The Jon Solo Chronicles Book...

By RaideroftheLostVader

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The third book of Jon Solo's adventures. Now fourteen-years-old, Jon is still haunted by loosing his father... More

Cast List
Chapter 1: A 14-Year-Old Boy and Two Droids Plodding Through an Endless Desert
Chapter 2: Jabba the Hutt
Chapter 3: Han Solo Returns
Chapter 4: The Dungeon
Chapter 5: Sentencing
Chapter 6: Sarlacc Pit Showdown
Chapter 7: Back to the Falcon
Chapter 8: Regrouping with the Rebels
Chapter 9: Complications
Chapter 10: Goodbye, Dad
Chapter 11: The Miracle
Chapter 12: Rebel Briefing
Chapter 13: Flying Casual
Chapter 14: Arrival on Endor
Chapter 15: Speeder Bike Chase
Chapter 16: Ewok Ambush and the Golden God
Chapter 17: The Ewok Village
Chapter 18: Story Time
Chapter 19: A Dream Meeting
Chapter 21: Into the Trap
Chapter 22: Bringing Down the Shield
Chapter 23: Death Star Down and Leia's News
Chapter 24: Funeral for a Jedi

Chapter 20: Rebel Recon

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By RaideroftheLostVader

Jon's eyes fluttered open as the beams of Endor's sunlight shone into the hut, passing over his face. He sat up. Han and Leia were nowhere to be seen. But Chewie crouched above Jon. Even in a kneeling position, the Wookiee towered over the boy. And the top of his head just barely missed banging against the hut's ceiling.

"Hey, Uncle Chewie," said Jon. "Good morning."

*Good morning, Jon,* said Chewie. *How do you feel? Did you sleep well? And how's your rib?*

"I feel pretty good," said Jon. "Yes, I did sleep well. And my rib barely hurts anymore. But where did Mom and Dad go?"

*They're having breakfast with 3-PO and the Ewoks,* Chewie replied. *Are you hungry, Jon?*

"Yes," said Jon. "Come on, Uncle Chewie. Let's go eat." Jon and Chewie exited the hut, and headed for the center of the village. Han and Leia were helping the Ewoks prepare breakfast.

"Hi, Mom, hi, Dad," Jon said as he walked up to them.

"Hey, Jon," said Han.

"How do you feel?" asked Leia.

"I'm good, Mom," said Jon.

"That reminds me, I need to change your bandages and check your temperature, Jon," said Leia.

"I know, Mom," said Leia. "But can it wait until after I've had breakfast? Because I'm so hungry!"

"Of course, Jon," said Leia. "Your father and I have some rations bars and nutritive milk for each of us . You can have the chocolate ones, since I know they're your favorites."

"Thanks, Mom," said Jon. He quickly scarfed down the bar and a carton of nutritive milk. Afterwards, he and Leia returned to the hut. Once again, he removed his shirt, letting Leia change his bandages and check his temperature.

"The fever is staying away, which is really good," she said. "And your rib is on the mend." Upon hearing this, Jon reached for his holster, stood up and strapped it on.

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do that," said Jon.

"Oh, I think I can imagine," said Leia. "Just be careful, Jon. You don't need to hurt yourself again."

"Ok, Mom," said Jon. He and Leia went back outside. Han, Chewie, R2 and 3-PO were all surrounded by a group of Ewoks. Jon recognized Wicket, Chief Chripa, Logray and Teebo. The other Ewoks were new to him, but he'd eventually learn that their names were Asha, Romba and Paploo. Chief Chirpa, Teebo and Asha headed off into the forest with many more groups of Ewoks. Wicket, Romba and Paploo stayed behind to serve as the scouting party for Han, Jon, Leia, Chewie and the droids.

"Mom, Dad, before we head out, there's something I need to tell you guys," said Jon. "I was able to get back to sleep again after we talked about my dream. Then I had another dream about Crescentia Montressor. I guess you could say we patched things up. I should feel good about that, but I really just feel more confused than ever."

"What do you mean by that, Jon?" asked Leia.

"I mean, who can really call herself my mother?" Jon questioned in reply. "Crescentia, who gave birth to me? Or you, Leia, who's been there for me every day of my life since I was ten?"

"You're allowed to have more than one mother, Jon," said Leia.

"She's right, son," said Han. "Come to think of it, you've been raised by two fathers all your life. Well, I mean, between me and Chewie."

"I guess you have a point, Dad," said Jon.

