

"What?", he hissed, not up to talking.

"Why are you doing this?", Namjoon asked, taking careful glances towards the metal door behind which you were.
"I asked you not to involve her into this... and yet you made me kidnap her."

Hongbin now turned to fully face Namjoon. His dark eyes glared at the boy, making his knees tremble.

"You left me with no other choice", the man spat.
"I gave you over a year to kill him, but you didn't even manage that. Desperate times call for desperate measures, eh?"

Namjoon gulped.
"You won't hurt her, right?"

Hongbin glared at the boy and sighed deeply in disappointment.
"You still haven't changed. You're still so weak."

Namjoon bit his lower lip and looked at his shoes rather than the face of the man he wanted to get away from so badly, but he couldn't.
Because if he did, you as well as Bangtan would all be dead in a heartbeat.

"I thought I taught you differently Namjoon", Hongbin sighed dramatically.
"But I guess you're just as great of a disappointment as Jimin was."

Namjoon's jaw clenched. He had been Hongbin's student years before Jimin even got into killing, so he knew well just how manipulative the man was.

ot many knew about it, but it was true, Namjoon used to live with Hongbin and learned how to kill from the master himself.

He had left one day, realizing that he wasn't doing any good while working for Hongbin and doing his dirty work.
So how come he had to come back to the very place that made him feel so sick?
He didn't move or raise his head until he heard Hongbin's footsteps disappear in the long tunnel.

"You have to work harder", was what the man had always told him.
"You're a disappointment."

Namjoon knew that. But he also knew that he had to protect his friends, no matter what happened. If it meant sacrificing Jimin again, he was ready to take responsibility as the leader. He'd willingly let himself get killed instead of everyone else, but he knew Hongbin didn't take part in deals like that.

His eyes travelled to the closed door of the room you were in again before leaving.

Sehun and Kai, who had probably overheard the conversation between their boss and Namjoon, stood at the end of the corridor.

"Watch out for her", Namjoon hissed at them.
"If a single scratch is on her when I come back, you'll both be dead by tomorrow morning."

Sehun rolled his eyes while Kai just silently passed towards your door to guard it.

Namjoon went to his room, where he had slept for the past year or so. He owed you and Bangtan a huge explanation to everything that happened. Maybe that would have to wait until everything was finished.

He was sure that you wouldn't get killed, because you were just the bait for Jimin. Namjoon threw himself onto the old bed that was too small for him. He used to sleep in that same bed when he was 17, so he grew since then.

He took out his phone, as always wishing he could call Bangtan. But he knew he wasn't allowed to. The least he could have done was warn them of possible danger, which he already had.

For the past year and a half, he had suffered so much from not knowing how his friends were doing and not being allowed to keep in contact with them. It just would have been too risky. Namjoon knew that the only way his message could have been delivered properly, was if he called Yoongi.

That was what he had done, shortly before going off to your place in Los Angeles and kidnapping you.

He felt bad, of course. He had been watching you and Jimin for over a year and he had seen how Jimin acted towards you. All the hate and emptiness in his eyes from that first day had disappeared. For a fact, Namjoon was sure Jimin was soon going to be back to normal. It was Hongbin's influence that had caused him to hate Bangtan even more.

Too bad he had a broken deal with Hongbin now.


Jimin glanced down at one of the men he had just beaten up and pushed his shoe into the man's face.

"You gonna give me what I want now?", Jimin hissed as he ruined the man's face even further.
There were painful groans all across the room from all the bodies on the ground.

"Y-yeah, take whatever you need", the injured man beneath him replied without hesitating.

It had all started when Jimin came into the "Weapons House" that was known to everyone that lived on the streets. He had found out about this place years ago, when he had freshly joined Bangtan.

Yoongi used to be a part of these guys' group and had showed Jimin the place years ago. It was very well hidden, but had very good weapons.

"I know you", was what one of them had said.
"Yeah, you're Suga's friend."

That was just before Jimin had beaten the living shit out of every single one of them.

"And here I thought I lacked practice", Jimin commented and made his way into the storage room to take what he needed. It wasn't considered stealing, as he would give it back eventually. But he just didn't have the time to go shopping now.

"Thanks boys. I'll bring these back", Jimin shouted out before making his way outside.
He had hidden the guns, bombs, knives and bullets in his backpack and all over his body.

With sunglasses and a cap, he roamed through the busy streets of Seoul. It was strange to be back home again, especially without you.

As far as Jimin remembered, he hadn't been to the city center at all since his injury. It was interesting to see what had changed, but he didn't have time for that. His mind was pre-occupied with you.

With quick steps, he crossed the zebra crossing just in time before the traffic started flowing again.
The city was full of life.

Maybe that was why he didn't notice the familiar boy in a uniform pass him on the crossing.


A/N: Honestly, I felt like the story was starting to get boring, bit I hope this chapter can mark the beginning of the exciting epic showdown that is to come... There are still things that will happen before the ending, but I have it written down and ready! And I can say that I'm finally happy with the way I planned it out:)
I hope you will enjoy it too~


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