"Since you were a baby, I've tried to give you a good life," said Han. "I always thought that meant being the best dad I could be. But I've given you something more-an actual family. Some families are one parent-a mom or a dad-and some kids. Some families have both a mom and a dad plus kids. Other kids have either two dads or two moms. In your case, Jon, this family of ours is you, a dad, a mom, a Jedi Knight, a Wookiee, two droids and Lando Calrissian. We all love you, and are very proud of you."

"Thanks, Dad," said Jon. "And I love all of you, too. When I'm older and have kids of my own someday, I promise to love and raise them they way you've all raised me."

"I know how much you want to become a dad, Jon," said Han. "And that's fine with me. But I'm gonna have to remind you again to wait a while. You're only fourteen. And besides, me and Leia aren't ready to be grandparents yet."

"Yes, that's right," said Leia. Inwardly, she came to another realization. Jon often told her how he thought of Bail and Breha Organa, her adoptive parents, whom he obviously could never meet, as his grandparents. Leia only just barely remembered her birth mother. But she felt that if both she and Jon could find out information about her, he might like her, and consider her as his grandmother.

Then there was the matter of Darth Vader being Leia's father. Technically speaking, this meant that Jon was his grandson. The boy was currently unaware of this fact. Part of Leia wanted to keep it that way for the rest of Jon's life. On the other hand, and despite how initially shocked he shad been last night, she loved knowing that Luke was her twin brother. Jon and Han deserved to know that. But in doing so, she'd have to reveal the truth about Vader being both her and Luke's father. Han and Jon were bound to each have very strong feelings when they found out. Leia had to admit that how the son might react worried her more than the father's reaction. She knew how much Jon feared and hated Vader, because of all the pain he'd caused for him, her, Han and Luke.

"General Solo, I think it's high time we head for the shield generator," said 3-PO. "Because the Ewoks are ready."

"You said they knew the quickest way to the shield generator," said Han. "I hope you're right about that."

"I have the utmost confidence in this scouting group, General Solo," said 3-PO. "They are the best in the tribe."

"If you say so, Goldenrod," said Han. "Hey, Jon, are you up for this? Like, do you feel ok?"

"I'm fine, Dad," said Jon. "Really. Now, let's go! That shield generator needs to come down, sooner rather than later. And we're the best well, really only hope for that to happen."

My son, the Rebel, thought Han. And it wasn't sarcastic at all. He genuinely meant it. General Rieekan once said Jon had the makings of greatness in him. And Han, himself, wanted his son to do great things. It was funny. Only four years ago, Han was a smuggler and single father tying to provide for and protect his son. A big part of that was taking risky jobs and working hard to steer clear of the Empire. With the way he had deserted, Han hated the regime he had once joined. But he felt that it was crazy to try fighting against them. The Empire and Rebellion could fight until the Galaxy tore itself apart for all Han cared, as long as he Jon, and Chewie were left alone.

But then came the day on Tattooine. Han had only taken the job of bringing Luke, Obi-Wan R2 and 3-PO to Alderaan because of the money. He was going to use some of it to settle his debts to Jabba. The rest of that money would have been used to make life better for Han, Jon and Chewie. And their lives did get better after that-in ways that none of them would have even dared to imagine. Han found friendship and love. Chewie was among humans who actually respected him, a far cry from his life as a slave under the Empire.

As for Jon, he had found a true family. He'd grown from an excitable ten-year-old to a teenager who, even after setbacks, hardships, loss and fear, had never lost his senses of courage, compassion, love and loyalty to the people he cared for. If anything, these things had only grown even stronger. And he found a cause and purpose worth fighting for. This is why Han had stayed all this time. Yes, love and friendship were great. But the Empire needed to be destroyed, this war had to end, so Jon could have a chance to grow up in a world where he was able to reach his full potential.

Jon, Han, Leia, Chewie, R2 and 3-PO set out with the Ewoks for the shield generator. Despite 3-PO saying the scouts knew the quickest way there, it was rather slow going. Jon started getting frustrated. The Ewoks were helpful enough. The problem lay with the droids. 3-PO kept falling over tree roots. And R2 needed to be lifted over dead logs.

"Where are 3-PO's throne and R2's raft when you need them?" Jon asked, referring to the structures the Ewoks had built to bring the droids into their village.

Han started cursing. The words he used were in Basic, Corellian, Huttese, Shyriiwook, and a couple other languages. Then Jon joined in, too.

"Knock it off, both of you!" Leia scolded.

"Aw, come on, Leia," said Han. "It's not like you haven't heard me-and Jon-talk like this millions of times before."

"It's not that," said Leia. "But don't you two think you're being a little unfair to R2 and 3-PO? They've helped us out a lot over the years. Here is no exception. And yes, Han, they had to come with us. 3-PO is our translator for the Ewoks, who I get the feeling wouldn't have gone anywhere without their "God." And R2's scanner will help us hone in on where we're supposed to rendezvous with the rest strike team."

"Do you think Luke will be there?" asked Jon. "I mean, I didn't see him in the village before we left. So, I guess he's not back from fighting Vader, or whatever. Yeah, I know Luke can handle himself. But the last time he fought Vader, he lost his hand. I don't want something even worse to happen to him this time."

"Luke told me the reason he has to confront Vader and the Emperor," said Leia.

"The Emperor's here too?!" Jon asked in disbelief. "Oh, great! That's all we need! But tell me, Mom. Why does Luke need to fight Vader and the Emperor."

"It's difficult to explain," Leia replied. "And I don't think you'd understand, Jon. It's just that Luke has to do this. He needs to follow his own path, one that no one else can choose for him."

"You said something similar about Dad when he left me on Yavin IV," Jon remembered.

"Yes, that's right, Jon," said Leia. Han remembered that day. Helping Luke destroy the first Death Star and getting a medal because of it were great. But even now, four years later, and while he did return, Han still felt guilt and shame over leaving Jon at the Rebel Base.

Jon was still figuring out what kind of path his life would take. His family could help by offering him advice and encouragement, of course. But ultimately, the choices were all up to Jon, himself, and would be his and his alone.

R2 began to beep and whistle frantically.

"What is it, buddy?" asked Jon.

"The rendezvous point is coming up," 3-PO translated.

"Finally," Jon sighed happily. Kes Dameron came over to greet the group. Jon was glad to see him.

"There you guys are!" Kes exclaimed. "It's about time! Where have you all been? What took you so long? And what are these things?" He pointed at Wicket, Paploo and Romba.

"They're Ewoks-creatures that are native to this moon," Jon explained to his friend. "And they've been a great help to us."

"Well, anything's better than Imperials," said Kes. "Am I right?"

"But our relationship with the little hairballs kinda started off on the wrong foot," said Han. "We fell into one of their traps...because of Chewie. They ambushed us, and think 3-PO is a God. Then they brought us back to their village, where they tried to eat me!"

"I had a better experience with them," said Leia. "Wicket here saved me. Luke, Jon and I got involved in a speeder bike chase with several Scout Troopers. And the three of us ended up getting separated until the Ewoks brought Jon, Luke, Han, Chewie and the droids to their village."

"And where is Luke, anyway?" asked Kes.

"He has other matters to attend to," said Leia.

"Uh, yeah, that's a good way of putting it, Mom," said Jon. The whole Rebellion didn't need to know about Luke going off to fight Darth Vader and the Emperor.

"It's not much further to the shield generator from here," said Kes. "But after trekking this far already to get here, I figure you all need some rest, and maybe a bite to eat."

"That sounds great, Kes," said Jon. "Because I am getting hungry."

"And now would also be a good time for me to check on your rib again, Jon," said Leia.

"What happened to Jon's rib?" asked Kes.

"I broke it when me, Dad, Luke, Chewie, R2 and 3-PO fell from the net the Ewoks had caught us in," Jon answered.

"Oh," said Kes. "Sorry to hear that, kid."

"Thanks, but I'm now feeling a lot better than I was when it happened," said Jon.

"And Your Highness, we have plenty of medical supplies if you need them," Kes told Leia.

"Thank you, Kes," said Leia. He handed her his med-pack, and she found a roll of Bacta bandages.

"I've just been using regular bandages to treat Jon so far," said Leia. "Let's see how well these Bacta ones work out."

"Yes, Mom, I know what you want me to do," said Jon. He took off his shirt. Leia removed his old bandages, unrolled the new ones and wrapped them around Jon. He gritted his teeth as a shiver ran through his body.

"It's cold!" Jon gasped.

"I know," said Leia. "But that means it's working." She helped Jon put his shirt back on. After that, everyone ate rations bars. Then they resumed the journey to the shield generator. This part of the forest was most familiar to the Ewok named Romba. He unofficially took charge of the mission, showing his fellow Ewoks, the humans, droids and Wookiee where to go. The group went up, and then down, a hill. They crouched in the grass.

*I see something,* growled Chewie. He motioned for Jon, Han and Leia to peer over a log. An Imperial landing pad rose from the forest. A shuttle that looked just like Shuttle Tyderium flew off from it.  Next to the pad stood the shield generator, which resembled a giant satellite dish.

"The main entrance to the control bunker is on the far side of that landing platform," Leia said, reading from a scanner. "This isn't going to be easy."

"Hey, don't worry," Han said as he Jon, Leia, and Chewie turned away from the platform and shield generator. "Chewie and me got into a lot of places more heavily guarded than this."

*That's right,* Chewie affirmed. Wicket and and 3-PO began to converse in Ewokese.

"What's he saying?" asked Leia. "Jon, Han and Chewie just stared in confusion.

"He says there's a secret entrance on the other side of the ridge," 3-PO replied.

"Well, that sure is convenient," said Jon. "Let's get moving."

He didn't know how long the initial journey to the shield generator had taken, but the one to the secret entrance was comparatively shorter. This part of the forest also had more even ground that from before. That meant R2 and 3-PO weren't getting stuck or falling quite as often anymore. All in all, if Jon had to guess, it took about half an hour to get to the secret entrance. When it came into view, Romba, Paploo and Wicket motioned the other closer.  Han knelt Paploo and listened as he talked in Ewokese and gestured at the door.

"Back door, huh?" asked Han. "Good idea."

"Dad I know you've always naturally been good with languages," said Jon. "Because of the way you understand Chewie and Jabba. Plus, Corellian is your native language. And I learned all of these things from you. But how come you now understand Paploo all of a sudden?"

"He kept pointing at the door," said Han. "That seemed pretty obvious to me."

"Oh," said Jon. "Ok. Good point...I guess." He, Han, Leia and Chewie snuk among the foliage. Next to them, Paploo and  Wicket were talking in Ewokese. The Wicket turned to 3-PO and did the same. But Jon wasn't really paying attention to them. He was more focused on his father. He barely even noticed when the two Ewoks moved away.

"It's only a few guards," said Han. "This shouldn't be too much trouble."

"It only takes one to sound the alarm," said Leia.

"Then we'll do it real quiet-like," Han retorted.

"Oh, my!" 3-PO shrieked. "Princess Leia!" Leia stood up and quieted 3-PO by a hand over his mouth. Then she removed her hand so 3-PO could speak again.

"I'm afraid our furry companion has gone and done something rather rash," said 3-PO.

*That little idiot!* Chewie whined.

"Oh, no!" groaned Leia.

"There goes our surprise attack," grumbled Han.

"Dammit!" Jon exclaimed. Paploo had climbed onto a speeder bike and started the engine. This attracted the attention of four Scout Troopers.

"Look! Over there!" shouted one of the as they all rushed forward. "Stop him!" Paploo took off, and three of the Scout Troopers got on their own speeder bikes to follow him. The fourth one was left behind.

"Not bad for a little furball," said Han. "There's only one of them left." He pointed at 3-PO as he stood up. "You say here. We'll handle this."

"I have decided that we shall stay here," 3-PO told Wicket and 3-PO.

"Hey, Mom, Dad? What about me?" asked Jon. "Where should I go?"

"With us," said Han. "I think you can handle it."

"Cool!" Jon breathed. "Thanks, Dad!"

"You just gotta keep quiet," Han cautioned.

"Ok, Dad," Jon whispered. He watched as Han silently crept up behind the Scout Trooper, and tapped him on the shoulder, much like a child playing tag.

"Hey!" the Scout Trooper yelped. He chased Han, and Jon ran after both of them. Leia, Kes and the rest of the strike team came up on the other end of the bunker. Han imputed the stole code from the Bothans. The bunker's door slid open.

*Let's go!* Chewie cried as he led the others into the bunker. Han and Leia looked at each other briefly before descending a flight of steps deeper into the bunker.

"All right, then," said Jon. "Let's get down to business to defeat the Imps!"

End of Chapter 20.

Author's Notes:

1.) It's been just over a month since I last updated this book. And I am so sorry about that! Life just got in in the way, you know? But with Summer coming, I should be able to update more frequently until I finish this book, with the fourth book, based on The Force Awakens, coming shortly thereafter. Also, by now, Solo: A Star Wars Story has just been released. Yes, I've seen it, and it's given me ideas for a prequel fic. I didn't plan to wait until after Solo came out to pick this fic back up. It just sorta happened that way.

2.) When Jon said "Let's get down to business to defeat the Imps!" it was indeed a play on the iconic lyric "Let's get down to business to defeat the Huns!" as heard in the song "I'll Make a Man Out of You" from Mulan.

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